spidyboyholland · 5 years
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Admit it, you need me.
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spidyboyholland · 5 years
Tom Holland warning people about spoilers has the same energy as Captain America lecturing teenagers how to behave
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spidyboyholland · 5 years
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
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the lesbian power is strong
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
disney executive 1: robert downey jr is posting gay shit again we gotta make him stop
disney executive 2: I tried sir, he just responded “wygd fire me? lol”
disney executive 1: fuck… he’s too powerful now
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
Peter’s classmates wondering how Spider-Man got to Europe
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
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My reaction:
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
peter to michelle: you look really pretty
michelle: therefore, i have value?
peter, on the inside:
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
Aunt May : has a dating life
Peter :
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
my last two brain cells watching another self-sabotage
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
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Rest in Peace Stan Lee
Thanks for all the great memories.
You did good kid.
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
i’ve never met tom holland but i trust him
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
anyone who says they would rather be an avenger than a guardian is a fool. the guardians go on constant outer space adventures with a talking tree set to 70’s dad music. plus they all love and would literally die for each other. what do the avengers do? assemble for five minutes then get into a walmart parking lot fight and never see each other again. fuck you.
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
The Boy Next Door-Tom Holland(chapter 7-sing me to sleep)
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pairing: tom holland x female reader
summary: you find out things about tom, now its time to talk to him about it, will he be honest?
warnings: swearing, sexual content, and possibly drugs/alcohol
You didnʻt want to believe all the stuff Harrison said, but it isnʻt like Tom was giving you a lot to believe otherwise. You knew you had to talk to Tom about it later today, which you were dreading.
It broke your heart to think that all the time you spent with him was just some game to him. Moving was hard enough, then the one good thing you had here was being ripped away. Well, one of the two good things you had here. Yes, Tom was drifting out of the picture, but you still had Haz.
The first thing that came into your mind after you talked to Harrison was that he could be lying. You found yourself trying to find excuses for Tom, none that could be logically right. A stupid idea that came into your head was that Harrison was just jealous, but he couldnʻt be, he didnʻt like you like that. It wasnʻt like that with him.
The last two classes of the day seemed to go by pretty quickly, and you got an A on your astronomy test so you felt pretty acomplished. But still dreading talking to Tom.
Tom was planning on driving you home so you planned on talking to him then. The plan was simple, ask him if he was using you, and hope for the truth. The only problem was, you didnʻt know what the truth was.
As you were walking down the halls you just kept re-running all the different scenarioʻs that could go down when you talk to Tom. Not even paying attention, you smash hard into someone and fall to the ground.
“I am so sorry!” You say as you gather your books from the ground
The person you ran into you hands you the other book you dropped and you looked up to see a really handsome boy with blonde hair and brown eyes, wearing the same varsity jacket that Noah wears. You recognize him as someone who hangs around Noah sometimes.
“Donʻt worry about it.” He says as he helps you up. “Im Hunter by the way.”
“Y/n.” you say as you shake his hand
“Iʻve seen you around. With Tom and all...”
“Yea... we are friends.” You say reluctantly
“Cool... cool... Tom is cool I mean. I hang out with him sometimes when he comes over to Noahʻs.”
“Yea heʻs uh... cool.”
“Okay well my ride is here so I gotta go, but it was a pleasure meeting you y/n!” Hunter says as he walks away smiling
“Bye!” You call out after heʻs turned around.
You walk out the doors to see Tom waiting in his car for you in the parking lot.
Here goes nothing.
“Hey Tom.” You say as you get in his car
“Hey! How was your day? I didnʻt see you like at all today” He says as he starts the car and starts to back out of his parking spot
“Yea uh... It was good.”
You were trying your best to say something, anything. You couldnʻt bring yourself to ask him. It felt like an awful ball of anxiety was pilled up in your chest, wanting to get out, but unable to.
His warm hand was holding yours as he drove. A part of you didnʻt want to say anything. A part of you wouldnʻt mind being used by Tom. But that part of you was a dumb naive girl.
He finally pulled up to your house. It was now or never.
“See you later tonight love?” Tom sweetly asked with a glimmer in his eyes
“Actually Tom we need to talk.” You could feel your heart start beating out of your chest.
“Sure darling. Whatʻs up?” He says as he puts the car in park
“Are you using me?” You blurt out. You didnʻt know how to slowly ease into it so you just went full on questioning.
“What?” He looked surprised and taken aback by what you had just said, though surely you were not the first girl accusing him of this
“Like... are you using me to get back with Laila or something? And be honest. I donʻt care if you say yes but I donʻt want you to lie.”
Tom took a second to breathe, then he answered
“Do you want me to say yes? Yes Y/N I am using you? Is that what you want to hear?” Tom asked seeming to get angry
“What the fuck no! Of course I donʻt want you to tell me that but I also donʻt want you to be a fucking liar. So are you? Are you using me?!”
“No! I... well... maybe in the start I was. When I first met you. But can you blame me? I gorgeous girl moves next door, as I was in the midst of a breakup? At the party I had the intentions of just hooking up. But then, as the night went on, I started changing my mind. You probably donʻt remember a lot from that night but I remember it all. Every single cute fucking thing you said and did. The drunken but deep talks we had that night. I had more fun with you in an hour than I had with Laila all year. “
“You told me that you and Laila had been done for months... you lied.”
“Im so sorry y/n. I didnʻt mean to. We had been officially done for months, but we had been hooking up on and off”
“So is this what that is? Another hookup attempt?” You say with some tears welling in your eyes
“Y/N I want you. But I donʻt just want to hook up and then go. In fact I would be fine if we didnʻt do anything ever, but talk. Because I canʻt get enough of you love. You are extraordinary. You are so funny without even trying. Talking to you is so easy even though I get a million butterflies every time I see you. I fucked up when I first met you. But I didnʻt know you. But I want to know you. I want to know what youʻre favorite movie is. Hell, I even want to know what youʻre favorite playlist is. I want to know everything about you and more. I have never felt this way about any girl ever. “
You were speechless. You didnʻt know how to respond to that. So you didʻnt. You just kissed him.
The kiss was soft but filled with released tension. That kiss felt like a breath of relief. Tom slowly pulled away and rested his forehead on yours.
“Listen y/n, I used to be a shitty guy. But I want to be better. Im going to be better.” He said in a whisper in your ear
You kissed him again on the cheek.
“Want to come inside for bit?” You asked
“Iʻd love to” He said smiling as he followed you into the house
Luckily your Mom was still at work so you and Tom had the house to yourself.
You led Tom upstairs into your room and he smiled.
“The last time I was in your room, you were black out drunk” He laughed
“Yea yea, be quiet” You said as you threw your backpack on the ground “Wanna watch a movie?” You asked while taking your laptop off your night stand
“Yea lets do it” Tom said as he plopped down on your bed next to you
After 15 minutes of going back and forth with Tom you finally convinced him to watch American Horror Story, one of your favorite shows.
“Y/N if I die of a heart attack just know it was totally your fault!” He laughed as he put his muscular arm around you
“Oh shut up ya big baby”
You and Tom were only two episodes in when you started getting sleepy. It was hard not to fall asleep. You were laying on Tomʻs chest and his soft breathing was causing his chest to slowly rise and fall, which was extremely calming. Not to mention he was extremely warm.
“Love?” You heard Tom softly whisper in your ear as he pulled your hair behind your ear
“Mhm?” You asked with you eyes still closed
“You are falling asleep.” He said as he stroked your hair
“No, no... Im... Im awake...”You said still drifting in and out of sleep
Tom gently flipped you over so that you were facing him and placed a soft kiss on your lips, which woke you up. You kissed him back, a little faster and rougher this time. Tom placed one hand on your head and one on your back as you continued to kiss him. Tom has perfected the art of kissing. He was so perfectly gentle when he needed to be, but this was not one of those times. This time, he used his rougher side to pull you closer into him, all at the same time keeping in perfect sync with your lips.
It seemed like the perfect moment. Tom holding you so close. Time was melting away. The minutes were quickly reduced to seconds, but all you wanted was to stay exactly how you were.
You pulled away from the kiss to lay on Toms chest again. His hands ran through your hair after putting one more kiss on your forehead before you drifted asleep.
You woke up later with Tom gone, and it was dark now. A suddle smile came to your face as you remembered what you fell asleep too. Almost seeming like a dream now. You check your phone to see 3 missed texts. You read the first one from Tom,
“I had homework and stuff to do at home but sleep well my angel <3”
Tom wasnʻt perfect, but you trusted him, and he made you feel safe, but most importantly, happy.
You looked back down at your phone to see 2 missed texts from Harrison saying,
“How did it go with Tom??” “Y/N?”
A part of you felt guilty for staying with Tom, going completely against Harrisons warnings about him. But you felt even worse for thinking that Harrison lied just because he was jealous. Tom admitted that what Harrison said was true, he did use girls in the past, but he said he wouldnʻt anymore, which was enough for you. You felt like you had betrayed Harrison by staying with Tom. You texted Harrison back saying,
“Hey can you come over?”
He almost immediately responded, texting back,
“On my way.”
While you were waiting for Harrison to come over you changed from your school clothes to shorts and a hoodie. You were thinking about taking a shower but the doorbell rang in short minutes after you had texted him.
You ran downstairs to open the door and sure enough, Harrison was there.
“Hey, come in” You said gesturing him in
“Are you okay? What happened with Tom?”
You sat Harrison down on the couch, still feeling bad about having to tell him that you didnʻt break things off.
“I talked to Tom in the car on the way home...”
“And? What did he say? Was he upset?” Harrison asked eagerly
“Well, I asked him if he was using me, and he said in the start he was, but not anymore. And I know, I know this sounds bad Harrison but I couldnʻt just say no after all the things he said to me. It didnʻt sound like some bullshit he made up on the spot. It sounded real, and genuine. And Harrison he is your best friend, so you know he is a good guy deep down.”
Harrison took a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair. He was almost impossible to read.
“I just... I donʻt want you getting hurt...” He said looking out the window
“I know Harrison. I wonʻt. You donʻt have to worry. “ You say as you lean into hug him.
He wraps his muscular arms around you. He is warm too, just like Tom. You can smell his cologne, which smells a bit stronger than Toms, but not in a bad way. The hug lingers for a second before Harrison pulls away.
Harrison looks at you with mixed signals in his eyes. You canʻt tell if its the look of frustration, pain, or lust.
authors note: I hope you guys liked this one, still just getting back into writing after my long break so it isnʻt perfect, but I am going to continue this series and I might also start a new one that is based on peter parker instead of tom holland! Let me know if you guys would like that :) thanks <3
taglist- @casualprincess77​ @mysticaleggshoagieopera​
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
COMMON COURTESY PART 4 | Haz x Reader (exxxtra)
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 |  ( exxxtra) PART 4 | COMPLETE!
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Summary: Harrison is a nice guy. You know that. We know that. He knows that. Where can you take this?
Warning: the exxxplicit exxxtra chapter (smut)
Word count: 5K OOPS HAHA
“It’s common courtesy,” you say, the words rolling off your tongue without much thought. Your neck tilts upward as you stare at him.
He stands in your doorway, wet fabric clinging onto him for dear fucking life. He runs a nervous hand through his hair, as his pretty blue eyes dart from side to side, until resting on you. You can’t stop looking at his pinkened lips.
It feels so tense. It feels illegal, if feels like a big secret, it feels like you’re crossing into new territories, submitting yourself to the abyss of a beautiful blue–
So like, not bad, not exactly deserving, but good. Exciting. New.
You look up at him with big eyes through your lashes, as you lean against the door, swaying a little. His eyes follow your little movements, and the weight of it all falls onto you.
What…. The hell am I doing?
Harrison is just a friend, and he’s just staying the night out of hospitality, nothing more.
It’s not like you’ve never done this before—
But you’re both holding your breath to see what the other does next. You lick your lips, and maybe you can taste a little bit of him. A little bit of heaven, and a little bit of caution. He shifts his feet, taking slow steps into the water.
What’s next?
The thought alone makes your mouth water, and you bite down on your tongue.
“Let’s get inside.”
Keep reading
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spidyboyholland · 6 years
The Boy Next Door-Tom Holland (chapter 6-jealously)
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pairing: tom holland x female reader
summary: haz finds out about you and tom, it seems like he is just jealous, or is he actually looking out for you?
warnings: swearing, possibly the mention of sexual content or drugs/alcohol
The whole night had just seemed like a dream. A beautiful, sweet, caring guy had just taken you out on your dream date. You and Tom had layed under the stars for hours, almost till it started getting light. You had to rush home since you had school the next day, which you were not looking forward to due to the lack of sleep you managed to get. Tom had placed a soft kiss on your forehead before walking you back up to your doorstep and saying goodnight at four in the morning. Things seemed to be working out perfectly in this new town. At first, the move was the worst thing to have happened all year, well almost the worst thing. You had been through a lot, so adding moving to the list was not something you wanted to do. But you had to make the most of it, and that’s exactly what you were doing.
Luckily you had Tom and Haz. They made everything in this bleak, dull, town seem full of life and new adventures. You were extremely happy to have them.
Waking up, you smiled remembering the night before. Just you and Tom under the stars for hours. This was the first time in ages you were actually excited to go to school. 
Tom pulled into your driveway four minutes late, but it didnʻt bother you. You hopped into his car and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as he asked you “Howʻd you sleep love?” 
“Great” You said smiling and putting your bag down by your feet
“Iʻm glad. I hope we can do that again soon.” He said while grabbing your hand and holding it as he drove to school.
As you sat in the car with Tom holding your hand you began to think to yourself for the first time you met him, are we taking things too fast? You had only known him for like four days and you two had already been making out. It all just had all just happened so fast you never took a second to think. It was hard to think around Tom. He had a certain charisma about him that just made you melt when he said your name. Whenever you were with him, things happened so naturally, it didnʻt feel forced at all, thatʻs probably why you havenʻt even taken a second to think about what you were doing. He always just seemed so trustworthy that it never seemed like a problem. 
As Tom pulled into the school parking lot, you could see Noah and his group of friends hanging out just outside of the doors like they were yesterday afternoon. A small knot in your stomach grew as you saw them, hoping you and Tom could just sneak past them. 
As you and Tom approached the entrance where they all were, it was obvious that you and Tom did not have the same ideaʻs. He waved to Noah and walked right for them, you reluctantly followed behind him. 
“Good morning y/n! I love this carpool thing you and Thomas have going on itʻs the sweetest thing.” Noah said while putting his arm around Tom
“Y/n go ahead, Iʻll meet you in there” Said Tom has he motioned you to go inside without him
So much for standing up for me next time... You thought as you nodded and walked in alone. 
You walked through the hall to your locker, but you could feel the stares of people as you walked in. It was still strange to be the new girl, but it was getting less bad now that you knew your way around somewhat. 
You made it to your locker and managed to open it by yourself today, putting away the books you didnʻt need today and taking out the oneʻs you did. 
You looked out in the hallway looking to see if Tom was coming in but instead you saw familiar blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. 
“Hey! Harrison!” You said trying to get his attention because he had ear buds in
He smiled and walked up to you
“We have to stop meeting like this” He said grinning
“Oh my gosh you are so cheesy” You laughed as you closed your locker
“Are we still on for lunch today or are you gonna ditch that too?” He asked laughing a bit 
“Im so sorry about yesterday Harrison! It is a long story but I will explain at lunch. I wonʻt ever ditch you again I promise!” You saw bumping your shoulder into his
“Okay okay good, I would be pret-” Haz was cut off by Tom stepping right into the conversation, literally and physically. 
Tom stepped right in between you two and said “Hey Harrison. Cʻmon y/n, I donʻt want you to be late for AP History. “ He said as he dragged you away 
“See you at lunch Harrison!” You say back to Haz as you see him looking down annoyed. He just nods and walks off in the opposite direction. 
Tom drops you off at AP History and goes to his class. The rest of the morning is painfully boring and slow. History and French both go so slow that you think youʻll die of old age. 
You were excited to hurry up and get to lunch so you could talk to Haz. You needed to apologize about ditching him yesterday, then again this morning when Tom dragged you away from him. Something seemed to of changed from the first time you saw Haz and Tom together. They seemed like actual friends, now they seemed more like enemies and competitors more than friends. Haz told you that thatʻs just how it was at school, but there seemed to be more to it than that.
Lunch finally came around, so you went into the dining hall to look for Harrison. You saw Noah and his group of friends sitting at a table in the middle of the dining hall. You also noticed Tom sitting with them, and Laila sitting next to him. Tom noticed you and gestured for you to come over but you just nodded no and walked away, but made sure to text him so he didnʻt get mad.
“Sorry, promised to have lunch with Haz today.” 
You finally found Harrison under a big tree near the track and football field. He was reading and eating a sandwich. 
“Hey, is this seat taken?” You say as you take a seat next to him on the grass
“Nope, go ahead” He says while putting his book away 
“Harrison I am really sorry about yesterday. I completely meant to go home with you but then Tom started walking me out and then Noah and his crew were outside. Noah just started saying stuff and Tom didn-”
You were cut off by Harrison slamming his hand onto the tree,
“What the hell did Tom say?! I swear to god! I told you Y/N! Tom is bad news! Noah and Tom and their entire fucking gang!” Harrison said enraged
“Wait, no, Harrison, Tom didnʻt do anything! I mean he didnʻt stand up for me, but it was just Noah saying stuff, not Tom. Thatʻs why I couldnʻt go home with you. Things were happening so fast in the moment, he took me to his car then drove me home. I was a little mad at him but he texted me later and we hung out and everything was fine... better than fine actually.” You said smiling turning a bit pink thinking about the amazing time you had with Tom
You looked over to Haz and saw him start to pack up his bag and stand up
“Wait, Harrison where the fuck are you going?” You say while standing up and grabbing his forearm so that he stops walking away.
Harrison turned to you with an frustrated look and said
“Yea. Of course.Of course you and Tom hung out last night.” Haz said starting to walk away again
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?!” You shout at him
“It means that this isnʻt new Y/N! Tom has done this a million times! What? Did he text you late at night, asking for an adventure? Then let me guess... he took you to a movie in the woods? Maybe a candle lit picnic at the beach? Stargazing? Sunset on a hill?” Harrison yelled
You were having a hard time processing this all right now so you just went with your natural instinct which was to defend Tom
“It isnʻt like that!” You yelled back
“Oh but isnʻt it? He probably told you how much he likes you, and how he loves to spend time with you, and maybe even how he feels a REAL connection with you. Well let me tell you right now, thats bullshit. Laila and Tom fight then break up every couple of weeks, and in attempts to make Laila jealous, Tom will hang around with a new girl for a few days, then he drops her to get back together with Laila. Tom doesnʻt care about you Y/N. “ 
Tears started to fill your eyes. You didnʻt want to believe it, but it really sounded like Harrison knew what he was talking about. 
“He... itʻs...” You struggled to find the words as you wiped the tears from your eyes.
Harrison noticed you were crying and his facial quickly changed from anger to sadness and guilt.
“Y/N... Im sorry... I didnʻt mean too say anything that- nevermind... but, Im sorry”Harrison said as he leaned in to hug you
“I know Im just another stupid fucking pawn in one of Toms games” You said as you wiped the last couple of tears off your cheeks
“No! You arenʻt just another one of those girls. You are different. I care about you. Like a lot. Thatʻs why Im telling you this because I donʻt want to see you get hurt. That would kill me.” Harrison said as he stroked your hair to behind your ear
“Thank you Harrison... I donʻt plan on getting hurt by a fuck boy anytime soon. I think Im going to talk to him about it.” 
“Okay... good luck” Harrison said giving you one last quick hug before getting up to leave before class.
You were dreading having to talk to Tom. You were scared. Not scared of what he would say, more scared of what Tom wouldnʻt say.
authours note-Okay this was my first time writing in like two or more months so sorry it sucked and it was short! I tried writing this like a million times but there has been really bad storms where I live that have been messing up the wifi so I had to rewrite this a million times! Message me to be added to the tag list and also message me if you have any ideas you want written in!
@mysticaleggshoagieopera @casualprincess77 
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