my opinions that are open to correction:
I am sincerely trying to learn. All of these are sincere and not trolling. I can't tell if my tone is mocking or trolling so you may correct me if so.
1. Asexuality =/= lack of sex drive
This is honestly very simple and it baffles me how many people have fallen for this misconception.
Just like homosexuality doesn't mean you want to fuck the same gender, asexuality doesn't mean you don't want to fuck at all.
Just like homosexuality means attraction (not lust or urge to have sex) to the same gender, asexuality means lack of attraction to any gender.
How did you find out you were gay? It's because you found someone of the same gender easy on the eyes. Not because you wanted to fuck them.
I know I'm ace because I'm not attracted to the physical appearances of anyone. I know I'm a lesbian because I am attracted only to girls whose personalities I like.
That being said,
2. Asexuality headcanons for kids =/= creepy and/or sexualizing kids
So many people are against headcanoning kids as ace because it implies that the rest of the kids feel sexual attraction.
Again, this surprises me. Everyone knows you don't need to feel sexually attracted to discover your sexual orientation. It starts with physical or emotional attraction. Hence why many kids know they're gay or bi. Why did the rules change with asexuality? Probably because of malicious ignorance and aphobia.
If a kid is asexual, it means they're not attracted to genders and/or physical features.
3. Asexuality =/= infantilization
Headcanoning autistic and/or gay people as asexual is also being criticised. This is still rooted in the misconception that ace people don't have sex and that sex is a sign of maturity.
I'm autistic. I'm ace. I have adhd. I'm asian. I know what infantilization is. Not being physically attracted to people isn't it. It's also awful to deem a sexuality as infantilising.
4. Asexuality is not inherently LGBT
This one I'm on shaky ground. Here are some points I've gathered from ace discourse.
The ace community is vocal about how ace people suffer from corrective rape. It is also vocal about how ace people can have sex and not all ace people are sex-repulsed. Assuming only sex-repulsed ace people suffer corrective rape, then corrective rape isn't a community-wide issue.
Cisgender heteromantic aces are not straight because straight means cisgender heteromantic heterosexual. However, I am an ace lesbian. Homoromantic asexual, to be exact. Since I am not homoromantic homosexual, does that mean I am no longer a lesbian?
According to exclusionists, asexual people don't experience systematic oppression. The struggles they face such as societal pressure to have a family and corrective rape aren't targeted towards them specifically. Asexual people are the unintentional victims of the patriarchy. However, asexual people lack visibility. It is difficult to prove whether or not they'd been experiencing struggles due to the lack of studies. Also, if they had been hypervisible from the very start, it's highly possible that they'd be targeted as well.
I'm quite confused because some inclusionists say that we mustn't tally oppression points to join the community and then they start listing the oppression asexuals face. I'd suggest to pick one because it gives off confusing impression. I see a lot of ace inclusion posts that say being in lgbt is not a competition then the next ace inclusion post is an in-depth list of the struggles asexual people face. I think the posts that say "you shouldn't include only the people who are oppressed" contribute to the belief that aces aren't oppressed.
My current stance is exclusionist since cishet aces can be romantically involved with the opposite gender. The LGBT community has always been about fighting for the right to be who you are and love who you want without consequences. I think the ace community's priorities lie in gaining visibility and being recognized as a legitimate sexuality. If it's included in the LGBT community it might not gain as much attention? I don't know. I'm still lacking a lot of knowledge.
Thank you for those who take the time to engage in a conversation with me. I might not be a fast learner but I'm doing my best.
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I'm not active on discourse on my main. I mainly blog about my daily life, my pets and my school life struggles with autism and adhd. Since it involves my face being shown I thought it would be wise to create a separate account for this.
I would like to learn more about certain topics. I'm part of the LGBT community. I am nonbinary, asexual and lesbian. I'm not white. I am a minor. That's all the information I am willing to provide.
Recently, the issues surrounding the exclusion of people on the asexual spectrum have left me confused. I have no idea what to think. It's difficult for me to ignore this since I am ace myself.
Current stance (may be subject to change): exclusionist
I hope if you decide to interact with me that we achieve a fruitful discussion.
That's all, thank you.
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