butterflyiiisms · 5 years
Eclipsa: Are you seeing anyone Star?
Star: *blushes* Well..actually..Marco and I-
Eclipsa: No sweetie I mean like a fucking therapist
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
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Their Reunion 💕
(Forgot to share this on here! 😅)
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
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What if the reason Toffee took so long to enact his plan was because he was high off his ass once he was transported to the Realm of Magic?
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
How exactly does Rhombulus go from feeling GUILTY about getting rid of Meteora and swapping her out with Festivia and apologizing at the trial. He was the one to fess up and tell the truth. Maybe because he didn’t want to DIE but he also seemed earnest in the confession. To wanting to crystallize the whole family and having no guilt at all about wanting to get rid of her “freak monster family”??
He was the most sympathetic member of the MCH and suddenly went to the LEAST sympathetic out of NOWHERE. His relationship with Star got erased, his adorable awkward personality changed into a complete sadistic one and he lost any and all likability he had. Was this so we wouldn’t feel bad when Star destroyed the Magic? Was this just because they couldn’t decide who they wanted the bad guy to be? 
Nevermind Lekmet. I know Rhombulus probably changed a lot once he died (as a result of a monster attack no less) but… THAT much change? And no remorse? And to not even give him a redemption at the last minute to show that the world isn’t all black and white? He’s just evil so him dying is FUNNY??
Instead Heckapoo KINDA gets a redemption. (Even then not REALLY. She has lots of power and didn’t do anything to HELP them. She was just going to sit back and let everyone else die if Star hadn’t come up with a plan) It should have been Rhombulus. She was clearly set up to be the least sympathetic member. The most flaky and the least trustworthy.  I like her! I do! But something went wrong in this ending.
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
Eclipsa being best mom
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
Mina, getting brutally attacked by a unicorn: Help me! My Queen!
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
Bulbous yellow eyes watched impressed as the girl just...downed the entire thing of congealed cream in seconds. Damn.
“Oh right, right, the age of Solaria and her soldiers. Killed much of my ancestors that I know of.” He wriggled out of her arms and hopped to the counter, flicking on a steaming kettle. “Tea? Soda? Milkshakes? Haha we have them all!”
Returning to the floor, he pulled out two chairs for the two of them and balanced a plate of cookies and assorted sweets in one wing.
“Globgor, the King of Monsters? He’s out? How did you manage to kill a bunch of Solarian soldiers?! I thought they were indestructible.”
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
“Oof!” The former Queen let off a yelp and a soft chuckle as her arms folded around the child as she caught her. An alabaster cheek nuzzled hers softly.
“Well darling I don’t think that’s something we have to worry about anymore, the em Queen-ly duties and bad guys at least. I hope.” She smiled warmly and her fingers threaded through the girl’s golden locks. “But the never letting you go thing...I think that’s something I can do.”
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butterflyiiisms liked for a star starter
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Once eclipsa was alone Star ran to her. Diving into the arms of her. “Oh eclipsa I’ve never been this tired. I don’t wanna do any queen duties. No more fighting bad guys. I just wanna be a kid again. Probably sleep for a week. Never let me go okay? Promise?”
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
That was true. Any kind of power had the capacity to be intoxicating enough to drive anyone completely insane, let alone a power that literally poisoned the mind.
"Whoa!" he yelped in laughing surprise as the girl snatched him up and held him against her. She seemed to be enjoying it so he let her.
"Yes I told you I made everything! You like cake? Cupcakes? Pie?? Ice cr...oh." A glance over to the dripping blob of cream his siblings forgot to put away.
"It's been wonderful here and Dennis is the most perfect little hatchling! But we'll swap stories. Who's this Mina? And were you really Queen Eclipsas advisor that I heard?"
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“R-really?“Ludo was almost embarrassed by the way he was sure his eyes must have lit up and watered. However living in his castle he had had much time to lament his poor relationship with the girl he abused.
“That’s what I want too!” Opening his door he gently propelled her inside. “Come in, come in! I made all sorts of treats! Wasn’t sure what your favorite was so I made every dessert!”
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
also who wants to write moon and eclipsa reconciling because
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
svtfoe being cancelled robbed us of so much but my biggest salt is NOT SEEING ON SCREEN LUDO AND STAR RECONCILIATION
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
He felt himself falter for a moment, in shock and at such a foreign contact. When last had he and the girl exchanged physical contact that wasn’t meant to try and kill each other?
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“Oh Star...I’m....sorry...” The awful things he had put this child through, and for what? A magic stick that turned out to be the source of great trauma for him?
His small feathered arms were quick to wrap around the child tightly as a sniffle left his beak.
“We never should have in the first place. I-oh I was stupid. A madman! I tied so much of my self worth to that...stupid wand, and I didn’t care what I needed to do to get it, or who I needed to knock down! I thought I needed to subjugate the entire world and force them to love me! As...no one ever had.” A fond glance over her shoulder at his siblings working away in the castle. “So I thought anyway. Turns out,  just needed a few people to love me, not the whole world...”
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“R-really?“Ludo was almost embarrassed by the way he was sure his eyes must have lit up and watered. However living in his castle he had had much time to lament his poor relationship with the girl he abused.
“That’s what I want too!” Opening his door he gently propelled her inside. “Come in, come in! I made all sorts of treats! Wasn’t sure what your favorite was so I made every dessert!”
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
It truly was surreal for the young Princess. Everything had gone to Hell in a hand basket. Except Star had been to Hell and it was nothing like this.
It was impossible to wrap her head around these affairs, a true testament to how quickly things could deteriorate and crumble. Literally and quite figuratively--for she had witnessed the decimated buildings and shattered remains of all her hard work.
Weeks and months fueled into helping her extended family taken down in an instant by prejudice. Fighting enemies was hardly of consequence for Star. She had lived her entire life with all sorts of foes but to have such betrayal...come from her very Mother. She could deal with being backstabbed by an expected foe, but family?
Was the crown really more important to her stupid Mother than her? Did she really not value her opinions, the work she’d done, or her feelings? How could someone choose a status of power over other beings feelings and lives?
Lamenting in her sorrow, Star gazed down as tears dripped to the grass below her. They were almost to the sanctuary. So far, and yet so close. Would they make it in time? Was this quest for Globgor all for naught? How many more casualties would her ancestry take?
Wide wet eyes gazed over at the monster through a thick watery sheen. She couldn’t help but release a bitter scoff to prevent a sob from slipping out. “Right, and look where that got us. I didn’t accomplish anything.”
She brushed her hand over her eyes. “Sorry...like you said, you’re the one that’s d....” No, she didn’t want to say the word. “That’s injured and I’m just...being a big crybaby.”
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Working though the Pain
Really, just the fact that Globgor was in the presence of his family again was enough for Globgor to find the strength to hold on. In the midst of his valiant rescue, he, River, and whoever the third guy was had run into his wife and majority of the others. He hated for his family to see him in such a pitiful condition, but he was happy to see them unharmed regardless. 
Shortly after their meeting, River announced that they needed to him to the Magic Sanctuary. Really, he was a good man. Even if he did try to force a chicken into Globgor’s mouth. Everyone seemed to agree, even Moon, though she looked hesitant. They all knew Globgor didn’t have much longer. 
Before River went to check up ahead, Globgor grabbed onto his arm. “R-River….I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me.”
The small man in the costume (why was he wearing that?) turned to him with a tearful expression. He grabbed onto Globgor’s shoulders (ow) and gave him a little shake. “Don’t talk like that, man! You’re not going anywhere!”
Globgor blinked. “That…really didn’t have anything to do with my wound, I just wanted to thank you-”
“I SAID DON’T TALK LIKE THAT!” River gave Globgor a slap (really??) before his tears began to flow. “You’re going to live!! You have a daughter to raise!! Pull yourself together!!”
Globgor felt an eye twitch. “…Okay.” Let’s just leave it at that. 
After checking on him, Eclipsa went to go speak with Moon. She asked for Marco to join her, for some reason. That just left Globgor and Star together. 
He didn’t hesitate to check her over from his crippled spot on the ground. The poor thing. He knew what it was like to be wrapped up in war-hungry affairs. It was awful the way children were always dragged into the mistakes of the adults. It made him feel guilty. He knew a lot of the mistakes he made in the past helped make this Mina girl as deranged as she was, and now innocents like Star were suffering for it. And after everything the girl had done for him. 
She looked absolutely miserable. How could this be? Oh sure, everything was going to lint right now, but where was the girl who had charged after him despite all the frightening stories told about him? The one who stood up for the infamous Globgor in front of the majority of Mewnie? Who had openly called out a member of the MHC because she knew what he did was wrong? His Eclipsa had told him that this girl was incredibly brave and mature for her age. She always stood proud and ready to defend those she loved. 
So why did she look so defeated?
Well, Globgor could barely move, but he could still talk. If he couldn’t protect anyone physically, he could at least do what he could for them emotionally. Plus, if there was any way he could help his little savior, the girl who had given him everything he had ever dreamed of and more, he sure as heck was going to do it!
It was a struggle, but Globgor managed to life his head a bit so he could look at the teenager better. He managed a weak chuckle. “Heh…..you know, it’s kind of funny. I’m the one who’s currently being ripped apart by a blade of death, yet you actually look worse off than I do. What’s wrong, Star? I mean, besides the obvious.” He used his eyes to gesture towards what was going on around them. “You’ve been in worse predicaments before, right? My wife hasn’t been able to stop talking about all the incredible things you’ve done.”
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
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“R-really?"Ludo was almost embarrassed by the way he was sure his eyes must have lit up and watered. However living in his castle he had had much time to lament his poor relationship with the girl he abused.
"That’s what I want too!” Opening his door he gently propelled her inside. “Come in, come in! I made all sorts of treats! Wasn’t sure what your favorite was so I made every dessert!”
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
“I swear if you tickle me…” ( Ludo )
“You’ll do what, Star?” was the playful challenging retort of the little kappa just daring her to do something.
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While tickling was once a heavy phobia of the monster, living and bonding with his siblings had adjusted him to the method of play he frequently found himself subjected to. In short it was far more enjoyable of an activity with someone you loved and trusted than a traumatizing clown on your Birthday. And in the time between his redemption the princess had become such for him.
“Little ticklish are we?” His voice had adapted a kind of malice it usually held with any of his victims, but far more playful. “I’m made of feathers, I think I have the advantage here!” As if the girl wasn’t capable of kicking his feathered hide to Connecticut.
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butterflyiiisms · 5 years
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I know the priority was to focus on Moon apologizing to Star, but I wish we had seen Moon talking to Eclipsa. I know off-screen she did, and it would be a really special moment between them. Eclipsa was always trying to get closer to Moon…
Keep reading
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