brittany1x1search · 9 years
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Character graphic #5 - “Flower Zoey”
This is a little more in depth character graphic as you need to know how to layer and make a layer fit perfectly into the fc. Like the flowers on Zoey is in her hair, aka when you change the fc into someone else you’ll have to make sure it fits and that the colours of the picture are more or less bright. The same comes with the layers, make sure you know how to size and edit it otherwise it won’t come out looking good. I think this type fits for roleplays like town, crime and what not- it gives a little more personality if not you can also change the flowers into something else completely, just make sure the layer setting is the same as I do and a bright picture. 
The size of the pictures are 265 x 320. They can be changed to 245 x 280 if you want them to look good on the blog since blogs normally have a 500 px radius. The text used is: Mensch Please like or reblog if using (x) & (x)
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brittany1x1search · 9 years
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ophelia lestrange + character aesthetics
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brittany1x1search · 9 years
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Hipster hexagon blur pattern I created on Patterncooler.com - Have fun with this easy-to-use yet powerful free resource applying your own colors and textures to 10,000s of beautiful downloadable pattern designs. Whether you are a professional designer or just someone wanting a new background for your twitter profile, you may be very glad you stumbled on this unique project by Harvey Rayner
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
So I'm having a Brittany moment and I don't remember the email to the rp.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Hello! This is Natasja from the Pipierce audition. I still want to do it with you, if you still want to ofcourse
We just need to talk.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Hi this is Skyler my account will be in tomorrow my brother's birthday was today and I jst got done celebrating and im so wiped out.
Thanks for letting me know.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Please Get In Contact
All my profiles  are done and ready.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
I've accepted all the auditions. I need profiles in and I'll be making a main blog and playing from sideblogs, just for my Brittany accounts. Congratulations.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Accepted Sam Evans | Please Send In Your Account
OOC Information:
Name: Kaela
Age (16 and over, please): 18
Activity level: 8.5/10
Timezone: EST
IC Information:
Plot?:  Plot 1, 1x1x1.
Preferred Character/Face claim: Sam Evans
Para sample: 
If only Carrick knew of those whole collage made on his neck of hickies. He may have freaked a little but frankly at this moment he was too ruled by pleasure. If he would try to hide it, most likely not due to his aversion to using things like make up for fear of ruining his masculine image. Carrick would only disprove Sean’s theories, friends and hanging out came easy to him and he never had any trouble with it before. He had never been in a single sex private school. All of Carrick’s noises came in threads of murmurs. Sean had no one to thank but himself and his ministrations on Carrick’s very sensitive body. From nips to his collar bone and kisses to his shoulder blades and as long as Sean kept it up he would get more of the delightful sounds. And with Sean humming on his adams apple Carrick had to try very hard to keep from cumming. Sex was amazing in Carrick’s opinion. With boys and girls both but in very different ways. Girls were soft and sweet, they tasted like candy and were in most cases so easy to mold to his wills and wants. Boys were different, they were sharp and harsh, a little bit harder to mold but it was worth it. Like compressing a piece of coal into a diamond. It just took the right amount of pressure. Carrick enjoyed both but found boys most pleasing but now he was learning something diverse about being with boys, that one couldn’t experience while with the likes of a girl. Bottoming. It was new and exciting and Carrick still wasn’t sure if he liked it but so far he was leaning that way. Not that he would ever say it aloud. Sean was very accurate in his thoughts that Carrick had never been in this position at all because to state it simply, he hadn’t. This was all new and Sean was giving him a very good first impression of it. Eyes locked and almost speaking to him Carrick knew exactly what to do when that thumb that had just been on his cheek touched his lips and he took the thumb into his mouth and suckled on it, even nipping the tip a little. He tried his best to focus on the appendage in his mouth and not think about the finger slowly and meticulously circling his anus. If he didn’t he would cum soon and he didn’t want to do that. Not at all. Carrick gasped when the finger went in dry, he let the thumb out of his mouth a pop! But whimpered at the pain. “L-Lube. C-Check my— Ah! Back pocket." Carrick said having to stop because of the slight pleasured pain he endured from the finger. Sean had Carrick on a string right now, so entrapped and intertwined in this all he couldn’t understand anything but what was going on between them right now
  Anything else?: ATM I only have the account I’m sending this from.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Accepted! I love the plot | Please Send In Account ASAP
OOC Information:
Name:: Saz
Age (16 and over, please): Nineteen
Activity level: 7/10- On at least once a day.
Timezone: EST
IC Information:
Plot?: Plot 3
Preferred Character/Face claim: Heather Morris.
Para sample: The sound of a babies cry pierced the night as Jennifer Abrams stirred gently in her sleep. As soon as she heard the noise, she opened her eyes, sitting up and blinking a bit. Recognizing it as her and her husbands daughter, she let her legs dangle off the side of the bed before grabbing her robe at the bottom of the bed. She followed the screeching cries before opening the nursery door, wincing as the sound pierced through her eardrums. “Shh No. Momma’s here.” she cooed softly, picking the little baby girl from the crib and holding her to her chest.
She moved over to the recliner in the far corner near the window, rocking her gently as she calmed her by humming a familiar song that Declan played on the radio constantly. She looked around the room, not surprised at the theme of the nursery. The ocean. But not just that, dolphins. The baby even had a mural painted on the wall of a giant dolphin, all Declan’s idea, she simply agreed.
She looked down at the babies face and grinned. Thank god this child didn’t look Jewish at all. Not like any of the girls she’d grown up with. She was the perfect mixture of Declan and Jennifer. Jenn had mellowed out in the years since the island. After her and Declan married, they’d waited a few years and gone to several doctors. Jenn had been told several times that she may not be able to carry a child without complications and they were right. When little Noelle was only a month away from birth, Jennifer hemorrhaged  and almost lost her own life as well as her daughter.
But thankfully, 3 days after the tiny girl was born, both mother and daughter were reunited and later that week, they were home with Declan, settled into the swing of things. They took turns getting up for her, the first few times even both going incase something was wrong. And there was one thing that was perfectly obvious. She had Declan wrapped around her finger. She would no doubt be his princess as the years went by, as she grew up. 
She heard the sound of a floorboard and looked up, her eyes meeting her husbands as she nodded softly.
"She alright fancy face? You know I could have gotten up right?" he said as Jenn stood, letting him sit in the chair before plopping gently on his lap with their daughter.
"She’s been fussy lately. Probably from all the spoiling she gets from Carmen and Quinn. We’re just afterthoughts nowadays." she joked, thinking of her best friends. They were still the unholy trinity, just not as mischievous as they had been back in the day. They came over every Saturday without fail, Nathan and Finn never far behind. They were still friends after all these years. After all they’d been through.
Jenn snuggled into her husbands arms as he held her tight, humming softly in her ear. “You know, after all these years…I still love you more than any other man. You’ll always be my first and only love.” she said, tilting her head up to look into his eyes. “And now that we have No…we’re a family. And I’d never trade us for anything.” she said, pressing her lips to his and letting the kiss happen for a few more seconds before pulling away and settling into his bare chest. He started, to sing into her ear and within minutes, she was asleep, their daughter in her arms.
Instead of picking her up, he just stayed there, settling his head on hers and closing his eyes, falling asleep to the dim light from the street corner.
Anything else?: Plot idea: When Christina was born, a twin to her sister Brittany, her parents knew that they had to separate them. They sent Christina to a school to teach girls how to be slaves and as soon as she was 18, she was delivered to her new mistress' doorstep. Little did she know, her mistress was a sister she didn't know she'd had.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Accepted Berry Twin | Please Send In Profile
OOC Information:
Name: Skyler 
Age (16 and over, please): 18
Activity level: 7-8/10 I'm inbetween jobs right now and I don't start school until January, but even then I'll have time to come on after class and during my days off/weekends
Timezone: EST
IC Information:
Plot?:  I was thinking plot number 3, but m/c is rumored to be defiant, but Brittany thinks she could possibly break her.
Preferred Character/Face claim: Tyler Jade Berry
Para sample: 
Kylee had been trying get a hold of Tony Stark for the past hour and a half, which actually wasn’t that uncommon of an occurrence, even if she wanted it to be. That boy was always working on something new and exciting, something that could change the world. The only problem about it is that also caused him to go into hiding for days at a time, and Kylee just wanted to her best friend sometimes. When she said sometimes, she also means outside the confines of his lab, which had no contact to outside world in any way, shape, or form.
The tale of Kylee and Tony was a typical one, that usually ended in a hook up, or a relationship, for them it ended in a companionship. Both were very similar, but they had enough differences to form a bond that they figured they wouldn’t ruin by having a one night stand. The thing about Kylee is that seeing her mother leave her family, and the man she claimed she loved took a tole, on young 10 year old Kylee. From then on she didn’t believe that love was real, she believed that believing love was real, and she believed that the idea of love was real, but the idea of it actually happening just didn’t seem to ring true for her anymore. She only believed it ruined the best, and happiest of things.  So she, like Tony, normally stuck with one night stands, or something that was purely about sex. Even those didn’t last very long at times which she figured was there loss.
After changing into a pair of shorts that came to the top of her thigh and a crop top, she slipped into a leather jacket before trekking her way to Tony’s very large, very cool apartment. The cool winter winds didn’t bother her all that much, she’d face much lower temperatures in Scotland so a jacket was honestly all she needed to get to Tony’s house and maybe back to hers by the end of the night. Though just in case she stuffed some extra clothes in her bag as she was never sure with Tony. 
She walked down the pretty barren sidewalks of the night time New York streets and down to the subway. It wasn’t that easy to tell the class difference between the two friends. Kylee was a poor girl, fresh off the boat from Scotland, living in an apartment with her older brother, and her father. Tony was a 19 year old genius millionaire that lived in a huge, luxury apartment by himself. All of which was another reason Kylee was always at Tony’s place, he didn’t deserve to be alone all the time. The subway ride didn’t seem as long as it probably was, she’d taken it so many times now it was like nothing. 
She made her way out of the station, and down the streets until finally hitting Tony’s apartments. She sent a sweet smile to Tony’s doorman Joe as he let her in, before heading over to Tony’s personal elevator and heading up. Once she was there, she let herself in with the hidden key, that really wasn’t all that hidden. She walked through until she finally got to Tony’s lab area and saw him hunched over something fancy, blasting Def Leppard. She strolled in and took a seat on a work bench less than 5 feet away from him, before leaning over to him deciding to make her presence known. “HEY THERE TONY, FANCY SEEING YOU HERE.” She yelled as best she could over the music.
Anything else?: I also really love plot two, but I was thinking I could use Dani or maybe a Demi Lovato FC for that one. Also thank you for considering my audition.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Accepted~ I'll have your profile for you soon.
OOC Information:
Name: T
Age (16 and over, please): Seventeen
Activity level: 7 or 8. I'm on everyday for a few hours.
Timezone: EST
IC Information:
Plot?: Number 3. 
Preferred Character/Face claim: Santana Lopez
Para sample: 
Santana’s throat clinched as she felt herself being dragged across rocky ground, her body limb, she couldn’t figure out where she was, she couldn’t hear anything all she could do was feel her body shake and bump against the hard ground, occasionally feeling a jump in her body that felt like a bomb exploding next to her, open your fucking eyes, she told herself, she had no clue why she couldn’t her throat felt thick and burning as she began choking, her body jerked up her eyes flickering, dirty flying into them as she coughed up some blood. What the hell’s going on?? Her mind kept yelling but she still couldn’t hear anything and no one was answering her. 
Next thing she knew Santana was rolling down a slightly dirt hill straight into a trench, she knew it, the smell gave it away, she managed to get herself sitting up straight, someone was shaking her, she couldn’t see, who was it? Santana continued blinking her eyes hoping the blurry vision would go away soon so she knew what was going on around her. THUD, her body jerked again and slammed against the side of the trench, her throat burning as blood slipped up and poured out of her mouth. Finally her vision was back and she was met with Layla, her partner shaking her, Ricky was behind her out looking over the mounts of dirt shooting his gun. They where in the middle of a battle. 
A sneering screech entered her ears and her arms jerked to the sides of her head, she felt like she was yelling but she couldn’t tell, her hearing still hadn’t come back. Millions of thoughts running throughout her mind, why was it only the three of them? Where was her Sargent and the other two soldiers in their unit? The screeching almost making her go insane until it finally soiled down and she could hear slight booms, a faint yell. Her throat stung once again as she squeezed together feeling more blood come up this time she watched it hit the ground. 
It was back her hearing, the sounds of bombs going off and rapid gun fire, her eyes flickered back from Layla to Ricky, she managed to focus solely on Layla who was talking to her. She couldn’t focus, her mind was rolling around, she looked to her side, one of her unit members laying on his stomach, he was dead, she knew it. Santana pushed to her feet despite the fact Layla was trying to keep her down in the ground “What the hell?” she finally could speak out, Combat backfire, don’t you remember?? The girls voice rang in her ears. Santana yanked her gun around the front of her body holding it up as she prepared to help her fellow soldiers. “No.” she managed to mutter as she tapped Ricky’s shoulder “grab Lucas we won’t leave him.” she yelled over the the loud sounds going on. 
Santana’s mind was running thousands of miles a second, she ran towards one end of the trench, seeking her que she looked out, no sight of people, turning back she saw Ricky throwing Lucas over his shoulder, the pain in her heart throbbing as she felt tears form, she never got emotional on duty, the feeling of liquid rolling down her side and also along her neck made her thoughts quickly disappear, she was near the first huge explosion, she could remember now. A few deep breathes where taken before Santana noticed Layla and Ricky near her once more, “Look, we get out of here and roll down to the house right over there” she pointed to a house in a slight distance, “We take that tanker jeep and we get the hell out of here and to the next unit, you here me? Stay close no matter what we don’t leave without all four of us!” she yelled to her friends “Layla you and I have to stand guard since Rick’s got Lucas.” her hand reached out pulling Layla closer pressing her forehead to the girls she nodded “we’ve got this.”
It was time, there was no staying in a ditch in the ground any longer or they’d be caught. Taking a stand in front of Ricky she glanced back at Layla and nodded “now.” she mouth as they started moving out, she kept her eyes pealed and settled on everything around, she made sure not to miss anything and to protect her mates. It didn’t take them anytime, a few bullets where shot but nothing major, they made it to the jeep and she helped Ricky get Lucas in the back as Layla got into the front and started the car. “Go get in!” she ordered Ricky, watching him go and get in she shut the back and moved to the seats in the back of the jeep and hoped in, the second the door shut Layla took off, her body jerked from the unexpected turn and she settled herself. Grabbing at the tank top under her uniform she ripped it taking it and blotting it against her neck and ear that where bleeding from most likely a shard of glass. Santana knew her side would have to wait but she didn’t care she just needed to get her and her fellow soldiers out of the hell they where stuck in.
After forty minutes of driving and covering Lucas with a blanket she was ready to get into a camp and get things taken care of and find out what the hell had happened. They pulled up in the closet camp they could find and she was the first one out, her instinct rolling through her body. She made her way to the back end where she opened the door “Nurses come get Lucas and put him in the waiting quarters till I can get a Sargent to help me get his information and shit.” Santana was pissed she had no clue what was going on. The girl went to the head quarters of the camp and looked at the lead of the camp “get my crew into a nice settlement and I won’t rip you a new one!” she said sternly, she knew that Layla and Ricky needed some attention and badly, the man walked out and did just as requested and Santana made her way out of the tent and to the backside near a fence, sliding down it she sat in the little grass there was and cupped her head in her hands. It was all to much, Lucas should have still been there nothing should be going like this, it’s a soldiers life, she reminded herself before finally breaking down and letting the tears roll down her face.
Anything else?: some of my rp accounts can be found here.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Pending Acceptance/Denial | Please Contact
OOC Information:
Name: Amber
Age (16 and over, please): 18
Activity level: 6-8/10, because I have college and internship during the week. If I'm not busy I am online during the evening and I will reply. If I am busy and when I won't be able to reply I will let you know. Because I'd like to keep a roleplay active and I strongly dislike that rps will die within a few days/weeks.
Timezone: GMT+1
IC Information:
Plot?: 3
Preferred Character/Face claim: Berry twin
Para sample: Au para sample where Santana and Sebastian are best friends. One day Sebastian moved to New York and a few years later Santana moved to New York as well. They were very happy to see each other again and now Santana has planned a surprise for him. Santana was walking down the streets with her hands in her pocket and smiled evil; she is so excited for what she’s going to do. She hated the years that Sebastian was away and she was there, stuck in Paris, but she was more than happy that she was living in New York right now. She was also so glad that she was meeting new people and that they are also so kind to her, she didn’t expect that from the people here in the Big Apple. Santana absolutely loved here, but one little thing she missed a lot. That thing’s called love. She was secretly jealous of her best friend, they shared, kisses, make out sessions and of course sex. Damn she missed that a lot, she enjoyed it so much with her ex. Hot, passionate and kinky. That’s such a turn on for her, even though she liked it soft as well. Shivers ran down her spine, she had to stop thinking about it, otherwise she will be sexual frustrated and she knew that isn’t good for her. When she was walking for like 10 minutes she grinned, she saw the sex-shop. Present for Seb, here I fucking come. Santana was walking a few miles and finally arrived and walked into the sex-shop and smiled. She, weirdly enough, liked it in here. Vibrators, dildo’s, roleplay costumes, a pair of handcuffs; she saw it all and chuckled soft. She was so glad her best friend liked it kinky too.
Not that it was helping her sexual frustrations, but she was trying not to think about that (which was of course very hard). Santana saw the SM things on the wall and saw the blindfolds, feathers and the cuffs. She search for the perfect match but when she saw the baby pink handcuffs with the bright pink feather she grinned. Per-fect: Two guys, both gay, a couple. She nodded, yes, this was absolutely perfect. Santana grabbed the feather and the cuffs and walked to the counter and paid both, of course she let them wrapped in a nice kind of paper (read: nice and kinky).
Santana was walking out of the store and saw an old couple looking disgusting to her, but she didn’t care, she shrugged and chuckled to herself and walked in the direction of the apartment of her best friend.
  Anything else?: Thank you for looking over my application, maybe the Berry twin heard of Rachel that Brittany was very kind but she didn’t expect that she was a master?
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
Pending Acceptance | Please Contact
OOC Information:
Name: Natasja, lovely to meet you.
Age (16 and over, please): I am now 17, but will turn 18 in two weeks.
Activity level: I’d say around a 7. I do have more roleplays to take care of and yeah, school D:
Timezone: GMT+1
IC Information:
Plot?: -
Preferred Character/Face claim:  Melina Pierce (Heather Morris fc)
Para sample:  Melina had a busy day at school. Being so smart, it got her into helping a lot of friends. Or well yeah, people taking advantage of her. She does the homework for ten persons, including herself and Brittany. Melina sighed as she dropped her bag on the floor of her bedroom. She yawned once and takes off her glasses, releasing her hair from the messy bun she had in her hair all day. She was so tired, she plumped down on her bed and immediately fell asleep.
Melina didn’t feel how she got carried out of her bed, brought to a car, and how her own twin sister drove away. How they got onto a boat and got to this weird island. Melina woke when Brittany carried her again, towards this huge beautiful house on this exotic island. Melina yawned and looked around. She clears her throat and looked at Brittany. ‘’Britt? Where are we?’’
Anything else?:
Plot: Brittany always felt an attraction to her nerdy sister Melina Pierce. Now, why control that? On a certain night, after Britt did some research on the relationship between a Mistress and a submissive, she kidnaps her sister and brings her to an unknown island where only Britt and Melina live, so Britt can teach her own sister how to be a good submissive to Brittany.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
How much longer till you make a choice?
Sorry, I fell asleep. As soon as I feel better (I'm sick and just waking up is the sickest point of my day), I'll be accepting the ones I want.
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brittany1x1search · 11 years
app count?
6 applications
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