butterfly-ana17 · 4 months
Meanspo/ana tricks
Dont eat for pleasure. Eating because you like food is how you got so fucking fat. You want to call yourself 4nor3xic when you still want to eat that whole cake? that brownie? that pizza? how can you WANT that?
You're hungry? No you're bored drink water if you want a snack. mindless eating is the #1 habit that leads to weight gain. when you feel that impulse, replace it with drinking water or another 0kcal drink.
Appetite is disgusting imagine wanting to gain. You're not allowed to want food. Replace that urge with something unrelated. You want food? pick a specific coloring book and fill in a page everytime you want to. Or use the rubber band method.
Never eat alone, you're not allowed to WANT FOOD. If you eat alone you're literally giving up. you can only eat when you have to. if you're out say you got food when you you were out. but if you actually eat when no one's making you, you're trying to gain.
You only eat to make it look like you do. just because you have to eat doesnt mean it has to be a lot. lettuce only has 6kcals per cup. There are 2-3 kcals per grape. 8 kcals in a full cup of cucumbers. you can make it look like you're eating a giant mean and stay under 20 kcal EASILY.
It's not that hard. If you think it's hard to lose, you're not doing enough.
if you have to eat an unhealthy meal with your family take no more than 5 bites. chew them each 20 times and cut EVERYTHING on your plate into tiny peices. Push it around, hide it under other bits of food or if its dry put it in your pockets (i use that one religeously). put it in your pockets then in the garbage.
For the love of ana, dont eat nuts, juice, or cheese. Even if they're marketed as healthy they're SO HIGH KCAL
in one cup of cashews there are 800kcals. 830 for almonds. 111 in a cup of orange juice. 113 in a cup of apple juice. I'll make another post after this with a chart for kcals per serving of really low kcal foods and really high kcal foods.
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butterfly-ana17 · 4 months
Mother has arrived...
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most were found off Pinterest (and they did me dirty by taking down the th!nspo I saved in my PRIVATE folder REPETEDLY... even my mealspo :( )
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butterfly-ana17 · 6 months
Me when I look skinny from the side but freaking giant from the front because of my wide ribcage.
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butterfly-ana17 · 7 months
feel like shit
for one I haven’t eat that much in march break but that’s thanks to me getting sick 🤒 I feel like shit all day n night. But hey im at 138.8lbs 62kgs im so close to getting out of the 60s I can taste it. I need to loss 8 lbs or 3 kgs any tips ?
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butterfly-ana17 · 7 months
I don’t think I can do it alone.
I need someone who is or calls them self a pro Ana. I’m such a fat pig and no matter what I do to loss weight I just eat and eat and eat like the fat pig I am.please anyone who can help me loss weight. I’m 140lbs/63kg I hate my fattie gross body so much. I wanna get to 123lbs/55kg and in the end to be at 100lbs/45kg.
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