brighte-endless · 7 years
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Complaining seems to many like such a little sin, and nothing to be worried about. Yet the impact of a complaining heart is spiritually ruinous, for when we complain we bear bitter fruits that destroy our peace and the peace of those around us.
Abbot Tryphon
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brighte-endless · 7 years
One ought to feel constantly surprised. Not knowing what is going to happen or what the mind may or may not produce in a moment.
But also one ought to be constantly unmoved. A delicate balance. The spontaneous and the stable together.
Between the two are principles, when heeded, that bridge the interiority to the event.
Thus the event is organized by the interiority and it is projected from the event.
The event produces the subject, or the subject produces the event? The interiority is not caused. Nor is it causing. Therefore the subject is an event-object. And neither the event nor the subject can be said to cause the other, for they are two forms of one field.
Given this field one is apt to call it life and to call it my own.
The interiority does not know possession nor is it apt to name. Nor does event elude it’s interest, for indeed the empty energy of which it is composed is what seems to animate the consciousness within the body.
For the interiority of a person, gracefully wisdom comes to it. All experiences are rarified and cleansed by this grace that it lends to the event and subject, or event-subject.
Unmoved by the field or its contents it remains contented fully.
Knowing it has no part nor moving parts associated inwardly with the state of things it remains fully unmanifest - the unmanifestedness, seemingly localized within the field of subjects seems to anchor otherwise adrift entities in their own highest state of possible coherence.
Interiority is prior to I am, and cannot be said to be its source. The source is consciousness-presence, aglow in the field. The source and the event-subject also are one, and neither is the interior. Event-subject-source is all manifestation.
That which says I am and later forgets presence to become form and function is only as temporary as the space-field that it occupies. It is exteriority also.
There is no point of friction between consciousness and event - subject mediates this. Subject and event give rise to friction. Consciousness and subject become one. Therefore consciousness via subject appears (illusion) to experience friction, but this is subject-event interface.
Between interiority and consciousness there is even less appearance. Interiority can know consciousness, and even mildly identify with it, but in this process identification itself is seen as an appearance - there is no concept of independent self or identity within the interiority, and therefore no ability to do including doing a mental feat like identification. The interiority can be said to be a pure knowledge, but not knowledge in the usual sense of the word. It is a knowledge that is absolutely one with itself. The knower and the known are obsolete concepts here, it is the very principle of knowledge and it is an intimate encounter.
The interiority is sometimes referred to as the Heart of Stillness. Indeed, it’s apt to authorship to poetify things, but in my case there is no sense of anything poetic about it. It is in fact, in some sense, the most practical thing in the world.
Beyond interiority is absolute unrelated stillness. The resting point of the soul, the full exhaustion of kinetic and potential energy. Beyond the gunas, beyond even the potential for gunas,beyond the devas, beyond the methodologies and greater thinkers and thoughts, beyond progress and past, beyond order and disorder, beyond soul or spirit or manifest, and this can be said to have no relationship to anything at all, totally devoid of appearances.
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brighte-endless · 7 years
Exploring again the connection between imagination, attention, and awareness.
O’ holy quail egg,
Doth thee see thy antimony?
Nay, for it beckoneth not thy attention?
Now borne, now understood, you pander.
The legless forces move you nonetheless.
Without strength thou art hatched.
Forging within an epitome to thy fletched death.
Norfolk and chartreuse call around and within,
Home wherefore is lost.
You greuse and shank the infickable lines.
Fledging thyself to terminal higher grounds.
A Poem, What the Fuck?
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brighte-endless · 7 years
Awares or unawares,
I shall not tell lies.
I shall not lell ties.
I nhall sot lels tiel.
L nhai sot lels tiel.
Leit slel tos iahn L.
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brighte-endless · 7 years
So all considerations of the former kind taken care of, what now?
Once a pawn a thyme:
There once was a bogus bogeyman, whose many leaves left traces of goop in the sky and on the ground as the elements blew through his goopy gaps.
Sadly, the bogeyman was actually just a small fig tree with many delicious fruits but as he plumaged about in the world and draped himself in various things to fit in with his family and friends and society he became gnarled about in many odd things.
Now one day he stuck his grand old mind into a fairy tale of sorts which he deemed The Righteous Course and off he went being righteous left and right and eventually he became self-righteous.
When his asshole tendencies began to implode his relationships around him he was forced to inspect his state of being and realized that he had plummeted into a sort of dream and he had to choose to come back out.
He found this coming out to be a kind of sacred and scary thing because coming out of a dream means becoming conscious again and becoming conscious again means that the mind may become active again.
For some time, being in a dream in which he intentionally suppressed the grand qualities of his intellect due to their distracting and odd nature, he had pondered as if from within the dream state, “why has mind been so dulled,” and he would feel regret at his having become “adult” and “responsible” and “mature.”
For he had totally forgotten a great many things while in the dream because the dream was his pathway to a state that he found necessary to achieve.
He is now considering that perhaps realities as per the mind’s dictatum are in fact nothing but hallucinogenic bubbles in which different varieties of rules cast their lot upon the inhabitants of said world and that as one pulls out of one dream, one pulls out of many many rules and so the mind becomes quite a bit more free, and thus there many be less now of the thought, “I am slow, dull, and mature,” and more “I am loopy, creative, and new.”
And yet there are things to be careful of, for there has been a discovery that within the Earthly realm there is a state of Presence Immediate and Clear and Pure in the Present Moment from which a Genuine State of Chillness and Clarity is the Result and Perhaps This Is the Actual Path Forward.
Nevertheless, despite his fears, he chooses to pull his head out of all things at once and revel in the possibility that he may be on his way to being and feeling like a free man once again.
But he must take care of his digestion.
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brighte-endless · 7 years
I’m reconsidering for the moment the possibility that it may be in my personal interest to let myself go right-cognito. Far right. Far out. Far in. Deep down. Down deep. Left right hesitate no more it’s time to follow the white rabbit.
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brighte-endless · 7 years
“Get to know me”
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brighte-endless · 7 years
I believe that having accomplished what I set out to accomplish - to establish myself in a career that liberates me from mandates and politics of employer-employee relationships - has set ablaze the strategies and paths that I set before myself to get myself here. And in this blazing away of the conventional patterns that allowed me to become self-sufficient in work that I enjoy and which enriches my being, I think there is a momentary anger and resistance because of the I who made the journey deriving meaning from the push to get here, and yet, as it dissipates and the smoke clears it is more evident now that the urge to know and seek remains. And there is a sense in which the interiority of the self, the conscious presence, is destabilized, and so there is an inward adventuring back to stability. No, I’m not seeking as I was, but I am certain that at my center, or rather, in the immediacy of nothing but the spontaneous beingness-presence of the soul, there is a greater platform from which to live which is now necessitated due to the conventions of the 2 year journey now being in disposal.
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brighte-endless · 7 years
Writing frightens me.
It is a place where I can be bewilderingly honest with myself.
Where I can indulge philosophy.
Speak without judgment or censorship.
It is also a place where eccentricities of belief can run wild.
And ironically aggrandize themselves to unrealistic self-importance.
And then there is the matter of truths which oughtn’t be spoken for they lose their power in exiting the domain of interior consciousness.
So it is this magnificent field abloom with the flowers of individuality and beset with the trappings and detonators of ego.
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brighte-endless · 7 years
People are like radio stations
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brighte-endless · 7 years
We were in the jungle and we danced around the computer in ecstasy. Like moths pinwheeling round a flame, the trance was irresistible. We lost awareness of our bodies. It's the quality of light that demands such quality of presence. 
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brighte-endless · 8 years
You are conscious here and now. Not later, not on someone else's authority, not as a result of some evolutionary process. No, you have always and always will be conscious here and now, no matter the form of matter through which that happens or whether there is a form or not. Amoeba, snail, ape, human, always there is consciousness in the immediate center of all being. Yes, bodies focalize consciousness, but they do not own or limit it, they free it from darkness, and in turn are freed when they recognize it as such. Lately in the event of unexpected, unwanted, or shocking events, I find myself very briefly going through some vague ethereal suffering, followed by a rapid cognitive deconstruction, and a shift to total open awareness. Whether I spontaneously do something or feel something that I don't know how to deal with, or if it comes from outside - first an unpleasant sensation, then a recognition of That. Bicameral theory has been very useful.
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brighte-endless · 8 years
Breakdown of Bicameral Enchantment
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brighte-endless · 8 years
The client engaging intelligently and skillfully and consciously in motion instantaneously affects the entire person. It immediately touches 10 to 20 muscles, all of their connective tissues and the invisible functional relationships, all of which are synchromated and orchestrated by the bodys own intelligence. Through touch alone we do nothing but to the tissue we're touching. For holistic and revolutionary change to occur the client needs to be engaged and going through a process of enlightenment with regard to their own bodily and mental existence, and to be relearning how to navigate the signals of the body and their inextricable connection to thought.
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brighte-endless · 8 years
ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.
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brighte-endless · 8 years
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brighte-endless · 8 years
I had an interesting experience. There's a lady here at a rest stop in Missouri. I'm here to take a nap and she came over to me and asked if I had jumper cables. I already had an intuition right when I pulled in that she was going to "bother me" (she didn't) but I still told her no - not true. I got in my car to nap and questioned the morality of my decision with my intellect. But it just felt like rubbish. Deeper down I felt "this is not my karma. This is really not my karma." basically not in my forecast to help her, and with good reason. So it turns out there's a bigger issue with her car than a dead battery because there's been a guy leaning over her engine for the past 10 minutes fiddling with stuff (something id have no idea about). And if I had "done the right thing" this competent dude would have just driven off without helping her. It looks like she's still stuck, but still interesting about moral relativity and intuition behaving this way.
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