smug yellow sundress era penny is EVERYTHING
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Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Finally drew the best and arguably most creepy scene in Gone :)
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one fun thing about being a teacher in march 2023 is that chess is a literal epidemic among teens. we are starting to have meetings about how we can STOP teenagers from playing too much chess which is like if we were trying to figure out how to stop them from reading for fun. When i was in high school five years ago chess was nerd shit only but now it is transcending every social and language barrier and is absolutely rampant. kids aren’t on their phone texting in class anymore it’s ONLY chess.com. kids are playing chess on their phones while playing chess in real life. this is still better than tiktok because at least the kids are developing an attention span from this
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well i don't think kate would be doing everything she does for joe if she wasn't complacent. maybe they don't have evidence but when he's connected to (and publicly was the victim of) several famous murders in two different us coasts and the uk, i find it hard to believe kate isn't suspicious. i don't think she minds what he did to her father though, i think she's accepted that in order to be free he was going to have to die before joe murdered him. i think he accepts kate's behavior because he's finally accepted his. her case is helped by growing up in that violent environment and that she never directly causes any herself.
as for where the show is going, i think eventually all of his survivors are going to gang up on him and kill him. given the way he treated eddie and nadia, he's probably going to hunt down ellie and paco to tie up loose ends, and that will be his downfall. he accepts who he is and it makes him overconfident.
I really wished they had killed Joe Goldberg. Man didn’t deserve a fake redemption arc with all the power in his hands.
How dumb is Kate to believe the coincidental timing of her dad and her boyfriend’s attempt had nothing to do with each other?
Or did he actually confess to ALL his crimes: from Guinevere Beck, her boyfriend, best friend, Paco’s dad, Candace (the OG attempt), Candace’s guy who she cheated on Joe with, Henderson, Delilah, Love Quinn, and now in season 4 with Malcom, Simon, The real Rhys Montrose, the security and Kate’s father, Nadia and Edward… and these are just the ones we saw on Screen ok, there’s way many more folks we definitely are not privy to.
So the folks who know who he actually is, and are actually alive are: Paco (but he was too young and may have forgotten), Will Bettelheim (the OG), Ellie, and now Marienne.
They don’t have any evidence and all have reasons to not come forward since they are either complicit in some way or the prime suspect (except for Marienne but she just escaped literal hell.
BUT. Isn’t it insane that Joe Goldberg’s records are clean prior to Love and Madre Linda?
I’m definitely seeing a pattern repeat here:
Joe finds a lady here who is powerful and can cover up his mistakes. - the ending of both seasons 2 and 4.
My question is, how complicit is Kate in comparison to Love?
Surely Joe isn’t seeing her as a “monster” or something. It’s also awfully convenient how he has the whole world at his feet right now because of the timely murder of her dad, coincidentally in the same timeframe he tried to suicide…
The fact that the Eat Rich Killer’s work started just as Joe joined their little circle…
Is Kate turning a blind eye on purpose, being the “perfect version of her” for him? Or is she humouring him while knowing the truth? Or is she genuinely ready to risk it all for this idiot that she’s dating because she feels nice and doesn’t care about his murderous and stalkerish tendencies?
Hardly one to blame the women, tbh. I definitely think Nadia got done dirty. She was this close to getting with it all away.
It would have been more bone chilling for them to live and no on believe them even with all the evidence because of the Kate-Joe rich thing.
My point is.
What’s the thin line that’s acceptable for Joe that separates Kate, from Love?
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region of Ready to Fucking Go at Any Time
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International Womens Strike this March 8th 2023. Yes you. I’m talking to you. This is a strike not a protest. That means stopping work. Not doing anything. Lying about in your robe binge watching something cool and eating what you like. Stop work. Paid work AND unpaid work.
It is a powerful form of slacktivism. You can support it by creating a post online and sharing this post or writing your own. You can create an event page even for your country! You are important. Stop work March 8th 2023.
This is a global movement of women demanding the world notice our power by withdrawing our work.
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they infantilize her sm i thought she was like eight
In reality the Brekka age gap isn't that bad. But MG writes it like it's That Bad. Dekka is written like she's the same age as Sam (the oldest person in the FAYZ!), and Sam obviously views Brianna as much younger than himself. But Taylor is canonically the same age as Brianna (maybe a little older, but only by a few months), and he tried to make out with her??? The math ain't mathing.
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"Ana de Armas deserves better"
celebrity worship is truly out of control. she signed up for the movie, filmed those scenes, got paid for it, and has said some seriously unhinged things while promoting and defending Blonde. everyone involved is responsible, from the producers to the director to the people at netflix who greenlit the release. get a fucking grip on reality.
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Iran’s inside war
Hello there, i really wish i didn’t leave the platform temporarily only to come back with a topic like THIS but yeah.
if you are not aware, my country has been going through an inside war for women’s rights against mandatory hijab laws because of a 22 year old girl getting beaten to death by morality police for having improper hijab
her name is Mahsa Amini and her tag is being shared everywhere on twitter and instagram- #mahsaamini
basically the gist of the matter is that Iran has cut off internet in most of the country to silence us while they slaughter people on the inside. instagram, twitter, telegram, whatsapp and all other websites are closed off and will remain that way unless people get a bajillion vpns just to get a message across which is kinda what im doing now…
women are cutting their hair off and burning their scarves in the streets to show that they had enough all the while police attack people and teargas or shoot them.
now i am a teacher and an employee to the government, which in short terms means they have me on a leash and control my every move, otherwise ill be outed and dealt with, especially since im not a “straight woman” and for that alone i could get a death sentence let alone if they ever find what im drawing online…
therefore i may have to delete some posts or just make my accounts on different platforms private for a while until this all blows off because these fuckers DO snoop around peoples medias online. me and my dad work for the government and we have to go to the cities for work all the while there are gunshots being fired and police going around the place,
i might just be the next victim caught in the crossfire…
please search the tag #mahsaamini on other mediums and spread the word so that you could help us. we don’t have a voice anymore and we are leashed tight…
yesterday i got called by the government because some uni classmates or SPIES had said some shit about me and they made me recite a prayer for them and swear an oath of some kind to them. this scares me. i am powerless and voiceless. we need your help…
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Charles 'Orc' Merriman & Howard Bassem
Age: 14 | 14
Level: 2 | 1
Power: Stone Regeneration | None
Position: Captain | Salesman
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tumblr celebrating the beginning of a new era as Watcher premieres its new hit show: Ghost Files
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tumblr making it crystal fucking clear that the favorite youtube funnymen will be drawn, quartered, and hung from the #1 trending hashtag like skeletons on the gibbet if they pull some out of pocket shit on their wives/gfs:
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i wish all working class brits a very riot when your government tries to spend a billion dollars on that bitch’s funeral while your cost of living skyrockets, and i wish all non brits a very support working class brits while their country catches on fire
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My friend Ashlin is in need of serious help. She has 3 boys and is currently trapped in an abusive relationship. He punches her, berates her, screams, yell, etc. all in front of the boys and I've been a witness to this in the past.
She's been trying to leave him for years but she is forced to use her money to pay all the rent, food, and things for her kids by herself. Her family doesn't even help. Now because of him, her and her kids are in danger of being evicted.
Ash is the sweetest person I know and for her health and mental stability, she needs out. There is an opening in my complex and if we can raise the money, she can move in by the start if October.
please i beg of y'all to reblog this. her boys are scared to death of him.
ca$happ: $PoochieBa3
pa¥pal: @AshlinBennett (pic says "don't ever call me immature..."$)
v€nmo: @PoochieBae
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Spread the word about the women in iran. SPREAD IT.
The internet has been cut down and they can’t see what’s going on in the world. It’s our job to fight for them, to do the bare minimum. Over 2000 people have died. We can’t get in contact with out families, women are suffering. Do the bare minimum and boost, if not, never call yourself a feminist again.
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I hate to do this, but I need help to start HRT. I'll try to keep it as short as I can because I think most people understand the way dysphoria makes trans people feel, but I'm dysphoric to the point of being actively suicidal and not wanting to ever be seen or heard, even by people I love. I've known I was trans since I was around 12 and have felt dysphoria but not had a name for it well before that. I'm now 19 and it's genuinely so fucking unbearable that I feel nauseous and and humiliated and want to curl up in a ball and cry whenever I see or hear myself, because all I can see and hear is Girl. I don't currently have a job because I couldn't mentally handle being misgendered and seen so much, and I don't have a bank account yet either. I've been put in limbo where I need money to start HRT, but I need to start HRT to be mentally well enough to make money. I'm bad enough that I'd check myself in to a hospital if I wasn't so scared of it further prolonging my transition. Please, please, please, if you can spare even just $1, my c*shapp is $catalet. Absolutely anything helps because it'll add up over time and I'll be able to start transitioning. Thank you so much if you can donate, I'm not sure what I could offer in return because I'm not the beat artist or anything, but it really would mean the absolute fucking world to me.
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Alittle-known European medical team is poised to become one of the most important groups in the shifting landscape of U.S. abortion bans.
Aid Access, an online-only service run by a Dutch physician, Dr. Rebecca Gomperts, began shipping abortion pills to Americans from abroad four years ago. The organization’s team consists of about four doctors supervising about 10 medical staff members, and they’re difficult for U.S. authorities to reach because all are outside the country and they ship pills from a pharmacy in India. 
Opponents of abortion rights have so far largely found themselves powerless to stop Aid Access from mailing abortion pills even to the most conservative corners of the country, at least while the organization’s opponents don’t control the White House. That has transformed Aid Access nearly overnight from an obscure overseas group into an essential part of the effort to keep abortion accessible nationwide. 
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