brokenaishi-blog · 5 years
Mused has been moved to villains4hire
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brokenaishi-blog · 5 years
Mused has been moved to villains4hire
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
starter call
//Been a while! Like for a starter/reblog if sideblog.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
//Hey~ ‘3`
//It’s been a while since I’ve been on this account but I’ve considered bringing her back? Is anyone interested? o:
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
cantfeelanythxng :
❥ She found herself naturally drawn to the hand touching her, leaning her cheek into the gesture of comfort. She closed her eyes briefly to focus on the sensation, grounding herself to reality. It didn’t feel warm to her like she had heard other people describe it before, but she understood the intention behind it. 
She gathered her courage, putting her usual reservations behind. She wanted to make her sister happy.
“No. It’s fine.” Yumi took off the elastic for her ponytail, re-tying it again the way she always did when she felt like a strand of hair too many had gone out of place.
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“Aya-nee…is there a place we could pick flowers together? I want to try making something at home..”
She’d been advised to try new things to find a hobby…maybe this could be a place to start. 
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~🔪 “Of course, Yumiko. I know just the spot, be sure to hold my hand, okay?” Ayano would state as she gently held her hand, leading her along the garden, the birds chirping and such as they came across a great field of flowers. The summer heat not too bad today actually, the shade making it easily ignorable as well with that breeze blowing in. She gives a gentle hug from behind whilst standing, “Do you like this place? I had planned on bringing you here anyway.”
We’ll start over together.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
baskctcascd :
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“…that’s embarrassing.” Yet without much hesitation the young girl wraps her arms around the other, blush spreading over her cheeks as she holds the other close. It’s awkward almost, the silence eating at the brunette’s thoughts, methodically displayed like a timeline in her mind.
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~🔪 “Of course it is, that’s why I want it,” Ayano sweetly said as she pulled into the other, letting herself be held as the tall girl let her head rest upon their collarbone. A stray was gently caressing their back as she held back with one arm.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
chopperpirate :
Chopper would have replied normally, but couldn’t. He was too busy blushing from something that she said. He was cute? Did she really mean that? Unable to contain himself, Chopper’s entire face turned red as his smile widened even further. He was unused to compliments, yet distrusted humans to a certain extent. She probably shouldn’t see how happy this made him.
Swaying back and forth as if dancing, Chopper sang aloud. “Calling me cute won’t make me happy, you asshole~!” Despite his words, his tone of voice and actions made it clear that he was overjoyed, to the point of not even noticing what she was saying to him. 
~🔪 Raising an eyebrow in confusion as she still kept that fervent smile, unrelenting with that carefully crafted kindness, “Asshole? How rude... for a, hrm, a child? You are a child yes, dressed in a costume?” It was odd, he seemed rather convincing in his ‘costume’, but she half-considered if he was a spirit or a yokai or something.
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~🔪 With a thoughtful hum, the older teenager snapped a photo of them on her phone. Not bothering to ask at all whether it was okay or not, but she wanted it simply for later if need be.
So cute.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
pacianx :
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“O-oh, well anything is fine, really!”
The brunette flushed light red across her cheeks, green eyes averted. She known Aya since kindergarten, and ‘till that they became very quite close to each other. Though, while not the same status; Ayano being one of the most popular student at Akademi with Naoko, stuck being a anxious wallflower who stutter a sentence whenever having a chat with someone. But none of that matter anyway, they were still friends and that’s that.
“T-though, I do like to see the cat cafe that recently opened up, we can go to there.. B-but, it’s okay if you don’t want!”
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~🔪 That smile gracing her lips as that phone would be put away, Ayano slowly reaching to hold their hand as she stared them with the pink-hues of her eyes. If allowed to be taken? Ayano would begin leading them, “Of course we can go, my apartment doesn’t allow cats so I’ve had the thought myself of going when it finally opened up.”
Childhood friend.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
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~🔪 Going up to hold her dearly beloved Megami, Ayano would wrap her arms around her, whispering gently whilst alone with her, “Hello dear, are you well?”
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
So cute.
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~🔪 Awh, they looked so cute, small, easy to hold and completely murderable- no wait, no! None of those thoughts right now, as maybe this diminutive person or possible child needed help? Or perhaps it was a spirit, so she’d be careful and was harmed with the appropriate things to protect herself from such attacks, but she’d address them gently with a welcoming smile, “You’re so cute! Is that a costume you’re wearing or...?”
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
Childhood friend.
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~🔪 Ayano was fond of her friend, not really sure if her fixation on them was platonic or romantic, but someone she held deeply to her heart that’d thump all too loudly when with them or holding them. Yet standing besides the other, going through her phone, “What do you want to do today, Koko?” Ah yes, Koko was a sweet pet name she gave the other and preferred Aya herself in name from close friends.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
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~🔪 This camp was hectic but nothing she couldn’t handle as a foreign exchange counselor as she asked the boy, “Neil? What’s wrong?”
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
Too perfect.
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~🔪 Every move, every word, every breath, as all calculations came into play for the perfect girl, seeming almost untouchable on the student counsel. So having directed her eyes upon the girl, that tone soft and welcoming with a careful touch, giving a slight bow of the head, “O-oh, hello there, I’m Ayano Aishi. I’ll be helping you as part of the student counsel today with whatever your club might need. You may call me Ayano Aishi.”
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
Oh wow. Starter call.
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//There’s been a lot of you popping up in my feed lately for whatever reason! Feel free to like or reblog if sideblog for a starter and reply if specific verse is wanted but do know it may not be accepted if it’s a shipping verse tag but will be considered. ‘3`
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
cantfeelanythxng :
❥ There was small bit of frustration building inside of her- she wished she had known about this beforehand. She hadn’t put anything like that in her planner for the day. It wasn’t part of their usual routine.
“What place?” she asked, gaining her composure as quickly as she had felt it falter ever so lightly. Ayano wasn’t the type of person that she wanted to oppose on this. Despite Yumi’s overall numbness- she knew she didn’t want her to be upset. 
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“Honest?” the younger of the two repeated- her mind too trained to jump ahead to the lie of ‘fine’ that she had learned to echo throughout the years before her sister specified it. She felt as though she wasn’t going to like the answer. 
“Frustration. Maybe a little anxious. I like to know what’s ahead.”  she replied, doubting it was the kind of emotion that either of them were really looking for her to feel. The child’s footsteps are careful not to hit any of cracks as they move along, so she had her eyes mostly glued to her own feet. “Same way I feel when my room isn’t clean or a book is out of place.” 
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~🔪 As those shoes would clack against the pavement, Ayano did not feel anger, sadness, but she kept smiling, stopping for a moment as a hand would gently hold her face and pet Yumi now with a caring thumb. “Would you like to go home then? Your comfort is more important, okay? I don’t mind it and it’d just be like walking home together... or I could call our driver back- he’s not too far away I’m certain.”
~🔪 The driver would not take too long to come around if the other agreed to it, but Ayano didn’t seem upset or angry at all. She seemed calm, tranquil and all too loving as she held their hand again.
We’ll start over together.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
baskctcascd :
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“Eh?” Slightly taken aback the young foreigner looks at the other with confusion. “I guess, whatever you’d want to do.” Stuffing her hands in the pockets of the school uniform they both adorned. 
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~🔪 “We could hug? And you could just hold me for a while,” Ayano would say with a light smile, that tone soft and enticing. However so bold though of the girl as Ayano was willing to get close already.
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brokenaishi-blog · 6 years
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//Like for a starter/reblog if sideblog.
Starter call.
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