byebye-beautiful · 3 years
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herringbone wood deck & glass block windows ✨
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byebye-beautiful · 3 years
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This one took a while, but I’m really happy with how it turned out! All codes below the cut, or just search my creator code! ✨please reblog, don’t repost!✨
Tag me using #bramblescrossing, I’d love to see how you use it! ♡
All my designs
All my tutorials
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byebye-beautiful · 3 years
Hey guys.
I don’t get much traction as I’m not terribly active anymore (life, life always happens), but I figured sharing here wouldn’t hurt too much. 
I don’t know if you all remember @kkayleighh. I’m sure TS2 veterans do. She runs the underyourskin S2CC site with Yuichen, and has for quite a long time. 
Her cat Little has a cancerous tumor in her eye, and she needs help. Little is 12.5 years old, and has helped Kayleigh pull through some extremely difficult times in her life, so needless to say, she is devastated by the prognosis. 
She has created a GoFundMe to help raise money to go towards Little’s care. If you think you can donate that would be great! If you can’t, just liking and reblogging can help too!
Click below to get to Little’s GoFundMe page.
Have a beautiful day everyone.
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
Rioting is happening in philadelphia for Walter Wallace. He was shot 10+ times by police while his mother stood by and begged them not to shoot. Witnesses say he had a knife but he was not near police nor was he coming near them. There was no attempt to de-escalate the situation before he was murdered.
Police have lost control of the city, and at least 12 police are in the hospital after altercations with protesters.
No one is talking about the situation. It is not trending. There is barely any media coverage for the situation, all information I have received has come straight from people living in Philly.
Raise awareness, look into the situation, speak up. Philly is in the midst of a revolution and we are hearing nothing about it.
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
Amos Lee’s cover of Tom Petty’s Room At The Top, from Tom’s 70th birthday tribute <3
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
One of the things that’s really pissing me of about this SARS nonsense is, Nigerians are just asking the government to stop killing us... we haven’t even discussed the fact that in 2020 we still don’t have constant electricity, or that child labour is a huge problem... Nigeria has so many issues that are detrimental to the youths and citizens of our country, issues that politicians continue to allow to line their pockets.
The missing girls, the government was silent.
Boko haram, the government did the bare minimum.
NEPA, the government was silent..
Giving jobs to the Chinese instead of Nigerians and treating us like we’re incompetent, the government was silent..
Nigerians are going hungry, silence.
Useless politicians filling their pockets with money for the people, sending their children abroad to got to school, the president flying to America and the uk for doctor appointments because Nigeria doesn’t have proper facilities... and Nigerians have managed with that for years cause “that’s Naija”... it’s foolishness.
Nigerians are trying to succeed in and be proud of the country they’re from all for their lives to be at risked because they have cell phones, laptops and look like they have money to spend... is that not madness???
Nigerians has so much to fight for and I’m so proud that they’re making they’re voices heard cause... it’s time. We can’t continue to allow people who care more about their pockets than the people run our country.
Regardless of your tribe or religion, the eradication of SARS and the reformation of Nigerian is mandatory and is only the beginning of the fight for a better Nigeria!
We will make a change... by fire by force✊🏾
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
Systemic racism against Indigenous Peoples in Canada is very real and present, especially in the health system.
Today, Joyce Echaquan, an Indigenous woman from Manawan First Nation, died in horrible conditions and around racist staff at Joliette hospital in Montreal city. She shared a live video of her on Facebook crying for help in her mother tongue, saying that she received too much medication. In the video, we can also hear two caregivers saying violent and harmful words to her, like “fucking fat woman, it’s better if you’re dead” “are you done joking around” 
This is so revolting, and unfortunately it’s a reality for the Indigenous community here. They’re completely marginalized. The health care system doesn’t care about them. 
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
What to do if you are facing eviction
Eviction protections are expiring across the United States and Canada right now, and millions of people are suddenly finding themselves facing eviction with a pandemic still raging and the start of winter just around the corner. 
Not knowing where you’re going to live next month is an unbelievably scary position to be in, and there are a lot of people out there who are facing this for the first time in their lives. It’s okay to be scared. But it’s also important to start taking steps to deal with this as soon as you realize that might be at risk of eviction. 
As someone who has worked in homelessness and housing advocacy my whole career, here’s what I recommend you do:
Do not leave your home. Many landlords count on their tenants not knowing or understanding their rights, and take advantage of that to try to illegally evict them without following proper procedure. I have seen landlords attempt some flagrantly illegal things during my time working with vulnerable people. Many landlords have been ignoring and violating eviction moratoriums during this pandemic. Don’t fall for it. There is a legal process that has to be followed to evict you, even if your name isn’t on the lease - your landlord cannot simply slip a note under your door ordering you out by the end of the week, no matter what they tell you. Do not leave your home until a judge orders you to do so. You may have a better shot in court than you think you do, and seeing the court process to the very end buys you valuable time to figure out your next move. 
Get a lawyer. Many legal aid societies and law school legal clinics offer free legal assistance for people facing eviction. Having a lawyer can make an enormous difference - one study found that people without lawyers were evicted 65% of the time, compared to just 15% of people who had legal representation. Start calling and contacting legal aid services as soon as your landlord threatens or files eviction - these services often only do intake for new clients on certain days, so it’s a good idea to research these services ahead of time. 
Understand your rights. The protections you have under the law depend on where you live - it’s critical that you take the time to educate yourself about what those protections are. Your area will likely have a Residential Tenancies Act, a Tenant Act, or something along those lines. Look online for information specific to your area. There may also be special protections and procedures in place because of the pandemic. If you live in NYC, for instance, you have a right to free legal counsel if you are facing eviction. Find out what protections you have in your area.
Contact resources in your area. Again, depending on where you live, there are different resources available. There may be a tenant support agency that can connect you to free legal resources directly. You might be eligible for unemployment benefits or emergency income. Your state or city might also have emergency funding or eviction prevention programs in place. NYC, for instance, offers “one shot deal” emergency grants that cover rental arrears for people who are facing eviction due to unexpected crises. You should also look at emergency housing options, community food banks, or other resources that can help you survive this situation. In many cities you can call 211 or 311 to learn more or about resources, or you can go online. 
Attend your eviction hearing. Once you are given a date and time for your eviction hearing, it is critical that you attend. Even if you have not paid rent in several months and you think your case is hopeless, you absolutely must show up for this hearing. If you don’t attend, you will lose by default - if you attend, you may be successful in winning leniency, the opportunity to pay back rent with a payment plan and avoid eviction, or even just a few weeks’ extension on the eviction date so you have more time to come up with a plan. Attend your hearing. 
Have a back-up plan. Even with legal aid resources on your side, you have to prepare for the possibility that you might not be able to fight your eviction. Buy yourself as much time as you can, and use that time to start researching possible options. Is there a cheaper room for rent that you can afford with your unemployment benefits? Do you know anyone you can stay with? Are there any housing non-profits in your area that can help? Do you have any leads on employment in the future? Explore your options, and remember that it’s okay to ask for help right now - people in your life can’t help you unless you tell them that you’re struggling. 
Call your representatives. You are not the only person suffering as a result of expiring COVID protections - your elected officials need to know that letting these programs expire is having serious, dire consequences for real people that they represent. Call everyone. Call the office of your congressman, call your MP, call your state senator, your MLA, your local city counsellors. Tell your story, and make as much noise as you can. It doesn’t guarantee that anything will be done, of course, but it makes the problem harder for your elected officials to ignore.
Important Resources for Americans: LawHelp.org - website for learning more about local laws and finding free legal aid in your area  JustShelter - a database of community resources available to people facing eviction (might not include all emergency pandemic programs) Eviction Moratorium Database - a database showing where evictions have been legally paused or restricted because of the pandemic National Evictions Database - a database where you can look up what the legal eviction process is supposed to look like in your state  Tenant’s Union Resources - a website where you can find information for the tenant’s union or pro-tenant organizations in your area  Legal Services - a federal non-profit that helps connect low-income households to legal resources for fighting eviction 
Fannie Mae Renters Resource Finder - a database that will tell you if your rental unit is federally financed, and show you resources to fight eviction accordingly  Freddie Mac Renters Resource Finder - another website to show you if your rental property is federally backed and connect you to resources
Eviction Lab - a website that outlines information about pandemic eviction moratoriums and restrictions currently in place in your state The National Housing Law Project - a comprehensive database of resources for people facing eviction or foreclosure  Important Resources for Canadians: The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation - up-to-date information about eviction moratoriums in each province and territory  Affordable Housing Programs Across Canada - information on affordable housing programs in each province and territory Western Law Eviction Information - a website outlining the eviction process in Ontario and what you need to do to fight it Community Legal Education Ontario - a website that shows the proper procedure for eviction in detail and outlines steps that can be taken to fight it  Nova Scotia Legal Residential Tenancy Law Resources - detailed information about the eviction process in Nova Scotia and how to fight it Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta - resources and information for renters facing eviction in Alberta  BC Housing - information and resources for tenants facing difficulties in British Columbia  Saskatchewan Office of Residential Tenancies - information for tenants facing difficulties in Saskatchewan  Tribunal Administratif du Logement - resources and information for tenants living in Quebec. Available in both English and French. 
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
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Demand Justice for Jacob Blake
Resource Guide shortcut : http://www.bit.ly/justiceforjacobblake  
*Resource Guide compiled by GoSociafy. Sources and additional resources linked at the bottom*
At around 5pm on Sunday, August 23rd, 29 year old Jacob Blake was shot 7 times in his back by police in Kenosha, Wisconsin.  Sources say police were called to the scene to settle a domestic dispute between two women, in which Blake was helping to de-escalate the situation.  After being tased by the Kenosha police, Blake walked back to his car to check on his children.  As Blake walked away, an officer grabbed him by his shirt and shot him 7 times at “point blank range”.  Blake’s three young children (ages 3, 5, and 8) were traumatized as they watched the police shoot their father.  This story is still developing.
Two officers have been placed on administrative leave and the shooting is being investigated by the Wisconsin Department of Justice.
Join GoSociafy in demanding justice for Jacob Blake.
*DISCLAIMER*: Please help in spreading this story but please do not share the video of the shooting, as it can be harmful and re-traumatizing.
Sign these petitions:
GoSociafy’s petition  - Demand the Kenosha District Attorney Michael D. Graveley file the appropriate charges against the cops who shot Jacob Blake and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
Short link: www.bit.ly/jacobblakepetition 
Change.org - charge the cops who shot Jacob Blake
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Call local officials to demand police accountability:
Kenosha City Attorney (262) 653 - 4170
Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian and City Administration (262) 653 - 4000
Wisconsin Department of Justice - Wisconsin Attorney General (608) 266 - 1221
Kenosha Police Department (262) 656 - 1234
Kenosha District Attorney Michael D. Graveley (262) 653 - 2400
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers  Madison Office: (608) 266 - 1212 Milwaukee Office: (414) 227 - 4344
Phone Call Template
Hi ______,
My name is ______ and I am calling to demand justice for Jacob Blake.  Jacob Blake is currently in critical condition and fighting for his life after Kenosha police shot him 7 times in front of his three young children. This is inhumane, unacceptable, and representative of the deep rooted racism and police brutality within our community. 
As a resident of     (city, state)      , I am demanding that all police officers involved in the shooting be fired immediately and that the Kenosha District Attorney file appropriate charges and prosecute those involved to the fullest extent of the law.  I am asking you to use your position of power to do what is best for the community and to do what is best for the Blake family.  I am counting on you to act now.
In Solidarity,
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Email local officials to demand police accountability:
Kenosha District Attorney Michael D. Graveley [email protected]
Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian [email protected]
Kenosha Police Department Chief of Police Daniel G. Miskinis [email protected]
Email Template:
Hi ______,
My name is ______ and I am writing to demand justice for Jacob Blake.  Jacob Blake is currently in critical condition and fighting for his life after Kenosha police shot him 7 times in front of his three young children. This is inhumane, unacceptable, and representative of the deep rooted racism and police brutality within our community. 
As a resident of     (city, state)      , I am demanding that all police officers involved in the shooting be fired immediately and that the Kenosha District Attorney file appropriate charges and prosecute those involved to the fullest extent of the law.  I am asking you to use your position of power to do what is best for the community and to do what is best for the Blake family. I am counting on you to act now.
In Solidarity,
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Make a donation here:
Donate to the GoFundMe to help support the Blake family funds will go toward Jacob’s medical bills, legal representation, support for his children and therapy costs. 
Donate to the Milwaukee Freedom Fund here The Milwaukee Freedom Fund is currently assisting protesters in Kenosha with bail funds
Protests have erupted in Wisconsin following the shooting of Jacob Blake and police have used tear gas against them. Consider donating to the Milwaukee Freedom above to support protesters on the ground.
Register to vote here   
Other Resources & citations:
Justice for Jacob Blake | How to Help and Where to Donate
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
Police brutality in Belarus.
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Share this video!
Credits to owner.
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
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ZIMBABWE NEEDS YOUR HELP (please read and signal boost!)  there is little to no coverage on this crisis worldwide. Rally for it just like you have for Black Lives Matter in the US, Yemen, Australian bushfires etc. 
˗ˏˋ Link to petitions/donations!  ˊˎ˗
reposted from: @theslacktivists on IG 
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
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Found this on Facebook! BOOST!
Tell Etsy that #ThisIsNotNative
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
Hey, if you’re not black and can’t get out and protest but want to know how you can help black people, consider donating to the Black Covid Relief Fund which goes directly to black people who’ve been affected by this pandemic. Black People are being disproportionately affected by this virus and anything you can give helps.
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
This makes me nervous, but I’m going to post it. I’m going to try my best to achieve my goals. I’ve put in a ton of work already, so I’m looking for additional help. 
From the campaign:
My name is Trey Briggs, and I’m a black woman who writes paranormal horror, speculative fiction, and other types of fiction. You can find my stories at MaybeTrey , Astrid the Devil , and on Instagram , Medium , and Wattpad .
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My stories are aimed at black people who want to read dark stories that focus on original black characters that are complex and interesting. I genuinely believe Black audiences deserve a variety of genres to delve into, and I want to introduce them to paranormal horror, dark romance, and fantasy that they haven’t gotten enough of in the past. I also believe that this can be done across multiple mediums, and I spend my money with black creative professionals to make these experiences extend beyond my words. For the last two years, I’ve run my stories on sites and Instagram to great reception. I like to craft complex experiences that offer looks at character backgrounds, side and backstories, full websites for each title, and more. I also provide encyclopedias, maps, audio journals, and other ways to get into each world. During these last few years, I’ve run into a lot of walls, jumped a lot of hurdles, and tried my best. I’ve worked with amazing black artists, voice actors, and actresses, musicians, designers, and more. I trust my ability to run a project, especially when it comes to planning and finding talent. My overall goal is to run a team of black creatives that crafts novels, graphic novels, audio experiences, and animated series for a dedicated audience.
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Why I Need Help Long story short: I have the skill, I have the marketing/website building/business experience, and I have the drive. There’s a lot I can do on my own, but there’s also a lot that gets left behind because I don’t have the money I need to proceed at a steady pace. I need help with funding so I can focus, hire the right people, and craft these stories the way they deserve to be crafted. I have thus far spent over $60,000 of my own money on my projects over the past two years - the writing and site-building are easy for me; the rest has to be hired out. I have art, site costs for hosting, domains, templates, specific plugins, and maintenance, audio (and vocal artists to pay), musical, and editing costs. I’m by no means rich or even particularly financially stable. I have taken on tons of extra clients for my digital marketing business, transcribed hundreds of hours of audio for dirt cheap, and taken out personal loans. I even worked a second full-time job along with my full-time business last year to afford to produce the content I love. It’s starting to take a toll on my mental health. I plan on continuing to fund these projects out of pocket (and finding ways to do so), but having financial help, however big or small, would allow me to move a lot faster and with less stress. It would let me flesh out ideas and concepts that I have had to scrap because I can only physically handle so much extra work. I run a full-time marketing business from home, homeschool my autistic 10-year-old, and generally have a busy life. Some of the strain is taking a toll on me, and I don’t want to give up. Having some financial backing could allow me to drop a client or two after a few months and focus on the work I love to do.
How You Can Help I mainly need a start—a sort of base. I want to emphasize that I plan to continue to provide the main bulk of funding for my projects. I know my goals are ambitious, and I know each step will take time and money. I welcome any help to make the process smoother and to get around the initial hurdles. I’d like to have ebooks and novels offered on my site by the end of the year (along with the free serials and stories). Funding means that I can broaden the projects, include more free aspects to my sites, and secure direct financing through sales of ebooks and audiobooks sooner. It also means that I can offer MORE stories, whether they are online only or fully fleshed out novels and sites. I am swamped with trying to work enough to cover all my bills and creative projects, so I lose a lot of time I could spend plotting and writing. If I have better funding, I can get my stories out quicker (and with fewer mistakes).
The Initial Stories Let’s talk about my stories! If you’re familiar with my work already, you can skip to the next section. My main story site is Maybe Trey . Currently, I have two big titles and a bunch of smaller ones that I am seeking help with funding: Astrid the Devil
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Astrid the Devil is the complicated story of a girl who inherits not only her family’s features and DNA, but their fears, struggles, and fights. It’s the story of a condition called Devil Syndrome, the women who suffer it, and the monsters that devour them. It’s the story of the fight to save the people you love at the expense of innocent lives. At its core, Astrid the Devil is the story of a woman who inherits the chaos of three generations before her. It’s a look at what is truly passed down to our children, and how they’re left to fight our battles in the aftermath of our failures. It’s the tale of an indescribable monster and the women who struggle to defeat it. It’s a journey into how their every decision could save or destroy an entire world. Astrid the Devil is the story of Astrid Snow, but her story can’t be told without the story of the women before her.
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Vicious: On MaybeTrey  and The Vicious site (in progress)
Somewhere, a war is brewing.  That’s the only thing that’s for sure to Junnie Gorton, a young horned girl suffering from a debilitating disease called Horn Rot. She typically dealt with her low survival rate and abnormally large horns by escaping the world with her best friend, Lewish. Now she’s forced to figure out which side is which, save her entire species, and find out the truth behind the sudden uprising in her home. Horn Rot, a highly contagious and violent disease spreading through horned people, is causing mass amounts of madness and death. Normal horns grow in ways that will pierce, suffocate, and maim their owners, and the only one who can stop it is Junnie’s mother, Lyria. As Lyria falls deeper and deeper into an anti-social revolt, the country reels. While Junnie broods, her entire species must prepare for mass extinction. Her brother plots with a group of people with less than good intentions and Lewish is quieter than usual. In a civilization brought up on extreme violence and competition, Junnie and Lewish try their best not to get swallowed by their culture, their lives, or their horns.
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Bunni and Bosque :
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Bunni lives. Bosque dies. We all know how this story starts. Bunni is obsessed with destruction and death. She comes from the healthiest Horned family in her country. She’s from the oldest, purest bloodline in the world. And she’s bored with it. Bunni spends most of her time trying to escape her duties as a pureblood. She wants things dirty, messy, foul, inconsistent. Having parents that are willing to kill to keep their bloodline pure is annoying. Knowing that she’ll live a long, full life, produce more perfect children, and die unscathed is agonizing. Bunni wants something to mourn. We all know how this story ends. Bosque is destined to die an agonizing death, alone on his family’s land. He’s watched everyone he loved and grew up with perish. Sometimes it was because of their disease. Sometimes it was because of the malice and hatred of others. While he’s absolutely withdrawn and satisfied with his life, Bosque has never had a chance to live it. He spends his days basking in the sun, bathing in wood baths, and contemplating the end. Bosque isn’t interested in joining the rest of the world. He’d rather die out, alone, where his family belonged. Bosque wants to go peacefully. But neither expected to meet each other one day in a supermarket. Neither expected to fall in love, lust, and every vicious and dirty thing between. Neither expected to be so right for each other, all while being wrong for everyone else. You know the end of this story. Bunni lives, Bosque dies. But maybe something will change.
My smaller titles, Bunni and Bosque /Aite and Jude, can be found at Maybe Trey .
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The Business Plan
The initial phase of my business plan is to get the sites populated with ebooks and audiobooks for sale. I also have prints that can be sold. Right now, I am in the audience-building phase while I save up for editing the full novels. 
In terms of an actual business with which to publish the stories, I already have a registered publication company in Illinois: Wolfless Studios LLC. I took this step earlier this year with plans to self-publish Astrid and Vicious. So that is paid for and done.
I have also gotten initial editing done on the first six chapters of Astrid, though it will need to be edited from the beginning again once everything is said and done. I’ve spent over $1000 on that so far, and it would go a lot faster if I didn’t need to save up to edit each chapter.
Astrid the Devil is fully plotted, outlined, and only needs the last three chapters. Bunni and Bosque and Vicious are newer, but plotted and already deep into character development (all being shared across social and Wattpad for audience growth). Aite and Jude and other shorts are plotted, and three other unshared stories are plotted and at the editing phase.
Other costs and ways I would use the funding (I would still put in my own money and do as much on my own as possible):
Initial $30K
$6000 - $7000 Line and Copy edits for Astrid (currently at 250000+ words/expecting over 300000 at $0.02 rate)
$6000 - $7000 Line and Copy Edits for Vicious
$3000 - $4000 Line and Copy Edits for Bunni and Bosque
ISBN Purchases (Separate ISBN for each format for each book) - https://www.myidentifiers.com/identify-protect-your-book/barcode
Covers for Astrid/Vicious/B&B Print Versions
Site Hosting Costs and Maintenance for 2 Years
Site completion for all stories
Initial store and app development
40K - Marketing and Graphic Novels
Social, Print, and Web ads
Email Marketing Campaigns 
Booths at Decatur Book Festival (depending on COVID)
Social ads and promos
50 to 60 pages
First two chapters offered as free promo with email sign-ups
Audio journals for each character
Situational audio journals
Encyclopedia for Astrid (finishing up)/Vicious
65K - Hires and Next Phases
Ability to hire a Full-Time Editor 
Audio Series for each (professionally done)
Vicious Graphic Novel
Additional Title Added
Short animations for both Vicious and Astrid (with plans to fund more with book sales)
Fleshed out Story Sections (Novellas for each character of each series)
Short comic series with Astrid and Vicious side characters
Possible to plan out monthly subscription service with new stories and ‘story package’ deliveries
75K -
Astrid the Devil Graphic Novel
Vicious Graphic Novel
Astrid the Devil Animated Short
Ability to hire part-time Web Developer
Additional bigger title
Anything Over - I ascend into pure light. And also, I can add titles, cover more mediums, and eventually expand my publishing to other black creatives.
From there, I should be able to handle the funding via sales of books, comics, audio, and more. Again, I will always offer mostly free content across the sites.
I believe in proof of concept, and I have diehard fans on my social platforms. With no outside funding, I’ve been able to a lot on my own. I’d love to expand my business into one that does the same for other black authors, artists, voice actors, and animators somewhere down the line. 
Thank you so much for your consideration. I appreciate all my readers, present and future, and I appreciate any help!
See incentives and more on the actual campaign: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-trey-publish-black-paranormal-horror-stories
Thank you so much!
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byebye-beautiful · 4 years
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