burningtalelight · 1 year
Oof, the ending scene of the manga is so cute. Wasn't in the novel, but they added in the manga. Sasuke blushing to sakura guessing the truth to why he gave him a ring. Sakura smiling and them sharing a hug. Thank You for this. The manga was amazing.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
The chapter 6 part 1 and 2 are out and I can't stop blushing and smiling like an idiot the whole time reading the manga....😍 It's love...
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Kakashi being Kakashi as ever 😂😂
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Oh, The chapter 3 of sasuke retsuden was just so 🤩🥰. But they missed that line "This doctor is my wife!!!"
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Damn, the next sasuke restuden chapter is in 3 days! The wait is so long, Can't be more excited ryt now !!!!
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Okay, I am feeling kinda ashamed but am I the only one who spends like 4 hours in a mall.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Whenever I see a sasusaku fanart, I end up imagining a whole little story about how they would have ended up in the moment that the fanart was depicting, and then feel so pleased and ullu ullu in heart 😍 ❤️
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burningtalelight · 2 years
How many of you have read the first chapter of the manga of sasuke retsuden? The beginning is a little bit different but it's good.
But still I am so afraid that they don't mess up with sasusaku content especially these:
1. Sakura's entry as she puts her hands over sasuke's eyes and sasuke thinks to himself that "No you fool she can't be here" and he remembers sakura by her touch. I am saying if they messed up this one even a bit, I will cry, this one is my fav.
2. When Sasuke talks about sakura as her home. If they changed it or cut it, I won't stand. I really curse them. I mean I don't want to, I am not a bad person but just my heart will.
3. Lake scene, just do it right! Just do it right! If can't make it better, do it fine. Please
And all other scenes, like ring scene, this is my wife scene, when sakura is injured and sasuke gets too much tensed and worried, the end scene in which they eat together with sarada, I mean the entire manga. Please do it right.
Anyways comment down your opinions as well
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burningtalelight · 2 years
I initially thought that antis really have reasons to hate sasusaku and sakura. So, I thought debunking those reasons, they will start to understand the relationship better. But, I realized they just hate them for no reason. Like, antis say that sasusaku is a fanservice while 90% of naruto Fandom hates them and hates sakura. They are so controversial in themselves. Thus, I now will only post for sasusaku Fandom to enjoy and not for antis to make them understand. I have some debates, and they are not worth my time at all.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
I have realized that debating with fools is your time waste. You should just end the conversation and let them believe that they won. It might be hard, and you feel like you hurt your ego for some time but after some time, you will feel that it was worth it.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Sakura: I love you sasuke-kun
Sasuke: I love you too...
Antis: he was forced to say that,
He had no choice
He wasn't referring to romantic love
That doesn't prove that he loves him
Like seriously, some antis just have to deny thats it. They have no facts and anything. At this point, it feels like no matter what sasuke does, they will still a find to critize it.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
SP has done some serious shit here. That's why even though I want sasuke retsuden to be animated, I don't want SP to do it since I am afraid they will destroy it. Ikemoto also didn't do any good with them. Only kisimoto gave them kinda justice.
Specially that filler scene in which sakura said she didn't notice, but naruto did. Seriously, when sasuke left the village, only you guessed it, naruto said that he won't do anything like that, he won't fall in hands of that orochimaru but sakura was the one who was standing at the village gate because she knew or has guesses that sasuke might do that.
Full on rant about studio perriot naruto adaption part 1
First let's start with the filler that outright contradicts canon obito grandma shes entirely filler obito was orphan stated to be a orphan in the manga why would you add this
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This garbage filler utterly contradicts the manga
Filler bs
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Team 7 and iruka where the first people to acknowledge Naruto and Team 7 are Naruto first friends to Naruto himself in the manga
Filler again utterly contradicts the manga and people wouldn't even know its filler due to being put in the middle of a manga episode what is this studio perriot naruto didn't know shit he did even notice sasuke had someone had to tell him
Filler bs
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More Filler
What is this sp hated sakura loved narusaku hate sasusaku and gave some stuff to naruhina
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Feedings for naruto sp is a pure joke
Sasuke didn't care about sakura canon statements from Sasuke and him blushing in her presence and smiled too sp butchered the scense tough
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Cleary geninn Sasuke didn't care about her sakura is useless genin sasuke she's a good friend and has helped many times
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Okay, let me be clear, I don't want a sasusaku love story movie because it isn't needed. In the entire manga, their love is developed, their relationship has went through ups and downs. Their love story is already there. Whenever I say I want a sasusaku movie, I mean a romance movie. Like a romance movie, not a love story, understand the difference. I just want to see them spending time together like a new couple. Gossiping, Kissing, Hugging, Blushing, etc. Them traveling while sakura gets pregnant. And much more. Romance Movie, Not a Love story. Love story is already there, I want to see romance.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
I don't like how the last movie. It made it look like naruto never loved sakura or actually tried to show that hinata was his first love. Like It is not important that way. They could really have shown directly a new story to them instead of showing those past childhood scenes and make it look that was enough for them to fall in love. I would have liked if instead they made them spend time together and like it didn't needed a whole genjustu just to realize that they love each other.
Also, showing that hinata had a crush on him was okay but that she constantly stalked him, I didn't like it. It for some reasons, make me feel hinata as Bad person like she always watched naruto suffering but never come upfront to help her. And I was a very shy person once, so I know it's not easy to talk, especially to crushes but if I have seen someone feeling so alone and suffering, even I would step up to help that guy. But with hinata her shyness took over too much, so much that it feels like she was kinda cruel to naruto. Also, why some people think that hinata was always there for naruto. Makes no sense, since in the entire manga and anime, time to time, it is reflected that naruto had always been alone, from the start, and it was only after that iruka acknowledged him and later on when he entered team 7 he started to feel less lonely.
They had a little development in war arc (yes, in part one, there was not, it was even hard to tell if they would end up together). So, in the last, they could have just continued. Also, it became kinda cliche like theirs an enemy and the hero fights to get the gurl. Really, I know it's a Shonen anime but still their love story could have different plot. Naruto kinda already moved on from sakura, that wasn't needed either. Showing hinata as a new love, rather than showing she was always in naruto's heart is really stupid and boring. I didn't like it.
Naruto's most important people were iruka, kakashi, sakura and sasuke. That shown twice in the show. Never have hinata been counted. So showing that he already loved him didn't make sense.
Also, the whole stupidity that he didn't understood what love is??? Really the entire manga was how naruto understood everyone feelings and heart. He taught love to gaara, like gaara the demon. Romantic love and Plantonic love has only difference between physical behavior otherwise the bond and connection is love. Like you love your mother and wife, equally and almost same. Only difference lies in how your physical behavior is with them. So, those who say he didn't knew romantic love, it just isn't much different from the love he understood. Plus, he did understood romance too, like he is creator of sexy jutsu, he asked shikamaru and temari if they were on date, and the first thing he asked his mother when he met her first time was her and minato's love story, he understood sakura loves sasuke (you really sasuke, don't you, were his words before he made the promise of lifetime), he himself had a crush on sakura and then you say he didn't understand Romance?? Like he knew love and romance both.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Lol, some anti ss shippers and NH shippers just don't have any reason or comebacks. They never reply to the facts you give them. Never ever. Like I have been in debates and read debates, but they have never really replied to my facts instead started to shove off some other nonsense that they made up.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Some people argue that forehead tap is actually a sign of distancing and not love as that's how itachi used it. So, sasuke's forehead tap with sakura is not actually a sign of love instead he is distancing him from sakura. I want to say that sasuke is not itachi, he is sasuke. How he perceives things is different from itachi. The only moment where itachi says that forehead tap was to distance them was after the reanimation was stopped by him and he now puts their heads together but what about all the other times. Even in his real death, he does that forehead poke to sasuke, which itself shows that it was a precious thing they shared. Specially to sasuke, it was a sign of affection, it was like, itachi saying, I don't have time for you now but I love you. He loved that forehead tap that's shown by him blushing. Not just that he never forget that. Even in his revenge days from itachi, he always remembered itachi's forehead poke. When he meets the reanimated itachi, he asks the same to him, "you kept poking my head always". A guy like sasuke who doesn't care much about things, remembers this gesture, doesn't that already tell that it is a special gesture. Not only that even after the fight with naruto, when they are unconscious, he imagines itachi poking his head and smiling. That's one more proof saying that the forehead poke is something special and positive for sasuke. It's a sign of affection. Sasuke poking sakura's head is basically him saying, "wait for me". That's definitely the sign of ultimate love as stated.
I would also like to add one more thing here. I believe that the forehead tap is also like a memory to sasuke. I mean after all that shit happened to sasuke during his childhood and teenage, this one gesture remains as the only memory with sasuke that is a reminder of those times which were filled with love and happiness in his life. As now sakura is the one who is filling her life that warmth and love again, he shares this gesture with her and now also sarada. This is also a reason why he doesn't share this gesture with naruto. Since, he did bring him out of darkness and is equally important to naruto as sakura is but the dynamic is not that of filling love to each other's life, it's like we stand by together as the pain we felt, which was similar.
One more thing, sasuke dynamic with itachi is more similar to his dynamic with naruto. Sure, he sees naruto as his brother and sees itachi in him, but way he behaves with him is different, it's actually similar to with sakura. Just how sasuke used to admire itachi and wanted to be by his side but itachi used to ignore and it looked to sasuke that he doesn't care, similarly, sakura has always been chasing sasuke, she admired him, wanted to be by his side, but sasuke ignored her and it looked to sakura that he doesn't care. At this moment, just how itachi's forehead poke affirmed sasuke that his brother indeed loves him, sasuke used the same poke to tell sakura he also does wants to give this relationship a try and he loves her too.
So I believe, the forehead poke really fits perfect with sasusaku and it shows the "bond even deeper than the love" the boruto manga was talking about.
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burningtalelight · 2 years
Gonna be a long post, bear with it.
Most hinata fans compare hinata's and sakura's behavior towards naruto and then compare. Which I hate, absolutely. Naruto isn't the same for both, for one he is love, for one he is friend. You can't get them both behaving the same towards him.
People complain how sakura always said sasuke-kun, but guys naruto-kun were the only dialoges hinata had. Sakura had many more conversations especially in shippuden, I haven't heard much of sasuke-kun from her. The little she said is needed after all he is his teammate and love, she cares for him.
In the part one, I like hinata's character, how it was introduced. As someone who wanted to break her limits and weakness and grow herself but in part two, it felt like her entire life revolved around naruto only.
There many comparisons regarding them which I want to debunk.
1. Sakura doesn't care about
Remember when Naruto turned four tails and sakura rushed towards him crying all worried about him, even Yamato said that he can see that she deeply cares about naruto. Later on, she didn't tell naruto that he hurt her because she didn't wanted him to feel bad.
The chunin exam scene, where sakura was going to give up the exam just so naruto's dream of hokage could become true. She didn't think about sasuke, as he would be the most angry, she just thought of naruto here. Which contradicts the things anti sakura fans says that she always takes sasuke as a priority.
But Nah what people notice is that she punches her which is literally just a comic relief that happens in almost every anime. Even if it's wrong, is that the only reason you have.
2. Sakura made fun of him.
Let me first be clear, making fun is a completely different thing. Making fun would have been like: "Oh you don't have parents, poor you, heehehe". But that wasn't like with sakura. What she said was that he gets to do whatever he wants and gets away with it because he doesn't have parents and doesn't gets scolding. Where's the making fun part, infact it's kinda true. Naruto didn't have parents that why he went away with prank. The reason why sasuke got angered because she was not understanding the loneliness naruto was going through and ranting about how unmannered or pranky (idk don't know the exact word, get the feel) naruto was.
3. Shippuden: Hinata went to protect naruto, sakura just cried.
Well sakura cried because she cares about the village, she loves them deeply. She didn't went to protect naruto because firstly unlike hinata she didn't have the bykaguan and can't see plus it was naruto himself who asked everyone not to interfere. Also, hinata running to protect naruto does show that she cares for naruto deeply and is courageous but it also shows that she doesn't give a f about the village. She didn't went on to fight when the village was in trouble and only went to fight when naruto was in trouble. Even in the war, she said it many times, that this war is for naruto and thus they need to do the best. Like here also, again she is just thinking for naruto and not the Shinobi world. I am not saying she doesn't care about shinobi world but naruto is the priority here definitely. People often say sakura only think about sasuke, like in shippuden just when. She is all worried about the shinobi world and people. Just because she once said "sakura doesn't care about me" doesn't mean that's the only thought around her head all the time.
4. Hinata protected naruto and sakura didn't (same like 3rd, different aspect)
That's what I was talking about in initial word of the post. Now they saw that hinata went to protect naruto even ready to die but sakura didn't. Though she proctected naruto on many occasions but what I want to clear here is the comparison. If you see hinata with naruto, then see the same with sasuke and sakura not with naruto. Like, hinata came to protect naruto, and sakura came to protect sasuke against gaara where she could also have died. Hinata loves naruto and protects him. Sakura loves sasuke, so she will protect him. Also, if you say sasuke was a bad guy thus didn't deserve, while the time around gaara, he wasn't. And even later if he was, then you can't love naruto for the same. Like if sakura is fixated on sasuke, so is naruto. Both are his team mates and both are worried about him.
5. Sakura protecting naruto
Agaist zabuza's sword
Against sound ninjas (Both naruto and sasuke)
After kurama was taken away from him and she did the CPR
Healed him during war and healed many during the war
6. Sasusaku Vs Naruhina
If you can't proof your ship good, then shade down others, compare, and now our ships looks good strategy is what most people use here. Don't, just don't. Please.
7. NH kiss and SS does
SS does kiss in the novels. In manga, you get the forehead poke, which is way better than the kiss for SS. Like it's the best SS could have got.
8. NH has more understanding
Not we don't call simply agreeing to whatever the f naruto says understanding. Not even thinking about what he says once, and just yes sir, no. Like you guys married for 12 years and you don't have disputes, too lovey dubey for me.
9. Sasuke doesn't contact sakura and stays away.
Read sasuke retsuden, you will just know how much he cares about her and how he wants to be with her and sarada. None other than sasuke understands the importance of family. He himself has compared sakura's love for him with his family's love in the conversation with kakashi. Boruto has made it really worse. But they have shared letters, contacted and met, and he left after naruto become the hokage. Sarada is the living proof of their love. I tok don't like how he stays away but I know that he loves him.
10. Sakura wants to make sasuke his
Sakura just wants to stay by his side or vice versa that is wants him to stay by her side. And theirs nothing wrong with it. You do wish for some people to be in your life. About making him hers, kakashi cleared it. A lot of people say that kakashi doesn't know. Let me tell, it's not kakashi, it's the writer telling you through kakashi. That's how the writer tells, through some characters, he himself it not going to come to tell you. And whatever the writer says is the truth to the story. Kakashi being the person to be the medium since he has seen Sakura and her behavior closely.
If you reached Till here. Thank you, thank you for reading this. I hope it made your day.😘❤⚘
#Love SasuSaku
#Sasuskau is my OTP
#Naruhina is Also nice
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