butchy-femme-fatale · 15 days
DISGUSTINGLY EMBARRASSING: this woman has wants and needs
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butchy-femme-fatale · 24 days
I procrastinate so much that I have a gaping hole of dread inside my chest where I think my other emotions are supposed to go. unless a potential employer is reading this, in which case I don’t do that & I have all the normal emotions that human beings have & I love capitalism
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butchy-femme-fatale · 26 days
participating in a thing called "lez out 2024" which is when you lez out all the way until lez out 2025
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butchy-femme-fatale · 29 days
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butchy-femme-fatale · 30 days
Devil on my shoulder: We have work in eight hours if we go to sleep right now we'll be reasonably rested in time to do labor
Angel on my shoulder: We need to see more of this canned fish reviewer guy's youtube channel. He's got something special going on.
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butchy-femme-fatale · 1 month
a beautiful woman named excessive heat warning keeps messaging me on my phone
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butchy-femme-fatale · 1 month
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John Waters toking on a John Waters bong.
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
A series of Scum Villain AUs where Luo Binghe tries to romance Shen Yuan in increasingly inappropriate power differentials. Binghe is in love with his landlord and keeps missing rent payments so he can offer to pay with his body. Binghe keeps reinfecting his leg wound so he can try to seduce his home health nurse. Binghe is on trial for murder and judge Shen Yuan is like “members of the jury, please disregard that the defendant is trying to fuck me???”
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
Something that I have noticed is I know almost nobody my age that goes to a food pantry. I know people who regularly run out of money for food and in general have to eat an unsuitable diet because that’s what they can afford and they still don’t go to a food bank, im not sure if it’s because they’re embarrassed or maybe if you didn’t grow up going you don’t know much about it but if you’re financially struggling I really recommend it. And look into other options for food assistance too like community fridges and gardens and other programs that can assist you, where I live Salvation Army pays for an allotted amount of grocery delivery for low income people every month, in the summer farmers take excess produce to the library to be taken by anyone who needs it, etc. There are a LOT of resources for free food that you can look into especially if you are literally not eating because of your financial situation
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
John Thingpenter's THE CARP (horror story about river ecology)
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
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drew him for the first time Ever please be nice
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
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They're in dire need for NOMAD esims in Gaza! Please refer to the website on how to buy esims
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
Having your main anxiety response be Avoidance is crazy cause you'll think you're chillin and then one day you're like waitttt I've been paralyzed with fear this whole time. Damn
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
Anyways here is the official gofundme set up by sonya masseys surviving family if you have the ability to give her family real tangible support
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butchy-femme-fatale · 2 months
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Via @blackwomenradicals
CW: Police Violence, Misogynoir, Femicide, Police Shooting, Death. ————————————————————————————-
We are so saddened, heartbroken, and angry about the murder of Sonya Massey. Words cannot even describe our anger—our rage—that Sonya’s life (and so many other lives) have been stolen and taken because of the evil that is white supremacist patriarchal state violence. We are tired of the destruction. Tired of the chaos. Tired of our loved ones — whether biological, chosen, and/or fictive kin — being taken of us. We are tired of having to fight for basic human rights and dignity — but we will continue to fight until we truly get free. We deserve life and life more abundantly. Sonya deserved life and life more abundantly. Sonya deserves to be here. To be here. To be here. We extend our deepest sympathies, condolences, prayers, and solidarities to Sonya Massey’s family, friends, and loved ones. Rest in Peace and Power, Sonya Massey. You deserved more.
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