cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Comfort Character - Final
The final character design/sprite for the comfort character, with atmospheric lighting. She isn’t as aggressively butch as originally intended but she fits the overall aesthetic well and as always, I’ll shove the unlit under a read more.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Comfort Character - Colours
Using the same colouring I’ve used across all of the characters, and the previously allocated yellow colour, these are the options I’ve come up with. I also adjusted the base drawings anatomy and detailing slightly. 
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Comfort Character - Outfits
From this, I’m preferring option 3 the most. The androgynous look fits well and creates a good balance between butch and the “comfort” aspect, while maintaining the style of the game. I’m also a fan of the last option - it’s very “Calamity Jane” - but it doesn’t fit the style of the other two designs.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Comfort Character - Hair
Experimentation with hair options that can be taken forward into outfit design as inspiration, Personally, I’m leaning towards one of the short designs like 1 and 3 thus far.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Comfort Character - Faces
Face experimentation for the comfort character - a butch, asian character who will sacrifice themselves for the protagonist. With this I experimented with less feminine eyes, shaved brows, more piercings, squarer jaws and stronger nose shapes.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Discomfort Character - Final
The final design/sprite for the discomfort character, with atmospheric lighting. I was having a lot of trouble balancing this character well because it always felt off, but I’m reasonably happy with the final design. The shading was quite hard to get right but I think it went okay. As before, I’ll stick the unlit under a read more.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Discomfort Character - Colours
I kept her skin very pale, especially as she has freckles. Out of the predetermined colour scheme, her colour was red which narrowed down the colour development a lot. I used the same black as before, and the blue from the environmental colour palette. 
As a final scheme and to match the first design, I’m going to go with option 3.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Discomfort Character - Outfits
I struggled with capturing the look I wanted with this piece. At the end, I like the NASA design the best but with the side shaved hair of the final designs. I’m going to combine the two and create a mock-NASA shirt so as not to use copyrighted imagery for the final look.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Discomfort Character - Hair
Hair experimentation ideas to reference when doing outfit designs. I really like the short fringe so I’m going to keep it, and play around with other aspects.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Discomfort Character - Faces
Face experimentation for the discomfort character - a white, alternative girl. I rounded the face shape and experimented with ways to have smaller, less effeminate eyes than the subtext character. Adding a septum helped a lot with the look I wanted to portray.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Subtext Character - Final
The final design/sprite for the subtext character, with atmospheric lighting. I’m pretty happy with how this turned out even if the shading was a little hard to work in places. I’ll put the version without lighting below a read more;
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Subtext Character - Colours #03
Various colour possibilities using the green palette. From this, I’ll pick a favourite and use it for the final. Currently I haven’t worked through it but I’ll ask for some feedback from a wider group and see what I think works best.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Subtext Character - Colours #02
This was experimenting with yellow themes, based on using red/yellow/green themed characters to contrast the palette of the base game. However, I then decided to keep yellow as the comfort characters colour as yellow is seen as a happy, comfortable colour. Red I’m going to use for discomfort, so for this character, I’m going to use green.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Subtext Character - Colours #01
Initial colour experiment using the base palette for the game, taken from the mood board made previously. However, while doing these designs I realised that if both the environments and characters are based purely around these colours, they’ll blend. However, as this is the bottom half of the colour wheel, if I base each of the 3 characters off of one of the opposing colours then it will contrast them and give them key colours for recognition and thematics as well.
As I’ll be using things like bounce lighting and other colouring to pull the above colour palette into the final detailed designs, this seems like my best option. So, next I’m going to do further colour experiments based on that palette.
[The above design is the one chosen to take further so far, as the feedback came back mostly in favour of this and one other. I may experiment with the other as well.]
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Subtext Character - Outfit Designs
Outfit conceptualisation for the subtext “lipstick lesbian” character. The first page is actually based entirely on my wardrobe, and then the second was exploring other possible looks. I played with a range of hairstyles and appearances. In the end, all of these could be looks for the character as it could just be several iterations of her. However, I need one specific design to be her main art - any further designs used in game will be stretch goals.
I’m going to put these out publicly and get feedback on which people prefer before making a decision.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Subtext Character - Hair
Hair experiments for the subtext character. The first two involved straightened, more stereotypically “white” hairstyles whereas the other 4 play with coarser hair and black hairstyles.
The hair style I choose will somewhat depend on the outfit chosen as well to ensure the two compliment each other, but this was an experiment to give me ideas of how hair could work.
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cabhonours-blog · 7 years
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Subtext Character - Faces
Development for the face of the “lipstick lesbian” character. The first set is experimenting with a range of face elements, the second set is using the preferred two eyes and trying out different mouth sizes and shapes. 
Out of them, I’m probably going to go for 6 as it has the most feminine eyes and emphasised femininity is the goal, but also has a pronounced upper lip and I’d like to include larger facial features that are natural to black beauty.
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