britgayguide · 2 years
Marrakech Gay Guide - Morocco
> UK Gov official saftey advice - Morocco
Moroccan men are hot and horney, and most have large penis’. They are very relaxed when it comes to sex, although they might class themselves as “straight” they are more than open to penetrating another man or at least being sucked off.
There are no official gay bars. clubs or saunas in Marrakech, but you can easily pick up guys anywhere, especially when you are alone with one. You can openly say you are looking for a guy and they will either give you their offer or recommend a friend. Most in this situation would be looking for money or a gift. 200 MAD (£15) is usually enough, but some will try asking for phones or over the top things.
Morocco does have hammas (saunas/Bath Houses) where it’s easy to find sex with guys. The cheaper/public hammas seem to be more active with gay men, and they can be seen as the ones that have the separate male/female areas.
Hammam lafou (Laafou) > location on google maps
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- Entry 20 MAD (£1.50)
- Massage 50 MAD (£2.50)
Located on a back street local residential street, just a few minutes walks from the main square (Jemaa el-Fna).
Staffed by a very friendly older man and lockers just in the entry area. As you enter the hammam area there is a couple of toilets, then you go through to where the showers are and 6 stone “tables” for the treatments. 3 beds outside the showers is where many guys sit hang around looking.
The 3 beds at the other side of the room are in a brighter corner and where the messages take place. In my experience the masseuse wasn’t up for any action as it was an open area, but he didn’t mind you touching him discreetly and he gave me his number at the end (however he did only spoke Arabic). The guy was young 30′s and beautiful. His massage and hammam (cleaning) was very basic, but happily “cleaned” your all your body.
Off this room is a large “dark room” where most of the guys looking for sex hand around. 2 more tables at one side and seats round the sides of the room, the other side near the window. It’s very much like a UK sauna situation where you simply sit near anyone you like and slow catch an eye or try a little touch.
Most men did seem to be a little shy and wanted to turn away from others, or go into the corner. I did not experience any full open intercourse, but most people where wanking each other, sucking, touching, kissing or being penetrated against the wall in the corner so no one could see. 
The age group did seem to be middle age, but there was a few younger guys in their, who were there with a meet and just stayed together, or a few younger guys said I could suck them off for money 200 MAD (£15). 
Remember some guys just go there for the hammam experience, sit in the warmth and wash themselves with the water buckets and ladles. It was a nice way to temp others over to you by just sitting there washing yourself.
You would not say the sauna is super clean, but I think it is like what most people would expect.
Hammam on Street “Rue Riad Zitoun el Kdim” > location on google maps
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The hammam is not listed on google as a business. It’s this building with the circular dome on top, which is oddly located in the middle of a busy shopping area, again just a few minutes walks from the main square (Jemaa el-Fna) and round the corner from the Lafou location.
- Entry 10 MAD (£1)
- Massage 100 MAD (£5)
This hammam is down some stairs and you pay the cashier for entry who is located in a booth. From here there is a small changing area and then leads to a large open area where many people are sitting around (the dome area) and was actually very nice. People just say there on the many levels, looking.
There is a door off this room which leads to a corridor and off there is various open rooms where the massages/cleaning takes place. You find mind many guys in here who are having sex away from the main room.
In my experience my masseuse took me to one of the far end rooms which seemed quieter and he was open for all sex. He started cleaning and massaging me, and it soon led to him kissing, wanking, sucking and fucking me, he was also open for me to fuck him. He was in his mid 30′s, but it was a nice experience.
He did keep looking up to make sure no one was coming near our room, so it’s not as free as a UK sauna.
Other advice 
The quickest, easiest and most enjoyable way to find sex is to simply book a massage in any hotel or public spa, with a male masseur, and follow the advice from our > masseur post - they generally cost around 400 MAD (£30).
The gay apps like Grindr work in Morocco, but most of the guys on their are looking for money and gifts also. You may find one or two who are actually gay and are looking for a relationship, but again be careful for guys who are just looking for a visa to Europe. Roméo and Hornet apps are popular too.
Look out for the African Men scams on the app who invite you to their home. In my experience the gorgeous guy picked me up from my hotel, took me to his place (he could not speak English and seemed to be drunk) and while I was sucking him off (he couldn’t even get hard) he was on the phone, and then his tall friend came into the room demanded money or he would call the police. Luckily I know what the local police are like so they wouldn’t call them, but I did give them a few hundred to leave in peace. 
Note most Arab/African guys don’t like being penetrated themselves, nor having their bums touched, even in a joking way. Arab friends jokingly touch each others penis’ like Europeans would slap each others arses. So if you want a joke, grab his big Egyptian banana!
Condoms and lube is available at pharmacies but can be expensive, so I would take your own. Arab men do not usually carry them so keep some on you. AIDS rates are very low, but you should take precautions when being penetrated by someone who seems “professional”.
Also note our general advice on > Arab hand shaking in the welcome post.
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britgayguide · 2 years
Birmingham Masseur Gay Couple
During lockdown I discovered a very good Spanish Masseuse based in the West Midlands, UK. At £40 per hour in his professional home spa room set up, nice newest little house. He gave me a very good 20 minute massage, then his gorgeous Spanish husband came in and gave me 20 minutes, then both of them came in to finish me off and you are allowed to touch and suck them both as much as you like, if they are in the mood they will also do you from behind. They of course give a happy ending.
Highly recommend. Yardley area near NEC/Airport. Contact Santiago +44 7751 823443
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britgayguide · 2 years
Hurghada Gay Guide - Egypt
> UK Gov official saftey advice - Egypt 
Egyptian men are hot and horney, and most have large penis’. They are very relaxed when it comes to sex, although they might class themselves as “straight” they are more than open to penetrating another man or at least being sucked off.
There are no official gay bars. clubs or saunas in Hurghada, but you can easily pick up guys anywhere, especially when you are alone with one. You can openly say you are looking for a guy and they will either give you their offer or recommend a friend. Most in this situation would be looking for money or a gift. 200 LE (£10) is usually enough, but some will try asking for phones or over the top things.
The quickest, easiest and most enjoyable way to find sex is to simply book a massage in any spa with a male masseur, and follow the advice from our > masseur post - they generally cost between 400-600 LE (£20-£30).
You can use out of hotel spas, but the results are generally the same.
Lone workers in shops (like a along the main Sheraton Road) are often open for male advances, even ready to close the shop so you can enjoy each others company.
Taxi drivers are also an easy option. When you find one you like, sit in the front seat and simply put your hand on their thigh. If they don’t want, they will simply move your hand. Mostly after dark they will let you have a play and possibly suck them off in the car, in the daytime they might invite you back to their flat or drive you into somewhere quiet. Either way, you have to be strong with bartering and prices as they can ask you for ridiculous amounts. 
Just before sunset you can also find many guys swimming in the local beaches. This is a great time to spark a conversation, and have a play in the water or get invited back to theirs.
The gay apps like Grindr work in Egypt, but most of the guys on their are looking for money and gifts also. You may find one or two who are actually gay and are looking for a relationship, but again be careful for guys who are just looking for a visa to Europe. Roméo and Hornet apps are popular too.
Note most Arab guys don’t like being penetrated themselves, nor having their bums touched, even in a joking way. Arab friends jokingly touch each others penis’ like Europeans would slap each others arses. So if you want a joke, grab his big Egyptian banana!
Condoms and lube is available at pharmacies but can be expensive, so I would take your own. Egyptian men do not usually carry them so keep some on you. AIDS rates are very low, but you should take precautions when being penetrated by someone who seems “professional”.
Also note our general advice on > Arab hand shaking in the welcome post.
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britgayguide · 2 years
Global: Masseuse and Male Massage Therapists
Generally when you have a message anywhere given by a man, you can give him signs you want something more. You can with lift your hips higher or move around, or even make small pleasure noises, when he touches near your bum or penis, or when he pulls your towel or shorts down slightly to not get oil in that area, you pull them down a little further showing him where you want massaged. 9 out of 10 times this works for me.
You can try taking off your underwear all together at the start of the massage, but this is too direct for many masseuses.
When having a massage (or even a haircut or shave) you can put your hand/arm on the outside of the table or chair and most of the time the guys penis or balls at some point brush against you. You can gently move or push yourself into his body more, and they will either move away or move closer if they want to be touched more. Again 9 of our 10 times this works.
When booking ask for a hard or sports massage and this usually brings to you their strongest most sporty Massure. If they ask you “do you want the massage to be soft, medium or hard” I find saying “very hard” also gives them a hint.
Sometimes people will ask for a “tip” in these situations. You can try fobbing them off and say “ok at the end” but you may need to pay in advance if they insist for the tip before doing anything.
If you have had a good time with the masseur or would like to repeat the experience in the future, I would give them a small tip. Often they will give you their phone number too at the end of the massage.
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britgayguide · 2 years
Welcome to my gay guide of places I’ve personally experienced.
General information for all places is, it’s worth a try with all men everywhere, especially when you are in private or desecrate place.
And when I say “a try” I don’t mean grab the private areas. I mean use your eyes, mouth, words and when you feel safe to do so, a touch of an arm or leg.
Many Arab countries have a special hand shake (which can work everywhere), where you just shake someone’s hand as normal, but as you shake you gently rub your middle finger into the palm of their hand. It’s very discreet, but you can get a negative reaction as soon people take is as you want to do them, when most of the time you want them to do you! Anyway, this is a good one to use if you are getting positive eye contact and you want push it to confirm.
I recommended reading the UK gov website before traveling abroad and trying any sexual activity, the link is below.
> UK Gov official saftey advice
That’s it for general info for now. Feel free to message me (anon messages also available) or even post your own city guide on this open blog.
I hope this blog helps and you enjoy having great sex. Please give me feedback on my suggestions, especially when you’ve bagged a hottie!
Lots of love BGG xxx
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