byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 29
been having an influx of small breakouts lately. especially on my chin and cheek. not to mention I'm more exhausted than usual, which appears to be clear upon viewing these pictures
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 21
week 3 begins, halfway to the point where i should start seeing results. so far, nothing seems different. although to be fair when you look at your face every day and go through acne changes due to hormones, excessive sweating, and excessive influxes of stress in life, it may be hard to tell much of a difference in general lmao.
so i missed a week of photos out of laziness, business, and forgetfulness. xoxo
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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morning, day 11
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 10
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 9
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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morning, day 8
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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morning, day 7
my skin feels tired today. this scrub doesn't really make me feel refreshed after using it, but it does make my skin feel a little lighter after i wash with it, which is nice! that's something i really like about the bar soap, my skin feels lighter and void of the oils and stuff that makes my face feel gross, and it's a nice transition into using the clarifying lotion. this scrub doesnt leave me feeling exactly the same, but my face feels a little smoother, which is nice.
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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morning, day 6
my breakouts are slowly going away, even a few pesky ones on my chin that have been there way too long. in other news, it's 10am and i am already Exhausted
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 5
these photos are from this morning! so far so good...!
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 4
these photos are from this morning. got a couple isolated breakouts, one of them amazingly right where my glasses sit on my nose, which is super cool.
other than that, no updates i think... yeah, man i'm just entirely exhausted! tomorrow begins the weekend, yeehaw!
see ya tomorra!
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 3
my only real update is that i believe the greenish discolouration found on the cotton pad after using the clarifying lotion seems to only happen once i clean the blackhead-heavy areas, like my nose and chin.
see you tomorrow!
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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night, day 2
so i think i found about the right amount of product! but I've encountered perhaps a new issue.
i've replaced my bar soap with this blackhead solutions scrub, but have otherwise kept my skincare routine the same. after washing my face, i use the clarifying lotion and then the hydrating jelly, but i noticed tonight that the cotton pad i used for the clarifying lotion was tinged the greenish colour that the scrub is. now, i'm a little worried that when i scrub/wipe down my face with the clarifying lotion, i might be removing residual stuff from the scrub that's supposed to help the blackheads. i'm not sure what to do, though, because i think the clarifying lotion is important and beneficial to my skin (not to mention i literally just bought a new $27 bottle of it lmao), and i don't want to swap parts of my routine or forego anything that might ruin this little trial. for the sake of being consistent, i should probably just keep using the clarifying lotion and hope for the best.
the woman at the clinique counter who helped me when i bought this stuff said that it was so new, even she doesn't know everything about it, which was as mildly disconcerting to me as it was intriguing. she recommended i just replace the bar soap with the scrub, which is what i've been doing, so i'm sure there's no way she would've known about any possible negative side effects of continuing to use the clarifying lotion.
to be fair, the instructions with the blackhead solutions scrub do say, "massage over wet, makeup-free skin... and scrub... Rinse well. Follow with moisturizer." as well as, "using other topical acne drugs at the same time or right after use of this product may increase dryness or irritation of the skin."
this means, it doesn't say anything at all about possibly using something else like the clarifying lotion, unless that stuff counts as a "topical acne drug," which i don't think it does- though even if it did, my skin doesn't appear to be experiencing any dryness, redness, or other irritation after i use the clarifying lotion after the scrub. the only thing i'm noticing is the discoloration on the cotton pad.
after laying all this out, i don't think i've learned anything or come to any kind of conclusion, so i guess it's all just here for the record.
see you tomorrow!
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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morning, day 2
so i'm still trying to figure out how much of this stuff to use, lmao, like, the consistency of this scrub is both liquidy enough that it spreads very easily and covers a lot of area with a little bit of product, but it also thins out very easily. this thing cost $24, so i want to make it last as long as possible, but also use it as effectively as possible. so far, somewhere around like the size of a dime amount of product seems to be close to enough. maybe i can get it right tonight!
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
hello! my name is kit, i'm 23 years old, and i've had blackheads for WAY TOO LONG!!!! which is what most people say, if we're being honest. but mine have always made me self conscious and are the cause of many of my acne scars thanks to the temptation some of the bad ones give me to mess with them, so i desperately want to evict these things from my face, unless they suddenly want to start paying rent. my college loans ain't gonna pay themselves!
for about exactly a year now, i've been continuously and diligently following the clinique 3 step skincare routine twice a day (thank you, obsessive compulsive tendencies), and i have noticed my skin become a steady, satisfying complexion! i still get breakouts now and then, especially each month along with my period, but for the most part, my skin, i think, has become healthier and smoother! which is nice!!!
BUT, the delightful 3 step routine unfortunately hasn't done a lot for my blackheads. i think it's helped them a lot, but my blackheads are still pretty bad, as well as my pores being kinda big (big enough for a pal of mine to mistake them for freckles, which i woefully tell myself was because she didn't have her glasses on!)
SO. Today, when i went to my local clinique counter to replenish my supply of my clarifying lotion, i noticed a new product they have called blackhead solutions "7 day deep pore cleanse & scrub", and my intrigue was piqued! (is that the right version of that word? i'm on mobile and checking would be a lot of work, so let's go with yes!) i ended up buying a bottle, and decided to make this special little blog to document my ☆journey☆ mostly for my own sake. the ad board says this stuff will start showing a difference within/after 6 weeks, so i want to find out if that's true!!
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so i'll post unattractive photos of my face and upsetting blackheads and pores here each night before or after i finish my nighttime routine to keep track of how well it's working! yeehaw! apparently, i can use this twice a week as a 5 minute mask, so if i do that, i'll try to remember to document here as well.
so if you're reading this, you're probably my friend and invested in supporting me or chortling at these unattractive photos of me. if you're not within my inner circle, well, have fun chortling at these photos of me and welcome to my Oregon trail!!
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byebyeblackheads · 5 years
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it is about 10:20pm as i wash my face for the first time with the brand spanking new clinique blackhead solutions stuff. after washing and drying my face, my face feels pretty soft! when I use the regular bar soap, my face just kinda feels like my face, a little softer since it's clean, but this is a nice new kind of clean soft! here are photos I took before I washed my face.
it's now about 10:45pm and I've finished my clarifying lotion and hydrating jelly, so for tonight, my skincare routine is complete!
see you tomorrow night!
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