bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
Yep; I suppose it’s time to hang up the banner.
It has been a hell of an adventure, but I’ve grown to realize I can’t muster up ANY of my muses.
So, this blog and all other blogs this is reblogged to will be put under indefinite Hiatus.
…I’m sorry.
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
you can’t fuck boogeyman. the dude took off tybalt’s face, jaspers beak, fuckin’ killed shanta and you wanna fuck him? this guy is the god of nightmares. he will curse you and your dick with eternal bad dreams. do you really want that? does your dick want that? i don’t think so. don’t fuck boogeyman
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
Are you open to roleplay with OCs?
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Y’know... I might have to make an FAQ if people keep asking me about things like this.
As long as You have read my rules and your muse appeals to mine, then yes.
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
Reblog if you're open to rping with a Night Terror Blog
//just opened Mr snek over here, so imma find me some peeps
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
My muse is not always nice. My muse can and will kill. This is in character, and in no way, me against you.  I will warn you. I will explain why my muse behaves like that, if it is appropriate to, timing and plot wise. I will attempt to give you a way out of it. But I will not change my muse’s character for you.  If your muse pisses off my muse, and my muse wants to attack and kill yours, there is only so much I can do to ensure that my muse is still in character. If you do not want your muse to die, please discuss with me.  But if you keep pushing my muse, despite being warned that death is what my muse desire for yours, please face the consequences with no negativity. 
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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“I don’t know who this “Olivia” is... but I won’t tolerate weakness if you DO care for that person, whoever it may be.”
Droplet! I've heard that the boogeyman will kill Olivia for putting you back in scaring kids! What do you think about that?
((she’s gonna tear this family apart…))
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
The Boogeyman turned to meet Droplet’s gaze, then immediately shot towards her, glaring her right in the eye. He placed his hand on her chest, digging into her flesh with every word of his.
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“Are you sure about that? Because you know... the scrapping process can be VERY... VERY... P A I N F U L.
And Might I add... very MESSY.”
The Boogeyman used his other hand to grasp onto Droplet’s lantern, tugging on it dangerously.
“It’s practically me digging through your organs in search for that part of you that is your prime directive.
And you know me. I won’t have pain killers for this kind of treatment. Are you SURE you want to be remade?”
"Droplet. What is your status on the child that I assigned you to?" -bxgeyman (Hi yes I'm a Boogeyman in search of other Night Terror RPers, and I'd love to RP with you! He's sadly a sideblog but you'll notice that strxngsandgxfts is following you. That's the main for Boogey)
“Oh, his status?” She raised her upper lip, “He’s starting to snap out of it… He seems to be less scared of water now, since that ‘Vince’ kept showing up…”
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
" Oh hello... Boogeyman.. " Radiocative smirked while staring at Boogeyman. (( Why hello there! I heard you've been looking for Night Terror RPers, and I just happen to be one! I would love to roleplay with you so I left out a starter! ))
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“...and who the hell are you?”
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
Do  not  P R O V O K E  me
You  have  no  IDEA
 What  I'm  C A P A B L E  of
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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“It will be your fault if you don’t do as I say. Like I said, you’re a tool for me to use. What good is a tool if it can’t perform it’s prime directive?
You were created to do one thing; Cause fear. If you can’t even do THAT right I’ll have to scrap YOU and remake you.
The same goes for if you fall to any other’s hand. I’ll just simply make a new one of you. You’re but a pawn in this game of chess. All of you Phobias are. And you ALL are meant to service me, your “king”, if we stay with this Chess Analogy.
You are all meant to serve ME. Not anybody else. Not even yourself.”
With that, Boogey kicked Droplet away, before starting to walk away himself.
"Droplet. What is your status on the child that I assigned you to?" -bxgeyman (Hi yes I'm a Boogeyman in search of other Night Terror RPers, and I'd love to RP with you! He's sadly a sideblog but you'll notice that strxngsandgxfts is following you. That's the main for Boogey)
“Oh, his status?” She raised her upper lip, “He’s starting to snap out of it… He seems to be less scared of water now, since that ‘Vince’ kept showing up…”
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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The Boogeyman just simply stared, now placing his foot against her chest, putting pressure against it, as if he was going to crush her ribcage underneath his heel. As he applied pressure, he leaned in, looking her straight in the eye.
“Do as I say. Not what you think.
You are MY puppet. A tool to be used for my war against happiness. Nobody deserves that. Nobody’s ever given ME compassion before, so why should I give it?
You will not be poisoned by their words. You will not let them reform you.
And if I hear another word from you that’s against me, you’re going to wish you had never thought of it. Do you hear me, Hydrophobia?”
As he threatened her, he pressed down further into her chest, eyes narrowing into dangerous slits.
"Droplet. What is your status on the child that I assigned you to?" -bxgeyman (Hi yes I'm a Boogeyman in search of other Night Terror RPers, and I'd love to RP with you! He's sadly a sideblog but you'll notice that strxngsandgxfts is following you. That's the main for Boogey)
“Oh, his status?” She raised her upper lip, “He’s starting to snap out of it… He seems to be less scared of water now, since that ‘Vince’ kept showing up…”
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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(( Here’s a big black dick.))
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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That was it. That was his last shred of patience. He tried to be nice! He tried hard not to! But she got onto his last nerve.
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The Boogeyman clutched onto Droplet’s neck and forced her into the wall, shouting out a hellbent, demonic roar that would send shivers up anybody’s spine. The roar wasn’t even something someone would recognize; more like a jumbled mess of assorted shrieks and snarls from animals, all emanating from his throat.
When he was done, he threw the other onto the ground, staring at her with his three pink eyes.
"Droplet. What is your status on the child that I assigned you to?" -bxgeyman (Hi yes I'm a Boogeyman in search of other Night Terror RPers, and I'd love to RP with you! He's sadly a sideblog but you'll notice that strxngsandgxfts is following you. That's the main for Boogey)
“Oh, his status?” She raised her upper lip, “He’s starting to snap out of it… He seems to be less scared of water now, since that ‘Vince’ kept showing up…”
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
(Cross off any that don’t apply to your muse)
My Character is Abusive.
My Character is VIOLENT.
They CAN and WILL kill if they get the chance.
I don’t practice any of their actions in real life, of course. I don’t condone their actions, either.
But that doesn’t stop me from protecting their course of actions.
It’s what they’re supposed to do. It’s their character.
Going against character would be unprofessional.
This has been your Warning.
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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“Listen, DROPLET. I don’t give a DAMN what you do! Improvise for all I care. Just be sure that he stays afraid. If we lose him entirely, then I lose vital dark energy. And If I lose that energy, how will I be able to take over the Dreamscape?”
The demon growled as he was pushed away.
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“Perhaps you should learn your place before you speak back at me.
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Don’t think you’re the only Hydrophobia. I am able to create millions of you.
If you talk back to me like that again and you’ll see how scary I can be! UNDERSTAND!?”
The Boogeyman was practically roaring at the other, trying to make her flinch. It was, in his own mind, a great thing to be feared. This gave him energy. It felt like Power. It gave him peace of mind.
But this Dreamscaper is getting in the way of that. Boogey would destroy this “Vince” himself if he had to.
"Droplet. What is your status on the child that I assigned you to?" -bxgeyman (Hi yes I'm a Boogeyman in search of other Night Terror RPers, and I'd love to RP with you! He's sadly a sideblog but you'll notice that strxngsandgxfts is following you. That's the main for Boogey)
“Oh, his status?” She raised her upper lip, “He’s starting to snap out of it… He seems to be less scared of water now, since that ‘Vince’ kept showing up…”
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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“Fine then... Give him something to fear.
Plague him with endless nightmares! Pull him into the deepest depths of the ocean; call upon the marine life to eat him alive. Do whatever it takes, I don’t give a DAMN on how you do it. Just Make it so.
And if this Vince keeps showing his face... I want you to tear HIM apart. He’s been plaguing my precious nightmares for FAR too long now.
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If you do not, I’ll give YOU something to fear. Understand?”
The Boogeyman clenched a fist in front of Droplet; the sound of his knuckles popping like bones snapping. He wouldn’t allow mistakes. Not from ANY of his phobias.
If they did make the slightest one; then they’d learn to fear the Boogeyman.
"Droplet. What is your status on the child that I assigned you to?" -bxgeyman (Hi yes I'm a Boogeyman in search of other Night Terror RPers, and I'd love to RP with you! He's sadly a sideblog but you'll notice that strxngsandgxfts is following you. That's the main for Boogey)
“Oh, his status?” She raised her upper lip, “He’s starting to snap out of it… He seems to be less scared of water now, since that ‘Vince’ kept showing up…”
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bxgeyman-blog · 9 years
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U betr believe it u scrub
(ask box dont) did you beat the boogeyman in the rap battle i bet u did
I cri bc he had sick burns
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