bsbllbsbll · 10 years
An American weapon kills tons of foreign cities?
Yup, that's how you achieve international piece, Ozy.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
Doc Manhattan isn't an alien threat; to the world he's a symbol of American oppression, and the attack only takes place on American soil, and the way US media has portrayed him has basically shown him to be pissed at the USA. It becomes an intra-national problem instead of a international issue that would require every country coming together to battle.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
I see so many people say they liked Watchmen's film ending better than the comic ending, which makes me think they didn't really understand the comic ending.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
If you use iOS, check out this app. I don't know of a way to do it through IfTTT.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
My main issues:
All the characters, except for the detective and the sister, felt like they were right out of cartoons, or commercials. Fumbling husband, bitch ex, celeb lawyer, lazy detective, crazy parent, psycho hillbillies: the characterization for those characters end there.
Plot holes, which really nagged at me during the movie. I don't have issues with plot holes so long as I don't notice them, but they seemed to be glaring in this film.
That said, I liked the ride, it was a really fun film. But it isn't a perfect or even great movie by any means.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
And the detective goes "Oh, alright!" That really bugged me, up until that point she was a totally strong, reasonable character.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
If you take out the "they filmed the same actors every year for twelve years - that's amazing" aspect then you're just left with a common middle-class upbringing in the US.
I don't think so, but I'd agree that the 'gimmick' is integral to the emotional impact. There's something deeply loving about literally watching people grow up, and it does help the movie, of course.
Plus the structure is fucking amazing. Any regular movie would hit you with big moments—this story is about the small telling moments in-between.
There was only one big "this is special" moment for me and that was when the mom had just moved into her apartment after he second divorce and said "I thought there'd be more."
That part and the ending, I felt an intense wave of different emotions. I'm not sure how to describe it, but I've rarely felt such a thing because of films. That's enough for me to put it on the top of my list for this year's best movies. Might be I'm in the right place for it, but goddamn Boyhood was tremendous to me.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
And had it been directed by someone other than Nolan and the reviews wouldn't be so mixed.
Quit with this shit. It's okay for other people to disagree with you. In fact, I'd say the bias lies on someone who's gone to see it three times and calls it the best theater experience they ever had.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
It's a good movie but the characters felt totally stock to me, save the sister and the detective (who's character changes for no reason at the end). I even dug the ending, it was totally infuriating, a great way to end the movie. I had issues with it, is what I'm saying, and have since I saw it, so please don't think any negative reaction is purely people "turning" on it.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
Calm the fuck down.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
This movie had two parts that were worth seeing, and both were because of the visual effects. Everything else—its politics, its story, its plot, its emotion, its dialogue, its cinematography—ranges from morally comprehensible to awful to just plain boring.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
Don't have five movies, I need to see more 2014 films tbh.
Boyhood. I've rarely felt such things from a movie. The structure and intense characters really make the film, and there's something inherently full of love in watching people literally grow before your eyes.
Nightcrawler. Another great character-based film, though tragic/dark to Boyhood's comic. Also very stylized, and so much fun to watch.
Babadook. A great and true horror film, more concerned with facing a very real "unreal" fear (What if I didn't love my child?), and a good if sort of obvious metaphor for grief.
Grand Budapest Hotel. I need to rewatch this one, saw it early in the year, but it really stuck with me.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
Spiderhead is out of Tenth Of December, which is a great collection, I've only read it and CivilWarLand and I'm not sure how I'd rank them. Semplica Girls is my probably my favorite short out of Tenth Of December.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
Flann O'Brien
Have you read much of him? I'm a fiction writing course write now and after we workshopped my story someone told me I should read Flann O'Brien. If you have any idea, where should I begin?
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
No number five, I guess.
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bsbllbsbll · 10 years
My brother used to read Mark Millar comics. I found him one day after school bleeding to death. Help, /u/whatevermyusernameis, he said. I tried to stop the bleeding but wasn't able. By the time the hospital got there, he was gone.
Before he passed, I asked him what happened. He pointed to a copy of Wanted.
The edge, he said... Too edgy...
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