brujatx · 5 years
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brujatx · 5 years
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brujatx · 5 years
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brujatx · 6 years
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✨🌙Moon Magic collection rings in progress🌙✨
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brujatx · 6 years
🌕✨ moon water correspondences ✨🌕
taken from one of my favourite pages of my grimoire! 
moon water can be used for blessings, enhancing spells or rituals, for promoting clarity or relaxation, in love magic, wealth/prosperity magic, to increase psychic awareness, and many other purposes! but by harnessing your moon water at different times, you can then incorporate the specific traits of that time/phase/zodiac period into your spell work. 
✨new moon water ✨
the new moon is associated with new beginnings, so use new moon water in spells or rituals focusing on things like new employment, new relationships, or new homes. 
e.g. when moving into a new home, add a couple of tablespoons of new moon water to the water you would normally use to cleanse your house with!
✨waxing moon water ✨
the waxing moon is the period in which the moon is growing in size, so use waxing moon water as a way to grow the strength of your spells. waxing moon water is also beneficial in spells to promote growth (of abilities, skill, or knowledge). the power of the waxing moon also increases the potency of fertility spells, wealth, luck, business and relationship spells  
✨full moon water ✨
the full moon is the point at which the moon is at its peak, so use full moon water for spells that require an extra push of energy. also use full moon water in spells to promote strength, love, protection, health, or use in spells to strengthen spiritual gifts and achieve your dreams 
✨waning moon water ✨
the waning moon is the period in which the moon is decreasing in size, so use waning moon water for all magic intended to remove things from your life; banishing spells to rid yourself of bad habits, toxic relationships, lingering diseases, weight loss, stress, addictions and negativity 
✨dark moon water ✨
when justice is required and is not obtainable outside of your spell work, casting in the dark of the moon and adding dark moon water will help with any crosses, hexes or binding spells
✨super moon water ✨
think of full moon water x1000000…… when you need an EXTRA BIG KICK OF ENERGY for your spells, this guy has you covered 
✨lunar eclipse moon water ✨
the lunar eclipse signifies change, so when drastic change is required, the addition of lunar eclipse water draws on the phenomenal change shown during an eclipse, as the moon cycles through all of its stages in a single instance
✨zodiac* moon water ✨
full moon water also takes on the energies of the zodiac sign the full moon is in. here’s a brief rundown of those properties and/or what they can be used for:
1) full moon water in aries = couragous, positive energy; charging tools 2) full moon water in taurus = stable, earth, fertile energy 3) full moon water in gemini = positive charge, overcoming obstacles 4) full moon water in cancer = loving, maternal, protective energies 5) full moon water in leo = lucky, creative, successful energy; arts, politics 6) full moon water in virgo = practical energy; facilitates planning 7) full moon water in libra = persuasive, balancing energies; legal matters 8) full moon water in scorpio = psychic, spiritual, banishing energy  9) full moon water in sagittarius = transforming, spiritual energy; meditation 10) full moon water in capricorn = careers, politics, attaining material goods 11) full moon water in aquarius = innovative, inventive energies 12) full moon water in pisces = dreamy, psychic energy; astral projection
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brujatx · 6 years
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brujatx · 6 years
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La Luna ✨🌖
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brujatx · 6 years
How to celebrate the New Moon 🌑
Channel lunar energy and store it in a crystal for later use
Make new moon water
Perform any spells for new beginnings, cleansing, renewal, rebirth, peace, love, and healing 
Leave offerings for the moon 
Cleanse any tools, crystals, or other witchy items 
Cleanse yourself in the bath or shower - visualize any negative energy being washed down the drain (using soaps, shower gels, or bath oils that consist of scents like citrus, lavender, lemongrass, or anything else you associate with cleansing)
Cleanse your home
Put up new wards or renew wards that are currently in place
Take a ritual bath using herbs and oils that represent the moon (jasmine, lemon, sandalwood, honeysuckle, for example)
Alternately, use herbs and oils that represent rebirth and renewal instead (cedar, grapefruit, lemon, lemongrass, lime, etc.)
Light incense that corresponds to the moon
Start a new creative project 
Seek out new friendships or relationships 
Put in applications for employment, college, etc.
Break old or bad habits 
Treat yourself
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brujatx · 6 years
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brujatx · 6 years
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Self Love Collection February 2019
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brujatx · 6 years
Vegans of tumblr, listen up. Harvesting agave in the quantities required so you dont have to eat honey is killing mexican long-nosed bats. They feed off the nectar and pollinate the plants. They need the agave. You want to help the environment? Go back to honey. Your liver and thyroid will thank you, as well. Agave is 90% fructose, which can cause a host of issues. Bye.
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brujatx · 6 years
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Suki Cat
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brujatx · 6 years
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This Black Onyx ring is the first ring I’ve made with the intent of keeping. I love it so much! I feel so powerful and protected when I wear it. I’ll be incorporating similar design elements into a couple of statement rings for the December collection The Light Within, and leaving them unfinished so whoever claims them can order the size they need 🖤
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brujatx · 6 years
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brujatx · 6 years
“But sometimes you make a choice in that moment and you know in your heart it’s going to change everything.”
Daydream Nation
(via surqrised)
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brujatx · 6 years
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brujatx · 6 years
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