buyappratings-blog1 · 5 years
Have a nice exposure, buy android ratings and increase the app search ranking.
Apps have been the focal point of attention for a while now. The onset of this whole trend stated with the launch of the Play Store and it hasn’t stopped a bit since. Every year the Play Store sees a growth of close to 15% in the number of apps and this number just keeps on rising. With the start of the Play Store, businesses whether small or big found an opportunity to do something unique and add a new dimension to their business and ever since the growth in the number of apps has been phenomenal. Today there is a huge diversity of apps ranging all the way from shopping apps to online food order and it goes all the way to gaming apps. You can also buy android ratings. The opportunities are immense and so are the challenges. Keeping one of the most important challenges in the app market, we will talk about app search ranking and how to increase it.
App Ranking and the App store
 As stated many times, the Play Store by Google is the most crowded of the app stores with the app count going up to 3 million. This is a huge number and the next one is the iOS Play Store with an overwhelming app count of around 2 million. These huge numbers are a clear indication of the opportunities lying in the app store despite the number of apps currently present in the app store
 One of the most important things to be careful about is your app position in the app store. There are a number of factors that affect your app ranking in the app store. The most important of these factors are:
         App Installs and downloads
         App reviews and app ratings
  These factors have a huge role to play in determining your app’s success in the app store. After all your success is defined by your app’s ranking. Let us talk about the importance of each before finally coming to the main theme of this article.
 App Installs are one of the things that decide your app’s rank in the app store. The more installs your app has, the better your app’s rank will be in the app store. There are a number of techniques to improve your app installs and surprisingly every method comes under app promotion techniques. The most easiest way is to follow traditional advertising methods like displaying ads in newspapers, magazines, TVs and other related medium. This is really effective when it comes to improving your app visibility in the app market. You can also invest in social media advertising. Social media is the talk of the day and given the number of people active in social media websites, it is fair only to maintain your social media pages well. Hire a good social media execute and make sure you involve your audience in a well way. This will not only help in improving your app’s brand name but also in increasing the app installs.
 The other most important thing is app reviews and app ratings. These are the feedback left by the users upon using your app and it contains vital information related to your app. These reviews are not only helpful in developer’s term of view but also plays an important role in promoting your app. When users install or see your app, they take a look at the app ratings and then go through the app reviews left by the previous users. Only after this, people generally install your app. Therefore it is really important that you have high quality reviews and that your app has a good app rating.
There are number of ways of ensuing that. Before we come to the techniques, let us understand how these app reviews and ratings can help shape your app business.
 Importance of app ratings for your business
 Let us consider a scenario to understand things better. Suppose you are shopping for a headphone at amazon. The item is costly and yes there are lots of brands to select from. How do you know which one you should buy? Generally, you will look at the ratings. You will go through specs and will compare the user ratings for all your favourite headphones. It is only through the ratings that you decide which product to buy.
 Now you might understand of the importance these ratings play on your app business. Next comes the big question. 
How to get real ratings?
 The most essential step is to make sure that your app quality is high and that there are no bugs at all in your app. An app which hangs up or has faults will never get good rating and reviews. Instead, any wrong thing in your app will reflect on your app review and this will destroy your reputation. Therefore leave no bugs in your app. The next step is to ask people to rate and review your product. People generally don’t rate. This is a very lazy thing to do and many people skip it. To avoid this, aspire people to rate your app. Ask them to write reviews and if necessary reward them for the effort. This will do good to you only. A small investment can do miracles for your app.
 If nothing works, you can buy app ratings. There are many app review websites and management firms that let you buy real and high quality app ratings for your app. You can also make use of freelancers for this. This is it for now. We hope you do well. Buying app rating will boost your app search ranking and will definitely help you to promote your app business to a whole new level.
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buyappratings-blog1 · 5 years
Why Should You Buy Android Reviews and Installs Services?
Greeting fellow readers. I hope that you guys are getting benefits from these articles. We are trying to come out with new and new articles to help new developers to understand the aspects of the app market. Daily, we bring to you new articles related to enhancing your app performance in the App Store and following the same line, today we are back with another interesting topic. Today we will talk about the importance of android app reviews and installs and why it is necessary that you buy them. Throughout this article, we will be presenting instances to prove that buying app installs and reviews can be really benefiting and also we will talk about the ways through which you can buy them. Let’s get started then.
How do installs help determine you app performance?
Daily there are thousands of app submissions in the Play Store and close to 400 new app listing every singe day. This is how huge the Play Store is. No doubt that it is the largest app market with close to 3 million active apps. The Play Store provides huge opportunities to new developers to get their apps listed in the Play Store as the rules and guidelines are relatively simpler and easy to follow. Now, when your app gets listed, you start with zero installs and as you progress your app installs rise and so does your app ranking. The more app installs you have, the better your app ranks and the better chances are there to earn profits. Normally it is very hard for new apps to get installs. This is because there are already a lot of similar apps in the Play Store, thanks to the enormous number of apps in the Play Store. Not only that, close to 85% of the audience is dispersed in few apps and this makes it even tougher for new apps to get enough audience. The most effective way to curb this is by following pre-marketing drive prior to your app listing. This will ensure that you have a pre-built audience, thereby increasing your chances to enhance number of app installs. Your app performance is monitored by the number of installs that you app has and the better performing app that is the app with more installs will automatically move above in the app list. So you can also buy app installs.This increases the app visibility in the Play Store and also gets you audience as a result of greater app visibility.
How does app ratings affect your app performance?
The importance of app installs was pretty much clear. After all it is the installs that matter. It is these app installs that earn you money and decide your profit. But is that all to it? Certainly not. App ratings too have a very crucial role to play when it comes to app performance. When users want to install an app, they go to the app page and take a look at what the app is offering. After that, they take a look at the app ratings. These app ratings are like user feedback. If the rating is good, it is clear that the app is a good performing one and that there are no bugs or flaws in it. On the other hand, an app with low rating means a poor performing app and people don’t seem to trust the features that your app offers. That being said, it is clear that your app rating has a critical role to play. Only after seeing your reviews, people decide whether they should install that app or not. That is why it is very important that your app has a good app rating. Only after that, you can ensure that people will install your app. Well, there are quite a lot of measures that you can take to ensure that your app has a good rating. Ensuring a good quality of app is the most basic step. You can even ask people to rate your app and you can start a reward scheme to motivate people to rate your app. But what is nothing works out?
Buy App ratings and installs
Both your app ratings and installs are closely related. One thing effects the other and therefore improving any one can change the other one considerably. As being said earlier, people look at the app ratings before installing an app, therefore ensuring a good app rating can help you get more installs. But how can you get rating if people are not installing your app? The answer is pretty simple. Buy them.
There are many sources to buy app ratings and reviews. You can hire app management companies and pay them to get more app installs as well as app ratings. Not only that, you can pay to app management websites and can increase your app ratings and installs. Hiring freelancers is also an interesting option. The ways are many and it is totally up to you to decide which one you are comfortable with. We would recommend you to be as creative as you can with these techniques and again, the most important thing is that your app quality is excellent. Unless you ensure that app is unique, there is certainly no use in investing on app marketing techniques.
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buyappratings-blog1 · 5 years
What are the uses, if we Buy android ratings and How Do You Get Them?
Greeting fellow developers. App promotion has been in talks for a while now. We were getting lots of request to cover the basics of app promotion strategies and that’s why we are going to talk about app promotion techniques and how a small step can make your app the top performing app of the app store. Not only that, we will also talk in detail about the importance of app visibility and app promotion in the app store. Let’s get started then.
The correct way of app promotion
If you look around yourself, you will find yourself to be surrounded by advertisements and there are marketing strategies followed everywhere and for every domain; be it commodities or even education. And like every other product, there has been a surge in promotion methods for apps.
The app market is growing exponentially. There are more than 5 million apps if we combine both the iOS app store and the Play Store and this number will only increase in the years to come. This increase in number can only be justified by the growing opportunities created at the app stores. The app developer community is growing and with this growth the competition is escalating many fold. With all these growth, there is an urgent need to enhance app promotion techniques. There are millions of apps to compete with and we now are standing at a point where only app quality is not enough to ensure a good app business. App quality is a major point of course, but to flourish today, you should have a good app promotion strategy to make your app stand out from the crowd of millions. Many methods are followed for app promotion but the correct one will involve lesser money and will reap you good fruits if implemented correctly.
Techniques for app promotion
There are many methods currently followed for app promotion. Some of these include traditional marketing, use of ads and videos, online publishing and enhanced social media coverage. There methods are very much popular in the app development community and the traditional strategy is still used by top performing app firms like Google to publicize and promote their app. It is indeed very difficult to compete with these firms but you need to start somewhere right? Well, we know it is hard for new apps to invest a lot on marketing and promotion ways but it is a critical step for enhancing app performance. In this article, we will talk about one of the cheapest tricks that you can try and we ensure you that this method will make a difference for sure. Well, one of the most effective and cheapest trick is to buy app ratings.
Importance of app ratings
What does it matter if your app has a rating of 3 or even 2? It does though and it is one of the very important factors that decides your app performance in the app store. Normally, people look at the app ratings before installing an app. Your app rating tells about the quality of the app and also its popularity in the app market. Having a good rating is preferred as the users trust the apps with a high rating. They also compare similar apps based on the app ratings and therefore it is crucial that your app rating is high, well at least higher than your competitors. The app rating also affects your app visibility in the app store. Apps with high rating usually appear at the top of search results. This makes these ratings even more important if you want to improve your app ranking in the app market.
Well, getting good rating is pretty tough especially for new apps. If people won’t download you app, how can you expect them to rate. The process of installing and rating will begin once you have enough installs or a good app rating. Getting installs can be initiated by getting good ratings and one way to do it is by buying app ratings.
Buying app ratings
It is very simple and easy to buy android ratings. Here are some ways to get them.
There are indeed many places which you can look up to for buying the app ratings for your app. The easiest one is to use the app promotion services provided by app management firms. These firms have special packages based on your requirements and budgets and these are highly beneficial in ensuring genuine ratings.
The next which you can look for is the app review websites. Similar to app management firms, these web services also offer various app rating packages based on your requirement and the quota varies based on your budget. The prices are really affordable and you can rely on these for genuine app ratings for your app. But we careful while selecting the service. Today, many services are coming up which are running a scam by fooling fake web services.
And the last one of the measures is by hiring a freelancing club. Well, individual freelancers can also do. It ultimately depends upon your requirement and this can also affect the money that you have to spend for hiring these people.
 The advantages of buying app ratings are huge. Not only it makes app performance better but it can also get you more installs and downloads. Just be careful while deciding your service of usage. Don’t use any service which uses bots and you ‘ll be fine. Have a great app development time.
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