bull-enterprise · 1 year
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Day: 9 Time: Midday Status: @tincture-enjoyer
The morning had been an atrocious mess. The entire town was going insane and for the first time in his life, it looked like his father couldn’t handle what was going on either. Just a few hours ago he had received a messenger that held a letter inked by the man himself. The head of the bull enterprise wanted him back in the Lump, to stay in there until further noticed, which could only mean until the rabble would come for their throats.
No. He wouldn’t do that, nor would he yield so easily.
He might not be as respected as his old man, but he could prove to be just as powerful and wise if needed. And so he made his way out of his hideout and towards the opposite side of town instead.
It was hard enough to walk through the different districts. The people were crazed and the guards seemed even moreso. Saburov needed to tighten his reins as well if they were to survive this, though who knew how much longer that man would last as well.
No. They needed to get away.
He’d bring Capella along if only he knew where she was, but for now he only had one goal in mind, and that was to reach the Crucible in one piece. The town was at least a sliver of what it used to be there. Even the walls didn’t seem to be as gripped by the strange blisters that the other buildings seemed to now carry. But surely even those wouldn’t dare touch these buildings. They could not. A mistresses’ daughter lived in one of them after all. She could protect them.
The youngest Vlad straightened his coat and shifted the leather of his gloves against the palm of his hands to feel more at ease with his schemes. He had to make this work.
He took a deep breath at last, gathering his wits as best he could and finally knocked on Maria’s door.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Day: 9 Time: Morning Status: @tincture-enjoyer @itsartemyburakh
Vladislav received a letter in the morning. It stood out from the rest of them as the courier didn’t resemble any of his regular men. This one was rugged, had a distinctive frown to his features. The head of the bull enterprise inhaled deeply and began reading through the morning news that came both by letters and word-of-mouth.
Change in the status quo didn’t bode well for Vladislav. Damned plague. Damned doctors that couldn’t find a cure for it either. Was there really nothing that could be done other than wait for the inevitable death that the sand pest brought?
Reluctantly, Vladislav called forth three more of his couriers. More letters would be sent despite the little good that the gesture would do. At his behest, he would have the healers try and save this warehouse rat so that he could keep his small troupe afloat. Vladislav needed the rabble in control; and if that meant asking the healers to save such a man, then so be it.
“Most esteemed doctor,
There is a man that needs your care urgently. He is situated in the warehouses, and he is infected. Any assistance that you can provide to better the man’s health will be rewarded.
That will surely suffice. He added some quick descriptions of how to find the man in a crowd and sent the twin letters to all three doctors in town.
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Day: 8 Time: Night Status: @reallybadgrief
The town was doomed. Vladislav was sure of it now and he could only try his hardest to keep his family safe. As soon as he returned to the Lump he summoned his men again for three more letters. One for his son, one for the guards guarding the Termitary, and lastly one for his appointed warehouse keeper.
His son would be reunited with him in the Lump and he would stay there until this all would end. The Termitary would be opened as per the Inquisitor’s request, though no good would come of it. The warehouse, now likely already but a shadow of how he left it, would be opened once more, even if only to get him the supplies he would need.
Vladislav scoured the mountains of papers and reports of what lay in each warehouse and selected only those that contained dry rations and medicine. He would get them all, lest they go to waste.
Once he knew which boxes he wanted, he wrote a letter to the man that labelled himself in the streets as “Bad Grief”. Vladislav still rolled his eyes at the name he gave himself, but as long as he returned his goods to the lump, all would be well between them. The boxes he sought had no labels, only the paper records kept the information of what they held within. As long as the warehouse rat didn’t pry open the boxes, he likely won’t grow suspicious of his intentions. Three boxes of medicine, six of rations. He demanded them be returned to the lump first thing in the morning.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Day: 8 Time: Night Status: @reallybadgrief
The town was doomed. Vladislav was sure of it now and he could only try his hardest to keep his family safe. As soon as he returned to the Lump he summoned his men again for three more letters. One for his son, one for the guards guarding the Termitary, and lastly one for his appointed warehouse keeper.
His son would be reunited with him in the Lump and he would stay there until this all would end. The Termitary would be opened as per the Inquisitor’s request, though no good would come of it. The warehouse, now likely already but a shadow of how he left it, would be opened once more, even if only to get him the supplies he would need.
Vladislav scoured the mountains of papers and reports of what lay in each warehouse and selected only those that contained dry rations and medicine. He would get them all, lest they go to waste.
Once he knew which boxes he wanted, he wrote a letter to the man that labelled himself in the streets as “Bad Grief”. Vladislav still rolled his eyes at the name he gave himself, but as long as he returned his goods to the lump, all would be well between them. The boxes he sought had no labels, only the paper records kept the information of what they held within. As long as the warehouse rat didn’t pry open the boxes, he likely won’t grow suspicious of his intentions. Three boxes of medicine, six of rations. He demanded them be returned to the lump first thing in the morning.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Status: @aglayaalilich
How he had wished that the younger Burakh had been his healer. Vladislav had offered everything he could and yet the man still preferred to aid nameless peons rather than stay with the Olgimskies. His gaze narrowed further at the insinuation that he mistreated his workers. What did this woman think she knew about how he handled his business? If he didn’t treat them right, how would he be the most powerful man in town? Nonsense...
He knew what his work required of him and he was good at it too. Inquisitor or not, he would not be lectured by such a woman.
“Careful with your words, Inquisitor.” Vladislav inhaled deeply to steady his breathing. “I will open the Termitary... as you request... But I assure you it would be better if it stayed locked.”
As much as he tried, it seemed that this town was doomed from the start. With the termitary to be opened, he must assure the safety and well-being of his own family above all else, especially the rage from the masses to come.
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POV: Aglaya Lilich Day: 8 Time: Noon Status: @time-smith
After the more or less longer questioning the Inquisitor had with that thug leader, she just finished three more invitations: one for each of the leading houses in this town. The one for Victor made her feel worse. If the rumors the townfolks told her were true that means... her sister came really back to live. Was she ready to face her again? The never ending rivalry between them ended after Aglaya got the note of Ninas passing. Due to her busy schedule she never managed to attend the funeral. But she mostly wasn't welcome there either. Was that maybe a chance to make it up with her sister? Was Nina willing to bury their rivalry after all these years? The dark haired woman sighed.
She sent the letter for the other ruling families out with the messengers, awaiting them both in the evening. The one for her brother in law, she wanted to deliver it herself; wanted to make sure that Nina was still dead. She talked with the orderlie, which was her guard and stepped out of the cathedral, made her way over to the Kains mansion and knocked on the door, hoping that she was at the right part of the building.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr.
The inquisitor was a woman. He thought they had sent a man to the town instead, and yet here she stood. It was good to know she wouldn’t waste his time further either. If she had important information, he would gladly listen, but the accusations she threw further on were disappointing to say the least.
“What ‘chosen’ healer? They all denied my offers.” Not that he had tried with Stanislav Rubin, but the man had been hard to pin down to begin with. The other two could hardly be considered healers of their own. The capital’s doctor was useless, and the other one had denied his offers at every turn.
“The termitary...” He grumbled. Of course it had to be that. In the entire town that was probably the only place those men didn’t have access to. To them it was likely just like a fabled candy their child-like mind couldn’t grasp. “There was a... riot. It wasn’t safe for anyone to go in. I did it... for the good of the town. But there is nothing there but the workers.”
If the inquisitor wanted to open the termitary, he couldn’t stand in their way, and yet it wouldn’t bring any good out of it either. For once, Vladislav was at a loss with either outcome.
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POV: Aglaya Lilich Day: 8 Time: Noon Status: @time-smith
After the more or less longer questioning the Inquisitor had with that thug leader, she just finished three more invitations: one for each of the leading houses in this town. The one for Victor made her feel worse. If the rumors the townfolks told her were true that means... her sister came really back to live. Was she ready to face her again? The never ending rivalry between them ended after Aglaya got the note of Ninas passing. Due to her busy schedule she never managed to attend the funeral. But she mostly wasn't welcome there either. Was that maybe a chance to make it up with her sister? Was Nina willing to bury their rivalry after all these years? The dark haired woman sighed.
She sent the letter for the other ruling families out with the messengers, awaiting them both in the evening. The one for her brother in law, she wanted to deliver it herself; wanted to make sure that Nina was still dead. She talked with the orderlie, which was her guard and stepped out of the cathedral, made her way over to the Kains mansion and knocked on the door, hoping that she was at the right part of the building.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Day: 8 Time: Evening Status: @aglayaalilich
Vladislav knew he would be summoned to meet the inquisitor sooner or later, though the fact that it was almost nighttime when it happened was an outrage. He commanded the entire town with his exports and coin, why would he have been summoned by the day’s end instead of it’s beginning?
Well, no matter. The head of the bull enterprise summoned a handful of workers to watch his back and made his way to the Cathedral to hear what the inquisitor had to say.
The state of the town was unpleasant to say the least. He had yet to leave the premises of the lump ever since this whole debacle had begun, and things had visibly only gotten worse. There were corpses and coffins scattered all around the town when he had sent out orders for them all to be carried to the cemetery. Had the masses just forgotten about his word, or not care about the wrath he could inflict upon them if his words weren’t heeded?
Needless to say, by the time Vladislav finally reached the Cathedral, he was huffing and puffing, both with seething anger and a natural lack of breath from having walked all the way to the Bridge Square. Next time he would have to summon the Inquisitor to the Lump instead if they did want to meet him.
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POV: Aglaya Lilich Day: 8 Time: Noon Status: @time-smith
After the more or less longer questioning the Inquisitor had with that thug leader, she just finished three more invitations: one for each of the leading houses in this town. The one for Victor made her feel worse. If the rumors the townfolks told her were true that means... her sister came really back to live. Was she ready to face her again? The never ending rivalry between them ended after Aglaya got the note of Ninas passing. Due to her busy schedule she never managed to attend the funeral. But she mostly wasn't welcome there either. Was that maybe a chance to make it up with her sister? Was Nina willing to bury their rivalry after all these years? The dark haired woman sighed.
She sent the letter for the other ruling families out with the messengers, awaiting them both in the evening. The one for her brother in law, she wanted to deliver it herself; wanted to make sure that Nina was still dead. She talked with the orderlie, which was her guard and stepped out of the cathedral, made her way over to the Kains mansion and knocked on the door, hoping that she was at the right part of the building.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Status: @itsartemyburakh
Vladislav waited patiently for the doctor to do whatever he had to do. He followed the instructions given as best he could until the younger Burakh stopped.
“There’s... nothing in the Termitary, my boy.”
Vladislav shook his head. He couldn’t let anyone know what had happened in such a place. It would remain locked for as long as necessary. Let them all rot inside that place if that’s the future that will befall those beasts.
“If there was anything in the Termitary... the butchers would have found it already.” Vladislav added, expecting that a doctor would likely press the matter unless directly confronted with the word of other ‘experts’.
His attention drifted upon hearing the other request from the younger Burakh. He had indeed heard about what was and wasn’t infected, what was and wasn’t being stolen from. He knew everything that happened in that town. Normally one would have to earn such a knowledge, but since he had already performed his duty and everything seemed to be fine, he could easily share what he knew. With a hefty breath, Vladislav stood up and slowly made his way to one of his desks. He had the papers there somewhere. There were so many reports as of late, he couldn’t remember all of them, which inevitably led to his desks overflowing with paper.
“The Maw and the Factory remain infected. It... seems that the Crude Sprawl also has the bad air as well.” Damned infection. Damned doctors. If that wasn’t stopped soon it would return to the Gut. “My boy... What can we do to keep it away?”
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Time: Morning Day: 6 Status: @itsartemyburakh
Vladislav woke up in a sweat. His dreams weren’t particularly pleasant and neither was his hefty breakfast. As he returned to his duties, the news were the same as they had been for the past couple of days; everything’s getting worse, people are restless and mad, and now there were even rumors of the water supply just running out. The barrels were tampered with, the valves broken, and the Termitary was still in a horrible state. He could neither open it for more supplies, or ask for more from the neighboring towns as the trains had yet to return.
The more Vladislav listened to the reports and had to send out more orders to deal with every single problem that occurred, the worst the man felt. Eventually Vladislav called forth two of his servants. They were to bring the younger Burakh to him at once. The man had strayed his duties for too long already.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Status: @itsartemyburakh
The sight of the younger Burakh wasn’t what Vladislav had expected. Despite what the man before him had, or hadn’t, been doing, he hoped to see before him a man that could hold the responsibility of saving the town. Instead he finds him pale and wounded. Vladislav huffed upon his greeting.
“I’m feeling unwell, my boy...”
He had yet to make an appearance to the Lump ever since the day of the meeting, and though they hadn’t seen eye to eye in their last conversation, Vladislav was told that he would fulfill his duty as a doctor nonetheless.
“Could I have it?”
Vladislav lift his head up high as he straightened his posture to be examined. He had maintained his eating habits, never skipping a meal and always eating hearty portions with only the clearest water. He also didn’t overexert himself or left his manor for any trivial matter. For all he knew, he was as safe as he could be, but a doctor, any one of those doctors, had to make their rounds and make sure that there was truly nothing wrong.
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Time: Morning Day: 6 Status: @itsartemyburakh
Vladislav woke up in a sweat. His dreams weren’t particularly pleasant and neither was his hefty breakfast. As he returned to his duties, the news were the same as they had been for the past couple of days; everything’s getting worse, people are restless and mad, and now there were even rumors of the water supply just running out. The barrels were tampered with, the valves broken, and the Termitary was still in a horrible state. He could neither open it for more supplies, or ask for more from the neighboring towns as the trains had yet to return.
The more Vladislav listened to the reports and had to send out more orders to deal with every single problem that occurred, the worst the man felt. Eventually Vladislav called forth two of his servants. They were to bring the younger Burakh to him at once. The man had strayed his duties for too long already.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Sr. Time: Morning Day: 6 Status: @itsartemyburakh
Vladislav woke up in a sweat. His dreams weren’t particularly pleasant and neither was his hefty breakfast. As he returned to his duties, the news were the same as they had been for the past couple of days; everything’s getting worse, people are restless and mad, and now there were even rumors of the water supply just running out. The barrels were tampered with, the valves broken, and the Termitary was still in a horrible state. He could neither open it for more supplies, or ask for more from the neighboring towns as the trains had yet to return.
The more Vladislav listened to the reports and had to send out more orders to deal with every single problem that occurred, the worst the man felt. Eventually Vladislav called forth two of his servants. They were to bring the younger Burakh to him at once. The man had strayed his duties for too long already.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
Introducing Stats
From Day 6 on, we shall be introducing a new mechanism to our play which we’re simply gonna call: Stats.
It’s not gonna be too complicated - for sustenance simply put, your character is gonna need food and water to survive.  The rules are simple: Five days without food, three without water. If you miss out on feeding your character for a day, they’re gonna be drained the next. 
The next stat is gonna be Immunity. You can raise that by drinking either tinctures or Twyrine. An endangered character who drinks Twyrine has 17% less of a chance of catching the plague. Use a tincture and it’s gonna go up to 34%.
Usually, a character has a 3/6 chance of getting infected once endangered, that being a solid 50%. By using Twyrine or immunity boosters, it would go down to 2/6, or with a tincture, even 1/6. 
Although the chance of dying after getting infected increases daily by 1 (17%), it can still be pushed further back by using either one of those three to counter the character’s eventual death.
The last stat is gonna be exhaustion. 
Your character is not a machine, hence why you can’t let them walk around all day, expecting their best performance. After two days without sleep your character is gonna pass out from exhaustion, making them unusable for at least half of the next day. So please rest. 
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
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POV: Victoria Olgimskaya Time: Late Afternoon Day: 5 Status: Closed
Capella had spent the entire day playing with that piano. It was so soothing that time just flew by. By the time she stopped the sun was already setting and she had yet to eat anything.
On her way home she encountered several children, some of which she spoke to, others that she had to excuse herself to keep making her way home. The one exception was a small girl that was desperate for a trade.
“Do you have any walnuts?” She asked with her large brown eyes that looked so exhausted. “Please. It’s important.”
Capella knew the types of games the children played, but still felt compelled to help. It just so happened that she often carried nuts around as well for this exact same reason. Children loved them and she loved helping the children.
“Here.” Capella bent down with two small walnuts in it. “Take it with my hope.”
The thought of helping them brought a smile to her lips, though one that turned into astonishment as the little girl in turn brought forth a smoked fish wrapped in some crude brown paper.
“Thank you, Capella! Thank you!”
The little girl quickly snatched the walnuts and ran off as soon as Capella had taken the fish. Before she knew it, she was alone in that alleyway with a meal in her hand, and it looked so delicious. She could tell it was already fully cooked, it was likely that it was the child’s lunch that they just kept to instead trade for something else. Her fingers quickly began unwrapping the paper to eat the fish within and satisfy her growing hunger. It was far better than anything she could have hoped for. Both it’s flavor, and just the amount there was, it was heavenly. At least that was the case up until she felt a larger piece of it in her throat. Capella coughed and bent forward, trying to get the fish bite out, but the more she coughed the worst it seemed to be. The more she coughed, the more it hurt and the less breath she had in her. Capella parted her lips to ask for help but though she mouthed the words, no sound came out. She needed help. It must have been a spine; she was sure that was what was now stuck. But she couldn’t breathe no matter how much she tried.
She had to ask for help. With her fading strength she rushed towards the end of the alleyway to try and find someone to help, but it seemed so far away. Her breath faltered, and so did she. It happened all so fast, and yet so slow. She was so close to get help and yet she felt herself draw her last breath before she got there.
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POV: Victoria Olgimskaya Time: Morning Day: 5 Status: Open
Capella had been confined to her room for far too long. She wanted to help the town and its children with her own two hands instead of leading them from afar.
She had decided to finally try and see what the younger Burakh was like. There were so many rumors flying about; some said he was a butcher, tall and fearsome with hands forever stained in red while others spoke of a gentle man with a kind heart. The children so far seemed fond of the man however, and that was a good sign.
While pondering how to best address her desire to meet the newest doctor, she found herself out on the street, eventually drawn to a building in particular. There was something about it that entranced her, something that she couldn’t name before she approached its walls. Once close to its windows she could hear a familiar song echoing from within and with it, her lips parted with a newfound hope. Somehow her mother had come to help her.
Capella rushed through the door, barely stopping to announce her intrusion. To her surprise, the rooms she looked through were empty, and unfortunately, the instrument that seemed to bring forth such a meaningful lullaby to her, was also empty.
Her heart ached at the sight, but she refused to lose hope. With a bitter sigh, she lowered herself to the piano’s seat and began herself pressing the instrument’s keys to emulate the song. Perhaps then a sign would come to her… 
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
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POV: Victoria Olgimskaya Time: Morning Day: 5 Status: Open
Capella had been confined to her room for far too long. She wanted to help the town and its children with her own two hands instead of leading them from afar.
She had decided to finally try and see what the younger Burakh was like. There were so many rumors flying about; some said he was a butcher, tall and fearsome with hands forever stained in red while others spoke of a gentle man with a kind heart. The children so far seemed fond of the man however, and that was a good sign.
While pondering how to best address her desire to meet the newest doctor, she found herself out on the street, eventually drawn to a building in particular. There was something about it that entranced her, something that she couldn’t name before she approached its walls. Once close to its windows she could hear a familiar song echoing from within and with it, her lips parted with a newfound hope. Somehow her mother had come to help her.
Capella rushed through the door, barely stopping to announce her intrusion. To her surprise, the rooms she looked through were empty, and unfortunately, the instrument that seemed to bring forth such a meaningful lullaby to her, was also empty.
Her heart ached at the sight, but she refused to lose hope. With a bitter sigh, she lowered herself to the piano’s seat and began herself pressing the instrument’s keys to emulate the song. Perhaps then a sign would come to her... 
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status: @tincture-enjoyer​​ 
There was an air of uncertainty and distrust that descended upon that room once the Bachelor suggested drawing blood. The Younger Vlad was well aware of the Kin’s customs yet looked at the Odonghs for their own response.
“Do not touch.” The worm clad in the darker leathers spoke once he’d received the younger Vlad’s permissive gaze. “You are no Yargachin. You do not know the lines.”
Though the Odongh didn’t raise his voice nor narrowed it’s large eyes, it was clear that the matter wasn’t taken lightly. The younger Vlad let out a tired sigh in turn upon hearing the words himself. He guessed as much, that they’d get no positive answer to such a request, but it was worth a try regardless.
“Normally the only ones allowed to cut bodies, or tend to them, are people of the kin.” The younger Olgimsky folded his arms across his chest as well as his voice. His words were for the Bachelor alone. “With the foreman out of town and the Termitary as it is, my guess would be that only the younger Burakh could get them to agree on any sample...”
To think that he’d have to summon yet another doctor to have this matter resolved... It frustrated the younger Vlad more than anything else.
“Naturally I cannot force them to go against their traditions, but...” He had to briefly think it through. The chances of getting blood from a syringe were far lower than to get them through other, less reputable means, and he couldn’t risk angering the entirety of the kin over this matter. “It’s likely that Burakh could see this matter through, or... There’s also a chance that you might be able to get some blood from the Ring of Suok, behind the town’s Crude Sprawl.”
Both Odonghs turned their attention to the younger Vlad’s words, but refrained from commenting on the matter.
“I’m unfamiliar with the details of what goes on in such a place, but from what I do know, it may be a possible way to get a sample.” The younger Vlad quickly added before the Bachelor inevitably asked what such a place entailed.
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status: @tincture-enjoyer​
The younger Vlad didn’t miss the shift in attention coming from the Bachelor. It seemed that the possibility of immunity was properly considered by the man, though the younger Vlad still couldn’t ignore the fact that this Bachelor was still an outsider. He was likely still unaware of this town’s customs and traditions.
“I see.” The younger Vlad replied in acknowledgement of the man’s assumptions. “I wouldn’t want you to waste your time on fruitless endeavors, but if there is a sliver of hope in these rumors, it cannot be ignored either…” He then paused with a deep inhale. Could this man even be trusted to accept unusual results? Being skeptical was a good quality in a man, but there were things in this town that reason couldn’t always explain.
“Will you be returning to the hospital today?”
He suspected that the other doctors would be hard at work all day long in such a place. The younger Vlad could accompany this man along the way, of course, it might even be a chance to get to know more of this plague and how they are planning on fighting it. But to bring an Odonghe to the theater was an unlikely feat and he wanted to know if their words were true. If there was a chance that they were in fact immune to this pestilence… That was vital knowledge in his line of work.
The younger Vlad could either try to bring one to the hospital, or try to get a town doctor to his quarters. The latter of which would inevitably lead to outrage over the well though…
“I would like to have a word with one of your colleagues as well. Do you think they are still working in the theater?”
POV: Daniil Dankovsky Day: 4
“If these rumors have at least a grain of truth in them… It would be worth investigating, yes. What exactly have you heard?”
Dankovsky was growing doubtful, but nonetheless had to check every possibility. No one immune has showed up to him yet, but if there were in fact people safe from the disease… For one thing, perhaps developing a vaccine was feasible.
“I have a few other errands to run today, but if I have enough time, I’ll visit the hospital in the evening.”
Or during the night, if he wasn’t exhausted, but that might be risky. The criminals in this town were more ferocious during the night. The worst thing was that he had no way of protecting himself after he lost the gun, although lost was the wrong word for it. He traded it for something extremely valuable. If he didn’t, Maria most likely wouldn’t have survived the night…
“I have only seen Stanislav Rubin at the hospital, but he left shortly before me. Burakh might be there now, but I cannot be sure of that. I haven’t been able to see him today.”
Clara wasn’t a real doctor, so Daniil decided not to mention her. She was merely a child. What could she actually do? He glanced at the strange creature again. It appeared huge. Resembling a humanoid form, but… The face wasn’t quite there. Maybe Simon Kain and his supposed immortality wasn’t the strangest thing in this town. Yet no one seemed too concerned with these creatures.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status: @tincture-enjoyer​​
The younger Vlad was skeptical on whether the Bachelor could get any truth out of the Odonghs beside them, but nonetheless he gestured for them to step forth. The creatures moved, more out of duty than any resemblance of respect or will to actually comply with what they’ve been hearing thus far.
“If you could share what you’ve told me then.” The man clad in brown clothing spoke up. His words were polite, though there was a hint of a command beneath them that was easily distinguishable upon seeing the creature’s reactions. One stood further back while the other shifted uncomfortably under its tattered darker garments.
“What is no threat to Earth, is no threat to us.”
The sentence was recited at the two men rather than actually spoken for a dialogue. For the brief moment where the Odongh spoke, he locked eyes with the Bachelor, though as soon as his words came to an end, he turned his attention back to the young Olgimsky. The younger Vlad on the other hand, kept his eyes on the Bachelor to analyze his reaction as it happened.
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status: @tincture-enjoyer​
The younger Vlad didn’t miss the shift in attention coming from the Bachelor. It seemed that the possibility of immunity was properly considered by the man, though the younger Vlad still couldn’t ignore the fact that this Bachelor was still an outsider. He was likely still unaware of this town’s customs and traditions.
“I see.” The younger Vlad replied in acknowledgement of the man’s assumptions. “I wouldn’t want you to waste your time on fruitless endeavors, but if there is a sliver of hope in these rumors, it cannot be ignored either…” He then paused with a deep inhale. Could this man even be trusted to accept unusual results? Being skeptical was a good quality in a man, but there were things in this town that reason couldn’t always explain.
“Will you be returning to the hospital today?”
He suspected that the other doctors would be hard at work all day long in such a place. The younger Vlad could accompany this man along the way, of course, it might even be a chance to get to know more of this plague and how they are planning on fighting it. But to bring an Odonghe to the theater was an unlikely feat and he wanted to know if their words were true. If there was a chance that they were in fact immune to this pestilence… That was vital knowledge in his line of work.
The younger Vlad could either try to bring one to the hospital, or try to get a town doctor to his quarters. The latter of which would inevitably lead to outrage over the well though…
“I would like to have a word with one of your colleagues as well. Do you think they are still working in the theater?”
POV: Daniil Dankovsky Day: 4
“If these rumors have at least a grain of truth in them… It would be worth investigating, yes. What exactly have you heard?”
Dankovsky was growing doubtful, but nonetheless had to check every possibility. No one immune has showed up to him yet, but if there were in fact people safe from the disease… For one thing, perhaps developing a vaccine was feasible.
“I have a few other errands to run today, but if I have enough time, I’ll visit the hospital in the evening.”
Or during the night, if he wasn’t exhausted, but that might be risky. The criminals in this town were more ferocious during the night. The worst thing was that he had no way of protecting himself after he lost the gun, although lost was the wrong word for it. He traded it for something extremely valuable. If he didn’t, Maria most likely wouldn’t have survived the night…
“I have only seen Stanislav Rubin at the hospital, but he left shortly before me. Burakh might be there now, but I cannot be sure of that. I haven’t been able to see him today.”
Clara wasn’t a real doctor, so Daniil decided not to mention her. She was merely a child. What could she actually do? He glanced at the strange creature again. It appeared huge. Resembling a humanoid form, but… The face wasn’t quite there. Maybe Simon Kain and his supposed immortality wasn’t the strangest thing in this town. Yet no one seemed too concerned with these creatures.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status: @tincture-enjoyer​ 
The younger Vlad pondered once more whether or not to put some of his trust into this doctor. It might be futile, but then again he had little to lose in a situation such as this.
“These esteemed people here were previously trying to convince me that Odonghs are immune to the infection.” He finally bridged the subject while vaguely gesturing to the creatures on the side of the room. “You might be unaware of our town’s customs and traditions, but it is said that they’re related to the Earth, and these people claim that as it is such, the Earth is no threat to them.”
As he gave the Bachelor a moment’s pause to reflect on what he’d just shared, the younger Vlad proceeded to measure his given options in regards to the hospital’s state. If even Stanislav Rubin had left already, perhaps it would be pointless to head to the hospital. To go there to try and still find the younger Burakh was unlikely and also a gamble with the plague. The streets weren’t safe and he wasn’t about to push his luck just to find out whether the Odongh’s words were true. If the words of the man that stood before him still seemed dubious, he’d have to settle for sending a letter to one of the other doctors.
“Could it be possible?”
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POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status: @tincture-enjoyer​
The younger Vlad didn’t miss the shift in attention coming from the Bachelor. It seemed that the possibility of immunity was properly considered by the man, though the younger Vlad still couldn’t ignore the fact that this Bachelor was still an outsider. He was likely still unaware of this town’s customs and traditions.
“I see.” The younger Vlad replied in acknowledgement of the man’s assumptions. “I wouldn’t want you to waste your time on fruitless endeavors, but if there is a sliver of hope in these rumors, it cannot be ignored either…” He then paused with a deep inhale. Could this man even be trusted to accept unusual results? Being skeptical was a good quality in a man, but there were things in this town that reason couldn’t always explain.
“Will you be returning to the hospital today?”
He suspected that the other doctors would be hard at work all day long in such a place. The younger Vlad could accompany this man along the way, of course, it might even be a chance to get to know more of this plague and how they are planning on fighting it. But to bring an Odonghe to the theater was an unlikely feat and he wanted to know if their words were true. If there was a chance that they were in fact immune to this pestilence… That was vital knowledge in his line of work.
The younger Vlad could either try to bring one to the hospital, or try to get a town doctor to his quarters. The latter of which would inevitably lead to outrage over the well though…
“I would like to have a word with one of your colleagues as well. Do you think they are still working in the theater?”
POV: Daniil Dankovsky Day: 4
“If these rumors have at least a grain of truth in them… It would be worth investigating, yes. What exactly have you heard?”
Dankovsky was growing doubtful, but nonetheless had to check every possibility. No one immune has showed up to him yet, but if there were in fact people safe from the disease… For one thing, perhaps developing a vaccine was feasible.
“I have a few other errands to run today, but if I have enough time, I’ll visit the hospital in the evening.”
Or during the night, if he wasn’t exhausted, but that might be risky. The criminals in this town were more ferocious during the night. The worst thing was that he had no way of protecting himself after he lost the gun, although lost was the wrong word for it. He traded it for something extremely valuable. If he didn’t, Maria most likely wouldn’t have survived the night…
“I have only seen Stanislav Rubin at the hospital, but he left shortly before me. Burakh might be there now, but I cannot be sure of that. I haven’t been able to see him today.”
Clara wasn’t a real doctor, so Daniil decided not to mention her. She was merely a child. What could she actually do? He glanced at the strange creature again. It appeared huge. Resembling a humanoid form, but… The face wasn’t quite there. Maybe Simon Kain and his supposed immortality wasn’t the strangest thing in this town. Yet no one seemed too concerned with these creatures.
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status: @tincture-enjoyer​
The younger Vlad didn’t miss the shift in attention coming from the Bachelor. It seemed that the possibility of immunity was properly considered by the man, though the younger Vlad still couldn’t ignore the fact that this Bachelor was still an outsider. He was likely still unaware of this town’s customs and traditions.
“I see.” The younger Vlad replied in acknowledgement of the man’s assumptions. “I wouldn’t want you to waste your time on fruitless endeavors, but if there is a sliver of hope in these rumors, it cannot be ignored either...” He then paused with a deep inhale. Could this man even be trusted to accept unusual results? Being skeptical was a good quality in a man, but there were things in this town that reason couldn’t always explain.
“Will you be returning to the hospital today?”
He suspected that the other doctors would be hard at work all day long in such a place. The younger Vlad could accompany this man along the way, of course, it might even be a chance to get to know more of this plague and how they are planning on fighting it. But to bring an Odonghe to the theater was an unlikely feat and he wanted to know if their words were true. If there was a chance that they were in fact immune to this pestilence... That was vital knowledge in his line of work.
The younger Vlad could either try to bring one to the hospital, or try to get a town doctor to his quarters. The latter of which would inevitably lead to outrage over the well though...
“I would like to have a word with one of your colleagues as well. Do you think they are still working in the theater?”
POV: Daniil Dankovsky Day: 4 Time: 4pm Status @bull-enterprise
The visit to their temporary hospital proved useful. Daniil managed to confirm that the medicine worked. The cries, coughing, and pitiful stares were still fresh in his mind. The Sand Dirt was truly awful, and even the antibiotics could not cure the disease completely, merely delay its effects. That still meant they were worth something. It could give the doctors enough time to make the vaccine, or find more of that magical cure, shmowders.
No matter, it was better to avoid the infection at all cost. Immunity boosters could grant protection from the Pest, but only temporarily. The antibiotics slowed the infection but could still be harmful.
Dankovsky remembered the instructions given to him in the morning letter and made his way to the shack rather quickly. The more he looked at the building, the more he realized in what a terrible state it was. Yet it didn’t matter in his quest, and since Younger Vlad didn’t say anything about it, he wouldn’t either. He walked up the wooden platform in the back before opening the door. He wondered whether the door could even be closed with a lock. Didn’t the man worry that bandits could stop by?
Remembering the Olgimsky’s son had been downstairs during the previous visit, he turned to go down. Thankfully, the man was there, so Daniil could relay the information. He cleared his throat to announce his presence in the room.
“I tested all three sets of pills. They work, at least in a way. The antibiotics slow the development of the disease, however they shouldn’t be taken in large doses. They can influence one’s health negatively.”
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bull-enterprise · 2 years
POV: Vladislav Olgimsky Jr. Status @tincture-enjoyer​
By the doctor’s words it was inevitable then. Though maybe he wasn’t aware of the rumors yet, since he was likely busy the entire day with the ill.
“It’s not the hospital that you should worry about...” The younger Vlad commented with a hint of sympathetic grief in his voice. The plague hadn’t been contained this time, it was only a matter of time before the whole town was buried beneath the earth. It was doubtful that they’d even all fit beneath the ground, or that they’d have the manpower to make the trip to the cemetery but, that was a matter to be kept undisclosed for as long as possible.  “Focus on what you can do. The hospital and it’s needs are being taken care of by the rest of us, Bachelor.” He then added in the hopes of not extinguishing the little hope they had left in that place. Vlad’s thin lips curled into a faint forced smile. It was only natural that the gesture was fabricated for diplomacy’s sake, but the younger Vlad also knew how he had to keep certain crowds pleased.
“The other matter that I wanted to bring up was in regards to your discoveries, as well as the other doctors in town. You’ve spoken to them, yes?” Naturally, a rhetorical question, but one that would nonetheless steer the Bachelor’s mind in the subject’s direction. “There have been certain people adamantly defending that the sand plague doesn’t affect everyone equally.”
Despite the aforementioned people being right next to them, the younger Vlad feared that the honored Bachelor would be skeptical with the words of an Odongh, unlike some of the other town doctors. He was, nonetheless, the one around at the time, and he apparently could prove useful for running errands. Having another person investigating this matter would also be more than useful.
“They say some people are immune to this infection. Could it be true? Have you, or any of your colleagues, found any indications of this being a possibility?”
POV: Daniil Dankovsky Day: 4 Time: 4pm Status @bull-enterprise
The visit to their temporary hospital proved useful. Daniil managed to confirm that the medicine worked. The cries, coughing, and pitiful stares were still fresh in his mind. The Sand Dirt was truly awful, and even the antibiotics could not cure the disease completely, merely delay its effects. That still meant they were worth something. It could give the doctors enough time to make the vaccine, or find more of that magical cure, shmowders.
No matter, it was better to avoid the infection at all cost. Immunity boosters could grant protection from the Pest, but only temporarily. The antibiotics slowed the infection but could still be harmful.
Dankovsky remembered the instructions given to him in the morning letter and made his way to the shack rather quickly. The more he looked at the building, the more he realized in what a terrible state it was. Yet it didn’t matter in his quest, and since Younger Vlad didn’t say anything about it, he wouldn’t either. He walked up the wooden platform in the back before opening the door. He wondered whether the door could even be closed with a lock. Didn’t the man worry that bandits could stop by?
Remembering the Olgimsky’s son had been downstairs during the previous visit, he turned to go down. Thankfully, the man was there, so Daniil could relay the information. He cleared his throat to announce his presence in the room.
“I tested all three sets of pills. They work, at least in a way. The antibiotics slow the development of the disease, however they shouldn’t be taken in large doses. They can influence one’s health negatively.”
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