buggie-hagen · 4 hours
What does it mean to say such things about the Christ Child? If you want to see it as just a way of speaking, well, then go ahead and celebrate Advent and Christmas in the same pagan way you always have, as an onlooker. For us it is not just a figure of speech. It is what we have said: that it is God, the Lord and Creator of all things, who becomes so small here, comes to us in a little corner of the world, unremarkable and hidden away, and wants to meet us and be among us as a helpless, defenseless child--not as a game or to charm us, because we find this so touching, but to show us where and who God really is, and from this standpoint to judge all human desire for greatness, to devalue it and pull it down from its throne. ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer, "My Spirit Rejoices" in The Collected Sermons of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, ed. Isabel Best, 119.
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
That the Son became a human being in this way: he was conceived by the Holy Spirit without male participation. ~Smalcald Articles 1.4
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
That neither the Father nor the Holy Spirit, but the Son, became a human being. ~Smalcald Articles 1.3
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
That the Father was begotten by no one, the Son was begotten by the Father, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son. ~Smalcald Articles 1.2
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
That the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three distinct persons in one divine essence and nature, is one God, who created heaven and earth, etc. ~Smalcald Articles 1.1
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
The First Part of the Articles deals with the lofty articles of the divine Majesty....These articles are not maters of dispute or conflict, for both sides confess them. Therefore it is not necessary to deal with them at greater length now. ~Smalcald Articles 1
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
When Jesus had received the wine, he said, "It is finished." Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. ~John 19:30
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
Meanwhile, standing near the cross of Jesus were his mother, and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. ~John 19:25
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
Then the chief priests of the Jews said to Pilate, "Do not write, 'The King of the Jews,' but, 'This man said, I am the King of the Jews.'" Pilate answered, "What I have written I have written." ~John 19:21-22
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
From then on Pilate tried to release him, but the Jews cried out, "If you release this man, you are no friend of the emperor. Everyone who claims to be a king sets himself against the emperor." ~John 19:12
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
Now when Pilate heard this, he was more afraid than ever. He entered his headquarters again and asked Jesus, "Where are you from?" But Jesus gave him no answer. ~John 19:8-9
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
Pilate said to them, "Take him yourselves and crucify him; I find no case against him." The Jews answered him, "We have a law, and according to that law he ought to die because he has claimed to be the Son of God." ~John 19:6-7
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
Pilate went out again and said to them, "Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no case against him." So Jesus came out, wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to them, "Here is the man!" When the chief priests and the police aw him, they shouted, "Crucify him! Crucify him!" ~John 19:4-6
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
And the soldiers wove a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and they dressed him in a purple robe. They kept coming up to him, saying, "Hail, King of the Jews!" and striking him on the face. ~John 19:2-3
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
As for me, I shall behold your face in righteousness; when I awake I shall be satisfied, beholding your likeness. ~Psalm 17:15
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
Rise up, O LORD, confront them, overthrow them! By your sword deliver my life from the wicked. ~Psalm 17:13
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buggie-hagen · 4 hours
If you try my heart, if you visit me by night, if you test me, you will find no wickedness in me; my mouth does not transgress. ~Psalm 17:3
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