bunchkins-blog · 8 years
Crazy Ex-GIFs is now publicly searchable on Twitter and other GIPHY searches
Hi All, 
GIPHY is the engine that powers the Twitter GIF search button and also has extension utilities for searching gifs on various apps like iMessage and Slack. 
Their search engine only returns gifs that are “publicly indexed” however, so your account requires a specific status to upload gifs that can be found through search. The fine people at GIPHY, including their TV editor Stacy, who seems be a fan of the show (!!!) (but don’t quote me on that), have given me the ability to publicly index my gifs so that it is even easier to find and share CXG with your internet acquaintances! YAY!
So go ahead and give it a try. Go to Twitter or iMessage GIPHY and type in a few of these search terms to return some Crazy Ex-Girlfriend gifs:
“crazy ex-girlfriend” -- You get a mixture of my gifs, gifs featured by sites like billboard.com and vulture.com which also have the ability to publicly index, and that stupid knife meme that I really wish would stab itself to death.
“rebecca bunch” -- You get mostly my gifs featuring the character of Rebecca Bunch, with a few others random ones with other people named Rebecca (I guess?) interspersed.
“cxgf” or “cxg”--  This is a handy little search term for savvy fans as it ensures that 99.9%* of the gifs returned are gifs in the Crazy Ex-GIFs collection I’ve made, as this is unique to my tags and doesn’t match other gifs on GIPHY like the terms “crazy” or “rebecca” might.
*there is a random Asian dance competition gif that sneaks in here somehow. Don’t ask--I have no clue. 
Also! Try combos to get a more specific set of gifs like “crazy ex-girlfriend happy” or “cxg excited” etc. These are not perfect since “happy” returns a bunch of other stuff too, but the top gifs are usually about the show and are ones I’ve tagged with that term. I’m working on increasing the usefulness of the tags so that it will be even easier to find that perfect gif! The more we share (I believe) the higher up these can go in search even without crazy-ex girlfriend specific terms. I promise I get literally nothing out of you sharing them personally (I am not an artist by trade and I’m not trying to promote my own portfolio or something like that) I just think this show deserves more viewers and more viewers deserve to enjoy this show.
Again, the overall goal here is show outreach and that is twofold 1) get people curious about the show through sharing these uniquely charming moments that leave you saying “wtf that’s weird and amazing, what is that?” and 2) make the faces of the CXG cast more familiar to people by peppering them around the web in our daily interactions so when people scroll past that Netflix title and see the photo of the cast/Rachel they’ll say “I’ve seen them around the web.... this show must be popular/good/funny/amazing! Let me hop on that bandwagon” (a girl can gif and dream, right?).
Let’s Spread CXG GIFs like Glitter, 
PS: Gif creators or general fans who want to help with this effort, holla at me.
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bunchkins-blog · 8 years
Crazy Ex-GIFs
Hi Bunch!
I’d like to do a soft opening of my new Crazy Ex-Girlfriend fan-made content project in progress that I’m calling “Crazy Ex-GIFs”:
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The motivation for this project is that I was super frustrated with the state of Crazy Ex-GF GIFdom. There are so many great gif sets out there, but no good organized source for everyone’s favorite reaction gifs. Like this one: 
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Or this one:
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Secondly, the gifs out there are mostly optimized for Tumblr gif sets and not for use as reaction gifs in texts and what not. Because of the limits gif sizes on Tumblr, this means lower quality, shorter gifs. Also, since the gifs are made as part of a set, people aren’t generally focusing on making great gifs of single moments... like this one: 
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Or this one:
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See? these are gifs but they probably aren’t playing on Tumblr, but trust me, they are fine on Twitter, FB, iMessage etc. Here are the links to the originals without Tumblr interference:
Holy RBG
And to one on Twitter (#humblebrag)
The goal of this project is to make sharing and using Crazy Ex-Girlfriend reaction gifs as easy as possible for us fans so we can incept the show into the minds of our friends and acquaintances. Or at least just make them go “Wow that is super weird wtf is that”
This show has such a unique charm, and I feel like the medium of the reaction gif as spread through the daily internet and text message interactions of the bunch of us fans is a great way to get people curious about this strange and delightful television program. 
To address the concerns of gif organization, quality optimization, and ease of use on iPhone so that more of the amazingness of show can be spread around this way, here are the three parts of Project Crazy Ex-GIFs:
1) Crazy Ex-GIFs Originals: A brand new world of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend reaction gifs. 
This is a collection of gifs I’m working on which are specially made to be used as reaction gifs. They are flashy and colorful and try to capture great CXG moments that you can co-opt when you’re communicating with people digitally. “Big Party” and “Holy Ruth Bader Ginsburg” above are two of about 20 I’ve made so far and the collection will grow approximately weekly (I’ll let you know on twitter @bunch_of_fans when I’ve added new content). Click the link above for the current collection.
What I need from you guys, if you will, is 1) to suggest in my ask here on Tumblr or tweet @bunch_of_fans on Twitter some great moments that you’d like made into this kind of reaction gif, and 2) to just use these whenever you can where ever you can! No credit necessary unless you are referring a friend to the gifs for he or she to use. Post on Reddit, Twitter, your blog, etc. (don’t specifically claim them as your own of course but otherwise, go crazy).
2) Crazy Ex-GIFs on GIPHY
GIPHY is a popular, widespread gif app available for the iMessage app on iPhone (and maybe Android messages, but I don’t have an Android to check so lemme know, dudes). 
For easy sharing of these CXG gifs, simply 1) make a GIPHY account and login, 2) go to the Crazy Ex-GIFs channel on GIPHY, 3) pick the gifs you’d like to save for use in texts, and 4) click the little heart to favorite them! Your favorites are available through the iMessage app with a couple of tap, tap, taps. Download the GIPHY iMessage app free from the app store, login with your credentials, and follow these easy steps to insert a Crazy Ex-GIF into your text:
1) iMessage -> expand options.
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2) Click apps icon.
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3) Open GIPHY (if you do this once, it will become your default when you click the apps icon from then on unless you enter another app).
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4) Click the menu icon
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5) Open your favorites (note: Login before your first use -- after that your credentials are saved).
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6) Scroll through the gifs from my channel and others that you’ve favorited and select the appropriate one. It will play you a preview of them all. I picked Josh/Greg Tap High-Five.
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7) It’s in your message... Add a caption if desired.
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8) And send. High five!
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That’s it! 
The GIPHY only includes Crazy Ex-GIF Originals (my personal gifs), but if other gif creators want to make a GIPHY account so people can favorite their gifs, do it! You can tweet @ me your channel url and I will retweet to followers of @bunch_of_fans -- We retweet all fan-made content, after all. 
(For the record I don’t work for GIPHY or anything, they just happen to be the most popular site with the best iMessage integration. Furthermore, Twitter’s GIF search works through them -- that’s how widespread the app is. You can’t currently find for these through Twitter GIF search but I’m working on it!)
3) Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Reaction GIF Comprehensive Organization on Imgur
The third part of this effort is to organize all Crazy Ex-Girlfriend gifs by episode and by “reaction type/mood”. This is for those times when you want to browse the full scope of gifs to find a specific one that you just KNOW exists but can’t find, or when you want to hone in on the perfect mood/reaction and need more options. 
This effort aims to put all gifs under one roof including gifs from other creators (with full credit in the image descriptions of course). I have some example of what this will look like in place (click the link above); however, this part of the project is currently incomplete because 1) wow, it takes forever to do this gif by gif for every episode and 2) I thought the most efficient way to do this would be to call on the other gif creators to upload their own gifs from their own computers (a drag and drop process as opposed to me downloading and re-uploading).
If you’re a gif creator and you want to be involved in this effort, message me here or @ me on Twitter and I will give you access to the Imgur account so you can add your gifs to this collection. Note: This is meant specifically for short “reaction” gifs -- gifs you might send to a friend over a message. Length should be reasonably short and words on the gif should be short and sweet. I also ask that you add some kind of meaningful summary line and credit yourself in the image description box.
That’s it guys!! Enjoy!!! Please use this for its intended purpose: seeding curiosity about the show everywhere around the internet and the known universe! We want to tap into people’s curiosity by sharing some weird and great moments from Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.
Yours Truly, Frame by Frame, 
Chelsea (@bunch_of_fans)
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bunchkins-blog · 8 years
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If you’re a woman, and you’ve never done this, then you’re lying.
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bunchkins-blog · 8 years
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When you prepare for a future argument by talking to yourself in the shower...
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