caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
lookin good
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
> Pal : Intervene.  Chastely.
-- deterministpalindrome [DP] created a chat room! -- -- deterministpalindrome [DP] renamed room to "the moron briigade and grub2iitter" ! -- deterministpalindrome [DP] added twinaudacity [TA] ! -- -- deterministpalindrome [DP] added caesuraeaesthetic [CA] ! --
DP: you both want two fuckiing fiix thii2 and refu2e two talk two each other wiithout me c/piing back and forth 2o fuck that here you are DP:and before you 2tart ampora ii have a topleaf we don't do the bottomleaf thiing thii2 ii2 ju2t a boot iin the a22 becau2e you 2hiit2taiin2 can't manage on your own for 2ome godawful rea2on CA:hi sol CA:nice alternate you got there > Sharp: Damn it, the No Homo came **so fast**. TA: yeah ii notiiced he2 pretty great TA: you probably cant get iintwo hii2 pant2 eiither but ii'm not the bo22 of hii2 pant2 TA: 2econdiing the not a a2h thiing thiing CA:oh my GOD not evverythin is about peoples pants > Sharp: Nooooooo, no homo x2....
DP: ii have full quad2 and ii'm not poly can we plea2e get two the part where you 2top beiing 2tupiid TA: pretty 2ure iit ii2 for you CA:wwoww thanks TA: anyhow CA:i like howw you both just instantly assume im the one that wwould be dowwn for it TA: for 2ome 2trange rea2on TA:
twinaudacity he2 a fuckiing 2ea dweller wiith a huge amount of connectiion2 at court and he can more or le22 ju2t a2k for anythiing he could ever de2iire from any of u2 and ju2t have iit, iincludiing change2 iin law a2 long a2 they're rea2onable, and he2 goiing two liive forever forever cae2urae ha2 outriight 2tated he only gave me the2e re2ource2 becau2e ii'm 2o 2hort liived and iit would take two long for me two gather them on my own before ii 2tarted makiing 'iintere2tiing thiing2', ii'm more or le22 a fuckiing joke and half my board ju2t ha2 two waiit tiill ii diie of old age two get back two what they wanted two be doiing
deterministpalindrome do ii have two do the c/p treatment two you two or are you more capable two go talk two hiim on your own
twinaudacity mmmm ii dont want two up2et hiim
DP: 2o iin ca2e anyone mii22ed iit DP:you two are jealou2 of each other'2 2hiit and don't want two rii2k ruiiniing thiing2 by tryiing two fiix 2hiit 2o you have a more 2table friiend2hiip DP:probably becau2e one or both of you can't cool your fuckiing jet2 for two 2econd2 and have an hone2t 2eriiou2 dii2cu22iion about anythiing DP:two the fuckiing poiint where 2omeone el2e completely unrelated ha2 two 2tep iin and drag you iintwo a conver2atiion by the fuckiing horn2 DP:2o DP:the que2tiion ii2 DP:ii2 thii2 friiend2hiip worth 2wallowiing priide and defen2iivene22 two fiix? TA: 2ee ii wa2 pretty 2ure we were fiine but of cour2e ii want 2hiit two be better iif iit2 bad? CA:ivve got it made in the shade -- wwhen to comes to askin for handouts.  things wwhich, for the record, i am pretty fuckin sure you could get outta most a our friends too if you evver for some reason couldnt buy them wwith your infinite money generator.  wwhat i dont havve is any wway to Earn anythin in life. CA:i mean, im a seadwweller, ill get the fuck by, but im not goin anywwhere.  im not goin to amount to anythin durin your lifetime.  my ancestor quadded his wway to the top and has been wwanderin around havvin opinions evver since.  wwhat IS his profession, you knoww him, can you think of one? CA:theres nothin to fix im just frustrated. TA: Hes on my board of directors, and was until this point the CEO, as well as being the founder and CEO of that library of his, and owning the titles to various intellectual properties. He was also one of the advisers to the court of miracles, I believe is the official title. TA: You have time. You can be anything you want to be and do anything you want to do, all you have to do is decide you want that and its within your grasp, and you can fucking change your mind as many times as you need to to 'find yourself' TA: Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to make yourself Caesurae 2.0 you'd have better luck. CA:ha ha, thanks. CA:an maybe then ill get a real job DP:ii hope you can hear me 2iighiing from over here becau2e iit'2 2tarted TA: I offered you a job CA:wwas it a job or a pity handout TA: A fucking Job. I want that movie made. CA:yeah an ill fuckin wwork on it TA: so get paid for your time you asswipe DP:OII. DP:diid you fuck2 forget about the panty twii2tiing part?? CA:i fuckin wwill just not the fuck tonight TA: you're fucking sulking CA:halt the fuckin presses are you sure DP:do ii have two put you fucker2 iin tiimeout liike the grub2 you're actiing liike or are you two gonna take a fuckiing break two chiill out 2ome. CA:first you wwant us to talk, noww you wwant us to not talk CA:im gettin mixed signals here TA: This is what us talking looks like DP:ampora 2top playiing 2tupiid iit'2 embarra22iing two watch DP:captor thii2 2topped beiing /talkiing/ ten miinute2 ago and turned iintwo 2hiit 2liingiing and don't play dumb eiither DP:calm the fuck down je2u2 chrii2t. take a moment two dii2engaged. /breathe/ 2low iin 2low out. DP:brii2tliing at each other doe2n't /help/. iit miight be 2omethiing normal but thii2 ii2 a 2eriiou2 dii2cu22iion between two people who giive fuck2 about the other DP:2liingiing kniive2 at each other'2 button2 ii2 counter productiive and only get2 temper2 flaiiriing and logiic jumpiing out a fuckiing wiindow DP:2o /breathe/. take a few miinute2. then you can 2tart talkiing agaiin when the momentum ii2 gone. CA:you keep tellin me to stop playin stupid, an i think at this point youre just callin me stupid TA: 2top tryiing two 2tart a fiight wiith hiim two deflect CA:oh my god.  really guys? CA:both of you noww. DP:/calm ampora/. TA: ii need more coffee for thii2 DP:then go get iit iit'll giive hiim tiime two fuckiing chiill. TA: iif my 2iignal drop2 iit2 becau2e thii2 thiing 2tiill ii2nt completely out of te2tiing yet CA:please tell me more about howw im doin an wwhat my lines are DP:iif you're gonna piick a fiight wiith me two get out of puttiing effort iintwo your relatiion2hiip2 liike you 2hould be could you plea2e u2e 2hiit that wa2n't old when ii wa2 four. CA:wwhat fuckin effort CA:wwe wwere talkin DP:when you have a 2ociial connectiion wiith 2omeone be iit friiend2hiip clade quad ally whatever problem2 are goiing two arii2e DP:iit'2 not a 2merch agaiin2t you and your actiion2 iit'2 ju2t what happen2 when two people iinteract DP:problem2 eat away at a relatiion2hiip untiil iit get2 two briittle two 2urviive a fiight and the relatiion2hiip ii2 de2troyed DP:2o what you and the other per2on have two do iit maiintiinance on the relatiion2hiip DP:talk about problem2 fiind 2olutiion2 and compromii2e2 DP:that'll keep iit goiing and the more you do that the ea2iier iit get2 'cau2e you get u2ed two each other DP:what you're 2nubbiing your no2e at ii2 2iimple friiend2hiip maiintiinance DP:there'2 ten2iion between you two over 2omethiing that'2 not goiing two go away any tiime 2oon DP:2o you need two fiind a compromii2e and an2wer2 two what problem2 you /can/ fiix DP:pretendiing everythiing'2 fiine and 2ulkiing iin your piile of problem2 ii2 doiing none of tho2e thiing2 DP:and ii2 2ayiing p clearly after 2o many tiime2 that you don't actually care about the health of thii2 friiend2hiip DP:'cau2e you'd help fiix iit iif you diid CA:an there i wwas, explainin wwhy i wwas """sulkin""" TA: he2 ju2t brii2tly lay off hiim CA:god.  him or me TA: ii wa2 talkiing two hiim diickwad DP:hiim beiing brii2tly ii2 the problem. DP:when are you two gonna iiron thii2 out iif all he ha2 two do ii2 brii2tle a liittle and you drop iit? DP:or iif he hone2tly doe2 brii2tle every tiime anyone get2 near a feeliing? DP:then what? DP:you guy2 are gonna iimplode DP:you can be pii22ed and 2tiill have a ciiviil dii2cu22iion DP:ii 2ure the fuck am TA: ii'm not even pii22ed? TA: look ii cant make hiim pay more attentiion two you or giive you a cool iinheretence, ii'm not the bo22 of hiim, and ii would have been an iidiiot two refu2e the legacy my ance2tor left two me, what do you even want me two do eriidan CA:eridan ampora, bristly, newws at 11. DP:of cour2e you're not pii22ed you don't 2ee any rea2on two DP:he ha2n't done anythiing other than refu2e two talk about hii2 problem2 and make a hole iin the ground two 2ulk iin DP:and you're not gonna get pii22ed whiile he fiill2 iit up wiith biitterne22 and jealou2y and 2narl2 untiil he 2nap2 DP:and ii have no fuckiing iidea what that'2 gonna look liike wiith you guy2 but iif there ii2n't at lea2t one fataliity ii am gonna be /2hocked/ CA:your faith in me is amazin.  im flattered. CA:is that wwhat this is?  you think im unstable enough to fuckin snap an start killin people for no goddamn reason? CA:sol, if fuckin anythin, seein as this wwas his idea an its you twwo sayin im fuckin sulkin, maybe lay off about the real job shit an howw much better i obvviously someoww havve it.  ivve got enough problems wwith wwhat im doin wwith my future right noww. DP:no ii don't DP:ii'm 2ayiing ii've 2een thii2 before DP:and ii would giive a hell of a lot two have had 2omeone 2tep iin and 2mack u2 and tell u2 we were beiing 2tupiid and two ju2t fuckiing /talk/ DP:iit'2 not goiing two be for no rea2on there'2 alway2 a rea2on DP:but DP:yeah DP:ii don't want you two two go through that iif ii can help iit TA: maybe 2top actiing liike you dont have anythiing goiing for you at all and wankiing two your own mii2ery TA: al2o iit wa2 a fuckiing joke about how you 2pend all your tiime iin the liibrary fuckiing 2hiit CA:"theres alwways a reason"? DP:no one 2nap2 for no rea2on there'2 alway2 2ome underlyiing cau2e that 2piider2 out iintwo a 2tre22ful tangle of ten2iion DP:...and that iinclude2 every eriidan 2ollux hornlockiing that exploded that ii've ever 2een TA: ii'm pretty 2ure the wor2t thiing ed2 ever goiing two do ii2 wriite horriible friiendfiictiion about me and hiim fuckiing and get iit publii2hed CA:no, itll be if i let arlequin pay me to wwrite it about him an my ancestor. TA: ii want two 2ee gz'2 face iif you take hiim up on iit CA:yeah... wwell fuckin see. CA:thats a career choice im dodgin right noww. CA:hes offered. CA:that is wwhat my future looks like.  wwritin porn about peoples ancestors, For The Ancestors DP:yeah and that'2 the 2ort of thiing ii thought about miine and four people diied. DP:but fiine DP:iif you're all hunky dory and iin magiical moonbeam land and don't want any 2ort of help for the problem you're both 2o iintent on iignoriing for a2 long a2 you can ii can't make you take iit TA: ii mean ???? thii2 ii2 talkiing, what are you lookiing for u2 two 2ay here TA: al2o beiing a wriiter can be pretty po2h, you could get famou2, werent you talkiing the other niight about doiing 2ome hii2toriical drama2? CA:im glad im not the only one confused here. CA:... i might, sol.  im still figurin it all out. DP:you guy2 take the broad defiiniitiion2 when you want and the narrow one2 when they fiit better and tbh iit'2 fru2tratiing a2 hell DP:all of thii2 ha2 been incrediibly fru2tratiing a2 hell TA: are you 2ure you dont want any company twoniight ii could briing 2ome really chee2y 2hiit over two watch TA: ii hone2tly dont under2tand what we're 2uppo2ed two be doiing wrong? CA:do you still think im sulkin TA: ii mo2tly thiink you're up2et and miight benefiit from company DP:you two have 2kiipped completely over the part where you actually prod at the underlyiing problem2 DP:remember? DP:the part where you two can't acknowledge there wa2 hurt happeniing? DP:or fiind a way 2o that doe2n't happen agaiin? DP:and now you're on goiing back two beiing perfectly normal friiend2 liike there wa2n't thii2 gapiing hole iin thiing2 that neiither of you wanna touch DP:and iif you're fiine wiith that ii'm out DP:fuck ii'm halfway out now eiither way DP:ii get enough of thii2 2ort of 2hiit from enough other people ii don't need iit from barely friiend2 two TA: dude ii liiterally dont know what you want me two do TA: you have thii2 expectatiion of 2omethiing happeniing but liike TA: you've forgotten two 2hare what iit ii2? TA: we're not beiing avoiidant, iit ii2nt a 2iituatiion we can change TA: horriible thiing2 2tiill happened two hiim, ii 2tiill got more lucky than any troll de2erve2 two be? TA: liike. what are we 2uppo2ed two do? DP:ii liiterally cannot thiink of a way ii haven't already freakiing phra2ed iit DP:ii never 2aiid magiically fiix the external 2iituatiion ii 2aiid p flatly that you're 2tuck wiith that DP:2hiit happened between you two toe2 got 2tepped on iit 2hould take liike ten miinute2 two fiix iit but iit'2 taken fiive hour2 an extra per2on and you /2tiill/ haven't gotten /anywhere/ clo2e DP:you can't even briing up that a joke hurt wiithout iit turniing iintwo a productiion but 2omehow thii2 ii2 perfectly normal and everythiing ii2 fiine CA:im overreactin an "sulkin" about nothin apparently, an evvery time the convversation heads that wway you shut it dowwn cause wwere assholes an you think im a hairs breadth awway from snappin an takin half the block wwith me, wwhich is flatterin ivve got to say CA:an evvery time i try to fuckin let it go you start harpin on me about talkin about it? DP:you keep 2hoviing tho2e word2 iin my mouth and you're gonna lo2e fiinger2 ampora CA:an evvery time i ask wwhat you expect me to say you call me stupid an say im tryin to pick a fight CA:ah, right, my mistake CA:some a those wwords wwere for his mouth, by the by TA: ii'm 2orry the thiing happened, and that your ance2tor thiink2 he need2 two toughen you up for beiing a 2ea dweller or whatever he2 doiing DP:oh 2ure they were DP:'cau2e he'2 the one you're iin2ii2tiing thiink2 you're goiing two take down half a block iif he breathe2 wrong DP:yeah ii'm fuckiing out DP:ii'm done wiith your 2hiit for an entiire liifetiime and then 2ome DP:take your wiiggler ankle niip2 and fuck off -- deterministpalindrome [DP] has left the chat! -- TA: well that ju2t happened CA:yep TA: anyhow your ance2tor makiing you do everythiing the hard way ju2t becau2e you liive longer ii2 kiinda bull2hiit TA: and pretty hemii2t CA:... thanks TA:..but liike you al2o act liike you want two do everythiing the hard way? TA: iidk TA: ii really do want the re2earch TA: and the offer for chee2ey moviie2 ii2 2tiill up CA:yeah, an it sounds fun to do CA:im just pissy tonight CA:an still debatin the movvie offer TA: 2ome niight2 are liike that, ii know ii want two biite everyone who come2 near me 2ometiime2 TA: ii'd offer you a board po2iitiion but you liiterally dont know anythiing about electroniic2 liike TA: at all CA:if the entire noble court wwas an underrepresented market i could vvoice all a their terribly fuckin important opinions that they just dont havve the money an influence to spread, evverywhere, all the time TA: oh god2 TA: 2pare me plea2e TA: ..ii'm 2orry the navy diidnt work out TA: you've alway2 been a fanta2tiic 2tratagii2t and you would have done well CA:arlequins said he understands, but hes also said hed be disappointed if i flunked out CA:but hey you knoww CA:maybe nobody too important wwill think im a wwaste an a cowward for that CA:ww/e TA: ii'm pretty 2ure thii2 doe2nt count a2 flunkiing out CA:shrug CA:if i dont go back wwhats the difference CA:listen.  ill lay off talkin about howw wwell off you are if you do the same. CA:an you maybe dont gotta rub it in howw much you an me as a thing isnt happenin, unless im activvely hittin on you CA:i mean, i knoww.  trust me, i knoww. TA: ii ju2t get really exciited TA: what am ii 2uppo2ed two tea2e you about iif iit2 not gettiing a quad wiith me? TA: .. ii'm 2orry TA: ..do you actually hate me or are you ju2t liike TA: really enamoured wiith 2erendiipiity CA:i wwouldnt a kept tryin if i didnt TA: ..ii'm 2orry ed TA: ii ju2t. ii dont hate you, you're a great friiend and ii ju2t TA: ii'm 2orry CA:yeah i knoww, thanks TA: ii could 2top playfiightiing all the tiime? CA:maybe ill be eqs fuckin rebound someday, can you imagine CA:"you hogged all the sollux" "fuck you" "wwell, if you insist" CA:an then he inducts me into the space program CA:by wwhich i mean throwws me into orbit. TA: god2 TA: he wouldnt though, he2 a paciifii2t TA: gettiing hiim two fiight wiith me ii2 a paiin iin the a22 TA: ii've been tryiing two te2t the liimiit2 of the new p2ii triick they were talkiing about onliine but ii'm pretty 2ure he2 goiing ea2y becau2e he2 afraiid ii'll break CA:a lot a people wwould be real put out if he snapped you in half TA: that2 not why he doe2nt do iit CA:includin him TA: ii put my fii2t through the punchiing bag ed CA:... CA:did you hurt your hand TA: no CA:usually that hurts your hand a bit dependin on the punchin bag CA:you need to vvideo that shit for science TA: 2ure ii could do that, ii'm not 2ure iit2 a2 iimpre22iive iif you cant 2ee all the thiing2 ii can 2ee TA: waiit ii know 2omethiing that wiill completely 2um up the new triick let me get iit 2et up > Bee: Is anyone going to question you trying to hang a huge metal ball on a chain from the ceiling in the gym or stop you, the ceo of this company, from doing it? > Bee: No, probably not CA:alright > Bee: Time passes CA:you can cmon ovver if you still wwant, sol > Bee: You are convincing someone to video tape this and someone to stand at the other end and swing the ball at you vigorously. Yes this is going on grubtube. > So much uncertainty.  It's a higher up blue that decides to help make it happen. > The bodyguards are not sure about this plan unless they've seen him practicing on the punching bag. TA: [video link] >Video> Sollux stands there just below the anchor of a chain connected to a wrecking ball. The ball is being held high by the blue. Sollux holds out a finger- the ball swings down moving fast and touches the tip of his claw and shatters as he stops momentum incrmentally rather than absorbing all of it at once, it falls at his feet as it deforms and splits and goes to pieces. CA:sol wwhat the fuck TA: ;) TA: ii hope that goe2 viiral CA:wwhat the fuck CA:thats some photoshop shit right there TA: nope CA:of fuckin course its gonna go vviral theyre wwatchin all our accounts TA: let me clean up here then ii'll be over CA:shit.  alright, ill let you knoww wwhen you hit each digit mark on your vvideo. TA: bo22 :) > Bee: help clean up this mess, thank everyone .. give a couple of tips just for putting up with his nonsense. > Bafflement but good humor abound.  Just another day at Goldtech. > Bee: tell your guards you want to go to the castle and hang with ed > Everyone can probably arrange that, if the docterrors allow it.  They are sufficiently used to highbloods -- and Eridan is good enough at strategic moping -- that it can probably get put together. > Sharp: The face scar is healing well, but uncovered.  He's tidily put together enough that it and the sling are the only sign something is wrong with him, and he'll sit on the side that doesn't force Sollux to stare at the scar in his peripheral vision all evening.  He's tired and low-key, but definitely ruefully impressed by the video. > Bee: He may have brought some things specifically for Ed to chew on to help with itchy teeth coming in, and he definitely brough movies for them to tear apart and laugh at. > Sharp: They are sorely (ba dum tsh) appreciated, and he ends the night in a decent enough mood to sincerely thank Sollux for coming over. > Bee: Sollux enjoyed himself :) it was fun, and he can probably use a break now and then anyhow > Sharp: Sooo..... the thing he did to the wrecking ball.  Can he do that to People? > Bee: people are probably too squishy to shatter? > Sharp: Probably.  .. ... .. Squint. > Bee: .. hit his hand, go on do it. > Sharp: Hahahahaha, No?  No.  Bye sol, g'light. > Bee: Big grin. Good light Ed. > Sharp: Rude gesture and noise. > Bee: snickering.
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
> Pal : Meddle?
Yesterday at 8:19 PM deterministpalindrome ii'd a2k 2up but kiind of can 2ee already caesuraeaesthetic sol had evveryfin fuckin handed to him on a plate an noww he starts makin fuckin cracks about real jobs he hasnt had to earn shit he just has to knoww wwhat to do wwith it noww that hes got it
deterministpalindrome p 2ure that wa2 ju2t a poor choiice of word2 on hii2 part and not a kniife two your riib2. and ju2t gettiing handed 2omethiing doe2n't mean you don't work for iit you got handed your navy and orphaner thiing yeah? diidn't mean you diidn't have work two do two fiigure out wtf two do wiith iit. only thiing that'2 diifferent ii2 you've gone back a few 2tep2 and there aren't any obviiou2 arrow2 leadiing you forward whiile he'2 2tiill got what he'2 gotten caesuraeaesthetic ancestor doesnt wwant me to be an orphaner, an hes gettin his wway since there arent gonna be any anymore.  he convvinced me to sign up for the navvy instead, wwhere i wwent through trainin like anyone else.  most of it.  until some a my "buddies" decided id look better in pieces. caesuraeaesthetic i havvent been handed shit.  ivve got friends an a library pass.  go me. deterministpalindrome ii had a hiive a couple of friiend2 and a vaguely longer future. doe2n't matter what you 2tart wiith ju2t that you keep goiing caesuraeaesthetic i am going, im just pissed. deterministpalindrome yeah ii notiice that. and all the jealou2y two. caesuraeaesthetic thanks, i like to think a it as an artistic statement. deterministpalindrome oh yeah obviiou2ly 2iince that'2 way better than admiittiing you're biitter and 2nappii2h over gettiing the rug tugged out from under you and takiing iit out on your friiend caesuraeaesthetic admitting to wwho am i supposed to be reportin to somebody in particular deterministpalindrome oh come on ampora. we both know you're not that 2tupiid and iif you don't know ii'm not gonna fall for that 2hiit ii 2ugge2t learniing quiickly caesuraeaesthetic ou seem real invvested deterministpalindrome ii have way two much experiience wiith thii2 2ort of thiing and ii'd con2iider you mo2tly a friiend 2o god forbiid ii offer at lea2t an opportuniity two commii2erate and maybe a couple of chunk2 of adviice but iif that'2 all iit take2 two be real iinve2ted iin 2omethiing accordiing two you caesuraeaesthetic god.  alright, fine, no pity party for me. wwhat is my problem an howw do i fix it, lets go. deterministpalindrome there'2 a diifference between takiing a break two fliip off the multiiver2e and takiing out your fru2tratiion2 on 2omeone who'2 tryiing two be your friiend. hone2tly bee mu2t have the patiience of a goddamn 2aiint two deal wiith thii2 con2tantly.
and there'2 problem number one your contiinued iin2ii2tence two be an unrelentiing diick two everyone who 2how2 you a 2hred of attentiion caesuraeaesthetic by wwhich you mean me bein a dick to bee an his alternates deterministpalindrome ii diidn't get a2 far a2 'who exactly' ii'm 2tiill 2tuck on you brii2tliing any tiime anyone offer2 you help or 2ome kiind of 2upport caesuraeaesthetic you got funny definitions a help caesuraeaesthetic i think its time for day meds.  brb. deterministpalindrome and you have a funny defiiniitiion of beiing a friiend. be2iide2 ii hardly get anywhere near helpiing before you're a priicklebea2t iin full dii2play and hii22iing at me and then ii gotta deal wiith /that/ iin2tead of actually /helpiing/ caesuraeaesthetic ouch. maybe if youre tryin to help, naut comin in in a wway that makes the guy youre tryin to help act up wwould help. yknoww, in general. helpin only counts if you actually get to the helpin part. deterministpalindrome do you come wiith a manual then?? 2omethiing two help me naviigate the twii2ted maze of fangbared 2eadweller 2o ii can be allowed two proviide hiim wiith a22ii2tance?? 'cau2e ii'm doiing my fuckiing be2t giiven the 2iituatiion but iif that'2 not good enough you gotta kiick iin two caesuraeaesthetic if anybodys wwritten a manual i aint found it yet. caesuraeaesthetic believve it or not im not at my most fuckin reasonable wwhen im mad about somethin. ��i get bitchy.  a lot.  especially lately.  it happens. deterministpalindrome ga2p wow ii've never heard of that before people get angry when they're mad 2ay iit'2 not 2o you can be pii22ed and not 2pread iit two whoever happen2 two get two clo2e you know. people don't u2ually appreciiate gettiing 2napped at for 2hiit they diidn't do. caesuraeaesthetic yeah, and he can joke around wwithout pointin out hes better off than i wwill evver be, but you dont see that happenin im enough of a joke wwithout the fuckin help alright deterministpalindrome fiir2t off: no you're not. 2econd off: tell hiim that. caesuraeaesthetic does it matter deterministpalindrome doe2 iit matter. a friiend2hiip that'2 ba2ed on tea2iing iin2ult2 acciidentally 2tumble2 on 2omethiing that'2 not funny and what. you wanna ju2t leave iit there for hiim two keep 2tompiing on iin2tead of haviing hiim take liike ten miinute2 two a22ure you he diidn't mean iit liike that and he won't do iit again? ah ye2 defiiniitely logiical caesuraeaesthetic like hed remember. caesuraeaesthetic anywway if its not one thing its another, most a wwhat wwe do is argue deterministpalindrome iif you don't tell hiim ii am caesuraeaesthetic ugggghhhhhhhh deterministpalindrome tiick tiick tiick tiick you gonna do iit or do ii have two? caesuraeaesthetic if i do and tell you i havve are you gonna believve me, or do it yourself anywway? deterministpalindrome ii'm perfectly wiilliing two giive you a chance two 2top beiing an iidiiot and be friiend2 wiith your friiend but iif you don't do iit and tell me otherwii2e two get me off your back ii'll fiigure iit out =] caesuraeaesthetic yknoww... tellin him is your idea and i dont wwant to. caesuraeaesthetic i think itll be wweird an not help deterministpalindrome done caesuraeaesthetic did you just copypaste something deterministpalindrome half and half the c/p two be proof from you and your word2 exactly and an addiitiion two clear thiing2 up 2tandard tattliing practiice2 caesuraeaesthetic fuckin yknoww, sloww clap caesuraeaesthetic i dont knoww wwhat i expected but i got exactly wwhat i asked for fair play deterministpalindrome dude ii don't fuck around wiith thii2 2hiit you gave me an openiing ii fuckiing took iit
> ...And then, he talked to Bee, and then invited them into a Group Memo.
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
its nice wwhen wwe agree like this
ii 2hould vii2iit
im alright sol
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
ii 2hould vii2iit
im alright sol
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
iit2 not even that late ii thought you were more or le22 healed up..?
yeah mostly.  arms outta the cast, noww its just the sling.
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
yeah.  im gettin tired tonight.
ii get dii2tracted, ii 2tiill want two do that, come over and ii’ll have 2omeone draw up a contract
yeah sometime
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
ii get dii2tracted, ii 2tiill want two do that, come over and ii’ll have 2omeone draw up a contract
yeah sometime
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
are you suggestin i start makin you pay for answwerin questions
ii mean you could? do you want two work for me ed?
i get the feelin it wwouldnt last long.  you wwandered off in the middle a the convversation wwhen wwe wwere talkin about researchin for that movvie a yours.
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
you knoww howw you put models a test vvehicles in wwind tunnels, an send them out on test flights, an all that?  but before you do that, you havve to physically construct a model or prototype?
hardlight prototype.  ready as soon as youre done programmin, an it doesnt matter if you break it as long as you backed up the data.
sounds like a high-speed prototypin arrangement to me.
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
if sittin around in a lab is an actual job, so is sittin around in a library.
ii2 anyone actually payiing you two 2iit around the liibrary? ii’m genuiinely curiiou2
are you suggestin i start makin you pay for answwerin questions
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
sounds like a high-speed prototypin arrangement to me.
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
if sittin around in a lab is an actual job, so is sittin around in a library.
ye2. more than a few tiime2.
2ome of u2 have actual job2 and cant 2pend all our tiime iin the liibrary ed
i had an actual job, look howw that wworked out for me
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
ye2. more than a few tiime2.
2ome of u2 have actual job2 and cant 2pend all our tiime iin the liibrary ed
i had an actual job, look howw that wworked out for me
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
iim iintere2ted iin my ance2tor ju2t not iin datiing you
and ii obviiou2ly know 2ome thiing2 about the thre2hiie2 and reaper2 and aradicator2 ii wa2 ju2t wa2 pretty 2ure you were a better 2ource of iinformatiion
i havvent mentioned dating you once this swweep*
you knoww, you wwouldnt havve to wworry about embarassin yourself in front a my ancestor if you looked things up that wwerent tech noww an again
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
you knoww wwhat i mean though
iit2 liiterally the only rea2on you ever told me about any of iit 2oo
not the only reason, you just havve no appreciation for anything that doesnt plug into a wwall
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caesuraeaesthetic · 7 years
iit2 liiterally the only rea2on you ever told me about any of iit 2oo
not the only reason, you just havve no appreciation for anything that doesnt plug into a wwall
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