y’all dis bitch is back. i’m going to look in the starter tag, do replies and just bring back brooke, nicki and genesis. 
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i’m back you all!
i am going to reply to starters first and then see what threads i have muse for
if you really want a reply for a thread from brooke, nicki or genesis let me know!
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tw: suicide mention (1st-2nd paragraph) a few days after a big fight with diana, brooke snuck up to the attic to write dahlia. she keeps a secret journal that is filled with letters to dahlia. the current one she is writing in, is the seventh since dahlia died. so, sitting on the floor in the attic, legs crossed and the black leather notebook resting on one of her knees, she writes:
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I fucked up. I really did fuck up and I keep doing it. I told you that he’s back, the man who killed you, right? It just completely messes with my head, D. I don’t know how to protect them, Diana and the kids, and I think I am making everything worse. He took you from me, though and if he takes Diana too, I don’t know if I can cope. Losing you was almost too much for me. You would have been so angry, if you’d been here when I took all those pills. I am still glad that it didn’t work, because I am really happy now. I was, before I hurt Diana. I just re-read parts of the journal I wrote from around the time I met Diana and got together with her. I struggled with dating her, because I felt so guilty moving on from you but how in love I was with her, seems to almost drip of the pages. I know now that you’re happy for me, that I have found someone again after you. I just feel like I can’t talk to her like I talk to you. Possibly because she talks back and you just let me rant my crazy. Maybe that is why. I just don’t think she can understand why I am struggling so much. I feel like she believes that it’s in the past and so, I should be over it. If it’s not that, then at least that is how I feel when we do talk about it sometimes. It could also be projecting, that it’s really me who feels deep down that I should be over it. I was fine though, for a long time. I could manage my fear around losing Diana and the kids, as long as the murderer stayed gone but he’s back and I have gone off the deep end. It’s been six months, if not longer, since Diana and I have done anything even remotely sexual. It’s very clear that she’s frustrated, honestly - I am frustrated -but what if the same thing happens as it did with you? Once we go there, he takes her from me. I don’t even know if that’s true but I can’t take the risk, Dahlia. The only place I feel really safe is here, in the attic. No windows through which I can be watched and I can lock the one enterance, to just be safe. Maybe that’s what I should do? Plan a date up here. I mean, I’ll feel like he can’t figure it out because we can’t be seen and I can make this quite romantic. Some fairy lights, blankets and cushions on the floor, some music, some snacks. It could be quite quiant, no? I mean, it’s a one time thing because after that, it’ll be weird to keep taking her up here to be together but can I really explain my terror? What if she doesn’t understand? What if she laughs at me? So... maybe this could keep her comfortable for another months or so and then maybe they’ll find the murderer. Then things will be alright again, right?  Anyway, I need to go get the kids from a playdate. I can’t talk anymore now. I don’t know when I’ll be able to come up here again, so.. yeah, this will have to hold you over until I’m back. All my love Your Brooke
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Enver heard Brooke before he saw her predicament, and certainly before the familiar little girl smacked into him as he rounded the corner, and so it took him a moment to process what exactly had happened while he was lost in thought. He blinked, frowned slightly, and looked down at the tearful Rey sitting on the ground in front of him. She was staring at her hands, which had broken her fall when she had been jolted backwards, and he sighed. “Shh, shh, yavru. It’s alright.” He said softly as he crouched to her level, easing off the frown given the situation. Her hands were scraped, but not bleeding, but what seven year old knows how to distinguish between the severity of pain? None he had met. “We can get ice for them, if you want. But you must be brave, okay?” By the time he had helped her to her feet again, Brooke had reached them both, and he offered a smile to them both. A small one, but warm enough. “I do not think she broke the skin. Just scuffed, a little. No harm done, except you know, to her pride.” He said, straightening so that he could look over at his friend and her children both. His smile warmed a couple of notches and he waved slightly at the little ones. “This is not a good place for running though, too many corners to watch around, Miss Rey. Maybe we should save that for the playground, no?” Enver noted the look on the Brooke’s face, and almost regretting saying anything, vague though his allusion to the safety of the town might be. She was right to be anxious, but he didn’t want to add to it. “Are you alright, sevgili?”
when brooke heard her daughter cry, she was about to literally faint. she only calmed down when she saw that she was crying because she’s run into enver, her quite recent, but good friend. she could breathe easy again and finally, she wasn’t feeling light headed anymore. rey was okay. she gave marcus a hug and told him all was well, before leading him over to enver while pushing the stroller where baby reign was still sleeping soundlessly.  she smiled at enver. “thank you.” she said and then looked at brooke. “let mommy see your hands, baby.” she said and looked, confirming that it was indeed nothing serious. “don’t you ever run away from me again, do you hear me?” she said and then pulled her daughter into a hug before standing up to talk to her friend again. she nodded at his question. “i am a lot better. sorry, just... what has been happening has me completely on edge.” she explained, using vague language to not scare the kids. “i think i need something to drink though. something like tea, to calm me down.” she revealed. “want to go to georgie’s?” she wondered, just wanting to hang out with enver a little. being around him and talking to him made her calmer, always.
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“Ay! How long does it take to see a doctor in this place? I’ve been here for two hours,” Dutch huffed out an annoyed sigh. The nurse at the desk glared at her and reminded her that they would get to her soon. ‘Soon’ apparently was the only time frame the Mercy Community ER staff knew. At this point, she was almost ready to go buy a needle get and stitch up the damn headwound herself. “Fuckin’ hell,” she muttered to herself as she plopped back down into one of the waiting room chairs. If they didn’t hurry soon she’d have to find some more gauze to keep herself from bleeding all over the place. 
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brooke found herself accompanying a student to the er, as they had an allergic reaction. the student had informed her that his parents were out of town and their elderly grandmother couldn’t leave the house, so brooke had come with the ambulance, as the student was quite panicky, even if they’d used their epi pen. so, here she was, waiting for any update whatsoever, having promised to drive him home so he didn’t have to walk home. she didn’t think he could anyway.  that is when she noticed dutch being quite upset about having to wait a while. “hey, dutch... i don’t think that’s going to help. i know it sucks though, but hey... you can come talk to me? if you want? it could make the time pass faster.” she said with an inviting.
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Jiya nodded with a laughing, “Yep” in response to Brooke’s savior comments. She followed the woman’s gaze as it fell down to the baby, but when she spoke Jiya’s eyes popped back upward. “Oh, of course. We can use the one we use to heat up the muffin.” Jiya stepped toward the gate and opened it to let the family filter through. “We can head inside and y’all can decide what you want while I pop that milk in the micro,” she tells them with a smile as the young boy asks about the cake, a twinkle of excitement in his eyes that makes Jiya’s grin grow even wider. How adorable.  
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brooke followed jiya together with her three children. she was glad reign couldn’t walk yet, then it would go completely mental. she didn’t understand why they had a third child sometimes. they must be nuts. then she looked at their cute son, at little reign and she chastized herself. he was exactly the part that made their family complete. rey looked up at her as they walked. “can i have a treat too?” she asked, and brooked always melted at her puppy dog eyes. “yes, but that does not mean that what you did was okay.” she said and rey nodded. brooke found a table that could fit the stroller next to her and had chairs for rey and marcus. she guided marcus’ hand to his chair and from there, he could easily get on himself. she went into the bag. “one minute should be enough.” she told the woman with a smile. luckily, because he’s going to start cr-” she was cut off by reign’s cry and chuckled. “well, crying.” she said, reaching into the stroller to take her son out and hold him close, rocking him. he already looked quite a bit like diana and she adored it, seeing her love’s features in him. she gave rey a menu, as she could read already and while marcus was a good reader, she was quite sure there was no menu in braille. “you don’t... happen to have a menu with braille, do you?” she asked, because she knew that marcus liked her to ask. if not, brooke would read the options out for him.
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Diana leaned back on her hands and snorted. She knew Brooke was going to notice the house, no matter how tired she was. Diana couldn’t even count how many times she’d seen the mess trigger Brooke’s anxiety, how she would try to make sure the kids cleaned up after themselves after every single activity. As far as Diana was concerned, it was a battle that only needed to be fought occasionally. She was mostly focused on Rey not eating raw cookie dough and getting salmonella or whatever. 
Brooke leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek….Okay, cute. Diana wasn’t going to complain about a light appetizer. As her wife complimented her, all with things that were very very true, Diana couldn’t help but preen. She did look good, didn’t she? She’d been worried about it after motherhood in all its terrifying splendor made changes to her body that were not going away anytime soon. So what if she had stretch marks? What did the mommy blogs call them? Tiger stripes. Hell, you could call them turkey scratches as long as it got Diana laid. 
“I love you too,” she replied, reaching for the buttons on Brooke’s shirt. Truth be told, she was feeling quite greedy. Once upon a time she may have had the patience for foreplay but that was like, two kids ago. She intended to get right down to business. “Babysitter’s got Reign,” she said. “So we don’t have anything to worry about,” she leaned into Brooke, aiming for those perfect lips. 
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‘oh, god.’ brooke thought as her wife’s hands grabbed for the buttons on her shirt. she could feel it, that familiar feeling of wanting diana. from the first moment they met, the physical attraction was there and it had never left. never. not even now that she was trying to keep her distance physically. she wanted to rip the clothes off diana, she had for months, but she couldn’t. she couldn’t, even if she closed the curtains now because he could have seen her come into the bedroom somehow and closing the curtains would signal what they were doing. it made sense in her head and it was terrifying because she was trapped. trapped between wanting diana and the obsessive need to keep her safe. she sensed it was mostly delusion that affected her, she knew it wasn’t normal and yet, she couldn’t stop herself because what if it wasn’t? and they found diana face down in the river in a couple of days?  so, that is why she turned her head and let her wife’s lips land on her cheek. she knew diana wouldn’t be happy, that she’d feel hurt and brooke was bracing herself. if she didn’t give up now, she would soon. maybe prolonging it would only hurt her more. brooke looked up at her, quite sure that the insecurity and fear showed in her face. “don’t be mad.” she started. “but i... i don’t think i... can.” she said and bit her lip. “i want to, most days but... but... tonight, i just. uhm... i want to spend time with you though, maybe... that... will help?” she told her and hoped that diana would agree to watch a movie, or cuddle or do anything that wasn’t kissing or sex but she knew what diana’s aim had been. if the roles were reversed and after rey was born, when brooke felt so insecure, and diana  hadn’t touched her for months, she’d not only be very, very horny but also very, very hurt and disappointed in diana. so, she could only guess that diana felt those things and she hated herself for being the cause of that.
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The day before he officially joined the investigation wasn’t going as Barrett had hoped it would be.  The last renters had done a number on the house, including ripping out essential wiring and practically demolishing the phone lines.  It was turning out harder than he imagined it would have been to reset the phone and internet at the house, a fault he attributed to the nature of phone companies these days.  The lack of internet access had lead him to the coffee shop, where he was sitting at one of the tables near the back, laptop open in front of him and phone to his ear.  “No, you’re not understanding me.  There are wires that have been completely cut.  I don’t know where they start or end, I just-”  He’d been cut off by the customer service representative on the other end again and he was getting frustrated.  “I don’t know,” he groaned into the phone.  “All I need is for someone to come out and look-” Cut off again.  
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, hanging up on the kid.  He turned his phone over on the table so he wouldn’t have to look at its screen and started searching for other phone carriers near Three Rivers that wouldn’t break the bank.  He was only vaguely aware of someone staring at him and he raised an eyebrow over his computer.  “What?” he asked, noticing that the onlooker was looking at him as though he had lobsters crawling out of his ears.  “If you had to deal with phone company morons this early in the morning, you’d be cursing, too.”
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brooke was still reeling from the evening before, having screwed up so royally with her wife. this murderer was killing their marriage, their family even without killing anyone close to her. she couldn’t get it out of her head, that if the peacher man saw her and her wife being intimate, or even suspected that they were, that diana or the kids would pay the price. she had no proof of that, but why else had dahlia been murdered? there was no other reason that she could think of. the problem was that she seemed to have to choose between their marriage, their happiness and keeping her family safe. it was hard and she didn’t know what to do. being at home right now was torture, as diana sure wasn’t pleased with her and so, she’d just left at seven in the morning and come here, to drink some coffee. it wouldn’t make diana any happier that she had to deal with their kids alone in the morning, but she just couldn’t face her wife this morning. she couldn’t look in her face, which would show that she was hurt and disappointed. she couldn’t bear it. so here she was, trying to get some peace and quiet to figure out how to proceed when she heard the familiar voice of her brother’s childhood best friend, barrett. she looked at him and smiled, quite happy to see him again, though he didn’t appear to be having the best morning. she hadn’t been very close to him growing up, but quite close to his younger brother as they were more around the same age. she held her hands up at him snapping at her. “hey, i get it - it sucks. i was just glad to see you again, barrett.” she said with a smile as she picked up her coffee and joined him at his table. “how are you?” she asked, just glad to talk to him and distract herself from the memories of last night.
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Jiya stifled a giggle as she watched Brooke go full mom-mode on the young girl. It reminded her of her own mother when she was younger. Yes, Jiya certainly had given her poor mother a few hairs as a kid, and probably still did every now and then. It was obvious to Jiya that Brooke loved her children greatly. The softness in her facial features, despite the stern words she was giving her daughter, proved as much. When Brooke turned her attention to Jiya, she gave the counselor a wide grin, her eyes flickering over the woman’s face as she spoke, taking in all the subtle movements and expressions to make sure she understood her tone as Brooke’s voice filtered through Jiya’s implants. “Oh no, you didn’t disturb me at all. To be honest I needed a little excitement in my day. It’d been far too boring so far. I was this close to annoying Charlie just for some entertainment, but you and your kids saved both of us,” Jiya assured her with an amused chuckle. “I’m sure your heart is still racing, though, from that near coronary. Why don’t you and the kids come sit down on the terrace and I can bring you some calming tea, and maybe a few treats for the kids? Nothing too sweet of course, don’t need them going on a sugar rush.” 
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brooke laughed, feeling a bit of the tention leave her body. “well, rey is suddenly a savior then, with her houdini-like tendencies.” they told her with a smile and then listened to the proposition, which made her look over at baby reign, who was starting to wake up in his pram. she wouldn’t get home before he would get hungry. “if you have a microwave in which i can warm up reign’s milk and a changing table, i’ll take you up on that offer.” she said and marcus grinned. “i get cake? can i get cake? or will you feed me fruit too?” marcus asked and brooke chuckled. “yes, we are terrible mommies for making you eat fruit, markie.” 
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Leave it to her high school guidance teacher to still be able to read her, even ten years after the fact. She hadn’t really seen her since her high school graduation, but had kept up correspondence as best as she could through her first two years of college. Louise would never admit it, but there was a warmth that ignited within her whenever Mrs. Sinclair responded or gave advice. Surviving ain’t living. She felt like she could scream that from the top of her lungs because she knew… She truly did. For a moment Louise allowed herself to be distracted by Rey who was busy tugging on the skirt of her dress and holding up a flower to Louise that she picked off of a flower bush from the landscape. “That might be true, Mrs. Sinclair, but it seems as of late all that livin’ is, is survivin’,” she said with a smile on her face, twirling a strand of Rey’s hair around her finger before straightening up to look back at her old mentor. “I don’t mean to be so grim. Her anniversary was a week ago today.”
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brooke nodded. ever since the preacher man had returned, it had seemed she too was just surviving. her wife was suffering, her children were getting tired of their mother being overbearing and she couldn’t sleep very well, nor really relax at all. they were in the same boat, only brooke was a lot less open about her struggles than louise was. how louise was open about it was a lot more healthy than brooke, who felt that she was silly for being absolutely terrified. “i know, the return of this person has had an effect on everyone...” she said, thinking of dahlia. her beautiful, first love that had perished at the hands of the moster that had returned. “and i can only imagine what it does to you.” she said, not wanting to refer to murder while her children could hear. “don’t be sad. i can hear you’re sad.” little marcus said to both his mother and the woman he didn’t know. brooke smiled at her son and kissed his cheek. “we’re not very sad though. don’t worry, little man.” she told him before turning back to louise. “also, it’s mrs. ford-sinclair. i got married a few years ago, but honestly, you can call me brooke now if that’s not too weird.” she said, wanting to get away from the scary, emotional subject around her children.
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Everything was going to be perfect, because Diana wouldn’t tolerate anything less. The kids? Tucked in tight in their beds, with Lauren the babysitter sitting in the nursery armed with a mini fridge of milk for when Reign woke up. The house? Spotless, so Brooke wouldn’t get distracted by toys or dishes. The mood? All set, with candles in a scent they both liked, and even some flower petals here and there. So Diana was a romantic. Bite her. 
To say things had been rough lately was to completely gloss over reality. Everything had been going fine, Diana giving birth for the first (and last) time, Marcus coming to terms with middle child life, and Rey getting second in her school spelling bee. Then the unthinkable happened: the crazy serial killer who tormented Brooke in high school was back with new bodies around town. Diana had never seen her so upset before. Needless to say, their bedroom had been…okay, not dead. More like unalive. 
Diana perched at the end of the bed, still in her work clothes, planning on letting Brooke do the work and unwrap her like the damn present she was. She could never sit still for too long though, and gave herself a once over to make sure it was perfect. 
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brooke had not had work today, as the school year hadn’t started yet but she had been ordered out of the house from the time diana got from work until now. she was insanely stressed out now. diana was planning something. probably something super romantic, knowing her wife and there was nothing worse than that. not because she didn’t want to spend time with diana - she absolutely adored that - but it was because she knew what would be on diana’s mind. sex.  it wasn’t that brooke didn’t want to. she had been craving it for months, she had to take walks to distract herself from how much she just wanted to grab her wife and show her how gorgeous, sexy and amazing she was but she couldn’t. she couldn’t. she’d done that with dahlia, though a lot more clumsily back in the day, and then she’d died and in her mind, there was a connection. they had been seen. the preacher man had seen them and that is why he’d taken dahlia and she couldn’t lose yet another love of her life. she couldn’t lose the mother of her children or worse, her children, as punishment for actions that could be prevented. you didn’t need to sleep together to show affection, right? diana would not be mad, right? who was she kidding. she walked into the house and she noticed it. the tidiness. not even a peep from the children and well, she could hear the soft music from upstairs. she was right. romance. she swallowed thickly and with a heavy heart, walked up the stairs to their bedroom. she leaned against the doorframe, watching her magnificent wife check if she looked absolutely perfect. she did and her heart was filled to the brim with love for her in this moment. she wished she could tell diana why they couldn’t do what they normally did, but she was sure diana would find it ridiculous. diana knew about what she’d been through, but brooke had always glossed over the aftermath of how it utterly destroyed her and made her extremely scared... that wasn’t diana’s fault though. she didn’t know and she was trying desperately to get the spark back in their relationship. a spark that has always been there, one that is pretty much a campfire inside of brooke because she wants that gorgeous redhead right there. always, but she couldn’t lose her. “stop preening, you look amazing.” she said, her voice soft with an edge of sadness because she was going to have to let this woman down. they could cuddle, kiss a bit maybe. she glanced at the window. the curtains were open. they could potentially be seen. by him. they couldn’t kiss. they just couldn’t. could they? she had no idea. “i... thank you for all of this. you’re so sweet. the house looks impecable.” brooke told her and walked over, after closing the door and leaned down to kiss diana’s cheek, letting her hands run over her waist. she wanted her to feel that she wanted her. she just couldn’t. she couldn’t risk it... even if that meant diana was angry, or even left. at least she’d be alive. “you’re the best wife a woman could wish for.” she whispered, her lips now a little closer to the woman’s ear. she knew that if she leaned forward and put her lips around the woman’s earlobe, she’d get a moan... but she couldn’t. she wanted to so badly. “gorgeous; considerate; very, very hot.” she said with a smile, now looking at her again. “i love you.” and she didn’t know diana would ever comprehend just how much.
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There was always something strange about running into one of her former teachers, especially now that she was one as well and teaching within the same school district. It was like two timelines colliding and all Louise could do was sit back and watch what happened. It had been Mrs. Sinclair that convinced her to follow her own desires and go to Alabama, if that’s what she wanted. She helped her get the SATs just right and even wrote her a letter of recommendation. Sometimes Louise still can’t believe, considering how rude she was to just about any authority figure throughout her teenage years, including her brother, but excluding old Mrs. Ryerson who taught calculus. “I’m doing just fine, thank you,” she responded, figuring to keep herself as neutral as opposed. Of course she wasn’t doing fine. Of course Mrs. Sinclair could tell, and more importantly could tell when she was lying. “My kids are startin’ to get restless with crayons so I think I might upgrade them to markers. Other than that, I’m just… survivin’, ya know? Taking each day at a time.” 
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brooke subtly raised one eyebrow and pursed her lips slightly. well, that was a lie. it may have been a while since she last spoke to the other woman, back when said woman was just a girl, really but she still knew her. she still acted the same when she wasn’t being truthful, but she wasn’t sure if now was the time to really delve into that. she just smiled. “do you mean your students or your actual children?” she wondered, not exactly sure what she was talking about and couldn’t remember whether she’d decided to study teaching high school or elementary. it had been a little while and she always focussed on the students at hand as well. “surviving ain’t living though.” she said gently and picked up marcus, reaching out to stop his stick of going to louise’s face. she frowned softly. “if something’s the matter, you can still talk to me, you know? always. you can even be rude.” she said with a teasing grin, refering to their tense conversations back in the day.
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Jiya smiled at the couple sitting on the terrace whom she was serving. “Alright, here you go, one grande mint julep tea, one tall black coffee, and two mini oreo cheesecakes,” she told them as she set each item down on the table. The girl in the dark red jacket smiled back at her and thanked her while the blonde in the floral dress seemed to ignore her in favor of the black coffee. She suppressed a giggle as she began to turn back to head inside Common Ground when she saw a child dart past along the riverwalk. A few seconds later she heard the yell of a woman and glanced over. She hadn’t fully been able to understand the words, they’d sounded like a robotic scream more than anything, but she could take a decent guess at the meaning.
“Uh oh,” Jiya mumbled as her eyes darted between the runaway child and her mother. Seeing that no one seemed to be jumping to the woman’s aid, Jiya pursed her lips and turned immediately for the little gate blocking off the outdoor patio from the rest of the Riverwalk. It took her a moment to catch up with the child, but eventually, she had her hand squarely on the kid’s shoulder and was holding them in place. The kid wriggled as she turned them both around and marched toward the frantic mother. 
“I think you lost something,” Jiya teased. 
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brooke could finally breathe easy when she saw jiya take a hold of her daughter. she didn’t even mind that she was a little rougher with her to get her back to brooke. brooke crouched down and held her daughter by the shoulders, not meaning to ignore jiya but needing to talk to rey first. “i told you not to run, rey and you did. that is not acceptable. that means fifteen minutes less tv time. now, hold onto the stroller.” she told her before standing up and sighing. she smiled at jiya right after. “thank you so much for that. i don’t know what she was running to... i thought i was going to drop dead.” she told her honestly. “i’m sorry for disturbing you though, i should have kept a better eye on her.”
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the summer sun beat against serena and macready’s dark hair and fur in equal measure and she patted him sympathetically as she chided the same weather, which so often kept her from restful sleep. letting his leash drop to her elbow, she tied her hair back into a high ponytail and smoothed the baby hairs at the nape of her neck upward, twisting them towards the ponytail in the futile hope of keeping them off of her neck. 
three rivers was bustling at this time of day, when serena was so often asleep, and there was too much foot traffic in the park at this hour to get a proper run in with the lanky, black husky. too busy and too hot. instead, she’d reserved to take him for a walk and grab an iced americano from common ground where they could sit at one of the outdoor tables and he could lie in the shade and smell the good smells while she caught up on some reading.
even before they’d reached the cafe, their brisk walk had been interrupted by a curious stranger’s piercing question ‘wow, is that a wolf? what kind of dog is that?’ clearly unamused, serena’s grip tightened slightly to macready’s leash as he panted, undisturbed, at her side–soaking up the attention from the inquisitive stranger. “he’s a husky.” she kept her voice monotone. after six shifts in a row and only a short nap to switch her sleeping schedule to something resembling normal, she was not interested in the onslaught of typical dog related questions that seemed to follow anytime macready left the house with her. 
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“no, i’m not interested in breeding him and he’s been neutered anyway, so that ship–” she turned as she spoke, catching the gaze of passerby and staring hard at them before tilting her head at the man she was trapped in conversation with; the unspoken request of ‘please help me out of this conversation’ was evident. “–has sailed.” she finished, turning back to him, voice still even. gesturing with her thumb in the direction of the common ground, serena opened her mouth to make good on her escape, but was quickly interrupted again. closing her lips with palpable annoyance, she turned again to the passerby and raised her eyebrows with a nonverbal ‘please?’
brooke was glad that diana had everything under control at home, with their little ones so she could go out and just take a breather. considering school hadn’t started yet but would soon, she had been preparing for the new school year but as she was home, she also looked after rey, marcus and reign. that honestly took up most of her day, as rey liked to do things that stressed her out, like climbing up trees, up on the sofa, the kitchen cabinets and sometimes, even take a trip outside without telling her. it always felt like her heart stood still whenever the seven year old escaped. marcus actually enjoyed reading more. having taught him basic braille last year, he had taken to reading and practicing with his books and could spend hours, just running his fingers along the pages and reading out loud. he played as well, quite often but he was less of a worry than rey. little reign was five months and so still slept quite a bit, but was starting to sit up and fall over, which always made brooke worry that he hurt himself. so, to make a long story short, she had been worrying all week and needed some time to herself. she’d taken her harley to ride over to the park, enjoying how the wind temporarily seemed to blow away her worries and after riding around the town and then outside, so she could build up speed, she had decided to go to the park to walk around, luckily having put on shorts and a t-shirt underneath her hot motorcycle gear. she also had taken shoes in the morotcycle bags at the back of her bike. she had just been walking around for about ten minutes, when she caught the eye of a woman she thought was named serena. she looked at her with a ‘help me’ in her eyes and if there was one thing brooke recognized, it was that look. so, she looked at the situation and then walked over to the woman. “hey, serena!” she greeted her cheerily, hoping that she had the name right - she was terrible with them - and she turned to the man she was talking to. “i’m sorry to interrupt your conversation, but we do have to hurry if we want to make it in time for our reservation.” she said, which made the man understand that the conversation was over and he just said a goodbye and left. brooke smiled at serena. “there, all better.” she jokingly said and tilted her head. “was he just being annoying or creepy? because if it’s creepy, i could pick him out of a lineup if need be.” she said with a small smile, though she was absolutely serious.
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closed starter for @brookefordsinclair​
Summer was both the best time for Thea and the worst. It meant she had a lot of time to do what she wanted but it also meant that she had a lot of time to be bored and she hated being bored; it frustrated her, it made her want to throw shit around her room. Then, she’d get in a bad mood and it’d be a roller-coaster from then on out. And being inside all day was out of the question, her dads had told her, you have time for games later. Thea actually didn’t feel like playing videogames so AH!
Walking down the street, she adjusted the bag on her shoulder after spending half a minute looking at a store window, being seconds away from impulsively buying something she didn’t need just because it’s what she felt like doing at the time. And, almost as quickly as she began walking towards the store entrance, the universe stopped her by letting a familiar face distract her. 
“Mrs. Brooke! I haven’t seen you in a while.”
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she just needed some milk and bread. that’s all she needed but with two kids, that sure was quite an undertaking. having just decided to take this opportunity to get some exercise with the children, except rey who was at a friend’s house (a friend who had been vetted by brooke quite extremely), she was walking down the high street. her five month old son, reign was heavy on her arm and marcus was holding her hand, their pilot-style glasses on his face and their stick tapping the ground in front of him. he’d requested glasses after other kids made fun of how his eyes looked, as they just moved around aimlessly and did look a little strange if you weren’t used to them. at home, he didn’t wear them though but out, marcus said he felt better and so, he got sunglasses. finally having arrived at the store, she switched raign from one arm to the other and walked around to take marcus’ other hand. as she walked past a store, too busy rearranging herself and her kids, she heard a familiar voice. she turned to the woman who spoke to her and a big grin spread over her face. “thea!” she said, happily. “it’s been quite a while, indeed.” they said with a happy smile. “how are you doing?” she asked, genuinely interested in the answer. she had spent a lot of time on thea, when she was in high school. brooke had helped her plan, made sure she did her work by designing a reward system together with her - though she still wasn’t sure it was always followed - and even left her wife alone with rey, who was still a baby then, to actually sit down and study with thea before a difficult exam. thea wasn’t the only kid she’d done that for, but it had built a bond with each of those kids, including thea.
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The sun was shining high despite the fact it would be setting within the next hour. Such was a perk about living in Louisiana, and Louise couldn’t deny the fact that it made her feel all the safer with its ray reaching out and warming her skin. There was a cool breeze strolling in the air, taking its time to get where it needed to go while simultaneously ruffling her hair to the point past no return. Her bike’s basket was filled to the brim with fresh produce from the market: apples crisp and green; bananas ripening to the point of perfection for banana nut bread; and a stack of pears were the most visible. The evening was too calm, the streets too quiet. It was peaceful, blissful: perfect for a walk home rather than a bike ride. 
That’s when a scream pierced the air. Looking to her left, Louise saw as a little girl–a year or two younger than the kids she taught–sprinted forward, down the sidewalk. Her mother nearly a hundred feet behind her trying to navigate another child and a stroller. Dropping her bike, Louise dashed out into the street right as the little girl did as well. At any moment someone could turn the corner and careen right into the pair of them, but Louise figured that it was late enough where most everyone was home. As the child came running at her legs, Louise bent and scooped her up, swinging her around in a playful manner, as she finished the cross to the sidewalk. “Airplane! Airplane! Airplane!” Louise cooed, her smile growing as the girl giggled. “Now then, where’s your Momma?” The child pointed down the street. 
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“Mrs. Sinclair, is that you? Figures you’d have quite a feisty child.” Louise couldn’t help but give the girl a little tickle, her heart swelling as she heard the child’s laughter. “Now, for sure she’s going places.”
As a blonde woman grabbed a hold of her child and swung her around, she couldn’t help but be releaved. Her baby was off the street and hadn’t gone out of her sight. Marcus was still crying and she rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. Then, she heard the yuoung woman’s voice as she walked closer with her daughter. Louise. She had been the woman’s guidance counselor and sex ed teacher. She was first focussed on her daughter, taking the seven year old by the shoulders as she crouched down. “Mommy told you not to run and to stay in my sight. If you wanted to cross the street, you could have just asked. Fifteen minutes less tv time for you tonight, little lady.” and Rey knew better but to complain. She knew that her mommy meant business, more so then when Diana attempted to discipline. “Now, hold onto the stroller.” She said and sighed as she picked up her five year old to comfort him. “Thank you, Louise. I thought I was about to lose it there for a second.” She admitted with a chuckle as the stress and worry slowly drained from her body. “Rey here likes to do her own thing and give me heartattacks it seems.” She added as her daughter was pouting a bit at the ground, but other that was behaving. “So, how are you?” She asked genuinely interested in her former student.
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b i o g r a p h y
basic ic details
NAMES: Brooke Yvette Ford-Sinclair
FACECLAIM: Olivia Wilde, I have no others, really.
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cisgender female & she/her/hers
DATE OF BIRTH & AGE: Thirty-five, march fifth, 1983
HOMETOWN: Three Rivers
LENGTH OF STAY: Their whole life, only leaving for a few years to go to university out of state
OCCUPATION: They are the high school counselor and so most people who have been in high school for the last eleven years, have had her as their school counselor and have had the pleasure of having her give them sexual education as well.
TRAITS: open-minded, generous and caring but also possessive, stubborn and overprotective
the interrogation
1. Good afternoon, first off I have to ask, are you comfortable? The room isn't too cold, is it? Did anyone offer you something to drink? Water, coffee, perhaps tea?
Brooke shifted on the uncomfortable chair and looked at the plastic cup, filled half way with water. “Good afternoon.” she greeted the officers and swallowed thickly. She knew what this was about and she didn’t want to talk about it. She barely ever did. “Thank you for your concern, but I am fine.” She told them, as she answered their question about the temperature of the room and the drinks. They could see she had water, right? So, why ask? Also, who asked about the temperature of a room. What were they going to do? Bring her a blanket? She had the urge to roll her eyes but decided not to.
2. And if you don't mind, could you please state your name for the record? Is that your birth name? Any aliases we should be aware of?
She wanted to sigh. Hadn’t they just asked for her ID? She patiently answered though. “My name is Brooke Yvette Ford-Sinclair. I was born as Brooke Sinclair, but when I got married, my wife and I hyphenated our last names. I don’t have any nicknames or aliases.” She told them, just wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible. She didn’t want to talk about the murders. She had children, she had a wife. She was worried and talking about the tragic events that were happening and those that had happened in the past, only made her want to hold them close and never let them go. Especially because of what happened to Dahlia.
3. Now then, let's begin with your childhood. What was growing up like for you?
She had no idea why this was relevant, but she chose to answer as honestly as she could. They were trying to piece the truth together, they were trying to solve this and make Three Rivers a safe place to live again. Maybe something in her memories could help them and could help stop this nutcase before they hurt her family. So, she took a deep breath and answered: “I had a fairly normal childhood, I think.” she started and shrugged. “I had a pretty stern father who had very clear expectations but my mother’s warmth made up for that, I suppose. I have an older brother who always looked out for me and I loved school. I had everything I needed growing up and honestly, that is why I still live here. I want to give my children the same great upbringing that I had.” She simply said, nothing really noteworthy happened. Surely, they wouldn’t be interested in the deaths of her grandparents of cancer or natural causes. They wouldn’t be interested in her tomboyish ways. She assumed what she said was enough information.
4. And what about your relationship with your family? Were you close with your parents, or guardians? Any siblings?
She nodded and with a sad smile, she replied: “I did, especially with my mother. She passed away last year and it still... is really difficult to deal with.” She answered and lifted the plastic cup to her lips to take a sip. She didn’t like getting emotional in front of strangers. “My father and I... we got along... alright. He preferred to spend time with my brother though. I didn’t mind too much. We never had much in common anyway.” She clarified. “And my brother... he’s my big teddy bear, honestly.” She said with a smile. “He’s always there for me and I am always there for him. It’s that simple.”
5. What was your high school experience like? Did you enjoy it? Did you have a lot of friends, or were you more of a loner? Somewhere in between, maybe?
She bit her lip and looked at the table. High school. Dahlia. “It was fine. I wasn’t popular, but I wasn’t picked on either. I just had a small group of friends and that was that. I was part of the basketball team and I loved that.” She said with a small smile before she looked up and sighed. “Daliah went to my school. Daliah Jackson.” She had to swallow. Thinking about her always made her emotional. “No one but my wife knows that... she was my first girlfriend. She didn’t want to come out. It was the nineties, it wasn’t like it is today, so I haven’t told anyone that she was into girls. That should have been her decision to reveal. The day she was murdered,” she choked on the word and took a few deep breaths. “my childhood stopped, I think.” she managed to finish. “I was only sixteen and no one knew that I’d just lost my girlfriend. My first love, my first everything.” She explained and shook her head, trying to not let the memories take over right now because she’d just end up crying. She absolutely wanted to avoid that. She hadn’t wanted to talk about Dahlia when she came in, but now as she started to talk, it felt a little better. A little lighter. “After that... I guess I became more of a loner. I just... I don’t know. No one understood what I went through, no one got it and so I just focussed on basketball and studying.” She finished, hoping that there would be no follow up questions to that. She wasn’t sure she could handle it.
6. So, did you go to college? If so, what for and if not, why? What was your post-high school life like?
She nodded. “I was glad to get out of Three Rivers, after Dahlia passed away. I went to the university of Arizona and got qualified to be a counselor. Six years I studied, in which I met my wife, I told her that I wanted to move back here and even though the town had a dark past, with the murders, she agreed to come here with me. We got married, I got the job at the high school and we had three wonderful children. I mean, I live a pretty normal life I think. I am happy... the only worry I have is this murderer. He terrifies me and not a lot really scares me.” She admitted and shivered, thinking about him and what he could do to her friends and family.
7. Do you have a reputation around town? How would you say others perceive you?
She chuckled, finding the question quite funny. Her having a reputation? She was pretty ordinary, really, except: “I think that I am confusing to people. I mean, I don’t think that they would expect the school counselor and mother of three to be riding a Harley and yet I do, so that sometimes makes people frown a bit but other than that, I don’t think I really have any type of ‘reputation’. Maybe as a helicopter parent? Could be possible.” she said, smiling a little to lighten the mood a bit. The air in here felt oppressive to say the least.
8. Can you help me understand your personality? What are you like, both on the surface and deep down? What about in public versus in private?
She raised her eyebrows a little and looked a bit lost for words. “Uhm... God, I don’t know. I mean, I think that at work I am punctual, my office is always tidy and I really try to be there for the kids who want to speak to me and to find the students who need me the most, even though they don’t approach me. I’d say I am open-minded, as I get students in my office with all kinds of questions and problems, and I try to help them as best as I can.” She explained before continuing. “Privately, I think I am a very caring partner and mother. I make my family their lunch every morning, I make sure that everyone has what they need but I can be a bit overprotective of my children. I just really don’t like the idea of them getting hurt, so I do grill their friends and the parents of said friends. I am a little much, I know that but I just can’t even imagine having my children play out in the street, especially with what is going on.” She told them before she licked her lips. “I have also been told I am a little possessive over my wife and friends, but honestly, I think that is an exaggeration. Other than that... I like knowledge, I like being around people, going to the occasional party... I mean, I am really pretty run of the mill, I think.” She explained, not entirely sure why this was necessary because she could have told them anything really, but if they deemed it necessary, she wanted to help. She wanted these people to catch that guy. She wanted to see the face of the monster that killed her high school sweetheart.
9. Leading off of that, what would you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
"This is sounding more and more like a job interview.” She said, chuckling slightly and taking another sip of her water. All of this talking was making her mouth go dry. “I think my greatest weakness is that I overthink and can be a little neurotic. That is no fun for the people you live with and it’s mentally exhausting. Oh, and I can’t resist the occasional cigarette.” She explained and then continued: “But I think that I am pretty resillient and I am intelligent, as well as quite fun to be around in general. I am also very good at caculating risks, even though that does annoy some people.”
10. Why don't you tell me some of your greatest regrets? And what about your greatest hopes?
"It’s not really a regret about something I did but I regret that my mother didn’t get to meet our youngest son, Reign. She always wanted us to have another child. To be honest, I don’t think she would have ever been satisfied with the number of grandchildren she had. Anyway, I do also regret not standing up for some kids back in high school. I see what bullying does to children now as a counselor and honestly, I should have spoken up back then.” She told them, but didn’t talk about the regrets she had regarding Dahlia. That she didn’t close the bedroom curtains before they were intimate, still convinced that the killer saw them. How she regrets not walking her home from school the next day, because then maybe nothing would have happened. She didn’t talk about how she regrets having spilled water over Dahlia’s love letters to her, making them now smeared and some parts barely readable - even though she knows them all by heart. She didn’t want to say that. Those were private sorrows and regrets, ones she couldn’t even share with her wife.
11. A bit heavier, I know, but I have to ask if anything has happened to you personally in your life that drastically changed you as a person?
"Well, obviously Dahlia and my mother’s deaths affected me greatly and have mostly created my overprotective nature but not all of the impactful moments have been bad. I mean, getting married and having children had an enormous impact on me, especially when Marcus joined the family. Having a child whose seeing is impaired really makes you look at the world and accessibility in general a lot differently. So... yes, I think those really are the events, really.” She told them, those being the only events she could think of, right at this moment.
12. And of course, I have to ask, were you in town when the Preacher Man was drowning people between '95 and '98? Did you happen to know any of the original seven victims? What was your life like during those tragic years? What was the aftermath?
She frowned, a little offended that he asked this again after she’d told him about Dahlia already. “I told you, didn’t I? I knew Dahlia. Losing her absolutely destroyed me and terrified me. I mean, he kills sinners. We’d just-” she cut herself off and looked up at the officer. He had to know. She had to tell him, even though it felt like something so private she’d feel naked speaking about it. It could be important. “the night before she disappeared, we’d... we’d slept together. t-the first time.” She told him, a bit embarrassed. “It was like he knew what we’d done and that is why she died. I... I feel like he might have seen us, which is... incredibly disturbing. I mean, maybe. That is just how it feels. Sometimes.” She clarified. “Maybe that’s not true. Maybe she was... hiding something else. I don’t know. Maybe she did nothing wrong. I... I just... it’s all a little much to think back to. I never talked about it much afterwards, so... I haven’t really processed it, I think.” She told them, as honestly as she could.
13. That said, did you know either Xavier Bordelon or Sara Mears personally? If so, what was your relationship to them? How much have their deaths affected you?
She nodded. “Sara was a student at the high school, until she left. I’ve worked as a couselor there for around eleven years, so... I mean, I talked to her occasionally. Her death rocked me to my core. It brought back memories, as you probably can understand. I didn’t know personally Xavier, though but... the return of the Preacher Man... it’s... it’s terrifying. I have three children, I have a wife and... and he has taken someone I loved from me once before. What if he does it again?” She asked, knowing that the absolute fear she felt must be obvious in her eyes. She couldn’t lose them. She’d probably go insane.
14. Lastly, Where were you on the nights of March 10th and July 24th and is there anyone that can corroborate your alibi?
She raised her eyebrows. “You think I was involved?” She wondered, a little flabergasted but after shaking her head in disbelief, she answered easily. “My youngest son was born on the 9th of March and I was with my wife in the hospital. I paid for one of those rooms with a second bed, so I could sleep in there with her. I think the night nurse can confirm we were there. My two other kids were at their grandparents’ house.” She explained before she said: “and on the 24th of July, I was in Los Angeles with my family on holiday. I can show you the booking confirmation and the dated pictures of us on holiday.” She explained, still annoyed that she actually needed an alibi. “So, can I please go now? I have to go pick Rey up from school.”
She had a commitment ceremony with her wife eleven years ago but got married to her when same-sex marriage became legal in the state. They have three children together. Their oldest is a daughter, whom was carried by Brooke. Her name is Rey and she’s seven years old. They always wanted to adopt and four years ago, they did adopt a boy named Marcus who is of South African decent and is legally blind. Their youngest son was born on the 9th of March and his name is Reign. He is now around five months old.
Brooke owns a Harley Davidson 2015 Fat Boy and it is her baby. She is not handy at all, so when something is wrong with it she does need to get it fixed by someone else but she absolutely adores riding around on it and the sense of freedom and power it gives her. Her wife calls it a death trap, but has admitted that seeing Brooke take her helmet off after riding does have it’s allure.
She still has a box in the attick that is hidden in an old wardrobe which contains love letters, pictures and a diary that are all detailing her relationship with Dahlia. No one knows it’s there and Brooke rarely looks inside of it but does, on the date of when she first kissed Dahlia and when Dahlia was discovered dead. She is still in love with the memory of her and she isn’t sure if her wife would cope knowing that.
extra ic details
I really want her to get closure surrounding Dahlia and the guilt she feels because it honestly isn’t healthy, especially now that the killer is back. It is bringing up so many memories and old feelings for a girl who has been dead for so long. It’s almost hero worship in her mind and she is the one who, aside from the killer, is responsible for the death of Dahlia. She is convinced that the killer took her because they had sex and that maybe, Dahlia would be alive if she’d just walked her home on the day she disappeared.
I think that all of this also would lead to struggles in her otherwise calm marriage. It will probably be obvious that Brooke is struggling and she will probably become distant from her wife, because having sex with her could mean that she might be killed to - in her mind, it is almost a cause and effect type of deal. I am really interested in exploring that.
Aside from that, she does have a child whose sight is impaired, which I think is somehting that they knew when they adopted him but I think it’s quite hard for Brooke. She is a worrier and she wonders how well her child will be able to cope and be a productive member of society. Of course that is ignorant, so I would love for her to really delve into finding a support group for herself and her wife, as well as meet blind people who can show her that success and happiness are possible.
There is also the issue that her father has never accepted her sexuality and doesn’t believe two women can raise children, especially boys so to see her deal with that is certainly something I will be dedicating self-para’s to. It’s complicated because the father has only outright said it just before their commitment ceremony and then never again, he just shows that he doesn’t agree quite subtly. It is torture to Brooke and it is something her children are starting to notice to, which makes it even worse. Should they really be around someone who doesn’t approve of their family?
She is a guidance counselor and one of her students has just been murdered, so I think that helping the students cope and hearing their stories, might have quite an effect on her. It will remind her of how she was when Dahlia died, so that makes it even heavier.
I think Brooke also needs to pick up a hobby, because she honestly just has her work, her motorcycle and her children so seeing her really try and get a friend group and explore what she likes to do will be interesting because aside from a few select friends, she’s pretty alone in the world, I think.
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