Im slowly losing the ability to walk or stand at all, please let me be able to walk Ricky in a harness once and take a trip to the local aquarium once before I do. I likely wont be able to fundraise for a wheelchair so these might be the last places I go without special medical transport. Im a disabled trans woman scientist working on a decentralized internet for lgbt+ people and other marginalized groups
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Venmo: agief
Cashapp: $cmder
Paypal: https://paypal.me/agieocean
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I'm gonna try to keep this brief because I already have a post about this that's gotten like 1,000 notes, I just haven't met this goal and need to soon.
I have been having seizures, and I have a GP appt to get referred to a neurologist. I have been speaking to the clinic system handling my care, and I should be put on a cancelation list as soon as my referral is received. Because of this, I ideally would have the funds for the neurologist appointment by the time they get my referral. That way if someone cancels, and they call me with an hours notice to get to that appt, I will be able to actually make the appt. Currently I need $385 for this.
I am grateful the clinic is willing to rush this appointment. They did this with my roommate last year, and it saved his life. But based on our experience with that, I am stressed about getting the money in time.
Anyone who helps us towards this goal can contact me at @theartistrans and I will do art for you. I also sell the pieces I make there, dm me there abt that too if you want.
PP -- $C -- V -- kofi
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Hi, I'll spare y'all a long ass backstory, but. tl;dr: Transfem immigrant lost job with no warning last September, need money for food, 7 daily intake meds, as well as working towards my immigration status that is totalling in thousands of dollars.
Consider helping if you comfortably can, I'd appreciate the security <3 Ko-fi <--> PayPal
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Im slowly losing the ability to walk or stand at all, please let me be able to walk Ricky in a harness once and take a trip to the local aquarium once before I do. I likely wont be able to fundraise for a wheelchair so these might be the last places I go without special medical transport. Im a disabled trans woman scientist working on a decentralized internet for lgbt+ people and other marginalized groups
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Venmo: agief
Cashapp: $cmder
Paypal: https://paypal.me/agieocean
Edit: If I can raise $350 I can get a month of insurance that should actually work and get a check up
$200/$350 raised
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Dr. Areej, Dr. Ahmad, and their child Sarra are a Gazan family who have been suffering from displacement, hunger, and lack of medical care throughout the genocide. Along with three other members of their family — Dr. Areej's mother and Dr. Ahmad's mother and father — they are seeking to evacuate to Egypt.
Please donate what you can and share. Donations have been slow — as of March 10, they have not yet raised even $2000. Can we try to raise at least $1000 in the next few days?
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Several countries commemorated Al Quds Day, an international day to express support for Palestine and oppose the Israeli occupation.
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Journalist Hossam Shabat responds to a problematic article about journalists in the west being unable to reach Gaza. Hossam writes,
The biggest problem is not Western journalists being unable to enter, but the fact that Western media doesn't respect and value Palestinian journalists. My colleagues and I risk our lives every day to report on this genocide. No one knows Gaza like we do, and no one understands the complexity of the situation like we do. If you care about what's happening in Gaza, you should amplify Palestinian voices. We don't need Western journalists to tell our stories; we are capable of telling and reporting on our own stories.
Context under the cut:
From the very beginning, Western journalists have neglected the people of Gaza. They focused on how resistance actions have impacted settlers, and mentioned Gaza in only the most reductive of terms. But now, as the scale of atrocities by the IOF finally becomes too great for them to ignore, these same journalists are crafting a new narrative: ‘We didn’t ignore Gaza because we don’t care, or because it was politically convenient to do so. We just couldn’t get there to report on it.’
This is a lie concocted under the weight of ever-fickle Western guilt. They deflect their accountability for creating IOF propaganda by claiming they were kept from reaching the area. However, even more than a lie, it is an insult to Gazan journalists—those still living and those murdered by the occupation.
Gazan journalists often have contacts outside of Gaza who could help them evacuate, but they chose to stay. They chose to stay and document the genocide against their people, and did so at immense personal cost. Montaser Al-Sawaf was injured and lost 50+ family members in a bombing attack, before he was bombed again by the occupation and left to slowly die in the street. Mahmoud Ziad Aliwa and Mohammed Saber Arab are still missing after being kidnapped by the IOF while reporting from Al-Shifa Hospital during the latest siege. Eshak Daour lost his brother just a few days ago.
But as they tried to share their footage and words with the world, they were ignored, in north Gaza especially. The world had no interest in the words of Gazans, but especially if they were Arabic-speaking. Rather than undertake the relatively simple task of finding a translation for Gazan sources, or contacting Gazan journalists directly in English (of which many of them speak at least a little), they were flat-out ignored. Only English-speaking journalists with massive social media followings received any acknowledgment, and even then it was extremely minimal.
The journalists of Gaza have always been there, they have always been speaking out and asking others to simply share their words. The implication that only western journalism counts as “real” journalism is insulting, degrading, imperialistic, unprofessional, dishonest, and cruel.
This blog was created due to uplift the words of north Gazans, which were not and often still are not reaching the rest of the world. We will continue sharing from people in north Gaza, but we ask that you, reader, do so as well. Do what western journalists have refused, and uplift the voices of people fighting for their survival in all of the Gaza Strip.
Many journalists post partly in English, but for those that don’t, Arabic speakers will often leave English translations in comment sections. You can also ask for someone to do a translation in the comment section, and often someone will reply. If they don’t, you can copy and paste Arabic text, or take screenshots and upload them into Google Translate. These are not perfect tools, but they give you some idea of what is being said. It’s better than simply not listening.
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Disney is in a unique position where it can – via its films – create the culture that enables us to accept its questionable business practices...
Disney’s own messaging... encourages the values that secure its own existence...
The cultural critic Henry Giroux, author of The Mouse that Roared: Disney and the End of Innocence (1999), believes that Disney is a “teaching machine” that articulates “strategies of escapism and consumerism that reinforce an infantilised and utterly privatised notion of citizenship”. Disney films, by and large, are not about shared responsibilities, the social contract, human rights struggles, democracy, protests, boycotts or the evils of shopping too much. “Disney cultivates a kind of agency that fits into its market plan,” Giroux tells me. When the company does tackle social issues, it often favours tales of hyper-individualistic heroism over collective action. “Saving people always comes in the form of superhuman powers.”
Giroux believes that Disney purveys a wholesome image while “shaping the identities, desires and subjectivities of millions of people across the globe as ardent consumers and deskilled citizens”. Some might argue that Disney films should not be concerned with social issues – after all, they’re for kids. But who placed these limits on our children’s imagination? Disney did, when it sanitised the dark and gruesome fairy tales that have entertained youngsters for centuries.
When asked what they liked most about the Walt Disney Company, the second-most popular answer in my survey was it “makes me feel happy”, but the first was far more telling. By far the most common answer – selected by 81 per cent of respondents – was, “It offers an escape from an increasingly troubled world.”
“What is going on in both the UK and the United States that makes entertainment one of the few places left that people can escape into?” questions Giroux. “People’s lives are so fraught with anxiety, with poverty, the lack of housing, and debt,” and that the only way people have to relieve their troubles is to use the services of companies that may have contributed to those problems in some way.
If Disney adults – by their own admission – are seeking escape from a troubled world, then who told them entertainment, not collective action, was the best option? Who told them to seek escapism instead of an escape?
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Please Help Homeless Trans Women Serving Our Homeless Squatter Community Raise $200 to Help Rebuild Our Camp After A Damaging Wind Storm
March 18th 2024
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It doesn't usually look like this...
My girlfriend and I are trans women who live in a homeless squat town in the Sonora Desert called Slab City.
We run a camp dedicated to serving our neighbors and helping our community. We function as a center for some portions of the community out here.
Recently, a huge wind storm came through and knocked down much of our camp. This has caused a lot of damage and a lot of loss of space and supplies for us.
We need to raise $200 to buy new supplies and fix our camp.
Neither of us have a regular income, but we're both involved in a project to better our local community.
Please Dоnаte to Help Us Raise $200 to be Able to Afford Supplies to Fix Our Camp And Start Providing Community Space Again.
♥️ CаshApp: $ThistleDD
♥️ Pаypal: paypal.me/ThistleDD
♥️ Vеnmo: @ThistleDD
If you can't dоnаte please reblog and share on your other accounts. Every little bit helps.
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part 2 of trying to help GFMs that are close to being funded reach their goal. the previous GFM managed to reach and exceed its goal, but with ever rising prices and ongoing crisis in gaza they still need help! (click here to see tasneem's gofundme)
the hararas are a family trying to leave gaza to reach safety with the mother's niece, who is located in canada. at the time of writing this, they need under $4,300 CAD to reach their goal. if 860 people reblog this post and all donate $5 (CAD), they will reach their goal. if 1720 people reblog this post and half of them donate $5 (CAD), they will reach their goal. if you can give $5 please do, and if not, sharing will help someone else with five bucks to spare see it.
last time some people had concerns about legitimacy so from the get-go i am linking to @/el-shab-hussein's assessment of the fundraiser. like last time, i found this fundraiser on the operation olive branch spreadsheet.
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Some good news: Amir's toddler cousin was able to leave Gaza for medical care. Amir shared the update on Instagram yesterday.
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Amir's Go Fund Me to help evacuate him and the rest of his family is still active.
Go Fund Me campaigns for people whose stories have been shared on watermelllonarchive can be found in the resources post.
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something that reading histories of the transgender child really solidified for me is how deep the pathological narrative of transness as an acute condition runs. doctrines of the body as developmentally plastic, with this plasticity fading over time, with puberty as the main punctuation of this decrease—and nosology of transness as something that demands treatment and correction, normalization, modification up to an end goal—these work together to 1) render the "late" (post-pubescent) transitioner a primitive relic of times we did not know or could not do better, something to be dreaded and avoided through the "right" "treatments" we have now, and 2) the trans child as a site of repair-through-plasticity, so that they grow up into an unmarked form that the ideologies of binary gendersex can be at ease with, so that their transness is transient as far as the public is concerned and, adding 1 to 2, so that adult transness disappears outside the clinic
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Making another post about this so more people can see this
My girlfriend @annie-manga and her father got evicted from their home.
Please help her out as much as you can. She and her father are good people and they dont deserve what happened to them at all.
her vnmo
and her pypl
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struggling to survive every. single. day. homeless, broke and trying to get employed has been beyond difficult. taking everything day by day. I am more than beyond depressed not having my cats anymore. anything helps tremendously right now. thank you. c*shapp I also reopened my Etsy ever having it off for a year.
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a lot of you are not doing a good job of combatting your human urge for narrative— tragic or otherwise— when it comes to the events surrounding palestine. as such, you are consuming the martyrdoms, the assaults, the deaths, as content, even as you attempt activism.
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