byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
Starter call!!!
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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Rokurou tilted his head in surprise. “What kind of work do you do that requires you to be that high up?”
Trying to see a physically capable spirit that does not emit any energy at all for one thing, but he can’t involve a human in this...no... wait this person....
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 “It is not any of your business, forget that you saw me.”
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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“That looks dangerous.”
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Balancing on top of a boulder, the heavy set minor god sets his sights upon the much younger being. 
  “I suppose it is, but this is the highest vantage point for me to do my work.”
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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I live. 
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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   There’s a hint of amusement in her gaze, a small smile that slips onto her face without much thought of it upon seeing her guest. “Am I ever?” Is the teasing question she presents before laughing softly, leaning back a little. She still wanders, but for the moment, she’s happily seated on a green little hill, watching the day go by as her form of a…break, of sorts. She’ll surely go back to running ‘round in a few moments, but…    She’ll momentarily put it off for this conversation.
   “I don’t one ever quite expects me. I come and go, and that is all. And what about you? Aren’t you the same?”
There is nothing to respond with, he the accumulation of dreams and desires of humans, was a minor god in his own right. While he could say that he is but a steel observer in the eyes of mortals, he has naught but wandered to help ever since his summoner, Abe no Seimei had passed away many years ago. 
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 “I am not like my counterpart, I stay and protect those who I have been assigned to protect. I am the steely wind that never falters its protection.”
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
shiigvre started following you
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Meditation was essential, if one were to stave off boredom for long intervals. While the dreams of humans wasn’t quiet as strong as it used to be, his existence was still , just there. the forest spoke though, of a single person entering, coming closer perhaps? He spreads his wind in order to find out. The current of wind becoming thicker ....
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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“ byakko, huh ? ”
       curious blue eyes inspecting at the tall being, ray instinctively gave byakko a most generous smile in attempt to brighten up the fellow.
     “ you look human, but you most certainly aren’t, correct ? ”
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 “No, I am simply, a guardian spirit of this area. And of humans.    Nothing less and more than that.”
Arms folded against one another.... 
The taller spirit says nothing more. 
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
starmascot started following you
It surprised him, that something that didn’t feel like it belonged in this world, actually entered his area. 
It surprised him, but it doesn’t show on his face as he appears in a burst of slow wind. 
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 “And who, are you.”
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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“ YOU THERE !! ”
something about the fellow caught ray’s attention. through the human-like appearance, ray sensed a spiritual aura emitting from him, and it intrigued him alright.
        “ who are you ? ”
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Head bowed lightly, his posture rigid. Everything is serene before the sun sprite came in. 
A singular response is given as he kneels in front of the temple. 
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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“If that’s how you wish to be, I won’t stop you.” Who was she to dictate how others choose to live their lives.
“I appreciate your show of concern, but I’ve made it all the way here, and I don’t plan to leave because you give me a vague warning. So unless you want to bicker about it more, I’m seeing what your sacred grounds have to offer.”
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 “These sacred grounds are not open to anyone but a specific family. If you do not leave you will be teleported to the farthest town from here and made sure to never come back.”
Because he cannot harm humans. The Shikigami /guardian spirit made a gesture with his hand as giant boulder blocked the path way now. 
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
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“Sneaking up on people is not a habit you should continue if you wish to get on people’s good side. As for what I’m doing here, I just happened here on coincidence and decided to see what this place had to offer. Now you answer my question, why are you here and what makes this place a “sacred land”.”
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Here lies the dragon vein, a great mass of energy merely hiding underground. 
  “It does not matter if I am liked or not, you should get out while you still can.”
The traps set were not of his own doing but by his masters before they had died, surely if she goes on ahead to the cave deeper within the area, she would die. But the thing is that unless she knows of such matters than he cannot tell her, nor can he harm her. 
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
pulsexstrikexmage started following you
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 “You who treads upon sacred land, state your purpose.” He approaches from the side, a silent phantom. 
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byakkothewind-blog · 8 years
painterofthe-sun started following you
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It was like a small tornado appearing from the west, his form touching terra firma as he enters without a sound. The wind suddenly becoming gentle around the pair. 
 “Oh great goddess of the sun.     You are, not expected.”
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