burningtalelight · 2 years
Some people argue that forehead tap is actually a sign of distancing and not love as that's how itachi used it. So, sasuke's forehead tap with sakura is not actually a sign of love instead he is distancing him from sakura. I want to say that sasuke is not itachi, he is sasuke. How he perceives things is different from itachi. The only moment where itachi says that forehead tap was to distance them was after the reanimation was stopped by him and he now puts their heads together but what about all the other times. Even in his real death, he does that forehead poke to sasuke, which itself shows that it was a precious thing they shared. Specially to sasuke, it was a sign of affection, it was like, itachi saying, I don't have time for you now but I love you. He loved that forehead tap that's shown by him blushing. Not just that he never forget that. Even in his revenge days from itachi, he always remembered itachi's forehead poke. When he meets the reanimated itachi, he asks the same to him, "you kept poking my head always". A guy like sasuke who doesn't care much about things, remembers this gesture, doesn't that already tell that it is a special gesture. Not only that even after the fight with naruto, when they are unconscious, he imagines itachi poking his head and smiling. That's one more proof saying that the forehead poke is something special and positive for sasuke. It's a sign of affection. Sasuke poking sakura's head is basically him saying, "wait for me". That's definitely the sign of ultimate love as stated.
I would also like to add one more thing here. I believe that the forehead tap is also like a memory to sasuke. I mean after all that shit happened to sasuke during his childhood and teenage, this one gesture remains as the only memory with sasuke that is a reminder of those times which were filled with love and happiness in his life. As now sakura is the one who is filling her life that warmth and love again, he shares this gesture with her and now also sarada. This is also a reason why he doesn't share this gesture with naruto. Since, he did bring him out of darkness and is equally important to naruto as sakura is but the dynamic is not that of filling love to each other's life, it's like we stand by together as the pain we felt, which was similar.
One more thing, sasuke dynamic with itachi is more similar to his dynamic with naruto. Sure, he sees naruto as his brother and sees itachi in him, but way he behaves with him is different, it's actually similar to with sakura. Just how sasuke used to admire itachi and wanted to be by his side but itachi used to ignore and it looked to sasuke that he doesn't care, similarly, sakura has always been chasing sasuke, she admired him, wanted to be by his side, but sasuke ignored her and it looked to sakura that he doesn't care. At this moment, just how itachi's forehead poke affirmed sasuke that his brother indeed loves him, sasuke used the same poke to tell sakura he also does wants to give this relationship a try and he loves her too.
So I believe, the forehead poke really fits perfect with sasusaku and it shows the "bond even deeper than the love" the boruto manga was talking about.
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sasusakucore · 7 months
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You all have no idea how much I am delighted and obsessing over the official art. Sasusaku serving looks and breathtaking visuals as always 💅.
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The context regarding the official art makes the art even more beautiful in my eyes. Whoever gets to attend the event is so lucky.
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Look how happy and beautiful my wife is. No one can never make me hate her.She is also wearing the ring made by sasuke. I love it so much.❤
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Sasuke has such a lovely smile and he is such a gentleman for carrying that umbrella. I am so blessed to see this art.
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theredconversegirl · 7 months
Hello! This is probably really niche but I was wondering if you know of any sasusaku fics where sasori is the one of the love interests? Sasusaku is endgame but sasuke has some competition you know lol
Hello nonny,
Thanks for stopping by! 💕
I only know one from the top of my mind, and because the fic is incomplete, we only get a little bit of Sasori. He's Sakura's neighbor and super friendly, and I think they go on one date only. Here's the fic:
Ties of strings By: Hiatus indefinite  “I have a daughter?” “No. I have a daughter! You were merely a sperm donor!” What is worst? Being a single mother or a father who never knew about his child. [Rated M, incomplete]
If anyone has any other recs that fits this ask, please send them my way. Thanks! ❤
I hope you enjoy the read, have a great week! 😊
Stay Safe,
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sentimental-idiot25 · 10 months
You work so hard to make us happy with the focus requests and all that on top of your exams. You're sakura irl! Strongest dedicated writer I know. If you ever need a break don't need to explain. We'll understand. Exams and life in general is tough. Just make sure to update when you come back. Even a stupid emoji or full stop as a post. ❤ Keep going you got this! (Pretty sure the majority of the population is writing exams hence the other ask you got for exams sasusaku. I'm writing too. But weirdly enough like that anon's ask the way they described sakura when she studies...that's me and it's so bad 😭 but oh well. Gotta get a job somehow.)
So even during exam times, my version of a break is relaxing and writing a SS snippet or one shot! <33 Love yall so so much!! <33
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321some432 · 2 years
Why sakura is the most popular lovable female character? Part1❤
After naruto ended with sasusaku I was like "ON your face SP"😜 and already moved on with my life but this animated "sasuke retsuden" reminded me how much I hate SP for what they did for sakura and made me want to talk about what was on my mind all these years.
So, to move on again, I'll drop all of it here.
FIRST: let's talk about sakura and the hate she gets from the fandom. it almost become a tradition at this point.
I saw almost 5 years ago some YouTuber's reaction to the naruto series and his chat was spamming hate on sakura. She is this and that "don't be fooled by this episode she is going to be useless" he was forced to hide his emotion for her and once he spoke his mind they start bashing him like he committed a sin. And some YouTubers actually hated sakura influenced by those comments. And some of them started watching naruto knowing already she is supposed to be hated.
I guarantee that you reach this point thinking: "aren't you supposed to tell us why sakura is the most loveable character in naruto and admit the opposite?
I'll give a short answer for those who are not interested in reading more, then I'll take my time explaining it.
Short answer: those haters are treating her like an ex-girlfriend who cheated on them.
Long answer:
Let's talk about it statistically first. The biggest 3 ships in naruto are narusaku, naruhina, sasusaku. And sakura is on 2 sides of them, ALSO naruto is on 2 sides of them.
And there are 3 types of people who like Sakura.
1- People who like her for her not related to any ships
2- People who like her because of her relationship with Sasuke
3- People who like her because of her relationship with Naruto.
For me: I was number 2 because my favorite character is "Sasuke" but she grew up on me and I become number 1. A legit sakura stan "thanks to SP"
And there are 2 types of people who hate sakura
1- The extremist bunch of feminist who is not like the other girls and can't enjoy a show without getting offended because of some personal issues.
2- People who hate her because she is in the way of their ship "reason related to shipping"
What can we get from that?
The only people who hate sakura for "I suppose a good reason" is the feminist. At least they really hate her personality. They didn't like the idea of holding on to one-sided relationship, they don't want to see her suffer and to move on with her life "don't teach young girls that!" And they want her to do more than the hero of the show in a shonen manga (and there is nothing wrong with that am I right?😰 "
Even with that, it is a questionable hatred. Because they seem to want the best for her "from their point of view"
No 1&2 on people who like her are still like her obviously. But those who liked her for naruto are the problem along with No2 in the hater's type. Because sasusaku is the endgame and their ships fail. So let's discuss these two.
Firstly: People who hate Sakura for getting in the way of their ship and there are 3 of them.
Narusasu and sasukarin and naruhina.
And it's all caused by the comparison of who loves who more and who deserve this and does not deserve that. I've known a naruhina fan who liked sakura in the end because she ended with Sasuke. So they don't mind her, they are either naruto fans and feel that Hinata deserves him or a Hinata fans who are rooting for her.
So, they were forced to bash sakura to some degree to show how good and better their ships were compared to it if it was with sakura.
Secondly: the worst of the worst: NARUSAKU who loved sakura for naruto. No one had praised sakura more than them. She was the trophy that they deserves to get. And because of that. They are the ones who become the extremist haters. They started bashing her looks, her character, her development, and her whole existence calling her useless for the sin of "rejecting the hero".
And they are the ones who treated her like an ex-girlfriend who cheated on them. They find another girl and told the world that she is better than her. Overly sexualize her big chest. Creating stories to upgrade their new girl and downgrade their ex. (yes I am looking at you SP)
Looking at those hater's reasoning, you can see that they don't actually hate her. they just wanted sakura to be in their ship or away from their ship.
I feel like I proved my point by this part but there is a part2
And I'll add my conclusion there.
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shannarous · 2 years
Reading Sasuke Retsuden was like during the Naruto manga days. It was so nice to see the characters (and the art is close to Kishis). And Sasuke was such a badass. And I loved the scene where he said that he already has a wife and daughter.
And even the antis are back with their BS. 😑
Just like the good old Naruto manga days for Sasusaku shippers.
Right?? Exactly my feels and thoughts, anon!
I love how it kinda revived the SasuSaku fandom a little. Unfortunately it also revived some antis, but I guess it wouldn't be SasuSaku without any haters lol.
I'm already looking forward to the next chapter. ❤ it's like Gaiden all over again minus the stress because this time, I know what's gonna happen and that it's gonna be good, so good.
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yana125 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
Favourite five fics written by me? I'll try listing those I already published, but I'll list one or two that are still in progress ^^"
The Echo Remains, But The Song Is Not The Same My baby. My Naruto rewrite. Rookie 9 team mixup, angst on a higher lever, more character development, ShikaNaru because it just makes sense, rewriting the whole SasuSaku relationship as a challenge to make sense.
Stardust This is a Voltron fic based on the 'Lance is Altean' theory. I'm bitter about how Voltron did a nose dive after a few seasons, but I liked to be a part of it (and not be the part of any drama).
What Have I Learnt So Far This is my longest fic so far, and most likely a UFO (unfinished object), though I may finish it somewhere in the future because a lot of scenes are written and planned out, it only needs the connections. This is a Supernatural fic, a canon divergence time travel fic set around season 9.
Me Hanging Up On My Old World This is a Bleach fic, based on a theory regarding one of the human characters and his strange behaviour in certain chapters (and the fact that he has his own special chapter). I really liked Bleach, it was my first shounen manga. I'm now bitter about it because it hurt me, but still think about the Substitute Shinigami Arc and the Soul Society Arc with nostalgia.
The Rose This is a Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's fic. Written during the time when the fandom thought that the main character would duel with his twisted and main villain future self. There are a bunch of mistakes because it was written like 12 years ago, but I made a bunch of people cry :D
And in the end, I listed 5 fics I already punlished ^^
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sparklyfaerie · 1 year
omg idk how many times we've had casual conversations via post replies buy oh my god i didn't realize that you're THE sparklyfaerie!!! i love all your ss fics esp hatsukoi! i still read it from time to time hehe just dropping by to let you know!
Hi!!! And thank you! ❤ Yeah i lurk in the sasusaku tag all the time. 💖 I love them so much. 😭
Hatsukoi is something of a favourite of mine too. Fluff and smut seem to be my two modes, but I'm... trying to branch out. Here's hoping I never master angst, because otherwise I'm just gonna cry. 😬
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stuckinakillingjar · 2 years
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made a pie chart of what my current block list looks like
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sassysaku · 3 years
...and some people still assume that sasuke married sakura bcs of "pity"!!??
pls, the man literally went away from the village to atone for his sins and then return back to sakura!
ffs, they weren't even in a relationship when he had tried to kill her. imagine seeing the person whom you love sinking into darkness and not knowing how to help.
one of the main themes in naruto is FORGIVENESS. sasuke apologized for everything and sakura accepted it. as simple as that!
why is it that when it comes to SasuSaku, people call it a toxic/abusive ship?
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scarletspringsarada · 6 years
Ah yes, you guys see that?
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Its my heart, IT'S MELTING
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uchiha-ss · 2 years
🍅 SasuSaku Fanfiction TBR List! 🌸
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I just wanted somewhere to put the list of SS fanfics that I want to read!
Enjoy the works from these wonderful authors (and give them some love while you’re at it)! ❤
💫 31 Days Hath December by AngelOfDeath10 (M, 60k+, 12 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
At Konoha Inc. everyone is a big happy family, and Kakashi’s new assistant Sakura is trying to believe it, when she has to deal with a crazy boss, and co-workers that range from petulant to infatuated, her world couldn’t seem worse.
💫 A Dangerous Game by just-another-fan-account (M, 44k+, 18 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Sakura Haruno is a first year resident doctor at Konoha hospital that is trying to pay off student loans while juggling her busy schedule. Sasuke Uchiha is a bad boy, motorbike riding, college dropout that is trying to make his way as a mechanic and look after his ailing mother. Will these two star-crossed lovers get a happily ever after? Or is their relationship doomed to fail?
💫 A Different Path by KiwiKagome (M, 55k+, 23 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Adopted from RamenLoverNaruto. What if Naruto learned of Hinata's feelings earlier? What if Sasuke returned to the Leaf after gaining his power? NaruHina, SasuSaku. [Mature!Naru & co.]
💫 Biohazard by Yellow Mask (T, 41k+, 11 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
A dangerous disease is spreading through Konoha like wildfire, and it is a race against time to find the source...and a cure.
💫 Celebrity Status by Einna Fletcher (M, 132k+, 40 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Sasuke and Sakura's lives revolve around music, and the craziness that comes with fame. Romance is the last thing they want to deal with. The problem: they can't seem to stay away from each other. AU
💫 Color of my Nails by Kazerith (M, 47k+, 8 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Painting her nails a new color each day was a habit that she picked up from Ino. Yet, Sakura didn't realize that each color she picked tended to be based off of her mood for that day... Now if only the males of team seven could put two and two together...
💫 Critical of your Love by TheOrichalconThief (M, 45k+, 10 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
A simple misunderstanding led to the break of their relationship. Now, after five years, he returns, just to turn her life upside down once again. But will they fall for each other again? Will she tell him her secret? Or is it over for once and all times.
💫 A New Beginning by TheOrichalconThief (T, 4k+, ONE SHOT) (COMPLETE
**Critical of your Love Sequel** "She has finally found her peacefulness, her happiness with him, but yet again Sakura is confronted with doubts which may destroy everything. Will she overcome them, or will they take over and break them apart once more?"
💫 Dark Paradise by Tsugi no mai hakuren (M, 50k+, 17 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Sakura wakes up away from the battlefield. In a world where things are different. People that are long dead walk the streets of Konoha, she finds memories of Haruno Sakura that are not her own, memories with Sasuke. And the longer she stays, the more she forgets who she really is. And for some reason, she can't seem to remember: that this is actually the Infinite Tsukuyomi.
💫 Differential by tomaday (M, 33k+, 13 Chapters) (ON GOING)
There was a push and pull, a push and pull, between the two of them. There was a safety in the "push" but something just kept "pulling" and pulling....and pulling....College AU.
💫 Girl Problems by AnnaDax (T, 33k+, 13 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
After receiving information of the Mizukage's pregnancy issues, Tsunade decides to send her best disciple Sakura, together with her former team-mates Naruto and Sasuke, to help. The only problem is that the convent Mei Terumi is resting at is girls only. Time for Naruto's Sexy no Jutsu to become useful.
💫 Give Me A Reason by Rise of the Blossom (M, 155k+, 25 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Things aren’t always what they seem and when Sasuke realizes that, he also realizes he has two choices: fight for her, or give in. High School AU/ Gamer AU.
💫 Gravity by Kaze and Kiba (M, 142k+, 44 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
They say 'man makes plans and God laughs'. If that's true then God must derive a vast deal of entertainment from Haruno Sakura. Either that, or maybe he just hated her, she wasn't sure yet. Rated for language, ecchi-ness and eventual romance.
💫 Harvest Moon by moontown77 (M, 101k+, 23 Chapters) (COMPLETE) (18)
Non-Massacre. For the past 11 years, Sakura was positive Sasuke wrote her off as a love interest. Until one fateful night, Team Seven stumbled upon a full moon.
💫 High Heels by Angel of the Axis (T, 43k+, 24 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Non-Massacre, AU. A parody of most Cinderella fics. Sasuke, the freshman 'dream boy', and Sakura, the bookworm, hate each other. But when Sakura and her friends get invited to a party hosted by his older brother, things get complicated when she catches Sasuke's eye - in disguise! Will he find out who she is?
💫 home is where the heart is by DeepPoeticGirl (T, 109k+, 26 Chapters) (COMPLETE) (11)
And with every moment together, they get just a little closer, a little more comfortable with each other. Fall a little more in love. Post-war. Pre-epilogue.
💫 Horizon by JinnySkeans (M, 80k+, 26 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
She rejects her past, while he runs from his. They leave nothing behind except everything. College AU.
💫 Ignition by Einna Fletcher (M, 86k+, 31 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
When a guarded black-haired boy meets a gritty pink-haired girl, expectations aren't always reality. AU
💫 In Nine Days by cutecrazyice (M, 81k+, 18 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
“Then prove it! Prove it to me in nine days!”. It was that, or run around naked in Konoha. Of course making the Uchiha fall in love with her was easier...right?
💫 It's A Humble Path by A m r a k l o ve (M, 82k+, 21 Chapters) (COMPLETE) (6)
She thinks of him when there's nothing else to focus on but the memory of the contours of his face and the bitterness of his smile. Perhaps, all she craved was his touch at this point, but she just kept walking at a fair distance, and he didn't question anything, as usual. / Post-Canon; 699-700 setting.
💫 I Wait by Zana_Lee (M, 164k+, 34 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Sasuke ended his redemption mission and returned to Konoha, because there was one more thing he needed to confirm. Blank Period.
💫 Judging a Book by another.creative.lover (M, 35k+, 9 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Sasuke is a romance novelist-the most famous one in the entire world, actually-behind the mask of a boring, emotionless, extremely hot psychology teacher. But the problem with him is that he wants to stay that way-psychology professor by day, writer by night, and stay completely hidden under his alias Jiraiya; but perhaps fate doesn't exactly want things to go according to plan, especially not when a certain very perceptive, pink-haired student of his who's an absolute fanatic of his novels comes into the picture.
💫 King of Gods by Mrs Scorpius Malfoy (M, 84k+, 20 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
“I’ve waited for you to come back to me for more than a thousand years,” Indra said. In which Sasuke loses Sakura to his ancestor.
💫 Konoha's Mothers' Program by Blackfan Diamond (K, 48k+, 13 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
In order to make women in Konoha better prepared to become mothers in the future, Shizune and the Hokage decided to create a Program that would make them take care of baby dolls that behaved exactly like real babies. Everything seemed fine, except that the person who would have to run the first test would be a certain pink-haired kunoichi.
💫 Laying Claim by JanuaryEclipses (M, 90k+, 18 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
An ancient law in Konoha permits people from prominent clans to buy people who aren't from clans at all. Unfortunately, Sakura just refused to believe it until her mentor confirmed that, yes, she was now owned by Uchiha Sasuke.
💫 Linked by Sahar-Chan (T, 31k+, 14 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Sasuke is back to the village and team seven is together again. But, two years later, after a failed mission, Sakura starts missing practice and no one seems to know why. Naturally, that doesn't sit well with Sasuke.
💫 Love in Strobes by SakkaSu (M, 74k+, 18 Chapters) (ON GOING)
Where Sakura is an exotic dancer, a fresh face in a mature dimly lit city. Her first club in her new town a stark contrast to her old rural pub. A snarky, cold bartender, Sasuke, helps ease her nerves and she soon helps him ease his.
💫 Noir by FortitudeSakura (E, 66k+, 21 Chapters) (ON GOING)
We wander through the darkness, alone and blind. That is, until we find each other and walk into the light together. Love blossoms in many different ways and at different times. It’s beautiful any way you look at it. Office/Modern AU.
💫 Platonic Parentage by eskeflowne (M, 66k+, 20 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
"Right then, how about we make a deal." Grinned Sasuke. "Oh." Inquired Sakura "If neither one of us is married, engaged or dating someone in five years time, we'll have a child together." Declared Sasuke.
💫 Retrograde by AngelQueen87 (T, 83k+, 16 Chapters) (ON GOING) (10)
Three years after the Fourth Shinobi World War, Kaguya’s clansmen came to finish her work and take back all of the world’s chakra. The entire shinobi world’s been thrown into chaos. The survivors have all gathered at what remains of Konoha, but there’s no end in sight. So when an opportunity to buy more time and find a solution arises, Sixth Hokage Kakashi Hatake seizes the chance and sends Team 7 on one last mission. Time Travel AU with a Post-The Last Team 7 & takes place Pre-Pain's Assault
💫 SasuSaku Month: 2014 (The Bench) by pluhsauce (M, 44k+, 31 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Day Thirty-one: Three Wishes...instead of putting them under his genjutsu, Madara accidentally gives Team 7 a glimpse of what their futures had in store for them.
💫 Tadaima by Sweet Disposition x (T, 9k+, 10 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Sasuke didn’t know he had been counting on her unwavering love until he realized there was a chance it was gone for good. Pre-700.
💫 The First by DeepPoeticGirl (M, 63k+, 17 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
"Now, do tell why Uzumaki called to announce this engagement of yours."
💫 The Huntress by Cursebreaker_Dregs12 (M, 23k+, 5 Chapters) (ON GOING)
Sakura Haruno is a fae halfing that will do any job for the right price. But what happens when a strange blonde kid breaks into her room to ask for her services. Soon she realizes there is a bigger ploy going on between the Fae courts and the human kingdoms and she somehow became a part of this merry band of rebels. With her loyalties tested, and secrets that come out, is she able to live up to her reputation and still make it out alive? A Court of Thorns and Roses AU.
💫 The Peepshow by 4everxd (M, 22k+, 3 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Two months after his redemption journey, Sasuke is back to Konoha and Sakura couldn't be more happy about them spending a lot of time together. However, things take a hard turn when Sakura is assigned a special mission and she has to hide it from the rest of Team 7. Everything comes spiraling down when Sasuke finds out exactly what she has to do.
💫 The Unexpected Visitor by RD-chan hokage (T, 59k+, 13 Chapters) (ON GOING)
Imagine the surprise of Konoha when Uchiha Sasuke suddenly returned from his journey of redemption... and acted strangely. A flirtatious, all smiling and very, very touchy Uchiha is indeed, surprising. Set during Blank Period.
💫 Trial and Error by ManhattanChase (E, 94k+, 20 Chapters) (ON GOING)
Life as an associate at Konoha’s most revered law firm was hard enough without Sasuke Uchiha showing up. Modern AU/Lawyers.
💫 Under the Rising Spring by RayneAurelie (M, 65k+, 9 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
His journey of redemption was far from over, but he knew that she was meant to be a part of it. Perhaps he had been away long enough. After all, she had been waiting for him all this time, and he wasn’t afraid to be involved anymore.
💫 Unfaithful by QueenTargaryen (M, 20k+, 7 Chapters) (ON GOING)☑️
Sakura is surprised to see Sasuke as the senior associate of the law firm she is supposed to start working for. All of her feelings start to come back 10 years after he abandoned her. Sasuke finds out, that somethings are never truly behind you, when he starts falling back in love with her and his past comes back to hunt him. The biggest issue for her? He is already married.
💫 Unspoken by silentvoicescryingout (M, 96k+, 13 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Stars burst into a kaleidoscope of color behind her closed eyelids and the words “I love you” were swept away by the current of his breath, of his kiss before they could spill from her lips. She was glad for this. Love like hers was meant to be silent, and unnamed. Only sounds of passion, of bodily pleasure were allowed here. A child born into a clan like his was destined to enjoy a love that burned, so hot that it could have been painful had he not spent so many years so cold. In moments like this, he could feel the warmth from the top of his head down to his toes, and he thanked whatever gods that existed that he was finally able to experience what love is. Years had passed between Uchiha Sasuke and Haruno Sakura. It took them time to re-learn each others’ silent language.
💫 Variance by dances.with.sunflowers (T, 78K+, 25 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
Life. Sasuke is back, her team is always gone, and the hospital is a grave.
💫 yours, forevermore by DeepPoeticGirl (M, 27k+, 5 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
He never meant to hurt her, but he did. He never meant for things to fall apart so bad, but they did. And now, even five years later, as he holds the Hokage seat and finds himself juggling more responsibilities than he can bear, Sasuke still tries to find a way to make things right. Hokage!Sasuke AU.
💫 What Could Have Been by XhexaniaRoses (M, 40K+, 20 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
15 years has passed since he left Konoha. While in a village market he finds himself in a small shop were an old woman gives him a special stone that is meant to give someone a view at a life they could have had…
💫 What Could Have Been 2 by XhexaniaRoses (M, 14k+, 6 Chapters) (COMPLETE)
**What Could Have Been Sequel** A collection of short stories of what occurred between Sasuke and Sakura in the alternate life.
💫 interim by stannide (T, 7k+)
Sasuke lives with Sakura in the weeks after the war.
💫 Only Human by Sloshi (T, 10k+)
When Naruto challenges him to a drinking contest, it's only natural Sasuke doesn't refuse. However... the Uchiha has never been drunk before in his life. And when Sakura opens her door at nearly 3 AM, she certainly gets the surprise of a lifetime.
💫 skinny love by theeflowerchild (M, 10k+)
Post 699. It is a quiet love that blooms between them. It is a love shared between trivial conversations, and passing intimacies. It is a love expressed through gentle stares, and timid blushes. It is an unspoken bond, tied up in history, and it is a secret that everybody knows about.
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theredconversegirl · 2 years
Hello from Greece! ❤️ I found your blog in a very difficult period for me and helped me out to forget my problems and find comfort in Sasusaku stories... Thank deeply for that! 😊 In order to say thanks I would like to share with you and your followers this story that I found one day randomly in a search. I am not really sure if you have it in your list. I hope you like it, if you don't know it: Thank You by Kristix I hope you find it! I cannot paste a link! 😭 Continue the great work! ❤️
Hello nonny! or should I say, Γειά σου!
You're very welcome, I'm so happy to know I was able to help somehow! ❤️
This message, your kind words, made my day lighter and I can't stop smiling. 😁 I'm glad you found sanctuary here and that the content I shared brought you comfort in a time you needed it. 🥰
I haven't read this fic yet, so this is another new story for us to read. 👏 Here's the link:
Thank You By: Kristix This is my take on the blank years for Sasuke and Sakura after the war ends. [Rated M, incomplete]
I appreciate your sweet message, thank you for sharing your story and the fic! ❤
I hope you have a great week! 🤗
Stay Safe,
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sentimental-idiot25 · 10 months
Anon with the meds sasusaku request. IT IS AMAZING.
AWWW IM GLAD!!!!! LITERALLY SO SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!!!! I hope it was what you wanted! If not feel free to tell me what other aspects you'd like me to involve!!! <333 Thank you so much for requesting!! And feel free to request more!!! I literally love it when yall request from me!! I always feel so happy and grateful to have a community like this!! <33
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SasuSaku/MitsuSara Parallels💙❤
It'd be nice to give me a follow on instagram too😉
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shannarous · 2 years
Do you like Sarada?
I adore Sarada! She's all I ever dreamed of for a SasuSaku child and more.
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How can anyone not love this cute little peanut ❤
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