cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
I’ve kind of tried to forget that we’ve had Halloween branded candy in stock for a full month and a half already.
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I don’t know! Maybe something to do with Halloween or Christmas. It wouldn’t be anything big… I don’t really have the room for that. 
That’s nutty. Though they do put Valentines day candy out near NYE.
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You could get a bonsai tree. Make a little indoor fairy garden.
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
Totally. No one bartender remembers my order even if I’ve been going there for years now.
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I wasn’t the one saying it.
I just happen to have a great drink to face memory. 
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I am quite aware it was me who said it. I find it to be the truth.
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
I’m sure you’d win. But if not, next month I’ll vote more times so you get it.
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Is it my sparking personality then?
Is that a promise?
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Totally, and your good looks help too.
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
Fall has officially arrived, and so has cold season. If anyone would like to drop by and keep me company while I fight with some tissues and a humidifier, that’d be amazing. also if you do drop by, bring more tissues please.
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I won’t stay but I can offer some homemade soup?
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
I’m totally on board with pumpkin spice coming out in August but maybe it’s a little early for winter-themed candy to be out in September. 
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Unrelatedly, is it too early for me to decorate some kind of plant in my apartment?
You are right. It is entirely too early. How could we skip out on halloween candy?
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How are you planning on decorating it? It’s never too early to spruce things up in your home.
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
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Gave myself a day off and now I’m unsure how I should spend the day. Might pay a visit to the boys at Sailor’s.
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I suggest catching up on any tv you are behind on and going for a nice run outside?
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
Pitch it to Smythe, make a bonus out of it. I’d hope so, I mean, you enjoyed my Zumba class so much.
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But what if I don’t win?
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It isn’t just the zumba class I enjoy.
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
For The Road | Faberry
Who: Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray What: Rachel and Quinn meet up for some coffee When: September 17th 2018 Where: Starbucks
Rachel had grown used to having Quinn around, whether it be at Sapphire, online, or in Quinn’s home after Rachel had made sure the blonde had made it home safely and crashed there so that Quinn could do the same for her. So this was different and Rachel was excited. It meant they could explore a friendship with a sober mind and though she had a bit of a time constraint they still had a long while to be in one another’s company. When she arrives at Starbucks she sets her things down at a table before going to order herself a soy latte., resisting temptation to order anything pumpkin spice. She remembers Quinn’s text the night before and sadly still found herself in the state of mind of obeying. When the blonde makes her way through the door Rachel smiles, waving a little excitedly. “Hi. Is your hungover gone?”
Quinn still felt crummy when she got dressed, but she was going to be sober and actually talk to Rachel like a person, so that was her motivation to get to Starbucks. When she saw the brunette, her stomach tied in knots that had nothing to do with her hangover. "Hardly, but I'll live. I brought plenty of Ibuprofen and a large bottle of water." she giggled, gesturing to her bag. "Okay, I'm gonna get me a coffee. You look good, though." She smiled sweetly, giving Rachel a peck on the cheek and a gentle squeeze around her shoulders with one arm before ordering a small black coffee. She sat across from Rachel when she had been given her order and sipped it, closing her eyes as the caffeine made it's way through her system. "How do you feel?" She finally asks her friend, looking deeply into brown eyes before blushing and looking away.
Rachel can’t help but smile brighter at Quinn as she holds up her water. “I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself Quinn. Please stay hydrated.” Her cheek is still tingling as is the shoulder Quinn had squeezed. She doesn’t understand why it feels so different now, when they’d spent the last two evenings together. “I feel fine. I had a glass of wine with you and the rest of the evening I had been drinking mocktails.” She laughs, “I don’t exactly like feeling out of control. Did you have fun? I liked your performance. Your voice is sweet. A wonderful alto if I do say so myself.”
"Thank you. I had a lot of fun, but it was even more fun with you just being there." Quinn blushed, forgetting that she even sang, it was just a hazy memory. "Did I sing James Brown?" She giggled. "Oh, God...that song." She rolled her eyes. "I kind of wish you had sung with me, but I know you don't sing, and I wasn't about to press it. It would have been hypocritical since I yelled at Blaine for it. I texted him an apology, though and he seemed like he didn't even know what I was talking about. I guess we were both wasted."
“I’m sure you’re just buttering me up Quinn. I’m thankful I was there to keep an eye on you.” She winks and takes a sip of her latte as she listens to Quinn speak. “I don’t sing. Please remember that. I do enjoy listening to singers and it was fun to watch everyone. Blaine was quite drunk and I do wish he’d stopped pressing the issue.” She has to remember Blaine knew her as the performer, not this woman trying to be a teacher. “Thank you for sticking up for me though.”
"Maybe. Yeah, I did kind of go overboard, but I swear I don't do that a lot. Especially not two nights in a row." She feels her heart flutter at Rachel's wink and sipped her own coffee just to hide her smile. "I think he just wanted you to have fun with us. I see that now. I just hated seeing you upset so I snapped. I'll always stick up for you." Quinn promised, putting a hand on Rachel's for a lingering moment before pulling back and drinking her coffee.
“But you did do it two nights in a row.” Rachel muses, trying to control her tone enough so she wasn’t coming off judgmental. “I used to sing and perform.” Rachel admits, “I did a lot of performing with him when we were younger. He’s just confused to why it isn’t something we can do together now. Her hand tingles the way her cheek had and she flushes. “You make me feel things Quinn. I’m not sure how to explain it.”
"Wish i could have seen that." Quinn admitted, sipping more of her coffee. "I feel things with you, too. Trust me." Quinn bites her lower lip and looks away. "Like...when I'm not with you, I want to be. And when we're together, I never want to stop looking at you." She looked at Rachel in the eyes and could feel her heart beating faster. "Is that weird? I mean, we haven't really known each other that long. Just you making me drinks for over a year every so often."
“I don’t think it’s weird if we are mutually feeling this way. I enjoy your company. I enjoy...well I enjoy your brain and your face.” She flushes. “You’re beautiful inside and out and I’ve enjoyed serving you.” She laughs
"My brain and my face? Oh, is that all?" Quinn giggles, setting her cup down now that it was empty, then reaching over to rake a finger over the back of Rachel's hand, making small little circles on her skin. "The feeling is mutual. Well, minus the serving you part...though, I have to admit, it might be fun serving you something for once." Quinn said suggestively, wiggling her brows playfully before giggling again.
“I’m sure there is more but you don’t let me in.” She can’t judge because Quinn knows next to nothing about her and Rachel planned to keep it that way. “Oh? And what do you mean by that?” She raises an eyebrow.
"Neither do you." Quinn tried to say without being harsh in her tone. "I just mean...you know...one of our sleepovers involving more cuddling than booze induced sleeping. Maybe more kissing." She shrugged.
Rachel can’t help but shrug her shoulders, “We’re all allowed to have parts of ourselves we want hidden. I stand by that. This is who I am though. I’m not fundamentally different due to the parts of myself I don’t run my mouth about.” And she feels that, even if it’s not the complete truth. “I like kissing.”
“Me neither.” Quinn lied. Bipolar made her unpredictable even with meds. “I love kissing, so you’re in luck.” Quinn smirked.
“What evening are you free this week? I’m sure I can make something work with my schedule.” Rachel finishes off her coffee and briefly takes note of the time. “Even if it means I stop over after my shift.”
"Thursday, actually. I work tomorrow morning, but Thursday I'm off all day." Quinn beamed. "You don't have to do that for me, Rachel." Though being chosen was a nice experience for once. "But that would be kind of nice. I can do the same for you next week?"
“I don’t offer to do things if I don’t want to do them Quinn. I think you are worth it.”She can’t help but smile, “You’re ready to plan for a next time without having experienced the first time?”
"You're worth it, too. And more." Quinn laughed at Rachel's questions and rolled her eyes. "You plan on stealing a car or something, Berry?"
“That’s what would make you stay away?” She teases, “I was thinking more along the lines of us not sharing a bed well or my kisses not making you feel sexy.”
"I doubt you can screw up either of those things, Rachel. Plus, I already know I'm sexy." Quinn teased, putting her hand on her hip. "Are you really scared of not giving me proper cuddles or kisses, because I can help you with that. It's just as much my job as it is yours."
“You would be surprised by what it is I’m afraid of. “ Rachel whispers. “It’s good you’re so self assured and confident. I like that. I like confidence in a person.”
"I doubt it. We all have fears." Quinn said honestly, messing with a  sugar packet. "Yeah? Well, I'm a lot of things. I can't wait for you to find out." Except the bipolar. That was something she hoped Rachel never saw. That was her greatest fear. "I better get going, sadly, but I take it we're both on the same page? Like...we like each other?"
She shrugs, “I guess we will see.” Though Rachel knows deep down they won’t get close enough for that to happen. “Yes Quinn. I’m...I’m interested in you.” Rachel stands up with her arms out. “For the road?”
"And I'm interested in you." Quinn feels giddy inside and stands up. "For the road." She repeats, stepping into the hug and wrapping her arms around Rachel's waist, lingering longer than was necessary, but sadly, she really did have to go. "See you around." Quinn kissed Rachel's cheek and grabbed her empty coffee cup to throw away and her purse from behind her chair. She gave one last glance to Rachel before leaving for the bookstore.
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
You really would, I’d vote for you.
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You better Sterling. I’d vote for you best trainer!
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
TEXT | Blainchel
Blaine: Okay. I don't wanna play a guessing game. I just think not singing is a crappy idea
Rachel: I think your attitude towards this is a crappy idea
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
“It’s just karaoke,” Marley says, and after she does she isn’t sure if it’s more to Rachel or to herself. 
She doesn’t know how to take Rachel’s comment that she’ll be worthy of a standing ovation. She knew that Rachel meant it with sincerity, but it also reminded her of the time a teacher bought her lunch in middle school because she choked during her audition for the talent show and started crying. 
Marley had always known about Rachel’s talent and desire to sing. It awed her. But she couldn’t remember the last time that Rachel heard her sing, if at all, and she didn’t know if she could live up to the hype. 
“You’d be incredible at whatever you do,” Marley says, nodding for emphasis. “It’s definitely a lot of work, but if you can make a difference in someone’s life, that’s what matters, isn’t it?”
Marley thinks for a moment. The terms “job” and “career” had distinct definitions in her mind but she isn’t sure how to explain it. Instead she says, “what I have right now is enough,” with a shrug. “Right now I’m just taking the general requirement classes, um, still trying to figure out what I actually want to do.” She nods again, and they settle into another somewhat uncomfortable silence. 
“You’re right.” Rachel says with a nod, wondering why it felt so good to hear that. Reassuring almost, though lately it felt like she was one who needed a lot of that. Whether it be with her dad’s promising her they understood why she’d disappeared off the face of the earth, or by friends who don’t know the old her and are trying to figure her out. She’s glad that in this instance Marley is just letting their interaction flow without too many questions. She wonders if it feels as weird for the woman beside her or if it is just Rachel getting stuck in her head. 
“I like the way you think Marley. It is what matters. We should all try to do our best and make a difference. I think this is how I’m meant to do it.” She once thought her mere presence on a stage would do that but this career change did almost feel more meaningful. She did miss how it made her feel to be in the spotlight but she’d learned over the years but it doesn’t always matter what she wanted. 
Rachel feels a little surprised that Marley had gone in undecided but she knew of plenty of people that did that and it did make sense, to figure out what types of things you liked. “I hope you figure it out and that when you do it makes everything feel right and like it has finally fallen into place.” She smiles before slowly reaching for her hand to squeeze reassuringly. “We’re all trying to figure things out. I know that you will do it successfully.”
Bar None || Roseberry
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
“Uh no, no book throwing from anyone over the age of eight as of yet. Knock on wood.” He teases with a small chuckle under his breath. “Of course, I’ve had someone throw their water on me out of rage. Luckily it was just water, and it didn’t get on any technical equipment because that would’ve been bad. Mostly it’s just a lot of yelling and cursing at us, with empty threats on how they’ll take their business elsewhere.” Kurt shrugs, returning to his attention to the bookshelf where she was still searching through.
He couldn’t even answer her wondering about how he dealt with it, because he sometimes didn’t even know the answer himself. A bottle of wine? A good lay? Drowning himself in pointless television and online shopping? All the above would probably cover that. 
The mention of New York has him nodding, pushing away from the bookshelves. “Well, at least that’s a good thing. Don’t need you stressing out over school more than the regular.” Giving a wave towards the registers from where they had come from, taking the lead again. “Let’s get you checked out then! Did you find everything okay? – I have to ask that.”
“So customers that have been rude have come back, despite saying they wouldn’t?” She can’t help but laugh at that. It made sense in such a small place like Ohio. At least small in comparison to New York which is where all of her comparisons were made. “I’m happy you are able to stay open despite the amazon demand and being a small business and all.” She’s glad she’d gone against buying books online, though a lot of it had to do with hope that the books would be cheaper here. Not only was she right, she also got to see a friend, even if it felt like years since they’d seen one another. 
“I did.” Rachel nods, “With your help, of course. Thank you.” She watches as the books get scanned and she only flinches a little at the grand total before handing over her card. “I hope that we can stay in touch Kurt. I’ve missed you.” And she means that but isn’t in a place to explain why she hadn’t kept contact. “We could get coffee or you could come have a drink at Sapphire if it your type of scene. Whatever you want.”
Books Galore | HummelBerry
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
Is there a bartender of the year we can vote for at Sapphire? 
You know if there were I would get it.
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
TEXT | Blainchel
Blaine: Were you rejected or something? Because they were stupid to do that
Rachel: I wasn’t rejected
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cachedanslor-blog · 6 years
TEXT | Blainchel
Blaine: I think that was a terrible idea. I think the world is missing out on something spectacular. And I think you are missing out on the therapeuticness of singing
Rachel: I think that you don’t know why I stopped singing and it’s my choice to do what I feel like I need to do.
Rachel: I’m glad you still have singing. I have yoga now.
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