brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ =  asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
Send me ♡ + a word, and I’ll write a headcanon.
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
he has little idea of what everyone is muttering about, but even if he did, Toska was unlikely to understand it. humans (and non!) really talked about the darnedest things when they had an audience.
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“What if...we talked about something nicer?”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
     Rey had been gone all of five minutes. She had needed to drop off a part someone had ordered from the garage, and then she would be on her way. Leaving Comet outside, she really didn’t think that he would cause any trouble. However, she steps outside and sees a man fly forward, and hit the ground with a thud.
     “Oh no- Are you alright?” Rey rushes forward, trying to check over the stranger for any serious damage.
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     “Wait- Did you try to ride him? Why would you do that?”
uh-oh. Toska knew that tone very well; someone was on the verge of getting angry with him. questions like ‘why would you do that?’ and ‘what were you thinking?’ are a constant in his life, so much so that he’s used to getting berated for things he thinks are fine.
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“Yeah-- and he bucked me off!” Toska groans before sitting up, brushing dirt from his hair and horns. “I thought he could be used for transportation.”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
Well, thankfully the Iop can fit inside the store (he has to duck a little, thanks @ dad for the height). This is some weird currency - it’s not hard at all like kamas are. But whatever - if it works, it works!
Goultard returns with the Danish in a napkin, and change. “Here you go! It smells good in there, I see why you stopped by for something.”
ah, such a kind person! he doesn’t know of many people back home who would stop to help someone like him out. he supposes some good things may come out of this city yet.
when the man returns, Toska all but ignores the spare change, going straight for the pastry. he promptly takes a bite, thanking him between chews.
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“Mmph. Cheese is so good.”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
▄▀  —  “Hmm? Oh, it’s terrible. I can’t see you for the clouds.” Even as he stares at the fellow, Nabor felt distracted, and at least his soft quip had some truth to it – he’d hardly noticed the fellow sneak up beside him. But now, attention caught, he stares at the odd being. Gielinor didn’t have anything such as this. As far as he could remember, anyway.
“You are tall too. Taller than humans. Other tall individuals shouldn’t surprise you,” he points out, brow furrowed as he stares at the stranger. but there isn’t any hint of malice to his tone. “No doubt there are taller beasts here. Perhaps it’s better to ask them how the weather is.”
as much as Sela drilled it into him that people were not to know he wasn’t human, he could hardly be blamed for his following bluntness. after all, this stranger wasn’t human, either, so...it was safe, right? he wouldn’t get in trouble for telling someone he was a troll?
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“Well, it’s because I’m not human.” he can already hear Sela calling him an idiot, but the idea of possibly making a friend pushes that thought away. “You think there’s taller people here? I’ve mostly seen little humans and that joke doesn’t work on them.”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
     — WHILE she isn’t typically a tree climber, the seeker finds herself doing such from time to time. Mainly it’s for when she needs resources such as branches of course, however, this time the goal for the activity differs from the norm… Slightly, in any case. Truthfully while the redhead wishes to get a better survey of the area, she also needs a few more branches for arrows and the like as well, so why not kill two birds with one stone?
     Or so she had thought but as she makes it up to a suitable branch to sit on, the form of another greets her. One that’s… Far larger than any normal person Aloy has ever come across. Not only that but–
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     Are those horns?
     ❝ ‘My’ tree’? No, ❞ she starts a response regardless, quirking a brow at the odd question.
     ❝ I don’t really think it’s anyone else’s, either… Same with all the other trees around here, ❞
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“Oh, good!” Toska is immediately relieved upon hearing her answer, completely unaware that it was a strange thing to ask in the first place. “I’ve taken a nap in someone else’s tree before and they pushed me out of it. It really hurt so I didn’t want it to happen again.” how embarrassing that had been! he’d gone home with scratches galore and had promptly been called a dumb ass by his mom.
he wraps his tail around the branch he’s seated on for extra support as he turns to face her completely. a human? he’s surprised one managed to get so high up so easily--! how talented! though...he can’t quite tell if she’s completely human yet. either way, he’s impressed.
“I thought I’d be able to see more of the city from this high, but...it’s just more trees.”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
he’s been staring at the tiny humans food for entirely too long. the smell of it led him straight to her before he could even realize what he was doing-- and he’d been eyeing the food that very clearly was not his for longer than was considered polite. however, when it came to food, one couldn’t exactly classify Toska as polite. it wasn’t his fault, per se, but rather his...stomach.
he figures he should just ask her what she’s eating! that’d be okay to do, right?
climbing over the back of the park bench she’s seated on, Toska gets closer than is necessary.
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“...Whatcha got there?”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
Here comes someone who’s curious about – oh nevermind he’s figured out the situation. And he’s here to help!
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“Do you need someone to go inside and get you something? I can.”
Toska perks up immediately at the suggestion. he turns and grins his toothy grin, thrusting a wad of cash at the other in a large hand. he has little idea of how this city’s money works, but it should suffice. he taps the window a few times, pointing to a danish.
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“Yes--! That cheese one!”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
while he does prefer to be on land, Toska has no problems with heights. in fact, he welcomes the acute rush of adrenaline that comes with being up high, as he does now from his spot on a high tree branch. he thought that maybe he could see more from a higher vantage point, but the tree he picked has far too many leaves and higher branches that obstruct his vision.
he’s kicking his legs back and forth, marveling over how far down the ground is, when rustling draws his attention to a bit below him. it seems someone else has decided to climb the same tree--!
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“Is this your tree?”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
there’s a soft thunk as his forehead connects with the shops window, his eyes fixated on the fresh pastries just behind the glass. they smell so good, but...
...he can’t fit through the door.
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“This is awful.”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
gentlefcst replied to your post: hello! this is Toska! he’s a troll! and he’s very...
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a good percent, right?!
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
it had been a while since he’d seen someone taller than him. it was nothing strange back home; there were creatures of all shapes and sizes imaginable. however, he’d been spending a lot of time around humans, all of which were considerably shorter than him. so, when he came across someone that happened to be taller, Toska couldn’t hold back a chuckle and a funny remark.
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“How is the weather up there?” a joke he used to say to his brother, when he used to be big. it’s clear in his whimsical tone that he means no harm (as he’s also rather big), but simply couldn’t think of much else to start a conversation with.
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
amidst all of the city’s hustle and bustle, Toska had been rather elated to see something familiar. a goat-like creature, it seemed, grazing peacefully in a patch of grass. it was still different than anything he’d ever seen, but it was still more comforting than the cars and other vehicles that roared on the highways. the troll had been staring at it for some time, head cocked to the side, before he decided to approach it.
sometimes goats were used as transportation where he was from, so maybe he could use it to get where he needed to go?
however, trying to mount the creature was not a good idea. the goat immediately bucked him off, sending him crashing down to the ground in front of it.
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“Ow, ow, ow--”
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
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rp ad here! like this for a starter of varying length from this lovable troll! cap is 3 for now, but i might raise it later! 
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
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hello! this is Toska!
he’s a troll!
and he’s very proud of it
loves humans and is about 80% sure he won’t eat them at any given time!
no concept of personal space
very food oriented
doesn’t get along well with cats, despite acting like one
headcanoned between 6′10″ and 7′
will try very hard to be your friend!!
one of his horns doesn’t grow well and he’s sensitive about it :(
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brokenhorned-blog · 6 years
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you come across a sleeping troll on the side of the road. do you: a.) pull his tail b.) leave him be c.) wake him up, gently or, d.) question reality
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