cabooseisgod1994 · 3 years
So guys. I have a dilemma.
Was waiting for a pizza and sat on the front steps of my house. Suddenly fur brushes up on my back and my first thought is, 'Ohhh, stray Kitty Hello Friend'. Reach back and I'm giving pets and love, not actually turned around or looking cause I was watching YouTube on my phone. As I do a head to tail run, I suddenly realize. That's......that's not a normal tail....at least not for the strays that live around here.....
Lo and behold....Tis the Racoon who's been digging through my trash that I didn't have the heart to call animal control over cause he's a hard workin procyonid, doesn't bother any body, or spook the other animals that live around here.
My Dilemma is this- should I be afraid he's apperently that comfortable with me, or honored and take what I can get?
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cabooseisgod1994 · 3 years
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can’t wait to play FF7 R-2 in the year 2050
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cabooseisgod1994 · 3 years
Big mood
The path to inner peace begins with four words. "Not my fucking problem."
- Norman, Sammy or Henry, probably
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cabooseisgod1994 · 3 years
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Video of Tama
Follow Ultrafacts for more facts
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cabooseisgod1994 · 3 years
This.....this makes me smile
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I love this so much, I’m gonna start saying “nuts” we need to bring it back
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cabooseisgod1994 · 3 years
One of these days ISTG I'm going to buy a bingo marker to make my damn point. I have two 18 year olds that live below me. We can only park on the one side of our street. Knowing this, and the fact that it's my car and their 2 SUVs you'd think one of these wenches could fucking park in a manner that we could all be infront of the duplex and not have to walk HALF A FUCKING BLOCK down but no. The neighbors truck doesn't move so it's always in the same place (prayers to him he's going through a rough patch in life, God speed Mikey feel better bud), they park in such a way that there's enough space for a fucking VW bug and nothing else between EACH of their SUVs. Couldn't fit my Grand Am if I tried without major damages to all parties involved. You need lessons on parking? I'm here during the days, I'm a midnighter now, I'm home, come up and knock and we'll have a fucking session. If it was a one off, or you had a real late shift and just wanted to go to bed quick? Fine and dandy, I get that, works rough. But it's DAILY. ANYTIME I MOVE. Boom. No parking. So I have to get home early AF to make sure I can park by Mikey's truck, AND BE A CONSIDERATE NEIGHBOR AND LEAVE YOU PARKING SPACE SO YOU CAN FEEL SAFE GETTING OUT OF YOUR CAR AND NOT WALK HALF A BLOCK AT NIGHT NEAR THE DOWNTOWN AREA.
So in conclusion. Be fucking considerate. If you don't know or need help, just ask. I'd rather it be a teachable moment we can laugh over instead of me getting home at the ass crack of dawn thinking your just fucking rude and don't care about anyone elses comfort but your own.
*sigh* Thanks for listening, have a spectacular day and I hope your neighbors treat you well
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
So! Confession time! Listened to the new TPP Juno Steel episode. Lots of nonsensical noises were made while listening, realizing as we go through a few key points in this episode I'm in too deep and my cold dead little heart isn't as dead as I though, and at the end of this episode there MAY OR MAY NOT be a hole I punched into my wall and had to repurpose my living room furniture arrangements, but the main point I'm getting at here is This Has Cause Major Feels and I NEED MORE NOW pleasekaythanks
Also, just to put it out there to TPP crew, you are all a DELIGHT and you both brighten my day and cause havoc in my household, bless you all and keep up the good work!
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
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Just a friendly reminder in case anyone needed it
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
Obi, Maincoon (aka FatCat)
Shades, Domestic Shorthair blue/gray, owner and supreme head of household
Savage, Domestic Longhair, Derp cat extraordinaire
If you have a cat please reblog this with its name please and thank you
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
Bahahaha 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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Afshsg sorry for the long post bUT
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
I'm morosexual, I'm attracted to dumbasses and dumbasses exclusively and this right here is prime
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Dumb & Dumber
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
This is some shit Nureyev would pull on the Crime Fam lmao
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It really is the simple things.
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
So confession time guys....I'm still not over Final Fantasy 7 Remake. I will randomly pluck the box off my game shelf and just WEEP.
So in summary- Part 2 needs to be out quick cause I might die from an aneurysm if I have to wait more than 1.5-2+ years.
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
So, funny story. Thought I had hives, turns out after going to Urgent Care the nurse tells me 'Oh no thats a spider bite babe.' Then proceeds to kindly chuckle while I LOSE MY SHIT. (FYI slightly arachnophobic, sorry spider lovers)
And so long story short I'm gonna have to burn my home down to the foundations and then burn the land the foundation was built on because some satan spawn decided to attack me in my own bed.
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
I've finally done it. I have found my limit. Day 6 of finding a BIG ASS spider looming just over my head as I sleep, day 3 of walking outside and just seeing.....a feild of cobwebs outside my door. I can't. I will be implementing a house insect bombing tomorrow (pray for my 3 fur babes idk where I can put them yet), spraying my front and back yards, and pray to any deity I can find that the spiders leave me be. Little itty buddies, fine. I usually can't see them the do me no harm. Long leggie boys, they get chauffeured to safety via a yardstick to outside. Anything that is LARGER THAN A QUARTER AND AS DARK AS THE PLACE IT CRAWLED OUT OF CANNOT STAY. I've been bitten while asleep 3 times and now I can't sleep.....the insanity has to end....
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
Lmao this is me every game I play that gives me the options for apperence and serious in game choices🤣🤣
Conduit: You consider me a friend?
Grøh: Sure. What else would I consider you?
Conduit: I don’t know. An embarrassment? A way to rebel against your parents? A desperate cry for help? The list is endless.
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cabooseisgod1994 · 4 years
Chris Fleming: homophobe sees pink for the first time
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