buddhistbow · 6 years
He got the text in the middle of patrol, the words flashing across his cowl’s lenses straight from his phone. The formality of it all made him smile. Pausing on a roof, he dictated a reply:
[text:] Hey Connor, I’m good. Send me your location, I’ll be over ASAP 🖖👁️🔍
He called on the Justice League satellite’s teleporter once he got the coordinates, arriving at the base of the building and grappling his way up. Tapping on the frame of a broken window as a greeting, he entered carefully and looked around.
“Quite a scene. What’s the situation?”
Connor always appreciated the silent way Robin moved and the quiet authority. It was wildly different from working with his own family members. Roy was more apt to drag him out into the world and his father was known for his loud mouthed banter. It was disconcerting for the moment to realize someone else was even in the room with him. “Kidnapping. Not the first to match this pattern in the area. From what I can tell this would be the fifth, but each kid has been taken far enough apart that it hasn’t pinged the locals yet as something more.” He gestured around the room. 
“I’m more suited to the pursuit than detecting.” He smiled, easy and open, perfectly at ease deferring to the younger man. “So, I called the best.”
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buddhistbow · 6 years
moving away from her mother’s home so she could be closer to gotham u implied that batgirl had a bigger patrol route – which steph was all too excited about.  except for the occasional emergency that required more back up for either of the two batmen or any other vigilante calling oracle for help, she never really got to expand much from the suburbs until now.
the people were really warming up to her in this neighborhood, too.  of course there was the ungrateful occasional asshole that thought they could save their own bacon and the bats ought to go back to their cave, but for the most part the reception had been great.  apparently the  word had run and said batgirl was quite the formidable protector and a friend to all those in need.  she’d even scored a sweet discount with the guy running the hotdog cart on fifth and washington ( only because she refused to accept completely free meals every time she wanted. )  overall, it wasn’t the greatest neighborhood to live in – she wouldn’t have afforded to live there if it was –but the people in her building really appreciated having both batgirl and stephanie around.  so who cares if she still had to sleep with a baseball bat under the bed and her bedroom window wouldn’t close all the way unless she jammed it the right way.  as long as she got to keep both her day and night jobs, steph was happy.
stopping muggings was common occurrence on batgirl’s patrols before and after steph’s move;  what was not common occurrence was seeing connor hawke.  her eyes lit up with recognition, looking over shoulder as she tied up the perp for the police.
“ well, hey ! ”  she grinned as she finished off, and after a quick exchange with oracle, she was running up to connor.  “ been awhile since you came to gotham. ”
“I missed my friends.” The truth was always the easiest in his mouth. He grinned in return- her smile infectious. Connor stepped neatly over the crooks sprawled legs, resisting the urge to straighten them and opened his arms for a hug. It had seemed politic to allow her to finish even as the soft brown haired woman looked between them both before bolting out of the alley on shaky legs. 
“How are you S-Batgirl?” He bit his lip on the codename and hoped she didn’t notice the slip. He was terrible at keeping it all straight, but he’d been working diligently to memorize them all.  “I’ve appreciated your emails. I am still not quite sure about the last television show you sent me, but I’ll admit to attempting at least a full episode this time.”
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buddhistbow · 6 years
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Chuck Junior
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buddhistbow · 6 years
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Connor and Mia in Green Arrow and Black Canary #01
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buddhistbow · 6 years
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Arsenal #2
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buddhistbow · 6 years
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buddhistbow · 6 years
“If you’re reading this and you’re not happy right now, you will be. I don’t know what you’re going through. Everyone has their own type of darkness that they’re trying to make sense of, but no matter how dark it gets, you’ll do it. Things will get better, you will get better. Life will become brighter, and you’ll look back on days like these when you couldn’t look forward to the next hour, let alone the next day. When you do, you’ll smile, maybe even laugh, and it’ll hit you. You turned out just fine.”
— Maxwell Diawuoh (via wnq-writers)
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buddhistbow · 6 years
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“Love will come.”
“The night after you left, I woke up so broken, the only place to put the pieces, were the bags under my eyes.”
“he isn’t coming back, whispered by head. He has to, sobbed my heart.”
“I don’t want to be friends, I want all of you.”
“you leave but you don’t stay gone.”
“the way they leave you tells you everything.”
“perhaps I don’t deserve nice things because I’m paying for sins I don’t remember.”
“do not bother holding on to that thing that doesn’t want you.”
“there is a difference between someone telling you they love you and them actually loving you.”
“to be soft is to be powerful.”
“I’ve had sex, but I don’t know what making love feels like.”
“nothing shined brighter when she smiled.”
“that’s the saddest part of love, being there alone.”
“I love you and what that means is that I promise to be better than you’ve ever had. I promise to give you something completely different completely different than what you’ve known.”
“when you love, you see it in everything, even when it isn’t there.”
“I lied to you, I never loved you.”
“you once helped me forget, but now you’re a reminder.”
“I was in search of love and you were just the lie I told myself to keep from feeling alone.”
“I felt like you were a moment, and I missed it. You were my moment, and I missed it.”
“honestly, I just want the love I’ve given you.”
“love me like you’re losing me.”
“maybe I’m your one, we are one and the same in search of the same thing, in search for one another.”
“this is my love for you.”
“I’ve been suffocating beneath this idea of a love that you’ll never be able to provide.”
“things changed the night we met.”
“you can be in love and you can be in a relationship. But they’re not always the same thing.”
“I remember more of what I didn’t expect to remember with you.”
“every time they cut you, I bleed.”
“you were more than just an experience, you are the light that surrounds them.”
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buddhistbow · 6 years
The room was destroyed, littered with broken glass and a poster that was waving in the slight breeze from the gaping window. The sash snapped inward and a few teddy bears scattered like breadcrumbs near the bed. The bed itself was made, soft blue stripes tucked neatly into the frame with hospital corners. There wasn’t any blood, and Connor counted that a small relief. The parents of the child weren’t home, staying at a relatives while the police continued the investigation.
Connor slung his bow and crouched, arms draped over his knees and fingers loose. He wasn’t a detective; he was still learning about the outside world and the startling colors and shocking emotional vibrancy of it all. He understood loss and he understood grief. He understood the joy of a child’s laughter and the silence of the room pushed heavy at him.
He was out of his depth and he wasn’t so proud not to reach out for help when it was necessary- or even when it would be welcomed.
The phone was new, shiny and thin, but he had been carefully listening to the lessons Mia was so fond of giving him when it came to technology. He thumbed out a careful text.
to robin: Hello, I may need your particular skills if it’s not too much of a bother. I’m hoping this text finds you well. With regards, Connor.
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buddhistbow · 6 years
“Where’s the damn coffee!” “In the fridge!” “What self respecting human being puts-””It keeps it fresh””Coffee in the fridge?””Don’t bark at me, OldMan!””Old!? I’ll show y-”
Connor had the strange urge to push his forehead against the table as Mia and Ollie hollered at each other from one side of the kitchen to the other. He was attempting to read, unknowingly setting himself in the middle of a battle field for the coffee’s honor. He watched Ollie stomp to the fridge, pausing to push a quick peck to Mia’s hair even as she rolled her eyes and threw a loving punch at his kidneys. Connor blinked, learning the language of Queen affection in all of it’s capslocked glory.
Sometimes he felt like the footnote of the family, the quiet bit of information that was tucked at the bottom of the page that could be read at leisure. He was quiet, calm, and worked to have a balance that seemed to hum under the normal voluble affection that was ricocheting through the house at any time. Instead he smiled and pushed his thumb into the pages, marking it for later and stood to walk out of the room. The din faded- slightly- behind him. He pulled the phone from his pocket and dialed Roy. He was attempting to build a relationship there and called as often as he could. It rang once and he started speaking in a low calming tone.
“I don’t want to alarm you,” he began, letting a rich joy creep into his inflection. “But our Dad has decided that Mia should not be allowed in the kitchen any longer. I do believe he’s going to get hurt.”
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buddhistbow · 6 years
Connor had taken a taxi from the airport to a hotel in downtown Gotham. He figured it was considered rude to patrol in uniform in another city, so settled for walking the streets quietly. He’d asked Tim once about the city itself, wondering if there were certain segments that were considered worse than others- something he had found true in Star City. The emailed reply had been incredibly detailed, like a homework assignment that was finally being turned in.
Looking back, he was grateful for that particular thoroughness as he took a right hand turn and came face to face with a mugging in progress. He blinked once and the man holding the gun blinked back at him.
In the ashram, meditation wasn’t the removal of thoughts, but an awareness of them, a presence in his own mind that allowed him to experience the entirety of a moment instead of skipping through his life from one white noise space to another. It had been odd the first time that same awareness was applied to a street fight instead of the coordinated efforts of kata in the monastery. It had been bruised knuckles, brick burn, and the realization that his stretching regimen would need to succinctly double if he would be able to move with any sort of limberness the next day. Now, it allowed him to carefully note that the woman had soft looking brown hair and a well worn overcoat. The man had a scab over his right eye and his hands shook with delirium tremens. He could smell the booze from this distance and up close it must have been overwhelming. The brick buildings weren’t too close, but the fire escapes rubbed shoulders with the dumpster and a pack of feral cats lived in the basement of the building on his right, eyes gleaming at him from the shattered casement window.
He wet his lips, letting his stance go loose- knees unlocked and arms a gentle weight at his shoulders. He smiled brightly. “Hello.”
He’d consider it luck that the batarang knocked the thug’s gun away, but he did know he was in Gotham after all. He glanced up and beamed happily at the blur of blonde hair and dark purple that fell quickly to knock the startled gunman unconcious. “Oh hi! I was looking for you.”
Connor waved.
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buddhistbow · 6 years
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https://instagram.com/p/72oISpMN_N/ gorgeous human being
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buddhistbow · 6 years
headcanon: the only thing the arrows family can agree on sometimes is Led Zepplin.
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buddhistbow · 6 years
Go back and take care of yourself. Your body needs you, your feelings need you, your perceptions need you. Your suffering needs you to acknowledge it. Go home and be there for all these things.
Thich Nhat Hanh (via cultivating-kindness)
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buddhistbow · 6 years
Led Zeppelin - Bron-Yr-Aur
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buddhistbow · 6 years
››  RANDOM  MUN FACTS  YOU SURELY WANT TO KNOW . repost, not reblog !
name : Meagn
nickname / s :  not really
height : 5′5
nationality : american
favourite fruit : mangoes 
favourite season : winter where I live
favourite scents : confederate jasmine
favourite colour / s : aspen yellow
favourite animals:   I love watching panda videos
tea , coffee , hot cocoa :  iced coffee
average hours of sleep : 8 if I’m off the next day
when my blog was created : april 2015.
random fact : I love my truck more than people
favourite food : lamb vindaloo
favourite t.v. show : Space: Above and Beyond and Farscape
favourite movie : Pump up the Volume
favourite vine : “Look at all those chickens.”
sexuality : bi.
pronouns : she / her.
favourite book series : Dragonriders of Pern
favourite video game / s : I don’t play video games
favourite subject : Social Anthropology
guys or girls : both
last time I cried : A Star is Born- jesus.
what I should be doing : Sleeping probably.
favourite fandoms :  DC pre n52 and movie Marvel or any OC that shows up. I love when I get to let OC’s loose on the world.
TAGGED BY : @sonicanary TAGGING : anyone who wants to
0 notes
buddhistbow · 6 years
The room was more lavish than what he’d grown up with, at least ten foot square with a long window that was dark with drawn curtains. There was a small dresser in pale formica past his toes that had a few vases of flowers wilting cheerily under a flat screen tv that was mounted to the wall. To his right were a few wipe boards with instructions for his care. He blinked a few times, green eyes focusing in on the words before tipping to center on Dinah. She was a stunning woman. He learned that compliment from Ollie. 
Beautiful women come and go, but there’s some- the stunners- that knock you on your ass and then don’t even offer you a hand up after.
He gave her a smile, small and quiet like a secret. She looked tired and worried, but he was sure he must look worse. 
“I don’t know? I smell.” He wrinkled his nose and made an apologetic face. Connor’s voice was soft, low, and mellow. He wondered sometimes if he sounded like his father, but Ollie was brash and brassy in a way he’d never been comfortable being. “I’m grateful you’re here.” 
“What happened? Are they hurt?” His eyes widened. “Are you?” The spike in his blood pressure and heart rate caused a small symphony of disharmonious noises to erupt from the machines to his left. He immediately closed his eyes and caught his breath back to center despite the start of a headache creeping around his skull. “That was unwise.” He huffed a breath and paused to really settle into his body, taking stock. “I’ve been drugged. I’m not sure if I can feel my nose.” 
__________  “ It’s definitely an improvement, && it’s badass. You’re making a spectacular recovery. ”      I’m proud.  When times had been rough, && hard on them, he had been there, always. Even watching her when Ollie couldn’t, making sure she didn’t do anything stupid. She could have tho… she was close to make a couple mistakes, realizing that losing Ollie once again had clearly gotten heated && turned her into someone else. Someone fueled with permanent anger. But the younger man had taken care of her. 
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&& now it was definitely her turn. 
“ Do ya need some help ? ”     She rose from the edge of the bed, letting him gather his thought && personal space.      “ Mia && Ollie are out for a couple of days. ”     She didn’t elaborate more, she wasn’t sure he wanted to be remembered of what their lives were like. But they needed to talk though, especially after Connor’s fail at shooting the other night. 
continued from x.  @buddhistbow​
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