bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
I was dating this guy at my Church When we dated he forced me to have sex with him and he was just way too touchy and forceful the problem is I took 4 pregnancy tests and 3 said " pregnant"And 1 said "negative" I told him today after church and he told me to not to ever talk to him ever again I'm going to the doctors bc IM not sure and the tests are saying pregnant and not pregnant we're only 17 and I'm Scared should I tell his parents or wait for him to tell his super judgemental parents ?
I’m sorry that happened to you but yes go to the doctor first to confirm if you are pregnant. If you’re not pregnant that’s good and don’t ever talk to him again he is disgusting for what he did and how he reacted, that you might be pregnant. If you are, weigh out your options before telling anyone else you’re only 17 you have your whole life ahead of you make sure any decision that you do is best for you. So if you plan on having your baby yes you should tell his parents. You tell them because judging by the way he reacted he will never tell his parents. He need to step up to the plate you didn’t make this baby alone hopefully everything goes well. :)
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
Hello, i'am from Brazil and i love here!! I'am a black girl and i'am starting to know and date a Asian Boy! This tumblr is very special for me! Thank u for this!
You’re welcome and thank you so much I really appreciate that!
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
I really wanna get something off my chest and u kinda need advice about it? Can I talk to you? I'm submitting this anonymously because it's honestly so bad and I haven't even told my best friend yet smh
Oh wow, but sure you can talk to me just message me. 
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
So I like this guy in my class and I really wanna say something to him like I feel like he might like me too but he hasn't talked to me and I'm scared that maybe it's just all in my head should I approach him first ?
Since you are considering doing it, yes you should you might be nervous but be yourself don’t over think anything. Good luck! 
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
im a sophomore in hs and all the cute white boys are in 11th grade and idk what to talk to them about because theyre always with a group of friends and i dont want to randomly go up to them and say "hey ive had my eye on you for months... date me" ya know?? i dont wanna be embarrassed and ive definitely never made the first move so idk what to do. my bestfriend liked this hot white boy who ended up liking me and hes my bff now but i cant date him bc her.. and his friend is my ex.
If you know some of the boys names look them up on facebook and message them saying hey... hopefully that will make you more comfortable to go and talk to one of them. But since you can’t date your friend and his friend is your ex you should try to date someone out of their circle. I think it’s just too much to date another one of his friends.
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
I swear interracial couples kill me! Either the white guy is butt ugly and the black girl is hot or the other way around. Whyyyyy
No comment. lol
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
GRWMVLOGS | Prom 2016 Edition
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
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So cute...
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
So there’s this guy…lol isn’t that how every story starts. I am a freshman in college, no clue what grade he is in but we are in the same Government section. He always sits diagonally in front of me so it makes it hard for him to check me out. lol But he asked me about when our exam once. I was so happy, he never talks to anyone. Sometimes he nonchalantly turns around/ looks in my general direction. He is white, I am black. I believe that there is a bit of attraction there but he does not know how to go about it. Class ends in two weeks. Should I talk to him? I literally will probably not ever see him again. I also wonder whether or not he has a girlfriend, since you know, he is attractive. Tips…advice.. Anything helps. 
I think you should talk to him it will bother you until you say something ask him something about the class and then change the subject. And once you find that one thing that y’all have in common keep talking about that if you don’t know what to say. Even though you won’t have that class with him hopefully you can get his number so y’all can keep in touch. -Bwwmloyalroyalty 
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
This maybe completely out the way. I have an extreme attraction towards white men. I flirt at times when I am interested in a man that I see, but they don't react. How can I or what should I do? I know as women it isn't our place to pursue a man. How can you tell if they are interested? (i want to respect boundaries and don't want to offend anyone). Should I just push and see what happens? Thank you so much!!!!
Maybe you should let a man come to you smile more (if you don’t) that will make you look more approachable and you will know that he is interested in you or maybe don’t flirt first feel them out before doing that. They might be talking to someone or have a girlfriend that’s probably why they don’t react. So just try to get to know them and if they are single then you can flirt. You can avoid not getting a reaction from them if you wait before flirting to see what they are about.
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
I have a huge crush on this boy for the longest he's white and I'm black. We're friends sorta and I really wanna talk to him but I don't know how to. Like I get extremely nervous also we don't go to the same school (but I'm going to his school this year). Do you have any advice on how to start and keep a steady conversation with him
If you have him on facebook message him it’s better to start a conversation with him that way. If you have something in common with him talk about that so you will know what to talk about keep the conversation going. Hopefully y’all will hang out before you come to his school but if y’all don’t at least y’all will know each other more when you do come to his school. And it won’t be awkward and you will know what to talk about, relax when you talk to him and you’ll be fine.
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
There's this guy i like im jamaican and hes mexican and we're friends and im not sure if he likes me back because when our mutual friend asked he said hes just not a relationship guy but lately hes been giving me mixed signals and idk wat to do
Listen to him don’t be that girl that tries to change his mind even if he do send you mixed signals he is saying that for a reason. Let him come to you, if he tell you he want to be in a relationship then you can decide what you want to do. But until then just play it cool just be his friend and if it’s meant for y’all to be together y’all will be together. But be careful with that because if he say he’s not the relationship type of guy that means he don’t like commitment or just like being single. So you have to watch out for guys like that when it comes to being in a relationship.
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
i ran out of room lol but i kinda like my ex again and honestly the only thing bad about him is his teeth.. kms but we tried to be a thing again but ran out of things to talk about. idk maybe hes not a good choice life is just so complicated.
Give it some time y’all might not have things to talk about now but overtime you will and sometimes having a bond with someone will take time. Talk about things y’all have in common go out and have fun and if he make you happy you will appreciate him for that so his teeth shouldn’t matter that much.
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
I've been talking to this boy for a month now (he's white I'm black) and we've recently been getting closer like we're an actual couple but the thing is he texted me one day saying that he's still not over his ex but he really likes me what should I do I don't want to be the girl waiting for him to get over his ex and everyone in our school thinks we're dating what should I do?
I know I’m late but you should just move on at least he was honest and didn’t lead you on but y’all should still be friends and eventually y’all might be together but don’t force anything.
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bwwmloyalroyalty · 8 years
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She doesnt like cold weather i got her back though
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