butterflywoman · 2 years
Indefinite detention
You dated her, and initially I found myself feeling useless.
I feel like if you’re not around then what’s the point of me looking for love at all.
I feel nothing all the time.
I feel numb.
The guy from the past only dated white women, not me.
Not good for them, not good for me.
I feel nothing.
I didn’t deserve his love, he would’ve just said no. He would’ve told every living soul. I would’ve been so mortified.
Some how I’ve still managed to fuck that up.
I’m still mortified.
Truthfully, I have nothing. All my crushes are gone and I feel nothing.
I love nothing.
I hate myself because you don’t love me and you never will.
And I question if anyone ever will.
I doubt if anyone ever will.
I doubt if it will ever be worth it.
I know you could be reading this rolling your eyes.
I wish I was joking, I wish I didn’t believe it.
I wish I didn’t care.
I wish I could numb it, destroy it, kill all the feelings I had for you.
I wish I could see you again and feel nothing.
But I’m pathetic and I feel everything.
I want to fix it, I don’t want feelings any more.
I want to be better than desire.
You’re happy with her and I’m pretty useless.
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butterflywoman · 2 years
Closure moment
I hate myself because you don’t love me.
I’m not anything if you don’t love me.
I feel like I’m losing a part of me.
But someone how i pushed you away.
Maybe we could’ve lived together
But I’ll never have you
Maybe biting my tongue was a mistake
Maybe it was a blessing
Keeping me from embarrassing myself
I want you more than you could ever know.
I have to let you go .
I feel like I’m losing the best part of me.
It was a mistake.
I love you and you’ll be happy without me.
But I can’t imagine what comes next.
Someone save me.
I’m losing everything I’ve ever loved.
How could I recover from you?
I was wrong
I have nothing, I’m making all my fears come true.
Someone come take me away
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butterflywoman · 2 years
I give up!
I said it!
I stopped trying to pursue a new love interest.
Or rather, I gave up on creating new ones in my head.
Tell me I’m wrong if you would like.
But the truth is I hate knowing it, I hate believing it: I don’t believe I’ll meet anyone anytime soon.
And it upsets me so deeply I cry and cry and cry.
But why!
Why do I care so fucking much!
I don’t understand, maybe I could figure it out in therapy.
I want to know what causes me to keep desiring love.
I would like to consider my love life a string of unfortunate events, smashed memories covered with regret.
I don’t trust that I’ll meet someone who feels similarly back.
They say I’m insecure.
Call me what you want; I’m unsure.
Do they even like black women around here?
Do they even like me around here?
I don’t think I’ll meet someone I like.
Say it, I dare you.
It’s not just fear, it’s knowing.
Am I what’s wrong?
Am I too unapproachable?
Do I look unhappy?
Do I scare people off?
Im trying to smile more.
What more I can I say?
It eats me up inside, every night, every day. Or just about.
It bothers me with so much passion.
I can change. I can be cuter
I can be nicer. I can be cooler.
But something’s wrong.
I can’t seem to shake that awful feeling.
What’s wrong with me?
Why isn’t THIS enough for men? Or anybody?
Why am I so broken?
Why can’t I just be solid enough, I don’t need to be perfect.
Why isn’t THIS meeting some of the standard?
I don’t understand.
I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
I’m just not enough, it’s never enough.
They don’t notice me, they don’t seem to care.
I try and give.
It’s just never good enough.
It’s not my blackness or my size or height or even my sense of humor.
I’m not that unique.
What is it about ME, that’s slightly off and not quite right?
My hesitation, my insecurity, my stubbornness, my naïveté.
If there is a person out there that sees something special in me.
Those things seem to keep getting in my way.
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butterflywoman · 2 years
don’t be that way
Wading in the apathy of going through the motions.
Not too lonely, not too quiet.
But soon, eventually.
A jolt of feelings again.
Pushing forward to more collapse.
Who breeds optimism?
Ambiance, ambivalence.
All waves of motion to stillness to motion.
Thoughtlessly moving.
Not persuading or pursuing.
Shell of hollows, nimble brain to fill time.
Just because.
There’s nothing that was.
Lonely still, lonely in motion.
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butterflywoman · 2 years
I feel love
I feel everything when you give me nothing.
I feel nothing.
I feel nothing.
If you’re not around, I feel nothing.
If you’re gone I want nothing.
I’m insecure,
I’m stupid
I’m a waste of space.
You give me everything.
I could only mean something if you’re around.
You give me everything.
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butterflywoman · 2 years
Theory of unluck
In general:
To except that my love life is somehow based off of fairness is a mistake.
I’m bound by a few factors; time , location, approachability and emotional investment.
Along with the heavy one: luck
If we live in a world with lucky and unlucky. It is right to assume that in some ways we will be lucky and others we will be unlucky.
I believe that in my love life, I’m not lucky.
Therefore expecting random chance meetings that blossom into beautiful relationships is relying on luck, which I do not have.
So it is better to then assume that I am unlucky and I will be alone for a long time.
Both circumstances and my own personal failures lead to an unsatisfactory disappointing love life.
One that leaves me empty.
And to me, it’s smarter to become comfortable in being alone.
I love love but I have to more forward not fixating on it.
There are people who often win and those who don’t. I may not win, but I create balance.
That’s an important piece to be.
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butterflywoman · 2 years
For his sake
You’re my favorite person.
When I see you, I genuinely smile.
It’s not often you meet someone so special, but I consider myself grateful, to be able to meet someone like you.
If only you could be around forever, even if only in passing I could be happy with that.
I hope I meet someone like you again.
I usually keep myself guarded to some degree but it’s hard to do that with you.
I wish I could just tell you everything.
I live with the feverish hope that I will find someone like you.
That I’ll one day be able to love someone as special.
On the edge of tomorrow, moving forward with you in mind
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butterflywoman · 2 years
Casted away
I hope I meet someone like you.
You exist, so love must be real.
Because I love you, love must be real.
I hope I meet someone that makes me feel the way you do.
Moving through it.
You’re around, so I must be doing okay.
Soon enough.
It may not be mutual, but at least you exist.
If not only, for the purpose of showing me that it’s real.
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butterflywoman · 2 years
lucky duck
I wish someone loved me, the way I loved you.
You have the safety net, carefully constructed pathways of getting back to home base.
Someone around, who loves you and accepts your secrets.
Someone with enough love to break most of your falls.
I wish that someone want to protect me, the way I wanted to protect you.
And I’m jealous because you have it and I’m stuck endlessly chasing after it.
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butterflywoman · 4 years
Sheet over you
She doesn’t like me mentioning things
She shuts down and walks away
Was I wrong?
Was I immature?
Maybe so
She used to talk to me most days
Now she avoids me in the hallway
She doesn’t want to share things
Maybe I shouldn’t sweat the simple things
Was I wrong?
Was I annoying?
Maybe so
She giggles with her other friends
She doesn’t tell me things like she used to do
Now I avoid her in the hallway
Maybe I shouldn’t take it so personally
Was I wrong?
Is it true?
Maybe yes
Maybe no
Maybe I’ll never know
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butterflywoman · 4 years
forced mistake
she won’t spit out because it’s caught up in her tongue
A ball of thread wound too tightly to be spoken
She’ll deny herself the passage way because she’s looking backwards
She won’t stop cutting people with her words
She uses rough language in rocky mouthscape to steer people away and draw them in
But I can see you
You’re wandering eyes are so clearly intrusive
And you will not accept the answers you’ve been given
so you’re chasing after the thing that hurts you most
You don’t have to punish yourself for love
Love doesn’t have to be tied to pain
Why do you do this to yourself, when the answers are so obvious?
Sit a while by yourself
Why can’t you be alone?
Maybe it’s because you want something that can’t be harnessed in materials
You have to capture it
The moment has already evaded your grasp.
She’s so soft she’s crumbling
She wants all the attention they could offer her
She’s so fragile she’s breaking
And what will we do with you when you’re in pieces?
you will be loved. You don’t need to worry anymore. you will be taken care of. it maybe hard to imagine but the love is coming.
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butterflywoman · 4 years
you let go, let it go
stop tending to the fruitless trees
The tree that stays bare most of the season
The tree that looks so promising but never fulfills
Stop tending to the fruitless pleads
The words that are big and soft but never amount to much
Those words won’t help you now
So stop tending to fruitless trees
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butterflywoman · 4 years
Losing it to your gesture
thinly veiled against a mark of scarasm and wit
it broke under my breath
The patience snapped out of my tightly wound mouth
I have been trapping all my annoyances ina bottle
And today a small piece of that bottle broke
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butterflywoman · 4 years
Look Thru The Trees
seized by confidence it’s only because you want to be the sun and the moon for me
What can I tell you about myself to stop some worthless cause
I’ve been patterned by the same old mistakes
The same old moods
Passing thru me
Whistle in the hollows of my chest
Everything has been so static
The body no longer can move with ease
I struggle to swim back up to a surface of happiness or good luck
I’m drowning in a pit of dark thoughts
Almost always cursing my tongue for being so open to the idea of sameness
I should change, I should learn to swim
But I don’t
And I keep my mouth closed
Don’t pity me out of the idea
It’s all connected to my inability to make changes
Sewing closed the window of time for optimal opportunity because of some depression
It’s all because of the same closed mouth
Maybe you still try to be my sun and my moon
But either way, the teeth are clenched
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butterflywoman · 4 years
magget brain
Sharp and tactical methods of growing spores on the brain
It’s allowed to prosper
It’s allowed itself festered with pain
Who are you when I’m not around
Do you cry because I’m gone
I hope you do
Save all that love for me
Give no one a taste
yield any questions they raise
Beautiful union of ours
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butterflywoman · 4 years
Therapy Lessons
you will open your eyes to the same reflection
You can’t hide it
There is nothing in the cards for someone who takes off with no direction
You will not escape it
It will follow you to the moon
You would get to the moon
Take out your mirror
And there it is again
No matter the distance
There it is
What ever is ailing you will not be solved by changing the scenery
It will not be solved by lusting and thrusting
It will not be solved by loving and hugging
It will not be solved by scoring and earning
It will not be solved by saving and spending
What is ailing you is you
Everywhere you go, there you are
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butterflywoman · 4 years
Call It Love For Now
You came in with the April rain
And you showered me with goodness
And graciousness
Who would have thought the universe would bring me something so precious
The extend and depth of this has not been fully implemented yet but I feel you
It’s still not fully ripe
It’s young and growing and moving and shaping
It has many more moons before it is love
But we can still call it something like that for short
I fear that if I truly say that it is, it won’t be
They say they’re shocked and they predict things for future concern said
But could it be?
Should we look so far ahead?
It is instinctively ingrained
To want to sustain
To aim to maintain
The feelings that are shared and passed with care
But will it still be there?
For now, you came in the April rain
And you’ve stayed with the August sun.
I can be at peace for now because it’s like that
It’s something like that for short
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