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There’s a Senate inquiry into the worsening rental crisis!
Thanks to the Greens you can now write a submission to a committee inquiry into how the rental crisis is affecting you and your community, provide evidence, and shape the reports that’ll be given to the National Cabinet in September and November to suggest how they can address the rental crisis.
This is super important! The information that YOU give to this inquiry will inform both the state and federal government about just how dire the situation is and help it understand how it needs to do more to fix the rental crisis in Australia.
So share - and don’t forget to click here to submit BY 28 JULY!!!
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Pea fishing on a hot evening
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of course you have a full suit of armour both marking you as the romantic ideal of masculinity and obscuring your body so completely that your sex loses importance when signifying your gender and class. and pronouns
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Some people go through life searching and never find their soul mates. They never do. You and I did, we just happened to have them for a shorter period of time than we hoped for. It’s sad, but it’s life.
Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You (via quotefeeling)
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I am obsessed with this idea
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beep beep sometimes when you have been in survival mode for a long time the parts of you dedicated to Wanting Things atrophy and you forget how to envision a future that feels rewarding because you are busy with the business of staying alive, and it can seem like your life must be pointless because you can’t imagine any long term goals. sometimes even when you leave survival mode you can’t remember how to Want Things. that doesn’t mean you need to give up on having a good and fulfilling life, it just means that Wanting Things is a muscle you need to gradually strengthen. the part of you that has dreams and aspirations is still there, it just fell asleep, but if you wiggle it enough it can and will regain feeling. it’s okay to start small
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I get what other anon wants to say about non-english authors preferring English for their fic by calling them "ignorant",but truth being told, German porn (written as well!!!) is so bad its a running joke across boarders, so no thank you. For many years this was my default reading material, because I was not a well practiced English speaker. Finding this new, more casual overall language was eyeopening.(I am sure there are some niche okay things here as well, but its so little you cant imagine.)
When a given language seems "good for porn" (or for anything, really), there are three reasons:
First, we're used to reading it, so we've gotten over the initial "Ack!" reaction.
Second, that language has a whole group of people using it for porn or to write about science or whatever, so not only has new vocabulary been coined, but common metaphors and ways of writing have been developed.
Third, and I'm fucking sorry, but this is the reality: we're not as good at a foreign language as we think we are, and that sands off the top level of awful from everything we read.
The third one goes for every weeb who is horrified to find that translations sound like they're for 12-year-olds. (Surprise! That's what canon sounds like!) It also goes for every non-native speaker of English shitting on their own language in favor of doing fandom in mine.
All native speakers of English have to get used to porn in English. It sounds embarrassing and weird at first to most people. A new genre or writing community requires a new adjustment period. Being used to AO3 won't make you used to Nifty.org.
I completely sympathize with wanting to do fandom in English because there are exponentially more people than in some languages.
I have zero sympathy for this canard that your language is bad for X.
In Chaucer's day, English was "bad for writing", full stop.
In the 19thC, written English was typically more formal and more florid than the Hemingway-fellating styles in fashion today.
How people use a language and what kind of written standard exists depends on culture, not inherent principles of the language. Not wanting to be a trailblazer is fine, but that's what is going on here and every other fucking time someone trots out this idiotic notion.
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I will love you with the dust of who I was, with the skin I am now, and with the bones that will one day decorate my tomb.
Christopher Poindexter (via quotefeeling)
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is the target audience even present on this website
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When you lose a person, a whole universe goes along with them.
Lang Leav, The Universe of Us, from “A Whole Universe” (via quotefeeling)
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hey, my university is going on strike! the faculty unions have been working without a contract and are demanding pay increases, living wages for graduate workers, and more to provide an equitable experience for every rutgers worker.
[this link] has some more info about the strike (including picket line locations which could use your support if you’re in NJ!) and you can donate to the strike fund here:
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Queer Multilingualism Linguistics Survey
Hi! My name is Gabe, and I am an undergraduate Linguistics student. You may have seen me put out a linguistics survey previously; this was for a graduate course, and I am still organizing that data and working on that paper. However, I have another research paper in a different linguistics course on Globalization of queer identities, and how language may affect the way queer identities are viewed and talked about. I am running another survey to collect data for this paper as well.
If you are queer and bilingual/multilingual, please consider taking this survey! How long it will take depends on the depth of your answers, but I would say 15-20 minutes is maybe a good estimate.
The survey can be found here, and I ask that you please reblog so it can reach more people! The survey will close on Friday, April 14th, at some point, so that I can begin organizing my data.
Thank you!
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Missing you comes in waves and tonight I am drowning.
Unkown (via quotefeeling)
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