brotherdrowned · 6 years
THE REDHEAD COULDN’T HELP BUT RAISE HER EYEBROW as she watches the other flop down on the bench she was just getting ready to sit down on. cocking her head slightly as the other just appeared to be speaking to herself. 
“ yes. “ she answers, her voice even. unsure if the other was serious. “ you were. but you’re right. i don’t see the big deal. getting murdered while i’m young and pretty? bonus. i get to stay like this forever. “ a shrug. “ it’s pointless to worry. “ 
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“ i don’t see what the big deal is, ”    nora says, flopping down, stomach first onto the bench. there’s a low wince, almost inaudible, as she rolls over onto her back.    “ so what if we all get murdered by some psychopath. at least we’ll die young and pretty. or, i will for sure. ”     she shrugs slightly before looking up when when someone blocks her sun.    “ oh, was i speaking out loud ? ”    she asks, nonchalantly. of course she was.
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brotherdrowned · 6 years
eep hi!! i’m faith andddd this is my smol. :) i’m super excited here and to write with all of you. it’s been like.. a year since i’ve done any sort of group rp’s. i’ve been indie since december. xD playing around in the t100 fandom. but i missed groups and in my search i found this one !! here’s everything you’ll need to know about holly to start! alsooo hit the heart if you want me to hit you up to plot !! 
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[ madelaine petsch ] — What’s that figure? Oh, it’s just HOLLY WILKES. SHE is a  22 year old WAITRESS who is CISFEMALE and lives in Levins. You know, I think in a horror movie SHE  would be THE CHEERLEADER THAT PRETENDS TO BE DUMB. WHEN THEY'RE NOT.  They’d hate for The Director to find out THAT SHE PUSHED HER BROTHER INTO A POOL WHEN HE WAS THREE. CAUSING HIS DEATH.
NAME.     holly ann wilkes.
NICKNAME.    her mom used to call her princess, but that died with her mom three years ago.
AGE.     22.
BIRTHDATE.     january 14th.
ORIENTATION.     bisexual.
OCCUPATION.     waitress & student.
HEIGHT.     five feet even.
WEIGHT.     119 lbs.
EYES.     light brown.
HAIR.     dirty blonde // light brown.
TATTOOS.     she has a small one on her wrist, and one on her left ankle. ( desc to come !! )
SCENT.    she over uses vanilla perfumes, so she typically smells of vanilla.
SKIN TEXTURE.     smooth. she’s obsessive over lotion. loves the feel of her skin being soft.
CLOTHING STYLE.     she loves to stick to the latest trends, but also likes sweats with oversized sweaters and boots.
DISTINGUISHING TRAITS.     she has a few scars down her arm from playing as a child. a couple on her knees, too.
VERBAL TAGS.     soft, smooth a sweet. like a sugar cookie. deceivingly kind.
ACTION TAGS.     she smiles a lot, likes to fiddle with her hair. and she bites her lip a lot.
PERSONALITY OVERALL. she is a VERY layered person. on the outer layers, the things other see, she’s sweet. innocent and kind, if a little dumb. constantly giving others a reason to love her. though some more weary people wonder why there’s never anyone super close to her. because she doesn’t allow people to get too close. for fear that she won’t be able to hold up the facade. under the initial layers, she’s very vain and selfish. she takes great pride in her appearance. she will do anything to keep her secrets secret. contrary to what she shows outwardly she is VERY smart. it comes along with the manipulative and cunning traits. early in life she was diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. her mother, single at the time, moved to keep it a secret. and told no one. no one is aware of her diagnosis. and it’s one of the secrets she would do anything to keep.
BAD HABITS.     she has a habit of adopting animals and then dumping them, she wants desperately to feel the love for them other people do. but has yet to be able to form that bond.
EYES. she has BEAUTIFUL light honey brown eyes, that tend to darken in situations where she’s uncomfortable or anxious. sometimes certain lighting’s have the same affect.
LIPS.  her lips are quite literally what others wish they had naturally. with a perfectly full bottom lip and a cupids bow to die for, her lips are the envy of other girls her age. some would even go as far as to get injections to replicate them. - bullies in school used to tell her that her top lip was too thin compared to her bottom and now she believes this fully.
NOSE. her mother used to say that she had the epitome of a small, elfish button nose. rounded perfectly at the tip but still small enough to be considered girlish and feminine.
BUILD. she’s tiny, just barely standing above the requirements of a dwarf. five foot. she’s got a dancers build, having taken dance classes for several years as a teen. only recently dropping out of her class to have more time for school and work. she’s fallen just out of shape now.
MOTHER.  being a single parent, her mother, winnie, had all the love in the world to give to her daughter. she struggled, working two jobs to support them. leaving holly with her grandparents but it was a necessary evil. she didn’t like it and when she was home with her daughter she made it amazing. holly had everything she could ever dream of. she was the epitome of spoiled.  
FATHER. her father has never been in the picture, no child support, no visits, nothing. her mother knows who he is and he knows she exists but wants nothing to do with her. - what holly doesn’t know, is that he was a married man. wealthy with a family of his own. her mother was the side chick.  her mother constantly spun beautiful stories about him. saying that he was dead and that he died a heroic death. just to keep holly happy. until she was ten. when she found out that her father was alive and that he didn’t want her.
STEP FATHER.  her mothers husband, he came when she was eight. it all changed so fast. they moved into a new house, with her new ’ dad. ’ and her mom. and it was barely a year later when her mother was having a baby. a little boy. lucas, her stepfather, was so excited. but he didn’t let it affect how he treated holly. he was good to her. he bought her anything that she could want. he tried to be her father, he tried to be the good guy. to be her friend, even. but she hated him. she hated anyone that spent time with her mother. in her twisted reality her mother belonged to only her.
BROTHER. the whole basis of her secret. it was just holly and her mother until lucas came. and then.. all too soon someone else was taking her mother’s attention. a baby. a little boy. lucas she could tolerate. he was kind. he tried to make her happy. but jamie. the little screaming baby who wanted nothing but to take their mother away from her… yeah, no. she couldn’t deal with him. she tolerated him for four years almost before... she snapped. (more on this in her bio !! )  
when she was young she didn’t have anyone but her mother. her father didn’t want her - couldn’t have her, as he already had a family of his own. he didn’t have the time to deal with another child running around. nonetheless the issues it would cause in his wife. her mother didn’t care, though. she loved holly. she’d wanted to be a mother from the time she was a little girl and though.. being a single mother was hard for her she fought to do everything she could to be sure that holly had a good childhood. 
holly spent a lot of time with her mother’s mom and dad. her grandparents. holly never really liked them the way she did her mom. they were strict and made her follow a strict regime that while.. good for her, she didn’t like. they weren’t too fond of her either but they were never mean. 
she showed signs that something was off from the earliest of ages and out of their love for her everyone just brushed it off as a spoiled child. it wasn’t a big deal, she didn’t... kill animals or.. like, hurt anyone or anything. she was just.. different. 
and then, when she was five, she’d been going to a therapist for almost a year when he finally referred her winnie to a psychologist for a psychological evaluation. after everything was said and done, winnie came away with a diagnosis and a basis as to why her daughter was so off.  it affected her more than she’d EVER admit. 
she never told anyone, not even her parents. they just continued to believe that their granddaughter was just a bit weird. no big deal. 
three years later, her mother got married. to a very nice man named lucas who tried everything he could possibly think of to make the eight year old like him. it never worked. she hated him. she hated him for a multitude of reasons. 
she hated him because they had to move cities. she had to change schools. she hated him because her mother loved him and because he took her attention. 
she hated him because within the year her mother was pregnant with a little boy. jamie. her little brother. at nine years old she knew that she hated him. she hated him with every fiber of her being and.. while it took her awhile to get a handle on her emotions and pretend like she loved him. it was difficult. 
the three years she spent with him were the worst of her life. she hated him more every time he opened his mouth. whether it be to cry.. or to talk. and god forbid he look at her. 
the day that she killed him was the day that her whole world changed again. her mother was at work, lucas in the house making them lunch. they were playing by the pool. she was good. too good. she’d been planning it for so long that.. she knew exactly how she was going to do it. 
he was obsessed with the pool. constantly playing around it when he wasn’t supposed to be. at almost twelve they trusted her to watch him. to make sure he didn’t fall in. 
the plan was set in motion. the dog had been digging a hole by the gate. she’d been helping her whenever she got the chance. it was slow going. it took days. and then.. it happened. their dog got out and she.. well
she shoved her brother hard into the pool. stood there for a moment and watched as he floundered around in the water. sinking like a rock. 
and then she was off, turning to take off after her dog. by the time she got back she found lucas sopping wet trying to breathe life into his kid. 
it didn’t work. 
jamie died at approximately 3:15pm. 19 days before his fourth birthday. 
surprisingly, she was never caught. they didn’t think she was capable of something like that.. and the chasing of her dog was a good alibi. 
it was executed perfectly. the only thing she struggled with was playing the part of a grieving older sister when... she loathed him. 
her mother and lucas divorced soon after, the loss of their son too much and while he continued to send her presents for her birthdays and holidays she never saw him again. 
holly and her mother moved into an apartment and that’s where she still lives, even now that her mother is gone. 
her mother spiraled after her brother died, eventually taking her own life. holly had tried everything to keep her together but.. it just didn’t work. 
it was really hard on holly to handle her mothers death but.. it’s been three years now and.. she’s doing okay? finally. 
SO yeah that’s an overview of her bio and i’ll probably write a more in depth version at some point !!
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