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The Black Dagger Brotherhood (Saxton son of Tyhm)
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V sat back on his heels, crossed his arms, and continued to look down at the little bag of vampire. And what do you know. That infant sonofabitch glared right back at him. Vishous started to smile. He couldn’t help it. You had to admire that kind of strength- and it obviously came from breeding. How else could you explain why something that was barely a month old was ready to take on a grown-ass male who was heavily armed and really fucking cranky. ‘My man,’ V said as he put his good hand out. ‘Gimme five.’ Rhamp didn’t know from high-fiving anything, but he did grab onto what was right in front of his face, and oh, how he squeezed. V laughed deep in his throat. ‘Yeah, you can fight with me in the field when you’re grown. And soon as you’re big enough to hold a dagger… I’ll make one for you. Forge it myself. You’re gonna be just like your dad, one helluva a fighter. Just like him…’
The Chosen (J.R Ward)
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Whiskers NSFW
“You know, I’m glad you forgot your razor.”
Bella said as she smoothed her hands along the side of Zsadist’s face, enjoying the feeling of the rough stubble of his whiskers against her skin.
Zsadist looked away from the movie that was playing on the large flat screen tv that was mounted on the wall to his mate who was sitting in his lap as they lounged on the couch.
Bella and Zsadist were encamped in Wrath and Beth’s apartment in the city, taking a few days vacation to get some much needed alone time. And because they had been in such a hurry for their R&R, they had forgotten a few things, one of those being Zsadist’s razor.
Zsadist raised an eyebrow at her statement as he ran his hands up and down her bare legs. They had both pulled on the minimal amount of clothing on to vegge out on the sofa, Zsadist in his black boxers and Bella in navy blue sleep shorts and camisole, allowing as much skin to skin contact without lounging indecently on the King and Queen’s couch.
“You like the scruff?” Zsadist asked in a deep voice that was mostly gravel thanks to his shellan wearing him out trying to make up for the two weeks they had been insanely busy with Brotherhood and Safe Place business that they had been unable to do anything but sleep in their mated bed.
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Rhage raised his hand. “Pastor Ass-hat, I have a question.” “Yes, my son, you ARE going to hell.” Lassiter made the sign of the cross and then looked around.
The King by J.R. Ward (via lovelypagesreviews)
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i’m so fuckin’ ready for The Chosen. I love that it’s called The Chosen and not fuckin’ Lover Cleft Palated. damn right, this book is about our Blessed Lady of Heinous Decisionmaking
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Black dagger brotherhood Females + Name Meanings.
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qhuinn at the turn up function
left eye: blue right eye: green chromia: hetero sexual orientation: not
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Oooh, yeah… Butch saying “I need to go on a date” in his head and Vishous answering out loud: “Where are we going?” 
That’s all I need in my life. 
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honestly has there ever been such an #iconic book opening as z jumping out of a moving vehicle to beat the shit out of a lesser, screaming “where is the female” as the snow fell… your fave could never
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Wouldn’t mind finding Vishous like this in my bed for Christmas
(Credit: andy_v92 on instagram, andreamurdocstark on tumblr)
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Virgin Scribe, is that you?
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Photography: Studio Doma Vaquera Model: Marta Woltosz
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Brock O’Hurn edits for  Icelandic Glacial Water  commercial
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Yep, he could be a great Tohrment bro. True?
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Black Dagger Brotherhood Series:
Book 7 Lover Avenged & Book 8 Lover Mine
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me: *sees literally any person or animal with heterochromia* nice qhuinn reference
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