brontidemag-blog · 9 years
Be the Right Type of Fisherman, & Teach Your Damn Spouse How to Fish!
There are two types of fisherman in the world: those who talk about fishing, and those who fish. I can’t claim credit for the adage, but it is the single truest statement I have ever heard about fishing.
We all know that guy. . .you know, the guy that butts into fishing conversations with stories of his “largest catch”, or trout fishing the “x” last fall although it is immediately clear he may not even know which end of the rod to grip. You don’t want to be that guy. Perhaps even sadder is the guy/gal you might be or know; someone with a passion for fishing who doesn’t get out and fish as much as they would like.
I’ve been there; it is a constant struggle. I’ve worked crazy hours, juggled relationships, dogs, family obligations, moving, etc., and realized that I didn’t make it out on the water for the last month. That’s not the guy I want to be because I never want to see my passions fade away. When I don’t get out and fish on a regular basis, I don’t tie flies; I don’t read about fishing, I don’t watch fishing videos, and I don’t get outside and hike as often. It really has an impact on my life. You might think that that doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe it just means you are being more responsible and prioritizing the things in life that REALLY matter, and you just don’t have as much time for fishing as you used to. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Being a miserable son of a bitch has nothing to do with responsibility and everything to do with a lack of balance. If you can’t find an hour a week to go fishing (or do something else you love), I’m TELLING you, you have a lack of balance. Luckily, I have a few suggestions that may help.
We’ll start with the easiest: find an hour a week to go fishing. Get your gear ready the night before, put it in your car, and stop in the morning or after work to cast for an hour. Now you might be thinking: I don’t know anywhere to fish close to home or work, I can’t do that. Unless you live in the desert, I’m willing to put money on the fact that there is some fishable body of water within a reasonable distance of wherever you are. It might not be somewhere you would choose to go on a weekend, but don’t get hung up on the fact that you may be casting for panfish or carp instead of trophy trout or hogs. Embrace the thrill of doing something different, of dozens of sunfish blowing up your tiny top-water popper, of a carp sucking in your mulberry fly. You may just find that you enjoyed that little, shit pond.
Suggestion number two is my personal favorite. It also the most maddening. Do you have a significant other? Yes. TAKE THEM FISHING. No. FIND ONE AND TAKE THEM FISHING. Seriously though, it’s almost 2016; guys, you’re an idiot if you think that fishing should be treated as a guys’ club. I understand that it’s important to have your own “thing” to get away and do in relationships, but fishing is an excellent candidate to not be that thing. Why is that? Reason number one is that you’re probably a hypocrite. When you were dating, you probably wanted to seem like an active, guy’s guy. Okay. . .I get that. If you’re a fisherman, you probably suggested taking her fishing. Yes, yes, go on. . .this is a great idea. When you were fishing on that date, you probably had a great time, caught some fish, and took awful photos that eventually ended up on Instagram of little largemouth bass, awkwardly held up to eye level. A few weeks later, it was FB official. . .you’re a couple. WELL WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! Did you stop taking her fishing because the job of impressing her was done? Yup, that’s it you dick. Don’t do that! If she was willing to go out fishing with you once (and she stayed with you), it’s a fair bet that she’s willing to go out again. And do you know what that means? It means you can go fishing more. Take the time to teach your partner how to fish, really teach them. Start with rigging their rod and cover everything from knots to retrieval techniques. The first two or three lessons may well be on land, nowhere close to a drop of water. It will probably be slow going, but no slower than teaching your little punk ass was. In doing so, you invest a lot of time upfront, but I guarantee that you will both enjoy your time fishing SO much more if your spouse does not have to rely on you for every action. Back to the maddening part. Teaching something complicated to someone you love can be exasperating. You know that person and their brilliance so well that it might be a little hard to understand why they aren’t grasping a concept quickly. Be patient, don’t get short, and be positive above all else. Not many people come back to do something because it was discouraging. I taught my girlfriend how to fly fish. She knows that I have little patience for people not listening or following instructions. She tolerates my bullshit. I know that she is standing in a meadow, practicing casting a fly rod with me because she loves me. I try to keep my mouth shut and reinforce positive actions. Learning how to do anything is a journey, not an event. She has improved every time we have set out to do so, and it has been a great experience. It also sets up reasons two through infinity. After you have taught your best friend/lover how to slay, you can go on trips. . .planned around fishing locations, spend more time outside together, go hiking, go backpacking and camp out for a few nights, buy a fishing boat, spend weekends at the lake or on the river, buy more gear, rent a cabin, reconnect in a disconnected environment. . .really the point I am trying to make is that your fishing life will be 100x easier when your other half is on board, and you may just uncover another side of them to love. Just don’t get upset when you don’t have time to fish because you’re too busy netting for her.
My last suggestion is for people with time who perhaps don’t like going out and doing things alone. I totally get it. You may not have a spouse, or you may have your own interests, as stated above. Sometimes it is easier to stay at home on the couch than it is to go outside by yourself and fish. Sometimes it can be intimidating to go somewhere new without a buddy to have your  back. I have let both affect me in the past. If you’re suffering from laziness, there is nothing I can tell you but to get off your ass. Organize your gear and have it ready to go, ready to act on impulse. Stop scrolling through Facebook, observing other people living their lives. Just do it. Nine times out of ten, you will return home glad that you left. Plus, if you’re a social media whore, you’ll totally have some excellent photos to post (you can and should avoid this label by posting a maximum of ONE photo per minor outing, with one ALBUM permitted for trips). If you just prefer to have company, find some damn company. Bring up fishing at work and see if anyone bites. Don’t be disheartened if no one does, it’s purely a numbers game. If you make it known to the world that you love fishing, others that love fishing will eventually find you. Go to your local shops occasionally and drum up friendly, non-threatening-like conversation with the people who work there. You will eventually meet other regulars this way, and may even become friends with the employees. Go to events and workshops that the shop hosts. Some workplaces and communities have fishing clubs or forums. No one likes the new guy being a new guy on a forum or in the group, but if you pay your dues over time, they’re another great place to meet folks. I think I’m describing how to make friends to you guys. You probably don’t need this talk, but then why do so many of us find ourselves in these same ruts? It is something that most everyone falls into, but can easily be avoided with a little maintenance over the years. Be friendly, be active, and the universe will reward you with fishing buddies. I can almost promise that.
I think it is important to note that fishing and being in the outdoors alone can be a rewarding experience. It is an excellent environment for self-reflection and de-stressing. That being said, if you do venture out alone, please be cautious and use common sense. Tell someone where you are going, how long you plan to be gone, and when is the latest they should expect to hear from you upon returning. Do not take chances if you can not live with the possible consequences. That doesn’t mean that you should live scared, just don’t be stupid and think twice about your actions.
I’ll say it again: there are two types of fisherman in the world. Which you choose to be is under your control. We all have our own paths, don’t be afraid to loop yours towards the water every once in a while.
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brontidemag-blog · 9 years
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Well said, Denver Outfitters. You can find more wisdom on their Facebook page.
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brontidemag-blog · 9 years
I made this video for my friend’s blog, (flyfreaks.fishing). Check it out to learn why a $10 yoga mat hack may be better for transporting your SOT kayaks than pricey rack accessories.
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