caddel · 8 days
anywhere with you,
is everywhere I want to be.
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caddel · 8 days
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—he has been occupied carving a little wooden side table decoration that looks like a cat, but he is still undecided in regards of what he wants to do with that when it's finished. the initial plan was to work on his new KTM, but that had been put on hold when Em texted him that she would be dropping by. he smiled at the sound of her voice as she let herself in. the dogs perked up as she entered, instantly making their way over to her to greet her. her presence was always welcomed, whether he was busy or had plans or not. “I should have brought Kian over to test that,” he teased her, referring to his five year old nephew who has a sweet-tooth, that boy could live off dessert. standing up, he made his way over to her, eyeing whatever goods she had brought over; he wasn’t really fond of sweets, but he wouldn’t complain being her taste tester when needed either. “so…” he mused, nodding in agreement to her previous statement. “..these do look really good!”
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closed for ryan @caddel "I'm pretty sure I'm a genius," Ember said, letting herself into Ryan's place. She made the trip from Queens to Staten Island just to bring over her latest creation. She needed a taste tester, and this is just how she was. Of course, she gave a heads up that she'd be coming by, but knocking? That was overrated when you had hands full of baked goods. "It.. I found a way to make the frosting taste like a fruity gummy shark without tasting buttery o-or too sweet," she said. "And the cake is blue but not a gross blue. Like.. like a nice, sharky blue. I'm.. these are going to be perfect for summer a-and for kids, kids are going to think these are the bees knees."
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caddel · 8 days
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—small talk used to be like second nature to him, especially around like-minded people; to strike up any sort of conversation amidst preparations around racing grounds required absolutely no effort. as circumstances changed, however, this had too. “makes sense…” he simply responded with a nod, wishing not to pry further. he loathed when people asked too many questions, hence he also didn’t wanna do it in turn —not everyone likes to talk about themselves, whether in detail or lack of. what, however, he was more interested in was how she was doing caring for the little buddy, whom even though wasn’t a very difficult child, he too was a little challenging to look after; he knew that from experience. despite this being her first time, she does seem to be doing a decent job, especially considering his sister-in-law hasn’t nagged about her already. nannies in their household usually last between two weeks to a month, maximum. either they are too tedious or too uncaring, or just too pretty for her liking after a while. “you know,” he shrugged, “he is still a five year old, so he is gonna throw tantrums,” and oh, boy, the patience that took to deal with. “don’t let him get his way. once you do that, it’s game over.” though sweet and shy, his nephew sure knew how to try and get his way. a no had to always be a no, non-negotiable. “and when he does, give him options…” he added. “it helps redirect his attention.”
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"Something like that. Though it was really only when my nanny was stuck with me. I guess I thought I could get away with more around her than my parents or something." Devi told the half truth with a small laugh. The reality was she had just felt more freedom around her nanny than she did around her parents. There weren't any expectations or pressures to behave perfectly, instead she was able to just be a kid without having to memorize some sort of performance to make her family look perfect. Of course with time she began to act out around her parents too once she found out it came with the attention she desired. It just so happened to also come with the consequences that landed her in her current predicament.
She took a moment to figure out how truthful she ought to be in regards to the next question directed at her. "It's not as easy as my own nanny made it look, but I think I'm managing okay." More accurately she hoped she was managing okay. Devi still felt like she had been tossed into the ocean without a life vest and was hopelessly treading water. "With that being said, I wouldn't be opposed to any tips you might have to offer since you know him far better than I do."
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caddel · 8 days
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“—I know how hard not working is for you, how stressed you are with everything going on, all the changes, the stress…your family…and you do an incredible job caring for these little guys, even if you do struggle a little,” which, is natural, of course. he had explained when she had asked him why he was proud of her; he had lots of reasons to be proud of her, he was always going to be proud of her; she is a strong, resilient woman, worthy of admiration, especially going through the twin’s pregnancy whilst dealing with prenatal depression.
it was a while later that they finally managed to find a home to move in that fit their needs; their pets and growing family, with a garage big enough to fit Neva’s beloved Tesla Cybertruck and his Range Rover, a good selection of few of his bikes as well. truthfully, he was not particularly fond of the new neighborhood, he had never been fond of any other borough than Staten Island, but it mattered very little when looking at the bigger picture; he was excited to move in with her, their growing little family. the move had been relatively recent, and they were still in the process of decorating their new place, settling in, preparing the twins’ room. Ryan liked working on that, specifically; setting up the crib and the dresser, helping Neva as she decided where everything should go, then changed her mind, and the furniture had to be moved again.
he comes home from work after another forty-eight hour shift, and the house is quiet. Flash and Houston are still in dog day care, Hecate doesn’t even seem to notice his arrival, and she is usually the first one to come greet him at the door. he found her in the babies’ room by the sound of her laughter, surrounded by Hecate attending to her, and Boo curled up at her feet. Hecate has been extra sweet to Neva since the beginning of her pregnancy, even more so after the move; as if she is caring for her in her own way, keeping an eye out for her, always keeping the boys in check when they get too excited around Nevs. leaning against the door frame, he watches the three of them for a moment with a fond smile. gods, he adores her; he is so in love with this woman. all the exhaustion seems to melt away at the mere sight of her busying herself with whatever it was she was trying to set up, her little protectors keeping her company.
“you need help with that?” he inquired after a while, still making no effort to move for the time being.
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𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 he managed to find a place for them to check. Somewhere new, she was exhausted from looking for new places, she simply wanted to decorate her new home and prepare for things the twins. ❛ Let's go! ❜ Hopefully, this place accepts animals and is spacious enough for the big dogs which is her main priority in the new home. It is weird, now that she isn't working that much, seeing Ryan overworking… She could see through his face he was exhausted, just as much as she was… Neva tiptoed to give a peck on his lips and smirked at his comment. ❛ I think they get excited when you're around. ❜ She admitted. The Swedish blonde was happy that he was excited about the arrival of their children. Once she hopped on his bike, with his help, and wrapped her arm around him. ❛ And why's that? ❜ She wondered why he was proud of her for a hot second, she couldn't remember what she did to make him proud. A smile crept on her face when he mentioned her being a nice mom.
It was in her new place, that she found a new hobby which was decorating their mansion, or even learning some cooking. Her cooking skills are average, nothing too special. When Ry is on his long-ass shifts, she attempts to make some sweets but always burns them or puts too much sugar, never finding an in-between. Giving up on cooking for the time being, she went to the twins's bedroom and began unpacking a few things that arrived shortly after the mail. Athena was in the doorframe, watching Neva and Boo was purring, rubbing herself on her owner's body.
She didn't hear Ry's footsteps, since she was reading instructions on how to set up one of the cribs. Her hair was tidy in a messy bun, with a few strands falling on her face. She chuckled when Athena's snout touched one of her ears, ripping giggles because it was ticklish. She made a brief pause to check on her phone, and Cordelia invited her for tea time when Ryan was working. Then she felt the babies moving inside her and a hand stopped where they were moving, feeling the kicking, and it hurt a little…
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caddel · 10 days
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—just because he has lived, for over a decade now, in absolute denial regarding his mental issues, it didn’t mean he wanted the same for her. there were ways to help with the feeling of hopelessness and despair, and they should utilize those. anything to make her feel better to whatever extend, so, he was glad when the doctor prescribed her some vitamins. he noted the comment about her food intake, and even though he worked a lot —the sole reason being to be able to take an extended leave when she would give birth— he tried his best to encourage her to eat something during the day; stress manifests in different ways for everyone, after all, perhaps that was her way of copying, not that he ever known her to eat a whole lot though, if he was honest. there is also Cordelia who he knows does care about her a lot, she adores Neva, and so she most definitely does make sure that she eats at least something.
“no, I meant now…” he elaborated with a faint laugh. it had fit well for after the doctor’s appointment, and seeing as he had a forty-eight hour shift starting at midnight, there was plenty of time to both go to the viewing as well as spend some time with her. he had honestly missed her. it did feel like he was spending more time at work than with her after the first couple of months of her pregnancy, which was true, but he wanted at least a few months worth of time off when they would welcome their babies. to be there, help out with everything. he wanted to be present, not her being alone and responsible for everything. to be there so she wouldn’t get overwhelmed with the twins care, and she would be able to take time to recover herself, and he could care for her as well.
he cupped her face in his hand when she looked at him, admitting she was feeling tired. and he did too; exhausted even, definitely overwhelmed. yet it all seemed to melt away along with the concerns that troubled him when they were told they are having twins, when she placed his hand on her baby bump and he felt their babies moving. it wasn’t the first time, but it wasn’t any less fascinating to him. a smile formed on his lips and he lovingly caressed her bump. “they are quite active in there, huh…” and to think she was not even that big yet. kissing the top of her head, his hand still rested on the bump, he took a moment before responding to her when she returned the question. “exhausted…” he admitted, “a little overwhelmed,” he is still idly caressing her baby bump, “but, honestly excited.” despite all his worries and concerns.
holding her hand to help her on the bike, it’s a bitter-sweet realization that this is gonna be one of their last rides together for a while. “yeah, baby, I know…” he shifted in his place to be able to turn and look at her, took her hand in his once more, pressed a kiss in the palm of her hand. “I am proud of you, you know?” he knows it is hard for her to not be able to work, or do a lot of the things she loves for the shake of their children. “you are going to be an amazing mom…” and he means it, he believes it to be true. and with that he drives off, towards the house they are going to be viewing; a big home with a garden, by the river.
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𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆 the genders of their babies, Neva was looking at the screen, hearing their heartbeats for a bit, and watching their little shapes on the screen. It took a while to know gender due to their position. The Swedish blonde was worried if she would ever become like her own mother to the twins, only because she wasn't excited about this pregnancy in the very beginning. She still isn't that excited either but not hating it or being in denial. To be fair, she never hated it, only lived in denial. These days, she caught herself appreciating her pregnancy a bit more… Like, putting her hand to feel her twins moving inside her, talking to them, or even listening to some music.
The doctor prescribed a few vitamins for her to take, and advised him to call him if she stopped eating fully. Whatever she feels like eating when she eats, let her be and assure him that she'll be fine soon, which is something common for those with twins pregnancy. ⏤ Once her man left the room and joined her. ❛ Did you? Let's go see it then, when you can of course. ❜ The Swedish blonde was completely stressed with moving out to a new place, mostly because it wasn't easy to find an area for two babies and 4 pets, mixing with his and hers. She was starting to feel a bit hopeless about finding a place that would please them or it had space.
❛ Tired. They're moving a lot right now. ❜ She put the hand she was holding and placed it in one part of her baby bump, so he could feel their children move, and it gave her some discomfort. In the next month, Neva had a feeling, she won't be able to be on his bike with him. ❛ How are you feeling? ❜ She inquired quietly. Surprisingly, Neva wasn't that much of shock as she thought she'd be. Hearing the news for the first time, made her feel as if she had a stroke, but now that she isn't in the clinic… She was feeling OK.
She puts the helmet on her head and hops on his bike with a few struggles. ❛ Ryan, next month… You can ride on your bike without me, okay? You don't have to worry about me. I'll be using my Tesla. Our babies are making me uncomfortable. I don't want to hurt them. ❜ Neva knew how important is riding on the bike for Ry, as much as she enjoyed their little strolls together, with her new form… Makes her worry that she is hurting their babies.
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caddel · 11 days
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caddel · 11 days
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HENRY CAVILL The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare (2024)
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caddel · 11 days
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—despite the anticipation and excitement that comes with expecting, to actually see their babies, hear their tiny little heartbeats comes with the downing realization that this is actually happening. sooner than they realize Neva will bring these two tiny humans into the world and suddenly the joy turns into anxiety. what if he isn’t truly cut out to be a dad? he wants to be a dad, he does, but is that enough? is loving them before even seeing an idea of them today, enough? with all the shit that he does, when there are things at play that are out of his control; only time will tell, he thinks. a boy and a girl, the doctor announced and he absentmindedly squeezed her hand in his a little.
the doctor’s confirmation that she is going through prenatal depression, doesn’t actually make anything better. Ryan is no stranger to what it feels like to not actually have any control over how you feel trapped in a dark place, stuck in a loop, even though he never talks about it, has a general sweep under the rug attitude when it comes to this —paired with his survivor guilt and ptsd, it straight down fucking sucks. and if things were not bad enough after the accident, they became even worse after Chloe’s passing. there is not a day that goes by that he doesn’t think about it; the guilt is weaved and twisted inside every part of him. and yet, he tries to play it off, does so with outstanding success, for faking it is the only way it can hurt less, the only control he has over it, and yet the times he has found himself stuck in a blazing inferno thinking that it wouldn’t really be that bad if he just embraced it, are more than he could ever admit to; truth is he isn’t scared of the fire because he really isn’t afraid of death. still, for whatever reason, he is still here. so, he knows what she is going through, as much as he does know there is not much that he actually can do to help her, aside of being there for her, doing his best to be understanding and supportive, even if she becomes withdrawn, distant. he asks the doctor if it would be better for him to talk to Neva, explain to her what she is going through, why she doesn’t really have any control over what she is feeling or perhaps if there is anything else they can help with? maybe not medication, per se, but vitamins or anything really that could help her feel less desperate whilst also feeling guilty that she isn’t happy about being pregnant. nevertheless, he is grateful for whatever information he offers, accepts the card with his contact details.
he leaves the examination room without really feeling any better having confirmed his girl is going through depression. after paying for the appointment, he makes his way to her, laughed at her comment. “I forgot to tell you I booked a viewing, didn’t I?” head slightly tilted to the side as he took a moment to think, took her extended hand in his. looking for a new home isn’t an easy task, especially with specific requirements, like a big garden, for once. though looking to buy rather than to rent makes it a bit more tolerable, as he doesn’t really have to say anything about his three big dogs, or Neva’s cat; the seller doesn’t have to know. “how are you feeling?” he asked her, blue eyes studying her face briefly, as they made their way outside of the clinic and to where he has parked his bike. thinking she was freaking out with the unexpected pregnancy, to know she is having twins must be quite a shock —which he could tell already by her initial reaction when the doctor told them. as they reach his bike, he can’t help but think that the times where they are going to be riding together are quite numbered, given her baby bump won’t really make it comfortable to ride backpack on a super-bike.
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𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐀 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 guilty for not being as excited at the news, as him. It was saddening her. She had a hard time accepting her new situation, maybe because she isn't fond of surprises… No surprises that could have a big impact on her life, or their lives. She knew his desire to be a father and genuinely wanted to give him this opportunity in the future, after their marriage, someday. One day. Ryan was very caring and supportive of whatever is it what she decided to do. Every time, how he seemed excited and she hadn't taken any decision other than thinking. And this part of her dreading of becoming her own mother, to their children. ⏤ Apart from inexplicable sadness, she doesn't know how to explain it to him, but feeling it. This wasn't his problem. It's hers. The problem is herself. It wasn't like there was much she could do nor how to reassure him it wasn't him. Nobody would understand. Either way, she solved parts of the matters that worried to her, for instance, her job. She loves her job. Her family? Her mother found out the news through Cordelia, Ryan's grandmother and now she is back on the silent treatment. Her father is very annoyed at Ryan and disappointed with her. It was fine she was used to being the family's disappointment.
Twins. What a surprise. Neva thought she could have a stroke upon hearing the news. Somehow it was easier to accept, maybe the first news of hearing she was expecting left her a tad 'immune' to what else could come. She heard their little heartbeats, staying in utter silence, holding his hand that was sweaty and cold at the same time. Perhaps the news hadn't sunk into her brain yet. Twins. Fucking Twins. ⏤ The doctor tried to see if he also could see the gender of their babies, however, it was hard to see… One of them announced it was a boy, therefore he lectured her on the importance of coming to the appointment now it was twins, to make sure she and her babies were fine. ⏤ And yet, he was giving another shot to find out the other baby's gender… It is a girl. He announced it was a couple.
She watched him kissing her hand and chuckled, shaking her head. Of course, she knew he loved her. He showed her in so many ways, and continuously showing. ❛ I still want to kill you. You're just spared because of your children so thank them for that. ❜ She says jokily, the doctor gave her the print with the images of their children and asked for Neva wait outside to give an 'instruction' to Ryan. Neva get up from the bed, and left the room. The doctor warned Ryan that is very common some mother's have 'prenatal' depression, and excessive symptoms of pregnancy because of her hormones on carrying twins, that he shouldn't worry. Except make sure she's eating healthy and well, and have all support from family or friends, avoid all stress and be patient. If anything or any doubt, he gave Ry's a card of a doctor, could help with him anything.
Neva waited for Ryan outside, wondering what kind of instruction is this because she was the one pregnant, not Ryan. Or if he was stealing her boyfriend, meanwhile looking at the images, taking picture of it, and sending to Cordelia, her aunt, and 3 close people. ❛ Ohh, look what the cat dragged in! I thought I'd name this doctor of Mr. Steal Yo Man. ❜ She stretched her hand to take his hand. ❛ And now? ❜
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caddel · 12 days
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caddel · 12 days
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✨ merci de créditer mercure retrograde ✨
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caddel · 12 days
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“—then you’d do well to listen,” he teased, still holding her close, when she said that the doctor who overviewed her discharged and gave directions was actually her maternal aunt. perhaps, it would prompt her to take those days off, for real, which he could guess already was going to be hard on her for she was, no doubt, a workaholic. for all the years he knew, he probably couldn’t recall her taking extended time off or a leave —he on the other hand, was put on mandatory leaves every now and again, mainly for disobey orders and then, they still ended up reevaluating and letting him back in service, usually much sooner than the anticipated period. her following question was a little unexpected. “of course not.” he surely didn’t mind, he could wait for her too, should she want him to. “just tell me when,” he added a moment later, fingers idly combing through her soft golden locks.
he didn’t mean they should rush into it, of course, when he asked if she would consider moving in together. and though it made sense, there were other things they had to settle first. the news were still fresh, and evidently had not sat very well with Neva, and despite her saying she wanted to go through with the pregnancy, her changing her mind wouldn’t be that weird; she was still digesting the news, so all would become clearer when everything settled inside them in a couple of days. surely, his life wouldn’t be affected as much as hers for the duration of the pregnancy, and though he did want to be a dad, this had still been a surprise. “I don’t mind at all, baby girl,” he reassured her. in fact, he was also in no rush to leave his home in Staten Island, which was ideal to him; with a huge fenced garden for his dogs to play, isolated from the rest of the neighbors, a killer ocean view. the best thing that had come out of his divorce to his ex-wife was finally living Manhattan, moving somewhere closer to nature, quieter. Ryan loves the silence, being able to hear nothing but the ocean waves crash on the rocks beneath. And if they were to move in together, it would make sense to be somewhere like Brooklyn, which he knew Neva loved and was also closer to her workplace; this was a discussion for a later time, however, if ended up needing to be.
picking up the reasults she had handed to him earlier along with his helmet, he stood up after she did. “let’s take you home, you should get some rest…” his tone soft, he pressed a kiss on her forehead for a long moment. and he didn’t mean just physically, but mentally too, by the look of her she had been crying for a freaking long time before he found her. mounting his bike that was parked on the pedestrian lane, not too far from where she had been seated, he offered her a hand to help her up, started driving after securing the helmet on the dashboard. he dropped her off at her apartment complex, needing to drive back to work, but not before bidding her goodbye with a hey, I Iove you and text me if you need anything, yeah? before driving off and back to the station where he still had a shift to finish.
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𝐒𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐓 him when he teased her and giggled softly dimples showing on her cheeks. ❛ I'm screwed, aren't I?! ❜ She refers in regards to not getting rid of him easily. ⏤ Then, she rested her head on his chest, snuggling in his arms as she felt his grip on her. This is the first time she feels complete in a relationship. During her time with her former fiancé, she thought she found her 'soulmate' how silly of her. She never met anyone who wouldn't need to say words to understand how she really felt. Nor anyone who listens to her, and pays attention to details that normally go unnoticed. ⏤ Perhaps, the idea of a 'soulmate' begins to re-emerge after meeting him. ⏤ Neva had been feeling unwell for a while now, but she chose to ignore her well-being and focus on other things, procrastinating her 'health', and not wanting to be in a hospital for unnecessary things, that could be solved easily. Certainly, she does not want to 'waste time', she hates the feeling of 'wasting time', perhaps, it was this that kept her from avoiding checking what was wrong with her. Now thinking back at it, she realizes that his grandmother Amelia was correct this whole time, she told her that she thought she was pregnant but Neva only said it was food poisoning ( because it happened before ).
❛ I⏤ uh… I know… But I'm trying to think of all possible scenarios. ❜ She refers in regards to overthinking… Yes, she does overthink too much of things, especially when she feels mentally overwhelmed and her anxiety takes over her. Maybe she does need a little break after all. This was something the doctor recommended. The only problem is the doctor was her aunt that went to check on her. Part of her wondered if she was doing it as a doctor or as an aunt or both. The answer she'll only have if she asks her. She held his gaze, as her grey-bluish hues met his glance, holding onto his coat, a hand resting on his chest, feeling him touching on her hair. ⏤ He was right, she was too stressed to think of obvious things with clarity. ❛ Yes, you're right. I follow the doctor's advice and rest on these days. Did I tell the doctor was my aunt Ingrid? My mom's youngest sister. ❜ It was something she had forgotten to tell him.❛ And would you mind dropping me off to work when I talk to them about their policy? ❜ Maybe, this is the discreet way she asked him to make her company just until the entrance, to tell people from work the news, and see her destiny if she is fired or not. She worked so hard to get in there, and she loves her work. However, she would rather tell the news soon than later.
Since she met his family, he could meet the other side, not that her family was as big as his, but her homeland was a place she longed to visit and introduce him to a bit of her culture. ⏤ She smiled happily when he agreed to travel with her. Upon the second question, it was a bit surprised when it shouldn't. ⏤ ❛ Sure. I'd love to, but not now. If you're okay with it. ❜ Neva would love to move in and live with him, but there are a lot of things she needs to think through, one of them is their pets, and another is location. Truthfully, she loves where she lives, it's close to her work, and she adores her roommate. However, she cannot stay there forever if she keeps a baby. She'd need a space a bit big… ❛ I need to solve a few things like my job, and other stuff to move in with you. I hope you don't mind… ❜ Right now she is digesting the news, about being a new 'mother', in reality, she does not believe she is pregnant yet, even though the exams say the truth. She feels as if she needs more… Proves than her feeling sick, her hormones speaking, and what the exams tell about her. She leaned in and gave a chaste peck on his lips, still holding his hand, and stood up.
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caddel · 12 days
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“—that’s a solid plan,” he couldn’t help but agree. kids are kids, even if his nephew was generally not a fussy one and on the quieter side. or perhaps it was easier for him to care for the little boy without issues because he had known him all his life, was always making sure to spend time with him. when she spoke again, Ryan smiled a little. “you liked to test the waters, so to speak?” if he was anything like his dad, surely he would be a dream child, the kinda that makes you think you want another one —probably the same mistake his mom did. man, to even think of the possibility of his nephew turning out to be anything like he was as a child, his parents would go bershek and, need a hell lot of a good luck in order to find someone willing to look after him. even if they doubled or tripled the salary. not that he prefered him being that reserved and introverted, either.
“so, how are you doing thus far?” he inquired, and then “my brother said this is your first time nannying,” he elaborated. some people were naturals with kids, they just had a way, others…not so much. of course, he had been told even befoe he had the chance to ask, which he would because he often was the one carrying for him when his parents were on business trips. well, at least the little boy didn’t seem to dislike her.
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Normally so full of confidence, Devi found herself shifting uneasily. It wasn't anything the other had done, it was just a mix of feeling too much like a fish out of water these days and not wanting to mess this gig up. The last thing she wanted to do was have to go back to searching for another job. "I noticed he's a bit shy." On the one hand it was nice because she wasn't sure how well she'd be able to handle a kid who was constantly going on and on like she was at that age. On the other though, it did make it a little difficult to figure out what he liked and how to best keep him entertained while she was watching him.
"Hmmm? Oh, not quite yet, I think it's probably for the best to let him burn out a little more energy in there." She kept trying to recall things her nannies would say around and about her when she was a kid to seem as professional as possible while still trying to find her footing in the new job. "I was honestly trying to prepare for the worst case scenario. I'm pretty sure I was around his age, or maybe a little older, when I started making life for my nanny a little more difficult."
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caddel · 12 days
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“—I am fine talking about the incident again, if you are” he shrugged, teasing in turn with a laugh; she said he had almost gotten away with the interview like it was a bad thing. she went on to ask a question in order to carry on with the interview, and the initial reason why she was there, and though the first was easy to respond to, the second one though was a little, or rather a lot, personal. reasons he didn’t want to think about; unrelated to what had happened to him after the accident. in truth, he would have never chosen to come to New York, let alone live here, had he not come to the rehabilitation center, over a decade ago. Ryan was a country man, this city, and especially the busier boroughs, where not really his scene, hence why he had chosen to live in Staten Island soon after his divorce.
“I grew up in Texas,” he responded after a moment. “I just happened to come, fell in love, got stuck here,” he shrugged —it was only half a lie; he had fallen in love first with his new found occupation and then his, now, ex-wife; gotten maried and thus stayed for over a dozen years in this damn city. “wanna take a look around?” he then asked, just as one of an engine truck rolled back into the garage.
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Amanda grinned a little bit. She was feeling a bit more relaxed. Not only because he had seemed to have forgiven her for the incident, but also because he actually seemed to be feeling just fine with talking to her and allowing her to ask questions. She bit her lip a little bit and ducked her head, sighing softly as she did so. Then, she was snapped back to why she was here in the first place. She had kind of forgotten about the interview for a few brief moments.
"Oh, yes. That," she laughed. "You almost got away with it," she teased. "So," she continued. "Did you grow up here? If not, what brought you to the city?"
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caddel · 12 days
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—he smiled when the little boy looked up at him with his big blue eyes, before looking at the other who addressed him. the lady wasn’t going to get a word out of him, though when the little one smiled a little at the woman when she spoke to him was a good thing, he had half expected him to hide further behind him; it was definitely the comment about sharks that got to him. his nephew clinged to him again and Ryan lovingly caressed his brown locks. “it was a pleasure making you an acquintance,” he said courtly when she mentioned she had to get back to work, looking up at the woman once more. she had been nothing but polite and pleasant, even the conversation about sharks she had, unintentionally, initiated had offered a trip down memory lane, and though bitter he was glad he had been reminded of them, even in an unorthodox way. the little boy gave her a little wave goodbye as the walked away, so they could get to the whale exhibition of the acquarium.
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Although Eleanor didn't have any kids of her own yet, she loved children. She was a pediatric surgeon after all. Though she definitely had baby fever when she was picking a specialty all those years ago. She had baby fever now, if she were being honest with herself. Watching the little one walk up to his uncle and half-hide behind him when he saw her made her smile. "Hey, it's okay to be a little shy. I am too sometimes," she explained to the little boy who was watching her. "And I really love sharks too." Looking back up at the guy she bumped into as he spoke, Eleanor waved him off. "Oh, no worries," she said. "I'm enjoying the company." She looked at her watch though and saw that her shift at the hospital would start soon so she didn't really have much time left at the aquarium. "I am probably going to head out soon though," she explained. "I have to get to work."
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caddel · 13 days
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caddel · 18 days
Me and you motorbike ride at full speed after midnight>>>
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caddel · 18 days
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