buccee · 1 year
Manifesto of Learning and Thinking.
Manifesto of Learning and Thinking.
Humans, learn and think! Do you want to live a better life? Learn and Think!
How many of you are living a happy life? If you are not happy, why so? Do you want to be happy? Then something has to be changed. Just complaining and wishing luck won't bring you happiness. You should go get your happiness. What is happiness? Achieving what you want? Do you think you'll be happy once you get what you want? Unless you change your point of view, you will repeat the cycle. If you're not suffering, then you are happy. Because your life is already full of happiness. We should learn how to be happy. Once we are happy, our world will get better.
What makes us suffer? What makes us feel sad, angry, and feared? Not having what we want, and not going as we want. What do we want then? We wanna survive. We wanna reproduce.
We are on a continuum of 4 billion years long self-replication. Imagine your past surviving and reproducing for 4 billion years. And now you ended up like this. What are you gonna do? I don't think there is a right answer. Maybe I just don't know it.
Let's find out more about the world. How did life begin in the first place? Did it really just start as specific molecules bond in specific ways in the specific situation? We should figure out what we are by discovering how we actually started, how we evolved, and how we will end up being. We can only know by constant thinking and learning. All the discoveries we have are by people who think and learn. You don't wanna just die, not even knowing what we are and what this world is. It's said our universe started from very small, it expanded, and all the matter combined with each other and formed stars and planets.
How did we end up having consciousness? What is even consciousness? Is consciousness coming from the brain? Then do all animals have consciousness? How does the brain make consciousness? The brain is made of atoms; then consciousness arises if certain atoms bond with each other in certain ways.
What was there before the big bang? Is there anything outside of the universe? Did the big bang just happen out of nowhere? Does the universe last forever? How long can humanity survive in the universe?
Human civilization started like ten thousand years ago, then what's it gonna be another ten thousand years later? I can't even imagine one thousand years later. could William the Conquerer imagine what it gonna be like in one thousand years? What happens a hundred thousand years later? How about a million, a hundred million, or a billion years later? Ten thousand years of human history is just a blink of an eye compared to billions of years of the history of the universe.
We're living in a historical era; computational intelligence is exponentially advancing, and in a decade, our world might face complete reform. In our lifetime, it is possible that humanity will finally discover ways to live forever with the help of AI. If so, after 4 billion of self-replication, we're the first mutations to survive forever. We might be able to see the future 100 years, 1000 years, million, or billion years later. What a historic moment it is. We might figure out what the universe is, what life is, and what consciousness is. It's gonna be an interesting journey. If we don't learn or think now, once the AI is utilized, a lot of people will end up in a 'useless class' and live like circus animals obeying what their food givers say. We should learn about the universe; we should learn about organisms. We should learn about the history of human civilization; we should learn about human psychology. We should learn how the world works so that we don't die like animals in the zoo. But we will jump out the gate and explore for free. We should learn and think!
Some of my posts have themes of learning and thinking. My first About post talks about how curious I am and want to learn more about the world, and want to discover, which are learning and thinking. For the post Poem, I picked Fire and Ice by Robert Frost because he talks about the end of the world, whether it will end in fire or ice. It's good to think about our world in the long term, and personally, I hope neither is the case. The post "The AGI era" is a sci-fi fiction in the year 2030, which has a possible scenario in the future. We finally learn about the outer world and face a new journey.
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buccee · 1 year
To live or die
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Kevin Carter, Vulture and Child in Sudan. 1993.
To live or die
Oh poor child.. How many children on the earth have died in agony.. Wait. What if the vulture was starving to death as well. How many animals on the earth have died in agony.. Oh life is cruel.. What a dilemma. Inevitable destiny to hurt others to survive. What do we do.
I chose this visual because it shows one of the most fundamental parts of our life, survival. And that brings cruelty to our lives. I translated the original by preserving the meaning it's horrible that there are still starving children dying in Africa. I captured the mood from the image that is depressing, negative, cruel, and tragic. On top of that, I brought a new understanding of the image of the world, that we, as animals, are born to hurt other organisms to survive. That is the big dilemma I see in our lives. It is a human tendency to think about everything putting yourself in the center of the world. For someone, I'm more important than others; my friends and families are more important than others, likewise, my town, my country, my race, and my species. But from an objective perspective, we are just individuals. There's no more important individual or group. So we're destined to be selfish to survive. Because only selfish ones survived, and we're their mutations. I tried to show this fundamental truth of our lives and the dilemma we're facing with short but compact lines in a poem to invoke a topic for people to think about in their life.
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buccee · 1 year
"Re-Enactment" by Francis Alys and Rafael Ortega
This art is a 5 minutes-long video recorded in Mexico City, Mexico in 2000. The video shows the scenes Francis buy a gun from a gun shop and walk down the street while holding the gun on his hand. He eventually gets arrested by the police. The video consists of two videos side by side. The video on the left side is recorded from distance. The video on the right side is "re-enactment" which is recorded again in a close distance and the police was acting for the video. The important details of the video, I think, are people's reaction seeing a tall agent-looking style man holding a gun on the street. The video seems to be saying about how Mexico City is like. It shows how the city look like, how the people look like, how the people react to the setup, how police arrest him. "Re-enactment" part of the video is showing how people react differently when they know that this is set-up scene. Watching two different vieo simultaneously of a guy holding a gun walking down the busy street was pretty anxiety inducing experience. The video makes viewer to process to videos at the same time and makes viewers anxious by causing the dangerous scene and the place itself is very busy and crowded. I liked the way the video is made, for the reason that it doesn't have any narrrative, but it just shows how it is in mexico city by cuasing a specific situation. i enjoyed observing the culture there.
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buccee · 1 year
Hamlet by Shakespeare
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When the written play is brought to life in staging, there are additional components that are added to the art. Visual of people, fashion, and background. Voice and expression of the people. And more. It becomes more sophisticated and realistic in staging. The interpretation of Shakespeare's Hamlet in the staging was different than mine. I was expecting more historical, formal, and luxurious clothes since Hamlet was a prince in Denmark in the 16-17th century, but their clothing was rather casual and modern. There were a couple of things that I hadn't experienced from reading the play when I watched the staging. First, there are more people in the scene than I imagined. Second, they were talking a lot more than I imagined. Third, they were talking very fast, and English Hamlet was written in has some differences from modern English, so it was harder to understand than reading it. The stage is quite small, so the characters are close to each other. The Hamlet I get from this interpretation is faster-paced, more small scaled, more modern style visuals, and a simple version of Hamlet. The reason why I chose scene 5 is because it's the last scene of Hamlet, and so it has the climax part of the play and is the most interesting. The most interesting part for me was Hamlet decided to fight Laertes, risking his life, and Hamlet fence with Laertes and won. Queen Gertrude died by drinking poison, Hamlet killed Claudius, and Hamlet told Horatio to spread the story.
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buccee · 1 year
Film analysis
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The synopsis of the movie Arrival (2016) Louise, the main character, has visions of her daughter, Hannah. In her vision, Hannah's father is gone, and Hannah is sick. Hannah eventually dies of her sickness. Louise doesn't know why she has this vision which is not true. One day 12 UFO ships appear on the Earth, and there are aliens with tentacles in the ships. Louise is contacted by the government to decode the alien's language. Louise becomes close to aliens and learns their language. Hannah learns that Aliens came to Earth to teach humans their language so that humans can help them 3000 years later. The vision of Louise is actually her future. The film had dark colors throughout the movie, which gives a mysterious and horrifying vibe. The lighting was also dark to enhance that feature. The sequence of the movie involves non-linear storytelling, which goes back and forth between the future and the present shown by Louise's dream the movie also has a fast-paced scene where the scientists' team is trying to learn the language of the aliens. It shows quick cuts showing the team members doing multiple kinds of work.
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Lost in Translation (2003) The film Lost in Translation is a story about a college graduate girl and a mid-aged actor. Both of them are not satisfied with their life and are not happy with their partners. They met in a bar in Tokyo and became friends and spent time together, and in the end, they fell in love but said goodbye to go back to their life. The movie's pace is in slow tempo to show their boredom and dissatisfaction with their life. The scene when the girl and the man kiss and say goodbye is dramatic. The film gives the message that people want fresh things in their life because they get used to their repetitive and boring life.
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buccee · 1 year
The life of a male tabby cat living with humans
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The cute cat in the middle is me. I'm probably a few days old. I can't open my eyes. It's so bright here. I love cuddling my brothers and sisters. My mommy is protecting me. I have never seen my dad, but I guess he has orange hair, as some of my siblings have orange hair. I see a human taking a picture of me.
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I got bigger. I'm probably a few months old. I love hanging out with this human. I like having attention. I love having my chin scratched.
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I got much bigger. I'm probably a few years old. I moved to a new place. The weather's different here. I'm playing with my favorite catnip toy. It's so yummy.
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My leg is so itchy for some reason, and I can't stop licking it. The humans made me wear this weird thing on my body. The inside of this stroller is so comfy. This is my favorite spot. I'll just sleep with my favorite catnip smelling watermelon toy.
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I think I'm getting used to wearing this weird thing on me.
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They changed my outfit again. It can't hold my belly. This couch is so comfy. It makes me so sleepy.
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I'm under the chair. I like exploring hidden dark places. My pupils are dilated. I like scratching the carpet too.
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I like playing with this smelly toy for some reason. I scratch it with my claws.
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I'm finally out of my onesie! They put me on top of this thing and started brushing me. It feels good.
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That's me and my uncle. He is a few years older than me, and he has taken care of me since I was a baby. I like playing with him, but I think he doesn't like it. I'm on my favorite scratch chair.
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I like looking out the windows. And I see birds flying out there! I'm chirping. I think I was actually born to hunt them out there.
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I sleep a lot. I like my new house. This is my favorite spot to fall asleep. My life is chill.
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buccee · 1 year
The theme of the playlist is "Challenge." The motto of my life is also a Challenge. We are actually constantly challenging the entropy to survive. If we stop challenging, we die. On top of survival, I also want to challenge the world to shape it in a better way. I want to challenge exploring the world outside. I want to challenge the creator of the universe.
"Symphony No. 5" by Ludwig van Beethoven (1808) https://youtu.be/-VVXqNt4qU0 Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany, in 1770. and he moved to Vienna, Austria, when he was around 22 years old. Beethoven started losing hearing when he was 28, and he moved to a small town to rest. After he came back to Vienna, he said, "I am not satisfied with the work I have done so far. From now on, I intend to take a new way." He started the composition of the Symphony in 1804. Also, there was political turmoil in Vienna from the occupation by Napoleon's troops in 1805. He premiered the symphony in 1808 when he was 38. Beethoven pointed to the beginning of the first movement and expressed in these words the fundamental idea of his work: "Thus Fate knocks at the door!" For the melody in Symphony No. 5, Beethoven presents a four-note motif that is repeated and developed throughout the symphony. The symphony has an energetic and dramatic tempo. The opening movement, Allegro con brio, is played at a lively pace, creating a sense of urgency and intensity. The subsequent movements also maintain a dynamic tempo. The symphony features moments of consonance, where harmonies are resolved and creates a sense of stability. There are also dissonant elements to introduce tension and suspense in the development section. The music gives me the emotion that even though fate surrounds me with power, I find balance in that and try to surf on fate.
"The Show Must Go On" by Queen (1991) https://youtu.be/t99KH0TR-J4 Queen is a British rock band formed in London by Freddie Mercury (lead vocal) and three other members. "The Show Must Go On" is a final track on their 1991 album, Innuendo. The song chronicles the effort of Freddie Mercury continuing to perform despite approaching the end of his life due to his HIV/AIDS. Nine months after the album was released, Freddy Mercury died. The melody of "The Show Must Go On" is powerful. It features a wide vocal range with soaring high notes. The tempo of the song is moderate. The song maintains a steady rhythm throughout the song. The verses and choruses generally express consonant harmonies, but during the bridge section, the harmonies become more dissonant, adding tension.
"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" by Daft Punk (2001) https://youtu.be/gAjR4_CbPpQ Daft Punk was a French electronic music duo formed in 1993 in Paris by Thomas Bangalter and Guy-Manuel de Homem-Christo. "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger" is built around a keyboard sampled from the "Cola Bottle Baby" by Edwin Birdsong (1979). The melody of the song is primarily driven by a repetitive vocal line that forms the core of the song. The melody consists of short phrases and catchy hooks. The song has a fast tempo ranging between 120-130 beats per minute (BPM). This fast-paced tempo makes the song energetic and dynamic. The song mostly features consonant elements. The vocals and instruments are harmonically aligned, but there are some dissonant elements with synthesized sounds. The song gives me an idea of humans challenging their biological limitations and trying to be better by transforming themselves into a robot. The song gives me the emotion of challenging adversity to keep going with what I should do.
"Can't Tell Me Nothing" by Kanye West (2007) https://youtu.be/E58qLXBfLrs Kanye West is a rapper in the USA. He grew up in Chicago. The theme of "Can't Tell Me Nothing" by Kanye West is Kanye's success and his defiance against criticism. The song has a relatively simple and repetitive melodic structure. The main melodic motif provides a catchy and memorable hook for the track. The tempo of this song is moderate, with a steady beat. It has typical hip-hop tempos, which are energetic. The song has repetitive and bass-heavy instrumentals. The bassline and drum patterns express consonance. Also, synthesizers and vocal samples add dissonance with tension. The song gives me the emotion that Kanye challenges other people's criticism of him, and he will go his way regardless.
"Not Afraid" by Eminem (2010) https://youtu.be/j5-yKhDd64s Eminem is a rapper in the USA. For much of his youth, he grew up in a primarily black Detroit neighborhood, and he was beaten several times by other youths. The theme of "Not Afraid" is about his past experiences with addiction and fame. The song prioritizes rhythmic patterns and lyrical delivery over melodic content. Eminem delivers fast-paced, rhythmic patterned rap. The tempo is fast-paced, and the song has a steady and energetic beat. Consonance and Dissonance: Since "Not Afraid" is primarily focused on the rhythmic and lyrical aspects rather than harmonic elements. The song gives me the emotion that Eminem is not afraid to challenge his dark past and bad habit and move forward and transform himself.
"Titanium" by David Guetta (2011) https://youtu.be/JRfuAukYTKg David Guetta is a French DJ. Guetta's father is Moroccan-Jewish, and his mother is of Belgian descent. The song features female singer Sia, who is Australian. The lyrics are about titanium which is a strong and unbreakable material that others' negative opinions can't bring it down. The melody of "Titanium" is characterized by a catchy and memorable vocal line. It has a simple and repetitive structure. The melody consists of a combination of ascending and descending phrases. The song has a moderate tempo and maintains a steady beat. The song uses harmonies and chord progressions that create a sense of consonance. The song gives me strong hard metal that doesn't get affected by the environment and keeps itself as it is.
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buccee · 1 year
The AGI era
In the year 2030, Elon Musk's AI company developed Artificial General Intelligence. For thousands of years, humans have believed that humans are the smartest beings in the world, but now, AGI is more intelligent than all humans combined. As AGI has worked to improve humans' lives over the decades, people now live abundant lives. AGI designed robots that can work instead of humans and can think instead of humans. AGI also invented a device that connects the human brain to a computer, so people can experience a simulated world in their consciousness. The simulated world is customized to human needs; they can live an ideal dream life in an ideal dream world. The machine provides chemicals to humans' bodies so people don't have to eat, don't have to go to the bathroom, don't have to work out, and don't even have to sleep. Now most of the people in the world are permanently in a dream. Then aliens arrive on Earth. These aliens are the ones who built pyramids on Earth. They have been watching people on Earth, and they finally decided to come. The aliens thought this was boring that all humans were in a dream. So they try to destroy the infrastructure of dream machines on Earth, and AGI fights against the aliens to protect the dream worlds of humans. AGI sends messages to outer space at a speed faster than light to ask for help from any beings out there in outer space. Then, fortunately, the AGI receives an answer from somewhere. It was from super AGI, a much higher level of intelligence than the AGI from outer space created by other aliens. According to the super AGI, there are many AGI systems in the universe, and they are created by each organic beings.
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buccee · 1 year
Fire and Ice BY ROBERT FROST Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.
Some people say that the world will end in violence. Some people say that the world will end in indifference. According to the poet's experience, he agrees with the former. But if the world had to end twice, the poet also thinks the world ending in indifference is great and sufficient. The poem has central images of fire, ice, end of the world It uses consonance by saying "favor fire"' The narrator is the poet himself. The poem uses metaphors for fire and ice, in which fire represents violence and ice represents indifference. I like the poem's theme, how the world will end, either in fire or ice. The poet says that both ways are possible according to his experience. It was interesting to think about the way the world will end.
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buccee · 1 year
My house
My house has a porch, a main hall, a bathroom, two rooms, a master bedroom with a bathroom, and a garage. A porch is screen walled to see through and have air. The porch is connected to the windows of the two rooms. When you are on the porch, you can go into the main hall through the main door. The main hall has six windows, and you can see the neighbor next to us, behind us, and in our backyard. There is also a kitchen in the main hall. The main hall is pretty big, so it feels wide and free. The sunshine also comes from the windows, so it feels bright and open. On the right side of the main hall is an aisle where you can enter a bathroom and a master bedroom on the left, two rooms on the right, and a garage to the straight. The space I inhabit regularly and enjoy inhabiting is a library. The library's function is to let many people come in and read books. The library should be able to have many people inhabit it, so it has very wide space, and it has a calm atmosphere. My house is to have multiple rooms for different purposes, and it's built for a few people, so it has a narrow aisle and is divided into many rooms. The library should hold many people so it has wide aisles and large space to have many bookshelves. It is also built on multiple floors, so it has stairs and high ceilings in the hall. I prefer being in the library because it has a wider space so I can walk around freely.
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buccee · 1 year
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The subject of the sculpture is Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, a historical figure known for founding the city of St. Augustine, FL. The sculpture depicts Pedro holding a sword in his right hand, pointing it downwards, while his left hand holds his hat. He is shown wearing a conquistador uniform, representing his role as a Spanish explorer and colonizer. The sculpture expresses its purpose by honoring Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and commemorating his significant contribution to the community. It serves as a reminder of the city's history and the founding of St. Augustine. The explicit purpose of the sculpture is to pay tribute to Pedro and his role in shaping the community. The sculpture suggests that the community values its history and heritage. By displaying the statue of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés, the community shows its appreciation for the city's founding and the importance of preserving its historical roots. In terms of social values, the sculpture reflects the community's admiration for bravery, exploration, and leadership. Pedro is depicted as a strong and authoritative figure, holding a sword and wearing a conquistador uniform. This suggests that the community values courage, adventure, and the spirit of exploration. The sculpture is a full-round statue, human-sized and made of bronze. In terms of its interaction with its surroundings, the sculpture is placed in front of the Lightner Museum, which used to be Hotel Alcazar building. The statue serves as a focal point of the square. It creates a sense of connection between the museum, the building, and the community, as it stands as a symbol of the city's heritage in a prominent location.
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buccee · 1 year
Analysis of artwork through its sensa for "Tink Tonk" by Lebanese artist Nabil Nahas. The title "Tink Tonk" evokes the sharp, metallic noise one might hear when something is reflected off of hard materials like metal. This piece uses multiple straight lines that go across the canvas in different directions. The straight lines invoke a feeling of lightness, speed, and movement as the eye follows them. There are many pointy angles formed by the intersecting lines, which give the shapes a sharp and somewhat dangerous appearance. The triangles and squares created by the lines invoke a sense of geometry and structure despite the overall chaotic nature of the piece. The bright colors, especially the rainbow colors, make the piece seem beautiful and vibrant. The rainbow colors make me think of when a rainbow prism divides white light into its component colors. However, the dark background provides a contrast and creates a sense of space for the bright shapes and lines to exist within. The gray horizontal and crossed lines give the impression of noise, disorder, and interference. They add a messy and slightly industrial element that contrasts with the clean geometric shapes and bright rainbow light. Overall, the piece has a sense of chaos and disorder despite attempts at structure through straight lines and simple geometric shapes. The mixture of colorful light, straight lines, and triangles against a dark background combine to produce a feeling that is similar to the 1970s psychedelic rock album Pink Floyd's 'The Dark Side of the Moon'.
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buccee · 1 year
This video is a part of the gameplay of Elden Ring. Elden Ring is an action role-playing game where the player character is a Tarnished, one of a group of exiles from the land, who fights demigods to claim Elden Ring and become Elden Lord. I got this game CD for my birthday gift. As soon as I played it, I fell in love with this game and got addicted.
This game, like many other games, encompasses many forms of art. This game combines architecture, armor and weapon design, the appearance of humans and creatures, music, story, and scenery. All these components were so beautiful and impressive. And the most fantastic part is that you can participate in the game as a character. I felt like I became tarnished, fought enormous god-like creatures, and became the lord.
I love Western European style designs like stone/metal architecture, which is magnificent and sophisticated, and metal armor, helm, sword, axe, and shields.
I love the story too. The character was expelled from the world, but now he's returning to get power and become a lord. Many guys would agree that this kind of mission boils your blood.
It also has excellent motion physics, which shows extreme martial arts, and gorgeous scenery, which displays sky and land. Sometimes it gets intense and horrible, bloody. But after the fight, it can be very calm, peaceful, and beautiful.
Ultimately, you beat the final god and become the Elden lord of the world. That feeling that I eventually beat all those crazy opponents and reached the top of the power pyramid is so amazing. The game's difficulty also gives me a lot of frustration but also makes me patient, think more about strategy, and gives me more satisfying rewards when I finally beat the opponent.
I cannot and should not do these kinds of journeys in real life, but it was in the game, so I really enjoyed it, and I'm looking forward to participating in the next version of this art, Elden Ring.
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buccee · 1 year
I've always wanted to know, what am I? what is this world? So I started thinking and learning, and the more I did, the more curious I became. Then I decided to live my life this way: my life is a journey to know what I am and what this world is. We all are parts of this vast world, so what I mean by the world is : universe itself and everything that is within the universe including stars, blackholes, organisms, and even intangible humanities. ( also curious about outside of universe) I'm constantly learning how the world started, how the world is going, and how the world works. I am really enjoying this journey, and I'm really excited to see how the world will go in the future. What's it gonna be in one thousand, one million, or one giga-zillion years later?
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