broddahbean-blog · 9 years
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when ur mom refuses to drop u off at your friends
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broddahbean-blog · 9 years
Okay so I had the deepest chat today and I think it’s so relevant. So why do bullies think it’s okay to do what they do? Like why do they think it’s acceptable to pick out people’s flaws or insecurities and in some cases create insecurities for some people. Why do they think it’s okay to behave this way. Some say it’s because they have shitty lives at home but why do they think they can make someone else’s life shitty because of it. I don’t see what makes them so perfect to be able to do this to other people. But what REALLY pisses me off is that they can walk away from high school and say that they had no problems and everyone was so nice to them. Where as people like myself had to deal with being bullied day in day out. Some days were okay but others were the worst in my life. And I have to live with that. I have to tell my kids when they ask that I was bullied in high school and the insecurities they gave me, I’ll always have to live with. But the bullies? The bullies will tell their kids that high school life was the best and they wish they could go back. I’ll never remember school that way. I’ll always remember it as somewhere I felt uncomfortable and conscious of everything I do. So my point is, why do we let people think this is acceptable? When will they realise that they are no different from everyone else.
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broddahbean-blog · 9 years
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🖕🏻 it’s getting ridiculous now It’s like fucking Perez Hilton
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broddahbean-blog · 9 years
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broddahbean-blog · 9 years
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broddahbean-blog · 9 years
Body Image
Body image is a tough subject for many people. I, personally, struggle with body image as society makes me feel awkward about my weight and my height. I’m too short and I’m chunky. But why should that mean that I am not beautiful. Beauty comes from within, it’s not the size of your waist or how long your legs are that counts for the person you are. 
For example, there is so much pressure on girls to be specifically curvy, but with a flat stomach and big boobs and a big butt with a thigh gap. This is not physically possible and even if it is what makes their body type different to mine or smaller or bigger girls. Fat shaming is a no. Skinny shaming is a no. Why should girls feel force to be a stereotype, they should have confidence with their body, no matter what. 
We do not pay enough attention to how MALE’s get influenced by society through their body image either. Example, the pressure for boys is to be skinny, maybe a six pack, nice cheek bones, nice jawline. But why should this be a stereotype for boys. Who cares if a boy has a bigger arse than some girls? Or if they are a bit bigger built than most? They should be seen as beautiful anyway and not put down because what makes boys different to girls. 
Some people are naturally small and some people are naturally big but that does not and should not define them as people. Things that should make that person, who they are is their heart and lively-hood, if they are being put down because of their weight or image, they are not going to be living the life they want. It is mentally unhealthy for anyone to feel like they aren’t good enough and that is what our society is putting females and MALES through. I think that everyone should learn to love themselves and society should back off. 
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