hey its me!
Black excellence means luxuriating in your Blackness. Just bathing in it. In a world that has told you forever that it’s not ok to be Black and you’re like “No, yes it is. I’m going to be Black as possible. And crush it while doing so.”
Here’s Tracy Clayton and Heben Nigatu from BuzzFeed’s “Another Round” on what Black excellence means to them.
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this has been SO FUN and we feel like we only had time for 10% of the questions we got. thanks so much for hanging out with us. LISTEN TO ANOTHER ROUND AVAILABLE WHEREVER YOU GET YOUR PODCASTS!! 
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Who are you I'm confused
who are any of us, really? how do we define reality? is this a dream? how do we know? -tc
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ever thought about porn?
yeah i dont get how everybody seems totally cool with men leaving their socks and timbs on to film scenes. like if im in the bedroom and my partner is completely naked except for socks and shoes im gonna be really distracted and have lots of questions and itd probably make for a very awkward time. -tc
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do you like cheetos or cheeto puffs better
Cheeto puffs, easily. - HN
Cheetos, “but I do love a puff” - TC
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Where at in Kentucky are you from
Louisville, home of the Louisville Cardinals, the only kentucky college team that matters!!! -tc
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Heben, what projects are you working on now?
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may or may not be working on a television show...stay tuned
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The chemistry between you two is amazing! How long have y'all known each other? (Ps my boyfriend got me hooked on the show a couple months ago and I absolutely LOVE it!!) Love you ladies! 💕😘😍
i love it when people tell us this! :) i met heben when i flew up to NYC to interview for the job that i eventually took; she was already working at buzzfeed and i first saw her at a dinner we all had at a chinese restaurant. we started vibing and the rest is herstory :) -tc
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Love your show so so much! Please do more live shows in New York :) Where/to whom do you look for inspiration and motivation when it's not coming from yourselves?
hi, thanks so much! we definitely believe in casting down my bucket where i am and drawing inspiration from all the amazing people that i know in real life, and online. beyond that, we have heroes everywhere: oprah, beyonce, rihanna, all of the obamas including the dogs, and our mood stabilizers :) -tc
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Also for you and Heben: who's your favorite Hamilton character?
I literally gasped when Leslie Odom Jr. performed “The Room Where It Happens.”  Burr kills it. Literally. Tracy agrees. - HN
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Hows that book going Tracy? Also will you guys ever do a live show in the UK? we love you over here too!
Tracy would like to know if you are her agent or if you were perhaps sent by her agent to check on her progress.
We’ve got some international stuff in the works! - HN
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Have you ever had a really terrible dream, wake up, and think you're still dreaming?
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I once had a terrible dream that I was pregnant – that’s not the nightmare btw! – and I was craving Cinna Stix but the government had discontinued them for some reason. So I had to got to Dominoes Corporate HQ and demand some answers. I woke up in a nervous, cold sweat. Thankfully, it was all a dream... 
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Yall are dope and I'm a new listener! My question is for the both of you. Do you still think LA dudes are "bllllahhhhhhhhhh"? You might catch a random ass comment on the Issa Rae encore (it was before i realized it was an extra old ep haha)
we don’t have much experience with LA dudes, but we hear that they’re...a lot. in not the greatest way. heben says she hasn’t yet found a city where men don’t suck, so there’s that. -tc
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London needs your fantastically funny, real, truthful and enlightening podcast face to face! When are you coming to do a live show here?
omg we’d LOVE to come across the pond and do a show!! we have some ideas! fingers crossed!
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on desus and mero you talked about how you didn't march because it was mainly a white feminism event and that white women don't show up to support woc, in hindsight, knowing that there were a lot of woc at the protests, do you think would have gone, seeing it a maybe a bridge between the divide? Or do you think that it would just be another time when white women use woc for the body count and quickly forget woc struggles.
in hindsight i still wouldn’t go but i’m SO happy that WOC were there and heard and represented. it sounds like many of them were inclusive and im so so glad they were. still, id rather conserve my energy for the front lines where WOC find themselves fighting alone. women of color have been trying to bridge the divide for so long, and your arms get tired eventually, you know? that’s where i am right now. might not be there forever, but that’s where i am today. (great question!) -tc
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i feel like in an old ep of the pod, tracy was suppose to meet someone on a dating app, but i feel like that was a dropped segment, why?
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Tracy is always terrified of being serial killed and we just hadn’t thought through the segment lol - HN
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Do you think you will ever live stream the podcast interview segments, perhaps releasing it to a youtube channel or in the newsletter?
it’s something that has been pitched and that we’ve thought of, but in my mind it would be kind of... boring? i have attention deficit issues though so it could just be me. it’s not totally off the table though! -tc
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