bylethsjournal · 2 years
Harpstring Moon: Day 2
Jeralt found me in between classes to as how I was doing. I suppose someone who has known you your whole life would be able to pick up on your fatigue but I was touched nonetheless. Being around so many people everyday and having a strange spirit girl talking at with you is quite tiring.
edit: Sothis insists I change ‘at’ to ‘with’. I disagree so I’m making a record.
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bylethsjournal · 2 years
Harpstring Moon: Day 1
Met with Lady Rhea and Seteth. Once every moon, students are asked to participate in the churches efforts. The Knights of Seiros are tracking the bandits some of the students had encountered last moon.
I asked Professor Hanneman and Manuela and their classes have similar tasks. It makes some sense, bandits are strong opponents but not overly skilled. With some training, it will be fine.
I had not heard from her in some time but Sothis spoke to me again after the meeting. I appear to truly be hearing her.
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bylethsjournal · 2 years
Great Tree Moon: Day 30
We succeeded in the Mock battle today. I will not say it was an overwhelming victory but its clear that few at this school have significant battlefield experience. Lady Rhea was complimentary as ever, may to an excess. More relevent, the students seemed excited about it. Overeager but decidedly positive. Claude suggested a meal together afterwards, tiring but I always enjoy food. 
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bylethsjournal · 2 years
Great Tree Moon: Day 27th
No classes today. Trained in the morning with Raphael and Leonie. Then went to have lunch and my entire class tried to sit with me. Its is too much. Going forward, I will limit meal companions to 2 students at a time. 
It is almost time for dinner. I intend to bring it back to my room.
Jeralt has given me a tactics primer to study. I wonder how helpful it will be as he seems to have never read it. 
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bylethsjournal · 2 years
Great Tree Moon: Day 26
Had a moment after classes today so went to visit Professor Hanneman as requested. He seemed to be under the impression that I have a crest. I found this to be unlikely but Jeralt has mentioned indulging allies when appropriate.
And it proved worthwhile for, in actuality, I did have a crest. Then, he did not recognize it, which I found odd. I wonder if it could be connected to the girl whose voice I heard. Though, I’ve never heard of that happening. 
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bylethsjournal · 2 years
Great Tree Moon: Day 24
First day went well. I will need to spend the rest of the week assessing and categorizing student talent. Some notes:
All noble students have some training with the sword. Hilda however seems more suited to the axe. Lorenz is too gangly for it, better for the lance.
Lysithea is too small for any physical pursuits. She may still have some growing to do but it best suited to magic. 
Marianne is going to take some extra work. 
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bylethsjournal · 2 years
Great Tree Moon: Day 23
Today I was appointed a professor. Lessons start tomorrow. I met many students today. A noticeable increase from my usual interaction count.
Hanneman and Manuela, the other professors allowed me to pick the group students I would teach. Based on limited knowledge, I chose the Golden Deer house. They appear to have a lot energy and very little discipline. Their leader, Claude von Reigan, does not appear to view this as a defect. 
As Jeralt instructed, I will keep an eye on Lady Rhea. I agree with her assistant Seteth. My hiring seems illogical. 
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