caemlynn · 6 months
OMG. Confirmation that Suguru Geto has stretched ears….👀🖤
Okay, so this is his character art, right??
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LOOK AT THIS. IT IS A PLUG. HE WEARS PLUGS!!! YESSSS. I love it when authors give characters body mods 🙌🏽
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caemlynn · 6 months
I mean, I’m pretty sure they are plugs, (they aren’t called gauges, but I digress). They are the same time in the front and the back, and enlarge his earlobe as if it was stretched. Let him have stretched ears, damn it 😂😂😂
Maybe I like it because I’ve got stretched ears AND stretched septum, but 🤷🏽‍♀️
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“Bad boy” Suguru has got to be the most perplexing fanon characterization I’ve seen in a long time ngl even now I have no idea where it stems from
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caemlynn · 8 months
I miss sleeping next to someone
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caemlynn · 8 months
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caemlynn · 8 months
"A god should know, where all her dragons are."
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I've seen plenty of discussion about how it's shitty of Erzsebet and Drolta to refer to Olrox as a dragon, because Quetzalcoatl isn't really a dragon, but it's like... Extra shitty on other levels?
I mean, this quote is already somethin' because dragon or not, she's referring to him as hers and just making it clear that she does not intend to afford him any agency in this """partnership""".
But I keep Having Thoughts ™ about the role and symbolism of dragons in European folklore.
In the most general sense, they represent power. In a lot of these stories, the dragon is an obstacle between the heroic protagonist and some kind of secret treasure or knowledge (Wealth! Land!). Or the dragon is terrorizing a nearby village (Never mind if the 'dragon' was there first!!). Or the dragon is unfairly hoarding riches it has no use for (don't worry, the colonizers will show the 'primitive savages' how to make the most of their land!! Isn't that nice of them??)
In these stories, it's up to the hero to eliminate this obstacle that's separating them from some resource they feel entitled to, or to 'tame' it and exploit its power for their own purposes. As such, they're pretty on-the-nose colonialist propaganda when viewed under the right lens.
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So I wanna talk about The Golden Legend of Saint George and The Dragon, which is one of the most famous of these stories.
Story goes: There's a dragon who's been terrorizing a nearby village. The people start offering the dragon livestock to appease it, and when they run out of livestock, they start holding a regular lotteries to sacrifice one unlucky person to the dragon.
St George shows up before the next person (king's daughter) is about to be eaten, and he doesn't kill the dragon, no. He dominates it:
S. George was upon his horse, and drew out his sword and garnished him with the sign of the cross, and rode hardily against the dragon which came towards him, and smote him with his spear and hurt him sore and threw him to the ground. And after said to the maid: Deliver to me your girdle, and bind it about the neck of the dragon and be not afeard. When she had done so the dragon followed her as it had been a meek beast and debonair.
*(debonair in the archaic sense = gentle)
Erzsebet makes it clear that if she can't be worshipped, being feared is the next best thing. She can't get Olrox to ally with her willingly, so she resorts to force. In the end, she's getting what she really wants: obedience and subservience. For him to follow her like a meek beast.
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The Golden Legend doesn't stop there though:
Then she led [the dragon] into the city, and the people fled by mountains and valleys, and said: Alas! alas! we shall be all dead. Then S. George said to them: Ne doubt ye no thing, without more, believe ye in God, Jesu Christ, and do ye to be baptized and I shall slay the dragon. Then the king was baptized and all his people, and S. George slew the dragon and smote off his head, and commanded that he should be thrown in the fields, and they took four carts with oxen that drew him out of the city.
A couple things here that slot right into the themes of colonialism in the show:
The dragon is used used as a way to coerce people into converting to Christianity. Just as Olrox would have watched the Spanish settlers do to his people: under threat of force.
The dragon is feared by the villagers despite no longer being an actual threat, but St George does nothing to dispel those fears—he exploits them. Just as prejudices of all kinds are used to justify settler colonialism as necessary or inevitable.
The dragon is slain and discarded once St George is done with it. Just as Olrox would have watched the Americans betray and displace the Mohican people who allied with them during the revolution.
Erzsebet and Drolta calling Olrox a "Dragon" isn't just ignorant or disrespectful because he's not a dragon. It's downright degrading. They're not just refusing to address him properly—they're telling a man who has survived settler colonization twice over that they intend to use him as a tool with which to do it again.
Olrox spends the season carefully stepping around every appeal Drolta makes for him to pledge loyalty to Erzsebet. And he's damned good at it: never giving up his true intentions by saying no outright, but wiggling out of ever having to say yes by instead asking pointed questions and making cutting observations that always land the ball back in their side of the court.
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But then this scene happens, and he can't wiggle out of it this time. They've got their dragon where they want him. He's pinned and 'meek'—and I can think of nothing more infuriating and degrading for a character like Olrox than to be paraded about in his own land to help Erzsebet build her empire across it.
Olrox isn't a dragon, but she's going to make him one.
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caemlynn · 8 months
“Pleased to meet you, colonizer” I’m DEAD
Olrox the entire time he was with Ezrsebet: "this bitch ass colonist"
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caemlynn · 8 months
NOT to rain on anyone’s parade, but Olrox is also wearing heeled shoes 😅 but yes the sentiment is correct!
But also, it’s okay for muscular men to be bottoms too!?? Like body type doesn’t, and shouldn’t have anything to do with whether an individual decides to give/receive. That being said, Olrox gives me bottom vibes because he’s a little brat. 😂
Daily remainder that Olrox isn’t a slender, slim delicate pretty petite boy
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The man has muscles and has biceps! Sure not as defined as Mizrak’s but something tells me Olrox had a martial training or was a warrior when he was a human.
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Look at their height when they stand facing each other! I keep reading that Aztec Orochimaru is a head shorter than Bara Knight and ignored the fact that Olrox is actually TALLER than Mizrak! Looks like he has a good inch or two on Mizrak when they stand equal eye together! In conclusion for Mizrak/Olrox fic writers is that Olrox is an inch taller than Mizrak and also muscular!
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caemlynn · 8 months
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caemlynn · 8 months
R/shitty car mods
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caemlynn · 8 months
As a zombie apocalypse enthusiast, this 🙌🏽
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caemlynn · 8 months
apparently “”limiting my emotional range” and “crushing my libido” are symptoms of the wrong medication, and not, in fact, the sorcerers curse
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caemlynn · 9 months
This man has never done anything wrong in his entire life 🥲🖤
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He is very bad .
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caemlynn · 9 months
Olrox kills colonizers. Am I supposed to hate him?😭😭 I won't. I love him.😌💅🏾
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caemlynn · 9 months
Okay…but I don’t care 🥰 quid. pro. quo. 🤷🏽‍♀️
"But..but, Olrox killed Richter's mom :("
And he looked really hot while doing so, what's your fucking point?
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caemlynn · 9 months
My dad has REFUSES to call Olrox anything but Ollie since he saw the first episode
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For example when little boy Belmont when running after Olrox appeared behind him my dad just yelled
With so much excitement
So when the ahem smexy after shot scene he just when “damn Ollie got some”
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caemlynn · 9 months
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caemlynn · 9 months
There’s no need to forgive if there’s been no wrong doing ☺️😂
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this came to me in a fever dream
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