brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
“ooooh, yes!! that would be so fun! i’d just have to deal with the gross, i guess. oh my god, you’d never annoy me! i love when people text me! i miss how life was like, in early high school days where people would just have constant conversations all the time, you know? now i feel like constant conversations are super weird unless you’re like, dating or something. and even then, i don’t know.”
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“We could have a movie night! I’m pretty sure my dad owns copies of both. But only, like, if you want to watch it. It’s kinda gross. That also could work. I just don’t want to annoy you with all the texts. But I do need someone to rescue me from the freezer…so…”
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
“right-- i’m not even sure i’d want to use the sink water to brush my teeth! those elf costumes are so scary, though. i wouldn’t be able to hang out anywhere at night with all those...heads around.”
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“yes, and sitting in a dirty bathroom stall after closing isn’t exactly private time. i think if i had to sleep anywhere, though, i might find some place in the costume loft or something. pile a few elf costumes on top of one another and try to get as comfortable as possible. oh boy, you could even get the news team in here. you’d be famous.”
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
penelope: Did you at least cover it up?
penelope: Someone has to cover it up! There are tons of kids around here. What if one digs around in the trash can and picks it up?
brooke: yes i did!! i wasted like, 17 napkins covering all of it so that it wouldn't like, get exposed again if the wind moved the napkins.
brooke: i need a nap after this i'm too riled up
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
cecily: what if they just wanted to divert attention so they put it in a far away trash can on purpose
cecily: lmao that'd be so funny
cecily: what if it's like
cecily: an old person
brooke: you mean they walked across the park with a used condom in hand just to divert attention
brooke: dont ruin every old person i'll see today :(
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
cecily: i'm not gonna TOUCH IT
cecily: what if it belongs 2 an employee
cecily: omg who do u think it is
brooke: i dont know i dont want to think about that!!!
brooke: if it's in this trash can that means they did it near me and i dont want to vomit today
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
Johnny: gross
Johnny: i dont even know why people wanna have sex here
brooke: maybe it's romantic or something
brooke: mostly i think it's just kind of creepy but sometimes it's pretty charming
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
cecily: damn :/
cecily: where was it again? i'm gonna do some sleuthin
brooke: the one next to the hoops thing that's all bent and impossible to win
brooke: please be careful herpes is incurable
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
Johnny: likely story
Johnny: just checking. and im aware brooke
Johnny: throw more trash on it or something
brooke: yeah i covered it with napkins
brooke: the kids dont need to see this
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
“well, i’ll have to watch the old one some day! oh yeah, texting me would be good, too! how about you text me every night that you’re not in the freezer, and then the time you don’t text me, i’ll know. and then i’ll help you.”
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“I mean, I really enjoyed the older one! I could text you. If I had my phone. And if I could get service in the freezer…or you could just check every night to be safe.”
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
Johnny: why were you looking through the trash?
Johnny: know what nevermind
Johnny: dont touch it
brooke: i wasnt!! i was just standing near it and noticed it in there.
brooke: you couldn't pay me to touch that thing. it might have herpes on it. herpes are forever, johnny.
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
mj: brooke...
mj: what did we say about looking through the trash cans
brooke: that nothing good can be found in it
brooke: but i saw someone throwing their stuffed animal away and i was gonna save it...but it cant be saved. poor teddy.
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
“right, everyone needs some private time. i can’t always be taking money from kids right above you, i guess! oh, no i don’t, i still live at home. but maybe i’ll start living under the games counter! then i wouldn’t even have to wake up early for work. i’d just wake up and stand up and boom, i’d be there.”
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“i can only imagine living under a games counter. at least it’d be a party every night; though closing is pretty late. i’d be much more happy somewhere that has quiet hours, i think. thank you– do you live independently?”
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
penelope: oh no, you're kidding me! are you telling me it was unwrapped?
penelope: you didn't touch it, did you?
brooke: oh im 99% sure it was used in some way
brooke: herpes is incurable penny!!!
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
fletcher: sorry that was mine
brooke: it was so small though? like only halfway rolled out :(
brooke: just kidding!!! i didn't look that long. gross.
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
cecily: ooh
cecily: how big was it
brooke: that is NOT one of the questions!!!
brooke: but i mean i dont think it was a magnum or anything
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
brooke: okay i think i found a condom in the trash can by the basketball game
brooke: i have so many questions starting with why, followed by, how, and rounded up with ew??
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brokemeyer-blog ¡ 9 years
“i am not doing that again,” brooke insisted, moving towards kyung-mi to avoid hitting a lamp post on the sidewalk. “that’s someone else’s problem. i just hope they don’t snapchat it. then they’ll get all the glory of it, y’know?”
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“You’re right! And we handled it brilliantly,” At least she could say that now that they had successfully gotten rid of the skunk. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t find its way back. I don’t think I have it in me to go through that again.” They had made their way out of the park and were loping down the sidewalk towards the diner. Hopefully there wouldn’t be a line, since it was so close to lunch time.
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