cae2ar · 10 years
>He wasn't really needy, perse, but any chance he could get to have Eridan scrambling around the palace like a sick dog was a good one for him to take. So, perhaps he didn't exactly need a cup of tea or the paper he had actually already read. If he was going to keep an eye on him he might as well have him in close proximity. 
>Sollux was no fool, he knew the violet had a hand to play in this. The hard part was figuring out just how he was doing it, and Eridan was smart enough not to get caught. Those tracks he left were near impossible to catch unless you knew what to look for. And that was the problem here.
>He didn't. 
>A good portion of his time went into monitoring all soldiers for precarious activities, but Eridan was always one he kept a closer eye on. Having the history that they did and knowing his feelings towards Sollux's position here in the empire, it gives him enough of a motive to want to tear down this hand built Utopia.
>Or what once was one.
>The presence of the violet blood only draws a smirk from the honey hued emperor, expression never faltering even as the scalding tea meets his lap in an unceremonious fashion. All he does is stands, raises his hands in defeat, before skirting around the desk to slip out of his boots. 
"There's always a time for royal demands, Ampora. Excuse me for being a bit parched."
>A casual shrug, and he undoes his trousers and shrugs out of them. He's lucky the seadweller didn't ruin his uniform, otherwise he'd be a bit more outwardly angry than was showing right now. What a sight. An emperor in his undergarments and casual shirt? Scandalous. 
"That was rather rude of you."
>Really slamming the other into the wall psionically shouldn't have come to a surprise to anyone.
> Bring in the god damn tea and paper on a tray, using the touchscreen on his phone to sign and send off skimmed reports while in a voice chat with his Captain. The Prosperan soldiers sent in to infiltrate these cells were being scrambled behind enemy lines; some told of the next step, or learning more than others, but none had the whole story.
> It would all be prepared for Sollux and things would keep rolling while they caught up to respond.
> The explosion wasn’t entirely a surprise, but the negotiations served to stall while trying to sniff out just what was going to happen.
> But as it were, Holly had told his personal men to forego bullying the empire to push these rebels to just light a fire under their ass. Sounded like a good idea to everyone to go on the offense. After all, as it would serve the rebels in the future better under-the-table contracts of protection. And all of these little cells were leeches on the underbelly of opportunity’s bandwagon.
> As the door closed behind him, he was dismissed from the call and told to stay on standby while maintaining his duties.
> He just dropped the tray on the desk, picked up the cup, and instead of handing it to Sollux like he damn well should, he just dumped it on Sollux’s lap. Eridan was going to get his insurance policy if it cost him a working limb.
The fuck kind’a time is this to ask for caterin’ and make petty powerplays, Your Royal Pisspants?
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cae2ar · 10 years
holydestruction replied to your post:holydestruction started following you
wwhat wwas that i couldnt hear you
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cae2ar · 10 years
go riight ahead ii thiink you ca2ually forget that ii've got eye2 on me twenty four 2even. let2 2ee how well that goe2 over for you.
becau2e, unliike you, ii know how two miicromanage 2iituatiion2 wiithout haviing two leave my offiiice. truly a miiracle.
e2peciialy con2iideriing the pa2t week.
thank2, you're a doll.
watch your mouth, 2oldiier, you're 2tiill on duty and ii am 2tiill your 2uperiior no matter how you look at iit.
i learned howw to use a taser wwant me to demonstrate for you
i wwas goin to ask wwhy youre evven on here wwhen you got more shit to take care of than me
you knoww considerin evverythin from the past wweek
but as you like sir
tea and a fuckin paper wwhile you shovve your thumbs up your owwn ass instead
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cae2ar · 10 years
holydestruction started following you
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cae2ar · 10 years
ye2, ii'm paiinfully aware you couldn't handle any fuckiing 2emblance of technology iif iit depended on your liife.
royal a22e2? when diid iit become plural? you know damn well ii'm the only one iin thii2 one, FF ii2 iin the ocean.
actually yeah, briing me 2ome tea and the paper ii diidn't get two read iit twoday. 2hame two, ii'm 2ure the headliiner wa2 noteworthy.
wwell im takin care a makin sure the perimeter stays secure since you knoww tech isnt my forte
and im wwaitin to pass on wword from my colleagues since you know im stuck here grubsittin your royal asses
wwould you like a hot glass a fuckin tea or somethin maybe a fuckin coontime story that invvolvves me tellin you to calm the fuck dowwn
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cae2ar · 10 years
and there'2 good rea2on for that. 2top biitchiing ii don't pay you two 2iit here and dawdle wiith your thumb up your a22.
nah you got enough soldiers covverin this
its like a nest a angry fuckin termites crrawwlin around me
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cae2ar · 10 years
"oh my god ii havve twwo do my job thii2 ii2 2o awwful 2ol you're awwful an ii hate you".
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cae2ar · 10 years
2top biitchiing about iit.
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cae2ar · 10 years
2ollux why aren't you ever on?
well you 2ee.
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cae2ar · 10 years
ii can't keep an eye on you that way, ampora. thii2 ii2 how iit mu2t be.
theres a close button right there in the top right hand corner a your browwser
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cae2ar · 10 years
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cae2ar · 10 years
my free tiime dwiindle2 a2 my health doe2.
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cae2ar · 10 years
((so miingiing and i are goig to be playing some minecraft on the 360 like pros so if you guys would like to join our exclusive clique hmu we always could use more homies 8) ))
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cae2ar · 10 years
((eff yeah alright guys
pls follow thing 1 and thing 2 for gr8 shenaynays.
pollux & castor ))
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cae2ar · 10 years
maybe. who know2. perhap2 we can go above and beyond fortune telliing two begiin wiith and ju2t tell the future. the truth. everythiing you know about the future ii2 true. no longer fortune teller2.
(that'2 true, a2 much a2 iit paiin2 me two admiit iit. he would admiit two iit two but iit wouldn't be an ea2y admii22iion hone2tly. iit'2 hard for u2 all.)
kiind of?? p2iioniic2 and my poliitiical power.
iit'2 alriight, ii'll get over iit 2oon enough riight? iit can't la2t forever after all. then go two 2leep no one ii2 2toppiing you.
well if you say so, although digital premonitions may just be the cutting edge technology needed to push us old fashioned fuddy duddy crystal gazers out of the business for good!
(i kid. we are actually the best and computers will never have the divining power that we do no matter what my sollux may say :p)
too much power though? are you referring to your psionics :?
im glad to hear you were great although not so glad to hear that youre not doing well presently :( im doing all right though! i really ought to be sleeping but
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cae2ar · 10 years
((eff yeah alright guys
pls follow thing 1 and thing 2 for gr8 shenaynays.
pollux & castor ))
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cae2ar · 10 years
((pls follow mr pollux for 1/2 of the captor bro fun party times. castor will be joining the crowd soon enough.))
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