bushmundy-a-blog · 6 years
 [ long time no see. this blog is archived and moved to @bushmundy. if you want to refollow, please please please read the rules page there. ]
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
how i deal with my feelings
never talk about them
barely acknowledge them
hope they go away
i don’t, basically
that’s what i’m saying
i do not deal with my feelings
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
Anonymously tell me what you think of me. Don't sugarcoat it. I am just genuinely intrigued.
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
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no no, you may continue with the side-hug. just bein a respectful opponent is all.
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
[ is it munday? no? but still im playing w cosplay makeup and i decided to try my hand at dead sniper. ]
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
Overwatch Starters
As requested by anon ♥
❝I have your back.❞
❝The pain is coming.❞
❝I feel alive!❞
❝Only here do I not feel outcast.❞
❝Death comes for all.❞
❝Try me!❞
❝Strength does not come from physical ability, it comes from an indomitable will.❞
❝I am at peace with who I was.❞
❝Oh, this is my jam!❞
❝You will never amount to anything!❞
❝With every death, comes honor. With honor, redemption.❞
❝I will not waste this chance.❞
❝This fight is not over yet.❞
❝Take your medicine.❞
❝Never accept the world as it appears to be, dare to see it for what it could be.❞
❝You look ridiculous.❞
❝What are you looking at?❞
❝Get through this.❞
❝It’s a perfect day for some mayhem.❞
❝That was your dream. Not mine.❞
❝I’ll just…leave this here.❞
❝I’m on fire!❞
❝So this is what has become of you? A pity.❞
❝Walk it off.❞
❝This is my home now.❞
❝Time’s up.❞
❝Come on, keep your head up.❞
❝Feels like I’m falling apart…❞
❝This place is a bit posh for me.❞
❝You’re going to be okay.❞
❝I’m gonna have to shoot you down.❞ 
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
headcanon | music
send me a word and i’ll make/tell a headcanon I have about my character involving that word.
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           Sniper will listen to just about any kind of music that comes up on his radio. As he’s spent time in the states, his taste has definitely shifted.
           ...He listens to a lot of country music.
          Don’t judge him.
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
I ship you with engie
Tell my Muse who you ship them with, see their reaction! 
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              Sniper had to admit, that was an interesting idea - the Engineer was quiet, seemed to like his alone time... A lot like himself, really. They probably had more in common than he really thought. 
              He was perfectly fine with being on Engineer’s good side, though platonic was probably the best word to describe them.
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
I so so so so soooo ship him with the personal energy ball of the team aka Scout
Tell my Muse who you ship them with, see their reaction!
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He’s... Less than impressed. 
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
🏵Give my muse unwanted relationship advice!🏵
Doesn’t matter if it’s good, bad, romantic, or not! My muse just doesn’t want to here it, but don’t let that stop your muse! 
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
truth or dare time. send my muse truths or dares!
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
sentence starters: misc. romantic tension !
❝ I just think you’re really special. You deserve special things in your life. ❞
❝ I mean, anyone would be lucky to date you. ❞
❝ Thief, I can tell you’ve been using my soap. You smell just like it. ❞
❝ So… How do I look? Like if we were about to go on a date, what would you think? ❞
❝ This is a little weird, but… Would you kiss me and see how this chapstick tastes? ❞
❝ All I’m saying is, I’d prioritize your orgasm over mine. ❞
❝ I covered your bed in rose petals for science. Take a look and tell me if it’s too much. ❞
❝ I’m kinda scared my kissing skills suck. Would you… Y’know. Practice with me? ❞
❝ How weird is it that our heights make our crotches match up perfectly? ❞
❝ Pull my hair again and this is gonna get real awkward real fast. ❞
❝ Sorry I, uh… Walked in on your alone-time. I swear I didn’t see much. ❞
❝ Dinner’s on me if you please, please rub my back. ❞
❝ Your morning wood poked me, it happens. Doesn’t have to be weird or anything. ❞
❝ I sorta had a bad day. Just cuddle up with me for a little while, please? ❞
❝ You deserve so much better than this. If you were mine, I’d… ❞
❝ I almost feel like you belong to me, like you’re my own personal person. ❞
❝ Is it weird that I always miss you more than I miss my actual girlfriend/boyfriend? ❞
❝ I can tell you’re pissed off. Just lie back, I’ll dish out my famous shoulder massage. ❞
❝ Can we kiss? I just really need to be kissed right now. ❞
❝ You’re welcome to stay, but remind me why I’m the little spoon in my own bed? ❞
❝ I wish I could bottle the way you smell and sell it for a fortune. Nothing compares. ❞
❝ What happened to your hair? Hold still, I’ll just… Fix it for you. ❞
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
send me a word and i’ll make/tell a headcanon I have about my character involving that word.
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
Tell my Muse who you ship them with, see their reaction!
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
19. First heartbreak?
Make my muse sad!
Sniper hasn’t been through a lot of romantic heartbreak. He’s never been one for romance in itself, really, so the aspect of romantic heartbreak is far off the map for him. However, there have been a few times where he’s been emotionally ruined by events.
“When I was ten,” he sighs, running a hand over his face, “My parents had to put down my dog.” 
Thinking of it, he realises now that the poor old thing had been in so much pain that it was the better option, given the circumstances, but at the time, as a ten year old, he hadn’t understood.
“Dad told me they were gonna do it and gave me a day off of school to let me spend some time with the old mutt.” He remembers the old dog, grayed around the muzzle, his eyes nearly reflective. “Think he was damn near twenty years old.” 
And that - that loss of his companion, his first friend - that was the first heartbreak the Sniper had ever gone through. 
He still misses the old dog sometimes.
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
Make my Muse sad!
Who’s someone you miss?
Something you regret saying?
Something you regret doing?
Worst thing you’ve said to someone you love?
Worst goodbye?
What’s a moment that still stings?
Physical scar with the worst memory?
Emotional scar with the worst memory?
Are you okay?
What was the last serious thing you’ve cried about?
How often do you cry?
Would you try to get back in touch with someone you used to know?
Have your parents ever hurt you with their words?
Worst thing a friend has done to you?
Worst thing a lover has done to you?
Who hurt you?
Do you abuse yourself in any way known?
What are your darker thoughts like?
First heartbreak?
How do you eat?
How do you sleep?
Something you heard from a loved one that hurt you?
Has someone you loved ever put their hands on you?
How often are you told you’re loved?
How did you handle your first ‘i hate you’?
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bushmundy-a-blog · 7 years
I dare you to kiss someone you have been wanting to.
truth or dare time. send my muse truths or dares! 
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‘ ...kiss someone you have been wanting to. ’
         Maybe it was simple frustration. Maybe it was the lack of human touch (shocking) that lead the Sniper to act on the dare. He didn’t have to take it seriously, nor did he ever imagine that he’d ever participate in such a childish game to begin with. And yet--
        It was a tempting idea. And if it backfired on him, then hell, he had more motivation to fight harder. 
        The words stuck in his head for the remainder of the day as he sat, perched in his chosen nest, tucked up in a room with a trap door and creaky floorboards. Perfect. He’d hear anyone come up behind him, even with the gunfire and explosions outside his viewpoint.
        The fighting outside lulled.
                The floorboards behind him creaked, once, twice, three times--
           Sniper grabbed his kukri and stood, spinning around to catch his visitor by the tip of his blade. Enough to shatter his defenses, enough to reveal his face to him, and enough for Sniper to jump forward, grabbing the Blu by his lapel to pull him into a kiss.
        More of a mash of their mouths together, rough, Sniper’s teeth digging into the Spy’s lip. When he’d gotten his point across (with a sharp bite onto the Spy’s bottom lip that probably stung, did he taste blood?), Sniper shoved the man away with the hand still on his rival’s chest.
        And then his opposite hand, the one still holding the kukri, swung forward to stab at the man’s abdomen.
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