butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
not naming any names here but i think some of my followers might be
very kind and sweet and beautiful and ones I love and care for very much
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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Forest world and all of its surprises and fairytales.
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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anne carson, decreation
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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fanny howe
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
“I seem to have loved you in numberless forms, numberless times, in life after life, in age after age forever.”
Rabindranath Tagore
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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@stiefvaternet​ Event 3: Favorite Location 2.0                                                                          ↳ Henrietta
The thing was, Henrietta looked like a place where magic could happen. The valley seemed to whisper secrets. …  At night, Henrietta felt like magic, and at night, magic felt like it might be a terrible thing. 
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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Winter Wonderland (by Espen Haagensen)
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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Vincent Van Gogh, Wheatfield with a reaper (detail)
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
I hate the fact that in order to be “stable” (somewhat ) I have to take medication for the rest of my God awful life all because of what other people did to me is this really the consequence why am I serving their time
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
call out to him over the open water, over the bright water with your dark song, with your grasping, unnatural song—
Louise Glück, excerpt of Penelope’s Song (via antigonick)
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
my mom: you need to do this thing or you’re worthless me, after doing the thing: ah, i am a good person now! my mom: no actually i found this other thing that you haven’t done me: ah… so im still worthless
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
Types of Nonbinary People - Supernatural Creatures Edition
nb devil - definitely going to hell, knocks over drinks, has never paid for anything, lots of dark red clothes, horror movie enthusiast, resting bitch face. nb angel - probably donates to charities, moisturises, sits in the sun a lot, smells like tangerines and pastry, does 1 bad thing and feels guilty.  nb cryptid - doesn’t leave room, crumbs attached to clothing, a shadow in the back of photos, people can’t pronounce your name, hates tourists. nb werewolf - stays up way too late, has a love/hate relationship with the moon, over eats, snarls at strangers, urge to kill anything that moves.  nb vampire - unhealthy obsession with necks, never opens the curtains, wants to sleep all the time, has fangs, probably had a goth phase. 
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
me, visibly shaking, ass deep in trauma memories: im probably faking this for attention
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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Hiroshi Yoshida
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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butchcoraline-moved · 7 years
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when ur single af
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