butttermybiscuits · 4 years
My fav Naruto Ships Part 1
Naruto-Sasuke, Hinata, Sakura
Sasuke-Naruto, Sakura,Hinata
Rock lee-Gaara,Sakura
Ten ten-Neji
Neji-Ten Ten
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Kakashi and Gai volunteer for an easy C Ranked mission when the mission sets are slow coming in and they have time to kill. When they make this announcement in Tsunade’s office one morning, she spends several minutes glaring skeptically at them both because why would her two top ninjas volunteer for something that can be completed by a team of Genin?
Gai and Kakashi try not to look nervous as they sweat profusely under her scrutiny. Their eyes darting around the room in a lame attempt to cover up their obvious intentions.
Tsunade, finally sighing out, seemingly guessed what this is all about as she warns, “Don’t treat this as a vacation.” She huffs. “This is still a mission and you’re still shinobi.”
“Of course!” Gai cheers, “We would never volunteer for a low ranked mission as an excuse to go sightseeing and spend time with each other in order to nurture the bond of our eternal rivalry! Right, Kakashi?” Gai elbows the other none-too-subtly and Kakashi has to wonder when Gai became so capable at lying (note: sarcasm).
“Oh, right. Yeah. Like we’re totally not going to spend most of this mission relaxing and visiting the Fall Festival.” Kakashi rolls his eyes, remembering how Gai went on and on and on about how cool seeing a festival at this time of year would be. His hints weren’t subtle in the slightest, and Kakashi, always a sucker for Gai, decided it had been awhile since they did anything just between the two of them. At Kakashi’s remarks, Tsunade’s glower hardens. Gai chuckles uneasily, and Kakashi’s just hoping the hokage is going to approve their lame attempt to take a vacation together.
Sighing again, Tsunade admits, “Well. I can at least trust you to maintain your reputation by completing the mission just...please don’t make a competition out of it. Last time you did that...” last time they did that Tsunade was faced with a hefty bill to pay to a nearby village when Kakashi and Gai accidentally decimated their prized statue during a blind folded foot race. Kakashi swore it was Gai who pushed him into the statue, while Gai was determined to place the blame on his clumsy rival. Needless to say, Tsunade hadn’t been happy. And neither had the treasurer.
“We’re shinobi first.” Kakashi assures, though he sounds like he’s saying this for her sake rather than his own, and Gai nods eagerly, practically brimming with excitement already. Tsunade can’t refuse her best Jonin. There’s no reason to. Everything has been relatively quiet. So she can afford them the three days it will take them to complete the C Ranked Mission and enjoy themselves while they’re at it.
“Fine.” She groans, handing them the mission debrief. “Just, for the love of Konoha, behave!” Usually, no one would have to tell someone like Kakashi to behave, but whenever he got around Gai...well, their rivalry was legendary indeed, and nothing would ever erase the image of their drunken dance competition the last time all the Jonin went out for drinks. There’s just some things a Hokage should never see, and a usually stone faced Kakashi Hatake trying to drop it low with a tipsy half naked Gai Might hyping him up was definitely one of those things.
“We will,” Kakashi promises as he plucks the mission from her hands. “It’s a C Ranked mission. Seriously, what could go wrong?” Kakashi tosses over his shoulder as he walks away, Gai skipping happily after him. When the Jonin finally leave, Tsunade’s head falls to her desk. There were so many things that could go wrong. Ten off the top of her head, and the Hokage feared she was going to have an influx of complaints very soon.
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
kakashi has a wet dream while on a mission with team 7 😳
This wasn’t his fault, not completely at least. For one, he had no control over his dreams. That was his sub conscious minds job to keep track of and obviously it had decided to take a vacation for the night. Second, was he just not supposed to think of Gai?
He hadn’t seen his boyfriend in a month since becoming Team 7′s Jonin Teacher. A month without cuddles, date night, sex. It was all too much. Even when he had been in Anbu he had been able to spend some time with Gai. It was like Lord Third was punishing him for something he had done. 
Not only was he expected to take care of and train the worst team ever created, but he had to do it all while being deprived of Gai? That was just rude. 
So that was how he found himself in his current situation. Still rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, a soft smile on his face as he recalled the soft, warm dream he had, and the look of pure and utter horror etched on his students faces.
“What?” Thankfully, with his mask on the kids couldn’t tell that he had stopped smiling. That would probably raise more questions, and knowing Sakura and Naruto they would be snarky shitty questions. “Is there something on my face?”
“More like something in your pants,” Sasuke responded with the usual disinterest, though his face was about 2 shades redder than usual. “You really should...get that fixed.”
Get it fixed? What was the kid talking about?
Turning his attention down to his pants, Kakashi instantly felt a great amount of shame and embarrassment weighing down on him. No wonder the kids were refusing to look at him. 
His pants had felt a little tight that morning, but he hadn’t thought that a hard on was a problem he was dealing with when he had gotten out of his sleeping bag and turned his attention to the three kids eating their breakfast.
Gai was definitely never going to let him live this down. 
“Just...” His eye twitched. How the hell was he supposed to deal with this? Part of his brain couldn’t even pretned to be happy and horny anymore after realizing what his students had seen, but the other half was so focused on that sweet dream of him and Gai making love back at home that he couldn’t get rid of the hard on that was causing all of these problems. 
He was stuck between a rock and a hard place, literally.
“Keep eating breakfast.” He grumbled under his breath, disappearing before his students could protest. He wasn’t going to go far of course. He had to stay close enough that he could show up if the three little monsters got themselves into trouble, but he really did need to deal with his little problem, and he doubted that it would be as easy as thinking of something gross. 
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
HC: Kakashi just randomly waking up one morning and realizes he’s actually in love with Gai during the three year time skip. From there he just casually tries guide their relationship to the next level, but Gai is completely oblivious and thinks that Kakashi’s attempts to ‘spend more time together’ is just Kakashi passionately pursuing their rivalry. When really Kakashi’s trying to say without really speaking that he wants to be more than just rivals with Gai, but it isn’t a thought Gai considers even when Kakashi blatantly says, ‘Let’s go on a date.’ And Kakashi is seriously questioning how he fell in love with such a dense man. Even Lee, Neji, and Tenten notice Kakashi’s shift when he talks to Gai. Kakashi is trying to flirt (albeit terribly) and Gai is none the wiser. Tenten almost feels bad for Kakashi Sensai.
Asuma’s is the one to pick up on Kakashi’s attempts to subtly woo Gai, and after giving him a congratulations (seriously you’ve been dancing around this for years it’s about time you try to be happy) Asuma says, “Why don’t you just tell him?” Words have always been hard for Kakashi, but he’s tired of trying to subtly hint at things, so one day he corners Gai outside his favorite curry shop and says, “I want to be with you, Gai.” And Gai, just smiles and says, “I want to be with you to, Kakashi.” And Kakashi, for a moment, thinks this is it, this is finally happening, but then Gai goes, “Of course eternal rivals want to spend time with each other, it is only a natural part of youth!”
Kakashi almost wants to give up. Even Shikamaru, the boy genius, doesn’t have any words of advice “It honestly sounds like such a drag.” It is only after Tenten and Lee’s meddling (and maybe Neji though he doesn’t like to admit that he stoop so low as to meddle in his sensai’s love life) that Gai realizes why Kakashi’s being extra friendly lately. Lee and Tenten pretty much have to spell it out for him, and Neji goes so far as to draw a diagram. And oh, ohhhhhhhh my how could Gai be so dense??
Of course, it partially isn’t his fault. Kakashi has a weird way of showing his affection. But he should’ve realized when Kakashi gifted him an original copy of Icha Icha that the other was trying to wordlessly confess his love. So Gai goes out to find Kakashi that same day, and finds the other lazily reading in a tree on the outskirts of the trianing area. Gai is all nervous, blushing cheeks and stuttering words, his heart feeling a flutter in his chest as he approaches Kakashi. Kakashi, seeing Gai, prepares himself for another challenge and yet another day that Gai doesn’t recognize Kakashi’s affections, except Gai takes him by surprise by just...planting one on him. Granted, the kiss is over Kakashi’s mask, and it’s nothing more than a chaste peck, but the way Gai blushes furiously afterwards is enough to make Kakashi smile.
“Finally, you idiot.” He comments as he lazily tugs his mask down, “I was running out of ideas on how to woo you.”
Gai, still nervous, because this is Kakashi, the man he’s been smitten with since he was a teenager, can only chuckle out an awkward I’m sorry. But thankfully Gai doesn’t have to say much else, because Kakashi is claiming Gai in a proper kiss.
Lee, Tenten, and Neji watch on from the trees like the three most students they are. Neji pretends not to care, but even he cracks a small smile as the other two cheer when Kakashi and Gai formally kiss.
It may have been a painful process, but at least his Sensai is happy.
Ways Kakashi has tried to flirt with Gai:
-the normal way; “Hey Gai, you’re looking nice this morning.” Gai: “of course rival, I look good everyday.”
-the subtle way; *kakashi tries to lace his fingers with Gai as they walk side by side* gai, seeing this, thinking Kakashi wants to arm wrestle and promptly challenges him.
-the sweet way: Kakashi is a great cook. It’s something he prides himself on, so one morning he makes Gai lunch, even going to far as to write a little note about eating healthy. This should get his feelings noticed, except when Gai takes the lunch box he only cries hot, manly tears because his rival is so thoughtful and “Of course my rival would be so skilled in the culinary arts.”
-Kakashi’s way; It’s his first copy of Icha Icha. His most precious and prized possession, so when he sees Gai next, Kakashi gifts said prized possession to the love of his life. He does it casually, but his insides are twisting as Gai blinks down at the gift. “Always so thoughtful, Rival! There is no better exercise for the brain than reading a book.”
-Asuma’s way: “Gai, I like you, let’s be together.” “We already are together, do you not know what eternal rivals MEAN?”
-Shikamaru’s way: “Gai, let’s go take a nap together and watch the clouds.” “Rival, is that laziness I hear coming out of your mouth! Unacceptable!”
-Ino’s way: “Gai I got you some flowers—“ “Achoo!!!” “—never mind.”
-Tenten’s Way: *just take him out to a nice, romantic dinner Kakashi Sensai. Make sure you wear something OTHER than your jonin uniform*. Gai, seeing Kakashi wear normal clothes, “Is this a FASHION CHALLENGE RIVAL?” Gai then proceeds to flaunt his ass in his tight green spandex and any other clothes he can get his hands on.
-Lee’s way: “Gai, will you spend your springtime of youth with me, and be my man of destiny?” “....Are you stealing my line’s, Kakashi?”
-Neji’s Way: *to Kakashi* “You’re both idiots.” *proceeds to walk away like a boss but ends up hatching a plan with his teammates to rectify this embarrassing and painful attempts by Kakashi to woo their sensai*
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
NSFW HC: Kakashi has definitely tried to convince Gai to have sex in the Hokage’s office once he’s hokage. He’s coy about it at first, casually mentioning that he managed to secure a thirty minute lunch break without interruption and ‘oh what she would do to pass the time’, and Gai’s like ‘eat, of course. You always skip your meals Kakashi’. But obviously Kakashi has different intentions, and so he casually places his hand on the back of Gai’s chair at first, and then moves it to his shoulder, fingers playfully tickling the skin of Gai’s next. At first, Gai doesn’t catch on, but when Kakashi very blatantly rubs Gai’s chest, teasing the other’s nipples beneath his tight spandex, it clicks.
“Kakashi, we are not going to ‘do the sex’ in the Hokage’s office.” Gai glares, batting Kakashi’s wandering fingers off of him.
“Why not? I’m the hokage, I should be allowed to do whatever I want in my office.”
Gai, narrowing his eyes even further, suggests, “Is this one of those things you read in your books, and now you want to try it out?” And Kakashi shakes his head no. Honestly he originally planned to spend a nice, quiet lunch break with his favorite person, but then Gai just looked too good to resist doting on Kakashi the way he usually does, so how could Kakashi *not* want the other man in that moment.
“Come on Gai,” Kakashi coaxes as he tries to pepper kisses along Gai’s chiseled jaw, “No one will have to know...” he assures, “I can find ways to keep you quiet.”
Gai weakens as he usually does when it comes to Kakashi, but he also wants to hold firm. They can’t have sex in the Hokage’s office! It just isn’t right, but then Gai is giving in because Kakashi is an expert at manipulating Gai into a frenzy. They manage to get away with it the first time it happens. And the second. And the third, but the fourth time Kakashi manages to convince Gai for a quickie on the desk, Shikamaru walks in halfway through with an urgent message, only for his words to shrivel on his lips. Shikamaru never finishes his sentence. He shuts the door and spends the next thirty minutes in the bathroom looking for bleach to burn his eyes out of their sockets.
Gai determines to never give in again after that, even if Kakashi promises profusely, “It was just a one time thing, it won’t happen again.” But Gai is firm, because they got lucky it was only Shikamaru and not someone less understanding like the elder’s of the village or dignitaries from other villages.
“You have to admit, it was fun.” Kakashi muses, thinking back on all the times he managed to have Gai panting, naked, and begging on his desk, or the floor, or in the Hokage’s chair. “Who knew you were so adventurous, Gai.”
Gai merely huffs and pointedly shoves another bean bun in his mouth, his cheeks ballooning in indignation. And if later on Kakashi manages to get his way again by falling to his knees in front of Gai (the taijustu master’s only weakness) then the green beast chalks that up to a moment of blissful insanity and nothing more.
Shikamaru is now ALWAYS sure to knock whenever Kakashi is on a lunch break with Gai.
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Does anyone else get chills whenever someone mentions how powerful Gai is in Naruto? Like they’re always “Dont underestimate him” and “A powerful enemy approaches” and that means my boy Might Gai is a fucking BEAST. I literally squeal like a girl when the show recognizes Gai’s talent more than the fandom does. Like half the reason he and Kakashi aren’t in the same arcs is because if they were they’d fucking WRECK shit. Gai is FEARED. He’s literally so badass and it’s all HARD WORK. Like he really took a middle finger to natural talent and said I’m gonna WHOOP SOME ASS.
Put some respect on Kakashi’s Husband’s name. Okay?
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
An AU where the dads never died and they celebrate their adult gay sons
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a family photo
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Let’s have GaaLee headcanon about family dinners. Who cooks? Do they always eat together as a family? Are any of the kids fussy? Does Kankuro eat with them, too?
domestic dinner headcanon for gaalee:
1) dinner is either a family affair because they actually have time for it or it’s a take away and eat when you can thing. Gaara is obviously very busy with his duties as Kazekage. sometimes Lee or Kankurou or even Gaara are away on a mission. Sometimes Temari and Shikamaru are there because they live in Suna six months out of the year (the cold period for konoha because Temari hates the cold). The Kazekage estate is big enough that all of them live there, even the kids those rare instances i decide to include the Boruto kids in my headcanons. So when it’s a family dinner it’s kind of chaotic and they inevitably open up the big dining room and actually set the table. there is just no way they can eat at that little table in the kitchen with five adults (sometimes more if Gai and Kakashi visit or Tenten and Neji, who is alive and well and happily married to Tenten thank you very fucking much; and sometimes Kankurous found himself a cute traveler to have a one night stand with and she’ll awkwardly be invited to family dinner cause Gaara will not hear of Kankurou flaking on family dinner i don’t care if she’s a stranger you’ll be there and bring her along too if you must). so standard is like 3-5 adults sometimes more, and then you’ve got 4-5 kids so that’s just too much for that small table in the kitchen. So family dinners are chaos
gaara loves his chaos so much more than he could ever explain.
2) Lee almost always cooks. Temari, when she’s there absolutely refuses. she is not a cook. she has never been a cook. one time she burned their kitchen in Konoha when she tried to make shikadai onigiri. she will never go near anything that isn’t a goddamn campfire which is thankfully /supposed/ to be on fire. shikamaru helps lee sometimes because none of the sand sibs are competent in the kitchen. shikamaru teases temari about being essentially a princess. she reminds him that she has on multiple occasions been able to best him in a fight. If Gai shows up he helps in the kitchen too Metal loves to help cook as well. but that’s usually the extent of who’s cooking unless one of Kankurous one night stands is feeling brave and wants to show how she’s grateful and decides to help as well.
the kitchen is usually the most chaotic when everyone is there trying to help cook or set the table. again gaara loves this. he loves having a family. he loves the noise and the chaos and the dirty dishes and the smell of cooking and knowing this is home.
i don’t have any headcanons about the kids being fussy eaters tho tbh mostly cause i’ve never thought about them in that much detail lol
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
How Lee reacted the first time Gaara smiled at him?
While I am a sucker for those like moments where it’s the first time someone smiles at you and your heart just feels like its beating out of your chest because ‘holy shit’… 
I don’t think it was like that. I think they were both young and caught up in other things, and the first time Gaara smiles at Lee, Lee doesn’t even notice. Gaara is fourteen and Lee is fifteen, and they’re friends with a bloody past and Gaara’s still learning what it means to have friends and what it means to smile because of fondness. 
The second time Lee does see it, and it does surprise him. it does feel significant. They don’t see each other often and Gaara’s just come back from death and he’s smiling and he’s alive. They’re still young and the world is still rushing around them and it’s not going to stop because of a smile, but Lee feels warm because of it. His heart doesn’t beat erratically, he doesn’t have any earth shattering epiphanies about love. It’s just his friend smiling at him, alive and whole and happy. 
The third time Gaara smiles at Lee it’s after the war and they’re both alive and thank the gods. They’re alive. The world hasn’t ended. Everything is going to be okay. And Gaara smiles at Lee and it’s a shot through the heart. Lee doesn’t remember what he’d dreamed up in the infinite tsukiyomi in the wake of that smile. the world finally stops, it tilts, it’s upside down. Lee can’t breathe and his heart is beating too fast in his chest because they’re alive, gaara’s alive, he didn’t die all over again. he’s alive and he’s smiling at Lee, the brightest smile Lee’s ever seen on his face, it’s like watching a supernova if only Lee knew anything about astronomy; it’s like watching planets implode and be reborn from their own ashes; it’s blinding and hypnotizing, and why hasn’t he ever noticed that gaara’s eyes are like jade? how has he never realised what love truly was? 
after that, lee makes a mental note of every time gaara smiles at him or because of him. after that, he finds books on poetry searching for the best way to describe gaara’s smile and the way it makes him feel–he’s never felt like this before, never felt so electric, like flying without his feet leaving the ground. there are no words. he goes through dozens of books. he seeks out countless natural wonders. 
nothing compares to gaara’s smile, no words can ever capture it.
lee doesn’t stop trying
gaara has a lot of reasons to smile, he does so often. lee never wants to miss a single one. he’s up to smile 260 now. he’s compared it to the sun, but that feels cliched and he throws out another poor attempt at poetry. gaara finds the forgotten piece while visiting lee he next day. 
smile 261 comes just before their first kiss
lee starts counting gaara’s smiles from 0 after that: all the times gaara smiles because he loves lee
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Rock Lee should’ve died
No, really, hear me out here. And this is not for just pure shock value or to depict a more realistic portrayal of war where deaths are random, pointless and great in number, which works with a lot of fiction. No, this is not exactly like how Game of Thrones or Attack on Titan would do things, although they have made me realise certain things.
Yes, it is definitely a death in the spirit of Naruto. It will be noble and heroic. And better yet, it has what you could say “foreshadowing”. Don’t believe me? I’ll explain. And another thing, what GoT taught me: the best people to kill off are the characters people give a shit about. Why waste a death on a character you won’t miss as much? So yes, if you couldn’t tell by this, I fucking love Rock Lee and would fight anyone who is so much as rude to him. And I would clearly react harder to Rock Lee taking on the role of opening all 8 gates than I would for Guy-sensei.
And it’s ironic. The underdog who could not do any ninjutsu saves the entire ninja world. Or the whole world, really.
So how would his noble sacrifice play out?
Keep reading
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
What the fuck
Inoichi: So I like pineapple on my pizza? Is it such a big deal?
Shikaku: Yes it's a big deal it means you're weak and your bloodline is weak, and your family won't survive the winter, and you will put a pineapple on your daughter's grave
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
I absolutely need to see your top 10 kakagai moments pls
This was hard because there are so many moments I wanted to include. I had to have the self control not to just pick 10 moments from the Konoha Shinden. 
                 TOP TEN KAKAGAI MOMENTS
10. "I can’t believe you couldn’t return a single punch after what they said about your father.“
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Kakashi rushing in and saving Gai from two grown men who were beating him up. This moment reads just like so many from the official couples’ backstories, it’s honestly uncanny. And Kakashi is so furious at them.
9. “Doesn’t he remind us of someone? Especially… the eyebrows.”
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The fact that Kakashi and Gai scoped out the little kids together is strangely sweet, especially since Kakashi wasn’t too keen on getting his own team. It was really cute that Kakashi lightly teased Gai about how much Lee reminded him of a younger Gai. 
8. “You did this to Kakashi?”
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Gai’s big rescue and first showdown with Kisame, where Kakashi was dead meat and barely holding on until he saw Gai arrive. Kakashi finally passing out because he felt safe enough with Gai taking over says so much, and the way Gai turns his back on the enemy and gently lifts Kakashi out of the water over his shoulder says even more. Itachi retreated for a reason, Gai was pissed that they had hurt Kakashi this badly.
7. “He’s nice, isn’t he?”
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The tempura scene. Kakashi loathes tempura, but he orders it just because it makes him happy to see Gai eat it off his plate. That’s the most domestic thing ever. And then Kakashi gushing to Mirai about it right after. Plus, he eats and pulls his mask down in front of Gai, no slight of hand or anything. He’s perfectly comfortable taking off his mask in front of Gai. He did it at an angle that obscured his face from Mirai’s view, but not from Gai’s.
6. “I have to take care of him…”
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When Gai mentioned, way back in the chunin exams, that Kakashi can cut through lightning, who would have thought that Gai was the one who he did it for? That Kakashi found the strength out of nothing just to protect Gai was touching, and so was the scene where Gai promised to protect him afterwards.
5. “It’s not like this is the last one. You and I are eternal rivals. That will never change. Guy, it’s reassuring to me that we have someone as earnest as you. I’ll be counting on you from now on. I can’t protect this village by myself.”
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The race is fantastic, and so is the scene before the race where Gai checks on Kakashi, but the scene after the race has to be my favorite part. Kakashi is just so openly moved by Gai’s gesture. This is one of the scenes where he’s most open and forthcoming about how much Gai means to him.
4. “I’d underestimated you a little, Gai.”
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In Kakashi Hiden, Kakashi has a flashback to when Gai was discharged from the hospital. He remembers everything about it so vividly, from the weather to the faces Gai made to all the times Gai struggled and cried and broke down in frustration. And what he remembers most of all is how Gai never failed to put on a brave face and ensure Lee that he was just fine. It’s one of the moments where Kakashi sincerely acknowledge’s Gai’s strength of character.
3. “Guy… are you really…?!”
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Kakashi’s reaction to Gai finally opening the 8th gate. In the manga and especially in the anime, it speaks for itself. Kakashi’s eyes go wide, he trembles in shock, he keeps asking Gai in disbelief if he was really going to do it. Their lives together flashed before his eyes. This is the definitely scene I think about as proof that Kakashi deeply, deeply cares about Gai and wants him around.
2. “I don’t think there’s a cooler shinobi than your dad.”
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Kakashi being nice at all, pre-Obito’s death, is pretty amazing. The fact that he apparently went here with Gai to listen to his problems and told Gai that he admired Dai more than anyone else is so touching, and you can tell how much it meant to Gai to hear that. 
Honorable mentions:
Kakashi apologizing to Gai and trying to comfort him after Lee lost to Gaara
That time Hiruzen was being murdered but Gai and Kakashi were busy flirting fighting back to back to protect the stadium and join Genma
Chapter 700 where Kakashi invites Gai on a trip to all their nostalgic places
Little Gai calling Kakashi his man of destiny and asking him to spend their youth together
Every time Kakashi and Gai fight back to back
Every time Kakashi or Gai physically supports the other when they’re tired/weakened
Gai begs Hiruzen and Danzo to let him join ANBU to be with his “partner” Kakashi
Kakashi tells Tsunade that Gai is the man he trusts most in the entire world
Kakashi drops everything and rushes to Gai’s boat as soon as he gets the SOS tortoise
Scene in Kakashi Hiden where Kakashi sneaks onto the airship because he knows Gai will be there
Scene in Kakashi Hiden where Kakashi holds Gai’s hand while they’re both hanging off the edge of an airship, even if it means falling off and dying together
All the other parts of Konoha Shinden, especially them sleeping side by side with overlapping blankets
1. “If there’s a hotspring that can heal your leg, I’d…”
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This has to be my number one. They adapted this scene perfectly. Kakashi and Gai, happy and retired, looking back on their lives together and thanking each other for being there, saying they wanted to continue staying by each other’s sides forever. This is kakagai in a nutshell.
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Jealous much
Gai: If I ask you a boy question, will you promise not to be weird?
Kakashi: I promise.
Gai: So, there’s this guy I met on a missio-
Kakashi: You can do better.
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Sasunaru was Kishimoto's otp
SasuNaru Is Still Canon, Reblog and Let The World Know!
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
Must've tasted nice
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Remember that time Naruto ate a fucking flower
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butttermybiscuits · 4 years
if naruto dies i die too
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