buccee ยท 1 year
Manifesto of Learning and Thinking.
Manifesto of Learning and Thinking.
Humans, learn and think! Do you want to live a better life? Learn and Think!
How many of you are living a happy life? If you are not happy, why so? Do you want to be happy? Then something has to be changed. Just complaining and wishing luck won't bring you happiness. You should go get your happiness. What is happiness? Achieving what you want? Do you think you'll be happy once you get what you want? Unless you change your point of view, you will repeat the cycle. If you're not suffering, then you are happy. Because your life is already full of happiness. We should learn how to be happy. Once we are happy, our world will get better.
What makes us suffer? What makes us feel sad, angry, and feared? Not having what we want, and not going as we want. What do we want then? We wanna survive. We wanna reproduce.
We are on a continuum of 4 billion years long self-replication. Imagine your past surviving and reproducing for 4 billion years. And now you ended up like this. What are you gonna do? I don't think there is a right answer. Maybe I just don't know it.
Let's find out more about the world. How did life begin in the first place? Did it really just start as specific molecules bond in specific ways in the specific situation? We should figure out what we are by discovering how we actually started, how we evolved, and how we will end up being. We can only know by constant thinking and learning. All the discoveries we have are by people who think and learn. You don't wanna just die, not even knowing what we are and what this world is. It's said our universe started from very small, it expanded, and all the matter combined with each other and formed stars and planets.
How did we end up having consciousness? What is even consciousness? Is consciousness coming from the brain? Then do all animals have consciousness? How does the brain make consciousness? The brain is made of atoms; then consciousness arises if certain atoms bond with each other in certain ways.
What was there before the big bang? Is there anything outside of the universe? Did the big bang just happen out of nowhere? Does the universe last forever? How long can humanity survive in the universe?
Human civilization started like ten thousand years ago, then what's it gonna be another ten thousand years later? I can't even imagine one thousand years later. could William the Conquerer imagine what it gonna be like in one thousand years? What happens a hundred thousand years later? How about a million, a hundred million, or a billion years later? Ten thousand years of human history is just a blink of an eye compared to billions of years of the history of the universe.
We're living in a historical era; computational intelligence is exponentially advancing, and in a decade, our world might face complete reform. In our lifetime, it is possible that humanity will finally discover ways to live forever with the help of AI. If so, after 4 billion of self-replication, we're the first mutations to survive forever. We might be able to see the future 100 years, 1000 years, million, or billion years later. What a historic moment it is. We might figure out what the universe is, what life is, and what consciousness is. It's gonna be an interesting journey. If we don't learn or think now, once the AI is utilized, a lot of people will end up in a 'useless class' and live like circus animals obeying what their food givers say. We should learn about the universe; we should learn about organisms. We should learn about the history of human civilization; we should learn about human psychology. We should learn how the world works so that we don't die like animals in the zoo. But we will jump out the gate and explore for free. We should learn and think!
Some of my posts have themes of learning and thinking. My first About post talks about how curious I am and want to learn more about the world, and want to discover, which are learning and thinking. For the post Poem, I picked Fire and Ice by Robert Frost because he talks about the end of the world, whether it will end in fire or ice. It's good to think about our world in the long term, and personally, I hope neither is the case. The post "The AGI era" is a sci-fi fiction in the year 2030, which has a possible scenario in the future. We finally learn about the outer world and face a new journey.
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