Top 10 Birth Control Myths Debunked: Know Facts About Contraception
Birth control is one area of your health where you might hear things that aren’t true because myths surround many facets of women’s health. Some myths are passed down from relatives, and others you might find on the internet.
There are many baseless myths about the effectiveness and safety of birth control, which may prevent some people from using the best birth control method.
At Budget Fertility Center, we provide effective and inexpensive contraception treatment in Mumbai. Depending on your health, plans to have children in the future, and whether you need protection from STIs, our team of experienced and skilled gynaecologist in Mumbai can assist you in making the best decision regarding birth control.
Several birth control methods, such as condoms, pills, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and other barrier devices, are available to those who want to prevent pregnancy. Knowing the facts can help you make better family planning decisions, improve your health, and preserve your fertility.
In this article, we examine the realities of various contraception options and dispel common misconceptions.
So, let’s dispel a few of these widespread birth control myths.
Myth #1: Birth control keeps STIs at bay
Although barrier methods, like condoms, can lessen the risk of getting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), they are not 100% effective. For example, areas of the genitalia that are unprotected by a condom may carry the Herpes virus.
Other birth control methods are ineffective in preventing STIs. IUDs, oral contraceptives, and surgical sterilization do not affect preventing infection. Ask your gynaecologist doctor in Dadar Mumbai for advice on lowering your risk of contracting an STI if you use this method of birth control.
Myth #2: Hormonal birth control is the only available effective treatment
When someone says “birth control,” they frequently mean hormonal methods of contraception like pills, patches, implants, or intrauterine devices (IUD).
Hormonal contraception is only one choice, though there are many others. Some people opt not to use hormonal methods or are compelled to avoid them to choose from various alternative approaches.
intrauterine devices
Other birth control strategies can be just as effective as hormonal methods, if not more so. For instance, the pill is only 99% as effective as the copper intrauterine device (IUD), which has no hormones.
Myth #3: Birth control will lead to weight gain
Although birth control can have side effects, you shouldn’t be concerned about this one. There isn’t any evidence yet that birth control leads to noticeable weight gain. Women gaining weight has been reported anecdotally, but other lifestyle factors may be involved.
For example, many women start using birth control when their bodies are already undergoing significant changes. When weight gain does happen, it typically weighs less than 5 pounds.
Myth #4: Contraceptives cause cancer
An essential aspect of women’s health is cancer prevention. One of the birth control myths you can stop believing is that oral contraceptives can cause cancer.
Certain cancers, including endometrial and ovarian cancer, can be avoided with hormonal birth control. To further lower your risk, your doctor may recommend cancer screenings while you visit them for birth control.
Myth #5: Older women can stop using birth control
The menopausal transition can take years to complete. After the age of 40, your chances of getting pregnant decrease, but it is still possible.
You should discuss your fertility with your gynaecologist to prevent a surprise pregnancy once you reach midlife. You will typically need birth control until you have gone at least a year without a period.
Myth #6: Contraceptives damage fertility
Birth control won’t harm your fertility, except for permanent sterilization techniques. With most hormonal birth control methods, you can stop using your preferred method and start trying for pregnancy.
Your body quickly resumes its normal reproductive processes, and most women can still get pregnant even after using birth control for many years. Another problem could be present if you are having trouble getting pregnant. Always cooperate with your doctor to find any issues affecting your fertility.
Myth #7: Occasionally, taking birth control breaks is a good idea
Some think the body needs a break from hormonal birth control methods. This may result from the perception that most medical professionals advise reviewing your birth control method every 10 to 15 years. However, this isn’t because your body requires rest.
Instead, every age has a different approach to birth control education. You may need to adjust your plan as your body and lifestyle change. For instance, after having the desired number of children, some women might be prepared for permanent birth control. Some women might want to switch to a type to manage their perimenopausal hormone fluctuations.
Myth #8: Some birth control methods are superior to others
If you ask a group in a room which birth control method, they believe is the best, you will probably get some dynamic responses. The fact is that every form of birth control has advantages and disadvantages.
The most crucial step is choosing the one you can frequently use that works best for you. For example, since they don’t have to worry about remembering to take a pill each day, some women prefer the simplicity of IUDs. Others like the birth control pill because they are used to it.
Myth #9: Contraceptive pills start working right away
If you begin taking the birth control pill within five days of the start of your period, you are probably covered. Starting the pill at any other time during your cycle will require you to wait at least a week before you can feel secure that you won’t become pregnant unexpectedly.
You are still permitted to have sexual relations during this time. Use an additional method of birth control, such as a barrier method. Finding the best birth control method for you may be difficult, even when you know the truth. Make sure to discuss your options with your gynaecologist in Dadar Mumbai.
Myth #10: Hormonal birth control methods cause abortions
Specific pro-life organizations have widened their scope to include contraceptives, particularly hormonal birth control. Any birth control doesn’t cause abortion. This is so because ovulation, which prevents implantation, is prevented by all hormonal birth control methods. Pregnancy begins with implantation.
The majority of people can find a reliable method of birth control. Women may need to try different approaches or combinations to find a practical solution with the fewest adverse effects. Although all medications, including birth control, have some risks, the majority of myths about birth control’s risks are untrue.
Anyone considering a novel method of birth control can inquire with our seasoned gynecologist doctor in Dadar Mumbai at Budget Fertility Center about its effective usage.
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IVF Failure – Why and What Next
In vitro fertilization (IVF) has been a ray of hope for couples having difficulty conceiving naturally. However, despite its high success rates, IVF does not always guarantee a successful pregnancy.
This can be devastating for couples pinning their hope on it to conceive and become parents. They feel lost and depressed.
Do not lose hope. IVF failure does mean that you cannot realize your dream of parenthood. It often takes two or more IVF cycles to be successful.
No doubt, fertility treatments can take a toll on you emotionally, physically, and financially. But remember, you can get help from fertility specialists with decades of experience, like some of the best gynaecologist in Dadar Mumbai at Budget Fertility Center.
If your IVF cycle fails, our highly qualified  IVF doctor in Dadar Mumbai will discuss the cause of the failure and use the information to increase your chances of success the next time you try the procedure.
Given below are some of the common causes of your IVF failure:
1. Woman’s age
A woman’s age plays a significant role in the success of the IVF cycle. As they grow older, the quality and quantity of eggs decrease, affecting the likelihood of pregnancy or live birth following IVF.
Women under the age of 35 have the highest probability of IVF success, says Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, the co-founder of Budget Fertility Center, a well-known IVF center in Mumbai.
2. Ovarian response
At the start of the IVF cycle, the woman must take hormone injections every day to boost egg production. This medicine can cause some women’s ovaries to react improperly, which prevents them from producing enough eggs for retrieval. This mostly happens to older women who have a low ovarian reserve.
However, the poor ovarian response does not imply that you cannot undergo IVF. Investigations and medication adjustments might be able to improve the issue.
Your doctor will conduct a blood test and ultrasound to check the ovarian reserve. Accordingly, they will decide the appropriate treatment plan and hormone dosage to trigger your ovaries to produce enough oocytes.
3. Issues with implantation
It indicates that the embryos did not successfully attach to the uterus. It could happen due to many factors, such as thin endometrial lining, scar tissue, uterine polyps, high levels of progesterone, or a uterine infection.
Dr. Hrishikesh Pai, one of the best gynecologist in Dadar Mumbai, explains, “Most of the time, implantation complications are beyond anyone’s control. We perform a series of teststo look for potential reasons for implantation failure so that we can address the issue for a better outcome in the next cycle.”
4. Chromosomal abnormalities
The embryo’s chromosomal abnormality is another factor that frequently prevents them from implanting. Chromosomal anomalies may be inherited from one of the parents or may arise during the initial stages of embryonic development.
Chromosome-deficient eggs are more common in women over 35, and the risk increases with age.
Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) helps ascertain the embryo’s genetic health and is crucial to the success of IVF. The fertility specialist will only use healthy embryos for the transfer, thereby increasing the chances of implantation.
5. Lifestyle
Everyone wants to be an ideal IVF candidate, which could entail following a nutritious diet and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Smoking will adversely affect the success of your IVF. Smoking increases the risk of miscarriage and often doubles the number of IVF cycles needed to conceive. You are more likely to have a failed IVF procedure if you are underweight or overweight.
What next after a failed IVF?
It is natural to feel sad and depressed after a failed IVF cycle. But remember, it is not the end of the road.
Consult your fertility doctor in Dadar to learn the causes of the failure before trying again. It might help you and your doctor understand the problems and whether they can be addressed.
You must be mentally and emotionally ready to repeat the IVF cycle. While undergoing IVF, stress management is a crucial factor to consider because couples may continue to feel nervous and tense in anticipation of the results.
Before starting the next IVF cycle, the doctor may perform a few tests to find out the root cause of IVF failure, such as:
Sperm assessment
Infection screening
Immune testing
Checking the uterine cavity
Donor eggs might be an option for women with few or nonviable eggs. Furthermore, you can choose from alternatives like adoption and surrogacy if your body is not ready for additional cycles or if there is an underlying condition.
Avoid searching for pregnancy hacks or worrying about your fertility issues, as it will not solve your problem but can raise your anxiety levels. Instead, visit a reputed fertility center with a high success rate for your IVF treatment.
At Budget Fertility Center, we have treated many couples who were unsuccessful in their fertility treatment. We are one of the leading clinics for IVF treatment in Dadar [PD1] Mumbai.
Our IVF doctors in Dadar are experts in handling challenging cases with advanced treatments and cutting-edge equipment and technologies, giving prospective parents new hope.
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Know the Difference between IVF & ICSI
The decision to undergo fertility treatment is by no means simple. Depending on your and your partner’s needs, there are several fertility treatment alternatives and factors to consider. The world of fertility treatments might appear to be a minefield, especially if you are not familiar with the acronyms for words you might not usually be exposed to.
If you are experiencing problems conceiving naturally, your gynaecologist doctor in Dadar Mumbai may advise assisted reproductive techniques like IVF and ICSI.
The Budget Fertility Centre offers cutting-edge, efficient, and cost-effective IVF treatment in Mumbai. It is one of the leading IVF centres in Mumbai.
Based on the results of your fertility tests, our team of the best gynaecologists in Dadar Mumbai may assist you in getting pregnant through IUI, IVF, ICSI, and/or IMSI. Since these fertility procedures are distinct, patients frequently ask us which is the best.
IVF treatment in Dadar Mumbai
Remember that every person’s journey to becoming pregnant is different, so what may be recommended for one person may not be suitable for you. Individuals are often more familiar with one term than the other and must understand the difference between the two or what each treatment includes.
Even though addressing your case with your fertility specialist is essential, you should familiarize yourself with the difference between the most common fertility procedures, IVF and ICSI.
Here are the key distinctions between IVF and ICSI and when each is typically advised.
First, let’s understand IVF, In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is the process of fertilizing eggs in a lab using sperm from a partner or a donor after utilizing fertility medicines to stimulate your ovaries to generate high-quality mature eggs. In a particular dish, sperm and eggs are mixed, and the eggs are monitored for signs of fertilization.
The best embryo is chosen for transfer into the woman’s uterus to develop and implant to achieve pregnancy.
When is IVF suggested?
IVF - IVF addresses problems like fallopian tube obstructions or damage that prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg in the body. Your fertility specialist might also suggest IVF in some situations of unexplained infertility or mild cases of male factor infertility.
What are the Benefits of IVF?
Benefits of IVF - We can increase the likelihood of conception with IVF by combining sperm and eggs.
Our sophisticated embryo selection methods, which include time-lapse monitoring and preimplantation genetic screening, enable us to select the embryo with the best potential of becoming pregnant. If your cycle produces more than one healthy embryo, you could cryopreserve the leftover embryos for subsequent treatment cycles.
Now, let’s discuss ICSI,
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is a refined form of in vitro fertilization. During ICSI, the best, healthy sperm from the treated semen sample is collected and injected into the egg to fertilize it instead of mixing it in a dish in the laboratory.
When is ICSI suggested?
ICSI is a procedure used to address male infertility problems, such as low sperm counts or immobile sperm, that prevent sperm from spontaneously fertilizing the egg. Additionally, it is applied to men whose sperm has significant DNA damage or sperm that needs surgical removal. IVF is typically advised if sperm difficulties are not the root of your infertility problems.
What are the Benefits of ICSI?
ICSI - When your spouse has sperm quality issues, ICSI can help you become pregnant.
The high-quality sperm bypasses the other early fertilization phases since it is injected directly into the egg’s cytoplasm.
At Budget Fertility Centre, our experienced gynaecologists in Dadar Mumbai will involve you in the decision-making process for every aspect of your treatment so that you are completely informed about your treatment options, expected results, and costs.
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5 Years After Hysterectomy: A Journey of Healing and Menopause
Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of a woman’s uterus. It is a common procedure performed to treat various gynaecological conditions. Hysterectomy surgery can significantly impact a woman’s life, especially regarding hormonal changes and menopause.
As we reach the five-year mark post-hysterectomy, it becomes an opportune time to reflect on this transformative procedure’s physical, emotional, and societal implications.
Are you experiencing significant changes impacting your quality of life five years after hysterectomy? Then, seeking the expertise of a skilled gynaecologist becomes crucial.
At Budget Fertility Centre, Dr Hrishikesh Pai, one of the best gynaecologist in Mumbai, offers exceptional care and specialized treatments for various women’s health concerns, including menopause. With expertise in gynaecological surgeries and a range of other treatments, Dr Pai has garnered a reputation for providing reliable and result-oriented gynaecological treatments in Mumbai.
In this blog, we will delve into the post-hysterectomy journey, exploring the experiences and changes women may encounter five years after hysterectomy.
Overview – What is Hysterectomy and its Potential Impact on Menopause?
Hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of uterus and, in some cases, the ovaries and fallopian tubes. It is a common treatment for various gynaecological conditions, such as uterine fibroids, chronic pelvic pain, endometriosis, pelvic organ prolapse and certain cancers.
However, one of the significant impacts of hysterectomy is its potential to induce menopause, especially if the ovaries are removed during the procedure. Menopause is a natural biological process that signifies the end of a woman’s reproductive years and brings about various hormonal and physiological changes.
Types of Hysterectomy
Depending on the specific condition and patient’s needs, gynaecologists can perform different types of hysterectomy. These include:
1. Total Hysterectomy:
This involves the removal of the entire uterus, including the cervix.
2. Partial or subtotal Hysterectomy:
This procedure involves the removal of the upper part of the uterus, leaving the cervix intact.
3. Radical Hysterectomy:
Doctors usually perform this surgery to treat certain gynecologic cancers. It involves removing the uterus, cervix, and surrounding tissues.
4. Laparoscopic Hysterectomy:
This minimally invasive procedure involves removing the uterus through small incisions using a laparoscope and specialized surgical tools.
How will it be five years after hysterectomy?
Five years after a hysterectomy, many women experience a significant improvement in their quality of life. The symptoms that prompted the need for the surgery, such as chronic pain, heavy bleeding, or pelvic pressure, are often relieved. Women also find that they no longer need to rely on hormonal birth control methods.
However, it is essential to note that the effects of hysterectomy can vary from woman to woman. Some women may experience changes in sexual function, such as decreased libido or vaginal dryness. It is recommended to discuss any concerns or issues with a healthcare provider who can provide guidance and support.
Can a hysterectomy lead to menopause if the ovaries are removed?
If the ovaries are removed during a hysterectomy, a woman will experience surgical menopause. This is because the ovaries produce hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone. These hormones play a crucial role in the menstrual cycle and overall reproductive health. Without these hormones, women may experience hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and vaginal dryness, similar to natural menopause.
Hysterectomy treatment in Mumbai
What precautions should one take after a hysterectomy?
After a hysterectomy or uterus removal surgery, it is important to follow post-operative care instructions. Some general precautions include:
1. Rest and avoid strenuous activities for the recommended period.
2. Maintain good hygiene and care for the incision site.
3. Avoid heavy lifting or intense exercise for several weeks.
4. Follow a balanced diet and maintain a healthy weight.
5. Attend follow-up appointments with the healthcare provider.
Is there any particular age for hysterectomy?
“There is no specific age for hysterectomy surgery. The decision to undergo a hysterectomy depends on the individual’s condition, symptoms, and overall health, explains Dr Hrishikesh Pai, one of the best gynaecologist doctor in Mumbai.”
Hysterectomies can be performed on women of various ages, ranging from reproductive years to postmenopausal stages. The decision to undergo a hysterectomy is typically made in consultation with a gynaecologist who evaluates the benefits, risks, and alternatives based on the patient’s unique circumstances.
Can any surgery be performed five years after hysterectomy?
Yes, it is generally possible to undergo surgeries unrelated to the previous hysterectomy, even five years after the procedure. The recovery period after a hysterectomy varies for each individual. However, most women experience significant healing within a few months.
After five years, the body usually recovers completely, allowing for other surgeries if needed. It is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to evaluate the specific circumstances and determine the feasibility and safety of additional surgeries based on individual health and medical conditions.
Five years after a hysterectomy can significantly relieve the symptoms that led to the surgery. While there may be certain adjustments and considerations regarding menopause and overall well-being, many women lead fulfilling and healthy lives after the procedure. It is essential to consult with a trusted gynaecologist to address any concerns and receive personalized guidance for a smooth recovery and transition.
Book your Appointment Today: https://g.page/r/CS9QtTvq9blvEB0/
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Budget IVF Fertility Centre in Dadar is a trusted gynaecology centre that delivers world-class diagnostics and treatments to women. We offer affordable treatment choices for all types of gynaecological disorders that may be impacting your daily life and possibly your fertility.
To know more information visit us on: https://g.page/r/CS9QtTvq9blvEB0/
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IVF Fertility Centre in Dadar Mumbai - Budget Fertility Centre
Budget IVF & Fertility Centre is a trusted gynaecology centre that delivers world-class diagnostics and treatments to women. We offer affordable treatment choices for all types of gynaecological disorders that may be impacting your daily life and possibly your fertility.
To know more information visit us on: https://g.page/r/CS9QtTvq9blvEB0/
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IUI Treatment cost in Mumbai - Budget Fertility Centre
IUI Procedure also referred to as intrauterine insemination, is a straightforward fertility treatment that is also one of the least invasive. With the aid of a tiny catheter, the process begins and entails the direct delivery of cleaned semen into the uterus. Artificial insemination is another name for IUI treatment in medicine.
Who needs IUI Treatment?
IUI therapy can be administered without the use of harsh medications or intrusive procedures, and the best scenarios in which we recommend IUI would be:
Unknown reasons for infertility.
If fertility medication does not aid in achieving a successful pregnancy.
When donor sperm is used, if there are no sperm in the serum.
When there is ongoing sexual agony while having a relationship.
Women who have PCOS.T
The situation of hostile cervical mucus.
Different Stages of IUI treatment
Testing Before IUI
Before recommending an IUI procedure, your fertility doctor will likely do a few tests. ‘Your fertility specialists will want you to submit to blood tests and ultrasounds in order to track the number of mature eggs.
Step 1: This procedure is used to stimulate the maturity of eggs.
Step 2: The fertility clinic nurse will provide trigger shots to the eggs so they can be released once they are mature. 32–36 hours following the trigger injection method, an IUI procedure is tried.
Step 3: After two weeks of IUI, your fertility specialist will advise you to take a pregnancy test.
The factors influencing IUI treatment cost in Mumbai
IUI, or intrauterine insemination, is the common name for this procedure. The IUI treatment cost in Mumbai will vary from clinic to clinic and from couple to couple. The couple's age, medical history, and infertility concerns will also play a role in this.
Woman's Age
The most crucial factor is the woman's age because it affects both the effectiveness and expense of the treatment. For younger women, IUI treatment is less expensive; for older women, it is more expensive.
Amount of Cycles
The chances of an IUI cycle being successful for a woman under 30 is between 10 and 20 per cent. IUI has a 5% success rate for women over 40 and a 10% success rate for women under 40 in a single cycle. The cost of a single IUI cycle will be covered by fertility doctors, and it will rise as the number of cycles rises.
At different Fertility centres in Mumbai, one round of artificial insemination (IUI) costs between Rs 6,000 and Rs 10,000.
Medication to Stimulate Ovulation
Even while the price of oral drugs can increase to Rs. 6500 every cycle, it is still less expensive than the price of injections. Whether you choose to use oral or injectable drugs will affect how much the IUI procedure will cost. Depending on the dosage needed, the cost of common medications like Clomifene might range from 650 to 6000 rupees altogether. With the Rs. 2500 in ovulation stimulation shots, the cost of IUI may increase.
Follicle Inspection
The cost of IUI therapy will rise as a result of 3 to 4 ultrasound scans performed after thorough monitoring of follicle creation and growth during treatments. Depending on the clinic, the increased cost of IUI in Mumbai ranges from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 6000.
Gonadotropins Have used in IUI
Many women may not ovulate frequently or they may miss their ovulation; in these cases, gonadotropins are advised in conjunction with IUI therapy. Transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests are two important examinations you'll need to have done in order to establish your pregnancy and improve the success rate of your IUI procedure. Most fertility treatment centres in Mumbai recommend this testing.
Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone are the two main gonadotropins in the body, and they are both crucial for the development of ovarian follicles. The main goal of these two hormones is to activate the ovaries sufficiently to produce healthy eggs. Pay between Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 40,000 if you choose to use gonadotropins in conjunction with IUI. You will be guided by your fertility specialist while you administer these two medications intravenously to activate the ovaries.
IUI Treatment in Mumbai: How Effective Is It?
When compared to other fertility treatments, the success rate of IUI is high. The finest, safest, and most efficient treatment for female infertility is intrauterine insemination. To learn more about the comprehensive IUI treatment process and cost, contact our Budget Fertility Centre in Mumbai. We provide IUI treatment at an affordable price.
To know more information visit us on:
https://budgetwomensclinic.com/  and https://g.page/r/CS9QtTvq9blvEAI/
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9 Best Diet changes for PCOS Treatment
PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that can interfere with ovulation, menstruation, and fertility. Along with these issues, PCOS is linked to metabolic diseases, which can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance.
PCOS symptoms usually appear gradually and can include greasy skin, weight gain, thinning hair, irregular periods, and even depression. If you suspect you have PCOS, talk to your doctor about your symptoms, especially if you've been having difficulty getting pregnant.
What is the treatment for PCOS?
The primary treatments for PCOS include regular exercise, proper eating, and weight control. Treatment not only alleviates unpleasant symptoms, but it can also aid in the prevention of long-term health concerns. Although specialists are divided on the best diet for PCOS, they all agree that aiming for overall healthy nutrition is essential for symptom management. Here are nine things you can do to stay on track with your diet.
Whole foods are the way to go.
Choose whole grains when adding grains to your diet! Whole grains with little processing include 100% whole wheat products, cracked wheat (bulgur), barley, oatmeal, brown rice, low-fat popcorn, and corn. Amaranth, buckwheat, Kamut, millet, quinoa, spelt, and teff are some less common whole grains to try.
Consume fresh and minimally processed foods.
Choose fresh and minimally processed (or "clean") fruits, vegetables, dairy/milk products, and lean protein meals such as nuts and seeds. Power bowls are a terrific way to eat clean while adding colour, crunch, and energy-boosting protein.
Eat frequently in small portions
Instead of three substantial meals each day, try eating a small meal or snack every three to five hours. Each should contain a small amount of lean protein or vegetables.
Consume liquid to stay hydrated
It is critical for your body to stay hydrated. And, while there are other beverage options available, water is always the best option. Do you want to change things up? Try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, a favourite herb like mint, or carbonated water.
Milk is also a suitable option for some women with PCOS, but it's vital to avoid sugary beverages like juices, energy drinks, and soda. While diet drinks include fewer calories and sugar, they have also been linked to various health issues.
Stay away from hydrogenated and trans fats.
High consumption of hydrogenated and trans fats increases the risk of heart disease. Examining the labels and ingredient lists on food packaging might help you determine whether you're making a healthy choice.
Consume fatty fish twice a week
Omega-3 lipids are abundant in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and herring. Aim to consume fatty fish twice a week (for a total of 8 to 12 ounces). You don't like fish? A tablespoon of ground flaxseed (not whole) put into yoghurt or a smoothie on a regular basis is an excellent plant-based source of omega-3s.
Concentrate on Fiber
Aim for at least 25 grammes of fibre each day from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Check the nutrition labels or do a fast web search for an approximate approximation of how many grammes of fibre your meal selections include. The more you pay attention to and research your food, the easier it will be to realise when you've had your fill!
Limit your sodium intake.
Try not to exceed 2,300 mg of salt per day. Limit restaurant meals and processed foods in cans and boxes to aid with this goal. When purchasing processed foods, seek for labels such as "reduced sodium," "unsalted," or "no salt added." It's vital to remember that cutting back on salt doesn't have to imply bland meals! Cook with various seasonings such as fresh lemon, garlic, onion, flavoured vinegar, herbs, and spices.
Soy protein should be prioritised.
Soy protein can be a useful ingredient for persons suffering from PCOS since it helps improve metabolic and cardiovascular health. Ideally, consume 25 grammes of soy protein each day. Tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy nuts, soy butter, and soy milk are all rich sources of soy protein.
We understand that adjusting your diet to boost your fertility can be daunting. However, our team of the best fertility doctors in Mumbai is here to assist you in managing your symptoms and developing a PCOS fertility treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
To know more information visit us on:
https://budgetwomensclinic.com/  and https://g.page/r/CS9QtTvq9blvEAI/
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What Are The 5 Stages of IVF?
What is IVF?
In-vitro fertilisation is a method of assisted reproductive technology (ART) in which male and female sperm and eggs are mixed in a petri dish outside of the body (laboratory dish).
According to AIIMS and one of the researches that was published in The Print, between 10 and 15 percent of Indian couples are thought to suffer fertility problems. Numerous factors can contribute to infertility, but the most frequent ones are a decline in sperm count in males and a drop-in egg reserve in women. 
As a result, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a technique used to promote fertilisation, increase fertility, or stop genetic disorders.
At our Budget Fertility clinic in Mumbai, the IVF technique is frequently employed to treat:
Older ladies having problems conceiving
Women who have a fallopian tube issue
Endometriosis in women 
Low sperm counts or sperm blockages in males
What are the 5 stages of IVF?
Ovarian Stimulation: 
Your doctor will give injectable hormones or other treatments to stimulate the ovaries to create multiple eggs rather than the single egg that typically develops each month, whether you are utilising your own eggs or those from an egg donor. This increases the likelihood that at least one viable embryo will be available for use during the IVF process.
To stimulate ovarian follicles (cysts that contain microscopic eggs), you will require a variety of fertility drugs, including follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which helps eggs mature and prepares the lining of your uterus to hold the fertilised egg.
Before your eggs are ready for collection, ovarian stimulation normally takes place during a 10-day period. You can expect a vaginal ultrasound to track your ovarian follicles during this time, as well as blood tests to track your oestrogen levels. We can start the egg retrieval procedure once we've determined that your follicles are the right size, as determined by ultrasound.
Egg retrieval:
You will be given a hormone injection to boost the maturation of your eggs a little more than a day before they are to be removed from your body.
The eggs will next be extracted using a quick surgical procedure called follicular aspiration. Typically, this is performed as an outpatient procedure in your doctor's office.
Intravenous sedation is administered before a transvaginal ultrasound-guided needle aspiration is performed to carefully remove the eggs from each follicle. Multiple eggs are frequently retrieved in around 20 minutes. After that, the eggs are put in a culture medium, and later that day, sperm is introduced for fertilisation. You may suffer some cramping following the surgery, for which you may be given medicine to ease the discomfort.
Sperm retrieval
On the morning of the procedure, you will be asked for a semen sample if you are using a partner's sperm. Sperm from donors can also be used. Or in some circumstances, the sperm can be obtained beforehand and frozen. Various techniques can be used to obtain sperm from men based on their fertility and general health. It can be required to surgically extract sperm in specific circumstances.
The process of fertilisation is started by your embryologist after the eggs have been collected, cleaned, and prepared. There are two methods of fertilisation: intracytoplasmic sperm injection and conventional fertilisation (ICSI).
Your medical team must wait up to 20 hours after the sperm and egg have been joined to assess whether fertilisation has occurred. Before moving on to step five, the fertilized eggs may then be allowed to develop in the lab for up to six days.
Before moving on to step five, your doctor may additionally suggest the following techniques:
In some cases, a small incision is made into the embryo's shell just before transfer to boost implantation. This procedure is known as assisted "hatching."
Prior to embryo transfer, preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) enables genetic testing of the embryos to check for chromosomal abnormalities and/or to screen for specific hereditary illnesses based on your genetic screening. On day five or six of embryonic development, PGT happens, and the embryos are then frozen in anticipation of the analysis's findings.
Embryo transfer
There is no need for anaesthesia during the short five-minute embryo transfer procedure. On the morning of the transfer, your fertility specialist will perform a last examination of the embryos and make recommendations regarding which ones to transfer based on their general quality and age (preferably between days 5 and 6). Before the transfer, you and your fertility specialist will talk about your cycle and decide how many embryos to use.
Transfer of embryos in stages
The fertility specialist holds the embryo (or embryos) in a small amount of fluid in a syringe attached to the catheter's end.
After that, they use a syringe to inject the embryo into your uterus. 
If egg extraction is successful, an embryo will implant in the lining of your uterus six to ten days later.
IVF success: how do you ensure it?
The process of in vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a challenging one with many moving pieces that depend heavily on timing and accuracy. There are numerous variables throughout IVF treatments that can impact the likelihood of a successful round of therapy. Some factors include previous pregnancies, age, the type of fertility issue, the quality of the egg and embryo, the quality of the sperm, the responsiveness of the uterus, lifestyle choices, and most importantly the experience and expertise of your doctor.
We urge you to talk with your fertility doctor about these variables and the actions you may take to increase your chances of success with IVF therapy if you've had trouble getting pregnant and are contemplating it. Patients are assisted by our top fertility doctors at Budget Fertility Centre, an IVF treatment clinic in Mumbai.
Do I need IVF to help me conceive?
For many years, IVF has assisted women at different stages of their lives and helped them conceive. Prior to considering IVF, you should look after your physical and mental health. You could have experimented with several methods of treating your infertility problems. can help you realise your desire for a child by assisting you in every aspect of modern reproduction.
Any questions you may have regarding infertility and IVF can be answered by the fertility specialists at Budget Fertility Centre, the best IVF centre in Mumbai. To get the most effective results, make your appointment right away.
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IUI Treatment cost in Mumbai - Budget Fertility Centre
IUI Procedure, also referred to as intrauterine insemination, is a straightforward fertility treatment that is also one of the least invasive. With the aid of a tiny catheter, the process begins and entails the direct delivery of cleaned semen into the uterus. Artificial insemination is another name for IUI treatment in medicine.
Who needs IUI Treatment?
IUI therapy can be administered without the use of harsh medications or intrusive procedures, and the best scenarios in which we recommend IUI would be:
Unknown reasons for infertility.
If fertility medication does not aid in achieving a successful pregnancy.
When donor sperm is used, if there are no sperm in the serum.
When there is ongoing sexual agony while having a relationship.
Women who have PCOS.T
The situation of hostile cervical mucus.
Different Stages of IUI treatment
Testing Before IUI
Before recommending an IUI procedure, your fertility doctor will likely do a few tests. ‘Your fertility specialists will want you to submit to blood tests and ultrasounds in order to track the number of mature eggs.
Step 1: This procedure is used to stimulate the maturity of eggs.
Step 2: The fertility clinic nurse will provide trigger shots to the eggs so they can be released once they are mature. 32–36 hours following the trigger injection method, an IUI procedure is tried.
Step 3: After two weeks of IUI, your fertility specialist will advise you to take a pregnancy test.
The factors influencing IUI treatment cost in Mumbai
IUI, or intrauterine insemination, is the common name for this procedure. The IUI treatment cost in Mumbai will vary from clinic to clinic and from couple to couple. The couple's age, medical history, and infertility concerns will also play a role in this.
Woman's Age
The most crucial factor is the woman's age because it affects both the effectiveness and expense of the treatment. For younger women, IUI treatment is less expensive; for older women, it is more expensive.
Amount of Cycles
The chances of an IUI cycle being successful for a woman under 30 is between 10 and 20 per cent. IUI has a 5% success rate for women over 40 and a 10% success rate for women under 40 in a single cycle. The cost of a single IUI cycle will be covered by fertility doctors, and it will rise as the number of cycles rises.
At different Fertility centres in Mumbai, one round of artificial insemination (IUI) costs between Rs 6,000 and Rs 10,000.
Medication to Stimulate Ovulation
Even while the price of oral drugs can increase to Rs. 6500 every cycle, it is still less expensive than the price of injections. Whether you choose to use oral or injectable drugs will affect how much the IUI procedure will cost. Depending on the dosage needed, the cost of common medications like Clomifene might range from 650 to 6000 rupees altogether. With the Rs. 2500 in ovulation stimulation shots, the cost of IUI may increase.
Follicle Inspection
The cost of IUI therapy will rise as a result of 3 to 4 ultrasound scans performed after thorough monitoring of follicle creation and growth during treatments. Depending on the clinic, the increased cost of IUI in Mumbai ranges from Rs. 2000 to Rs. 6000.
Gonadotropins Have used in IUI
Many women may not ovulate frequently or they may miss their ovulation; in these cases, gonadotropins are advised in conjunction with IUI therapy. Transvaginal ultrasound and blood tests are two important examinations you'll need to have done in order to establish your pregnancy and improve the success rate of your IUI procedure. Most fertility treatment centres in Mumbai recommend this testing.
Luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone are the two main gonadotropins in the body, and they are both crucial for the development of ovarian follicles. The main goal of these two hormones is to activate the ovaries sufficiently to produce healthy eggs. Pay between Rs. 20,000 and Rs. 40,000 if you choose to use gonadotropins in conjunction with IUI. You will be guided by your fertility specialist while you administer these two medications intravenously to activate the ovaries.
IUI Treatment in Mumbai: How Effective Is It?
When compared to other fertility treatments, the success rate of IUI is high. The finest, safest, and most efficient treatment for female infertility is intrauterine insemination. To learn more about the comprehensive IUI treatment process and cost, contact our Budget Fertility Centre in Mumbai. We provide IUI treatment at an affordable price.
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How to choose the best IVF centre in Mumbai, India?
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) is a complex set of techniques designed to improve fertility, prevent genetic abnormalities, and aid in childbirth. During IVF, mature eggs are extracted from the ovaries and fertilised in a laboratory using sperm.
There are numerous reasons why a couple may need IVF treatment to have a child. Some of the most common reasons for infertility are:
Ovulation problems
Tubal occlusion
Male factor infertility
In certain situations, however, the cause of infertility is unknown. In such cases, fertility specialists will frequently recommend IVF as the best line of action.
There are a few factors to consider when seeking for the finest IVF centre & IVF doctors in Mumbai.
The centre's rate of success
The staff's experience 
Cost of IVF treatment
The type of IVF therapy available, as well as the length of the waiting list
When selecting an IVF centre, it is critical to conduct extensive research and ask numerous questions. You should also meet with the staff and take a tour of the facility to ensure that it is a good match for you.
The centre's rate of success
One of the most crucial aspects to examine is an IVF centre's success rate. The success rate is the percentage of couples who become pregnant after undergoing one cycle of IVF. The national average for IVF success is around 40%.
However, success rates vary by centre and rely on a variety of factors, including the woman's age, the cause of infertility, and the type of IVF procedure done.
The staff's experience 
Another key element to consider is the staff's experience.
The experience of the professionals at the IVF clinic contributes significantly to the effectiveness of treatment for childless couples.
Doctors, embryologists, and counsellors should be qualified and experienced. You can question the clinic personnel or other clinics & fertility doctors in Mumbai about their experience.
Check to see if the IVF centre is using cutting-edge technology for treatment, as this boosts your chances of success. They should also be knowledgeable about the most recent IVF techniques and technologies.
Cost of IVF treatment
Another significant issue to consider is the cost of treatment. IVF is costly, and you may need to pay for numerous cycles of therapy before conceiving. Make sure you understand the prices upfront so you can budget accordingly.
The cost of IVF therapy varies depending on a variety of criteria, including the type of fertility problem being treated, drugs used, length of treatment, and location of the fertility centre. IVF treatment is generally more expensive than other types of reproductive treatments.
IVF is a difficult and costly operation. Top IVF doctors in Mumbai often charge more than Rs 1,000,000 each cycle, and it is rarely covered by insurance. However, the exact cost of IVF therapy is determined by a number of factors.
The type of IVF therapy available
In Mumbai, India, there are several different types of IVF procedures accessible. Conventional IVF is the most prevalent type of IVF. Fertility medicines are used to increase egg production, followed by egg harvest from the ovaries and fertilisation in a laboratory.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), which is used for couples with male factor infertility, and aided hatching, which is used for couples who have a history of failed IVF cycles, are two further methods of IVF.
The number of people on the waiting list
Finally, you should consider the duration of an IVF center's waiting list. Some fertility clinics have large waiting lists, which can be distressing if you need to conceive quickly.
There is no one-size-fits-all option for selecting an IVF centre. These are the very minimum variables to consider before deciding on IVF. However, before making any decisions, you should understand the clinic's policies, ethics, and operational procedures. You will need to conduct a study and make the greatest decision for you and your family.
We recommend that you schedule a consultation with us if you are considering IVF. We are a renowned fertility clinic in Mumbai, India, with a team of expert doctors who are among the top 5 IVF doctors in Mumbai and can help you have the family you've always desired.
To know more information visit us on:
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9 Best Diet changes for PCOS Treatment
PCOS is a hormonal imbalance that can interfere with ovulation, menstruation, and fertility. Along with these issues, PCOS is linked to metabolic diseases, which can lead to weight gain and insulin resistance.
PCOS symptoms usually appear gradually and can include greasy skin, weight gain, thinning hair, irregular periods, and even depression. If you suspect you have PCOS, talk to your doctor about your symptoms, especially if you've been having difficulty getting pregnant.
What is the treatment for PCOS?
The primary treatments for PCOS include regular exercise, proper eating, and weight control. Treatment not only alleviates unpleasant symptoms, but it can also aid in the prevention of long-term health concerns. Although specialists are divided on the best diet for PCOS, they all agree that aiming for overall healthy nutrition is essential for symptom management. Here are nine things you can do to stay on track with your diet.
Whole foods are the way to go.
Choose whole grains when adding grains to your diet! Whole grains with little processing include 100% whole wheat products, cracked wheat (bulgur), barley, oatmeal, brown rice, low-fat popcorn, and corn. Amaranth, buckwheat, Kamut, millet, quinoa, spelt, and teff are some less common whole grains to try.
Consume fresh and minimally processed foods.
Choose fresh and minimally processed (or "clean") fruits, vegetables, dairy/milk products, and lean protein meals such as nuts and seeds. Power bowls are a terrific way to eat clean while adding colour, crunch, and energy-boosting protein.
Eat frequently in small portions
Instead of three substantial meals each day, try eating a small meal or snack every three to five hours. Each should contain a small amount of lean protein or vegetables.
Consume liquid to stay hydrated
It is critical for your body to stay hydrated. And, while there are other beverage options available, water is always the best option. Do you want to change things up? Try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime, a favourite herb like mint, or carbonated water.
Milk is also a suitable option for some women with PCOS, but it's vital to avoid sugary beverages like juices, energy drinks, and soda. While diet drinks include fewer calories and sugar, they have also been linked to various health issues.
Stay away from hydrogenated and trans fats.
High consumption of hydrogenated and trans fats increases the risk of heart disease. Examining the labels and ingredient lists on food packaging might help you determine whether you're making a healthy choice.
Consume fatty fish twice a week
Omega-3 lipids are abundant in fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, and herring. Aim to consume fatty fish twice a week (for a total of 8 to 12 ounces). You don't like fish? A tablespoon of ground flaxseed (not whole) put into yoghurt or a smoothie on a regular basis is an excellent plant-based source of omega-3s.
Concentrate on Fiber
Aim for at least 25 grammes of fibre each day from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Check the nutrition labels or do a fast web search for an approximate approximation of how many grammes of fibre your meal selections include. The more you pay attention to and research your food, the easier it will be to realise when you've had your fill!
Limit your sodium intake.
Try not to exceed 2,300 mg of salt per day. Limit restaurant meals and processed foods in cans and boxes to aid with this goal. When purchasing processed foods, seek for labels such as "reduced sodium," "unsalted," or "no salt added." It's vital to remember that cutting back on salt doesn't have to imply bland meals! Cook with various seasonings such as fresh lemon, garlic, onion, flavoured vinegar, herbs, and spices.
Soy protein should be prioritised.
Soy protein can be a useful ingredient for persons suffering from PCOS since it helps improve metabolic and cardiovascular health. Ideally, consume 25 grammes of soy protein each day. Tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy nuts, soy butter, and soy milk are all rich sources of soy protein.
We understand that adjusting your diet to boost your fertility can be daunting. However, our team of the best fertility doctors in Mumbai is here to assist you in managing your symptoms and developing a PCOS fertility treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.
To know more information visit us on:
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How to Get Pregnant with PCOS: Treatment options
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that interferes with more than just your fertility; you might first be diagnosed with PCOS when trying to get pregnant. This is because it’s a common and treatable cause of infertility in women.
PCOS doesn't mean that you can never get pregnant; it just means that fertility is a little bit more complicated. With medical treatment and self-care, PCOS symptoms can be controlled so you're more likely to conceive healthy babies.
Our best fertility doctors in Mumbai recommend following these steps to help you get pregnant as a woman with PCOS:
Maintain a Healthy weight
While many (but not all) people with PCOS struggle with obesity, this is because the condition negatively affects how insulin is processed by the body and causes weight gain.
One of the main reasons people with PCOS can’t get pregnant is that they don't ovulate, or if they do it's only irregularly. And because PCOS sufferers who are overweight tend to take longer to shed their pounds than other groups, they might go months between periods while trying for a baby.
Unfortunately, research has shown that losing weight on its own does not improve fertility. However, people who lose weight may have a higher chance of becoming pregnant with infertility treatments than heavier individuals.
Proper Diet and Exercise
People with PCOS face a higher risk of becoming overweight and having trouble metabolizing insulin. So it’s unsurprising that eating healthily is important for them—but there's no one diet that's perfect for everyone who has the condition.
While some studies have indicated that a low-carb diet is best for PCOS, other research has not found such an advantage. It's important to make sure your diet provides plenty of nutrients and protein—and eliminates sugary junk food.
Exercise has also been shown to help with PCOS symptoms. Whether diet and exercise alone will help you conceive is unclear, but a healthy lifestyle can certainly benefit your fertility treatments and make it easier for you to feel good overall.
Maintain blood sugar levels
Insulin, a hormone that plays an important role in metabolism by moving sugar out of the bloodstream and into cells, becomes less effective as a result of PCOS.
Getting your blood sugar levels under control may improve your chances of getting pregnant. A healthy diet that includes fiber, protein, and unsaturated fats can help you better manage the fluctuations in blood glucose caused by insulin use. Regular exercise can also lower those glucose spikes from happening as often or for as long and it's a good idea to get plenty of strength training while at it!
Medication for PCOS Fertility Treatment
Women with PCOS have high levels of male hormones and female hormones that affect fertility. Medication can be prescribed to balance hormone levels and help you get pregnant.
Medications used for PCOS fertility treatment that help a woman to get pregnant with PCOS include Metformin helps balance insulin levels. Clomiphene citrate (or Clomid) can help balance estrogen levels and birth control pills are used to regulate hormone production in women before beginning fertility treatment. Fertility medications stimulate the ovaries to release more eggs than normal.
Fertility Procedures
If gonadotropins aren’t successful, IVF (in vitro fertilization) or IVM ( in vitro maturation ) is the next step. You are likely familiar with IVF: it involves using injectable fertility drugs to stimulate ovaries so they will provide a good number of mature eggs. 
One of the risks associated with IVF, especially for people with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), is that their ovaries may be overstimulated. In this case, IVM (intra-mural insemination) can lower the risk of such a problem by providing more control over how many sperm are used during each procedure.
With IVM, you will receive either no fertility drugs or very low doses of them. This allows your eggs to mature in a natural way rather than being forced by high hormone levels.
Key Takeaway
If you have a diagnosis of PCOS, you can get pregnant. It may take some extra time and effort, but it is certainly possible. Our Budget Fertility Centre have a team of the best fertility doctors in Mumbai for personalized advice for PCOS fertility treatment.
To know more information visit us on:
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