brittiegirl · 8 years
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2016 Mets. colon cancer tumor in my lungs. your dread that annual ct... and ask all the what ifs.... and you get excited about the chance you came move forward with you life but only til that next ct. you feel like your life can't do much for moving forward sometimes all you can do it be still, that's how I feel with this news. can I never move forward
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brittiegirl · 8 years
What cancer has taught me so far
-doctors finally take me seriously, nurses are over whelmed by my age (please think of me as 80 cuz that's how I feel at times) -I really respect my body and anything it's telling me. (Aches, smells, any change) -you can never hear too many "were praying for you, thinking of you. " (no matter your health) -I'm a little vain. I miss my long hair (but I have hair) and tanning and my appetite and working out when ever I want. -greatful for friends and anyone who is willing to be there in some way. Even those whom I haven't spoken to in years who have reached out, has meant so much. (It's never too late) -lil gifts to brighten your day no matter what it is always works. -some one always has it worse than you. -dogs are the best companions. No one should be home sick with out a puppy. -god really works miracles out of the crapy parts of life. -this experience is different for everyone involved all I can do is my best. -it's not easy to give up control and be patient -it's amazing to watch loved ones, co workers, and strangers step up to engage, encourage, and support another human being -when you don't work; days are long and time passes slowly. Although you still can some how accomplish nothing. -
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brittiegirl · 8 years
next chapter
life is a roller coaster
filled with ups and down, we an all attest to this in one way or another. I haven't posted in a long time. transitioning back to life after cancer treatment wasn't that easy. I've come up against several hurdles I've had to either go around or over come. now a year later I feel like I'm getting my life back and learning how to not let such a thing like cancer bring me down or allow me to make excuses. I choose now to be healthy as much as I can help it.
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brittiegirl · 9 years
if not for bad luck I donno if I'd have luck at all
having the worst luck. finished chemo yay. 2 weeks later got a emergency root canal. and now a week later get port out and one day after in urgent care with a bladder infection. peeing blood clots and fibrous tissue.... ah how does this happen!
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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loving my shakeology... going on week 3. getting healthy. still fighting residual URI and recent emergent root cannal. so not the best on getting my work outs in but eating healthy. small steps!
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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huge difference... bald spots filling in :)
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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CT looks good yay! it's not the end all be all but today ill take it as a win. though I must also remember my scans we're always clear and it was only surgery that proved I had cancer. the hope is that the surgery and chemo got the cancer cleared from my lymph nodes,colon, and any Lil hiding spots. more tests will be done in the next coming months and years but the CT is typically the most reveling, aside from surgery and biopsies. anxieties will always be there and be very real but this cancer business and any medical issues can invade the lives of those we love at any unexpected moment. today I consider myself very lucky and grateful for so much love and support from those who truly carried me through this awful ordeal.
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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scan anxiety : it's so real and so hard to handle. I've cried everyday this week and maybe even every moment I'm alone with me thoughts and anxieties over this cancer crap. everyone has offered to take the day off and come with me for this test but i cant see a point in bringing along anyone to sit and watch me drink some radioactive liquid and wait for this machine to scan my body for cancer that may have escaped 6 months of chemotherapy. I feel bad for my family and husband dealing with some of this anxiety over wanting answer and figuring out where we go from here. over this last week I just feel guilty for all the stress and emotions that my cancer has put on others that I care about. that is the furthest from what I could ever want in this life and yet still can hardly believe this is what my life has come to. being very truly in the moment because I have no other choice I can only be here and I can only wait because I can't see, plan or desire much more than health for my future. ok here we go scan at 11am fingers and toes crossed, prayers being requested and made.
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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shakeology day 3. I know this may just br a fad and sometimes I totally buy into these "easier" options. but really just pushing the reset button in life, and getting healthy mind & body. I always have been a bit of a health nut with a sweet tooth. after #coloncancer life has to be a Lil different, not that cancer got me because of my sweet tooth or any reason at that. for me getting healthy for life means thinking more about what I eat and how I treate my body. since I avoid some foods I need to make sure I don't skip out on major nutrients like omega 3s etc. and it's not about shoveling in suplements but becoming knowledgeable about what my body needs. so 30 days on this fad ... shakeology and changing my habits for the better. going from a poisoned (chemo & steroid) infused state to hopefully healthy living.
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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still resting and getting back to normal, slowly getting energy back. hair it's falling out less less and less. it feels amazing to actually run your fingers through your hair! though I still have minimal feeling in my hands and feet. some days neuropathy is worse than others. at night typical fingers and toes are so painful n feel like they are freezing (heat doesn't totally help since it's nerves). nausea going away and food is starting to taste somewhat normal again. just trying to get my strength back and move forward. CT soon, so nervous I could cry. it is what it is and will give us a good idea of where we go from here.
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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happy last official chemo day. disconnected myself this morning which at 75$ a pop being able to DC my own pump over this process save us $1,000 crazy! happy to be free
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brittiegirl · 9 years
hair help
any one who had hair after chemo. gentile fragile hair! anything that helps it get healthy and strong again? can it safely be died?
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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Lung cancer patient can ‘finally push play on my life again’
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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sister love
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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last chemo
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brittiegirl · 9 years
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last one tomorrow. it's strange but it'll be a rough day in so many ways. this new routine of going to chemo seeing the same faces will come to an end. it'll be time fir me to slowly attempt to get my life back some what what it was. my husband reminded me to night it's my last chemo but it's not officially over till Wednesday when I finish my48hr infusion. after that I can look forward to feeling better everyday. my ct scan won't be til, as the Dr put it " when the chemo has reached its peak of effectiveness" so in 2 week around the 18-22. and then every year then blood tests every 3 months. colonoscopy in august.
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